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Supplementary FCO 2023

| 28 abr 2024


Age of diagnosis Surgery Adjuvant chemotherapy Recurrence Chemotherapy Parp inhibitor
1 46 13/12/2019 Taxol carbo 07/2021 Cisplat-gem niraparib
2 54 11/12/2018 Taxol-carbo 10/2021 Cisplat-gem niraparib
3 43 20/11/2017 Taxol-carbo 08/2019 Cisplat-gem niraparib
4 47 20/12/2018 Taxol-carbo 07/2020 Cisplat-gem niraparib

Characteristics of the study population

Characteristics Results
Number of patients 136
Age 59.93±15.77
Body weight (6 months before) 78.21±17.23
BW now (at the study check point) 72.76±15.35
PG-SGA score 10.41±5.6
Gender male 79(58.09%)
Tumor site
Upper GI 33(24.26%)
Lower GI 30(22.06%)
Gynecology 28(20.59%)
Thorax 20(14.71%)
Urology 10(7.35%)
Rare 9(6.62%)
Head-Neck 6(4.41%)
Metastasis 101(74.26%)
Chemotherapy 128(94.12%)
Radiotherapy 28(20.59%)
Immunotherapy 12(8.82%)
BW change during the last six months (in 3 scales)
Loss 91(66.91%)
Same 15(11.03%)
Gain 30(22.06%)
BW change during the last two weeks
1_Reduced 53(39.26%)
0_Same 56(41.48%)
2_Icreased 26(19.26%)
Food consumption changes the last month
1_Reduced 61(44.85%)
0_Same 45(33.09%)
2_Increased 30(22.06%)
PG-SGA score with cut off ≥9 (need for food intervention)
<9 57(41.91%)
≥9 79(58.09%)

PG-SGA score with cut-off 9 in relation to cancer type

PG-SGA score with cut off ≥9

<9 ≥9 Total
Upper GI 15 (45.45%) 18 (54.55%) 33
Lower GI 19 (63.33%) 11 (36.67%) 30
Gynecology 15 (53.57%) 13 (46.43%) 28
Thorax 2 (10%) 18 (90%) 20
Urology 3 (30%) 7 (70%) 10
Rare 2 (22.22%) 7 (77.78%) 9
Head-Neck 1 (16.67%) 5 (83.33%) 6
Total 57 79 136

High Thrombotic risk factors.

Neoplasm primary site Incidence Females Age ≥65 BMI ≥30 Smoker (ex or current) Metastasis HRTAs DDIs Radiotherapy Comorbidities
Lung 24.8 21.4 56.5 18.5 88.5 82.5 82.9 58.9 34.3 46.1
Pancreatic 21.5 41.6 54.6 11.2 50.2 75.7 96.4 63.1 3.3 35.8
Urological 12.2 10.3 58.9 19.2 71.6 70.1 72.1 44 19.3 53.2
Colorectal 9.5 39.8 58.2 15.5 50.9 81.3 89.1 27.3 15.6 52.3
Stomach 7.4 29.1 60.5 11.6 62.8 74.1 91.8 40.7 10.5 47.6
Gynecological 6.9 100 55 35 30 71.1 87.3 71.3 5.1 46
Breast 6.1 98.5 37.1 20 31.4 67.7 52.9 61.4 45.5 60.6
Head & neck 1.3 30 33.3 33.3 80 63.6 80 60 73.3 53.3
Others 10.3 47.3 56.3 20.2 57.1 59.6 64.4 40.3 27.4 47.9
Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Internal Medicine, Haematology, Oncology