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Investigation on the Lignin Removal From Tobacco Stem by a Solvothermal Method Using Ethylene Glycol as a Solvent


Figure 1

Removal efficiency of lignin for wheat straw, corncob and tobacco stem after ethylene glycol treatment, respectively.
Removal efficiency of lignin for wheat straw, corncob and tobacco stem after ethylene glycol treatment, respectively.

Figure 2

Removal efficiency of lignin for wheat straw with addition of nicotine as well as solanesol after ethylene glycol treatment, respectively.
Removal efficiency of lignin for wheat straw with addition of nicotine as well as solanesol after ethylene glycol treatment, respectively.

Figure 3

Removal efficiency of lignin for tobacco stem with and without n-hexane pre-treatment after ethylene glycol treatment, respectively.
Removal efficiency of lignin for tobacco stem with and without n-hexane pre-treatment after ethylene glycol treatment, respectively.

Figure 4

FT-IR spectra of tobacco stem sample before and after treatment with solanesol and ethylene glycol.
FT-IR spectra of tobacco stem sample before and after treatment with solanesol and ethylene glycol.

Figure 5

SEM images of tobacco stem sample before and after treatment with solanesol and ethylene glycol. (a) Tobacco stem before treatment with solanesol and ethylene glycol; (b) Tobacco stem after treatment with solanesol and ethylene glycol.
SEM images of tobacco stem sample before and after treatment with solanesol and ethylene glycol. (a) Tobacco stem before treatment with solanesol and ethylene glycol; (b) Tobacco stem after treatment with solanesol and ethylene glycol.

Specific surface area and pore volume of tobacco stem before and after treatment with solanesol and ethylene glycol.

Material SBET (m2 g−1) Pore volume (cm3 g−1)
Fresh tobacco stem 0.8047 0.0004
Treated tobacco stem 3.2843 0.0038

Chemicals and materials used in this work.

Chemicals Purities Manufacturer
Ethylene glycol A.R. Macklin Company
n-hexane A.R. Tianjin Fuyu Company
Nicotine 98% USP Company
Solanesol 95% Aladdin Company
H2SO4 A.R. LuoYang Haohua Company
N2 99.999% Bejing Praxair Company
Tobacco stem China Tobacco Hunan Ind. Co.
Wheat straw Henan, China
Corncob Henan, China

Lignin content of wheat straw, corncob and tobacco stem before and after ethylene glycol treatment.

Material Lignin content (wt/wt) Before treatment Lignin content (wt/wt) After treatment
Wheat straw 18.50 11.23
Corncob 14.15 7.91
Tobacco stem 5.15 4.44

Solanesol content of tobacco stem before and after n-hexane treatment.

Material Solanesol content (wt/wt) Before treatment Solanesol content (wt/wt) After treatment
Tobacco stem 0.18 0

Assignment of absorbance bands in FT-IR spectra.

Wavenumber (cm−1) Vibration Assignment
3405 O–H Phenolic OH + aliphatic OH
2931 C–H CH3 + CH2
1737 C=O Unconjugated C=O
1626 C–C Aromatic skeleton
1515 C–C Aromatic skeleton
1428 C–C Aromatic skeleton
1322 C–O Syringyl unit of lignin
1248 C–O Guaiacyl unit of lignin
1063 C–OH + C–O–C Aliphatic OH + ether
Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
General Interest, Life Sciences, other, Physics