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Analysis and Comparison of Supprot Systems for the Development of Emission-Free Public Transport in Poland


The way of directive of the European Parliament and the Council in 2014/94 on October 22nd 2014 in the case of infrastructure development of alternative fuels which was specifically concerned with calls to reduce oil dependence on transport in European countries was imposed due to the necessity to formulate specific provisions in individual nations in the Union. In correlation to this, on the day of 11th January 2018 the act on electromobility and alternative fuels was passed, which came to be on the day of 1st September 2018 with changes implemented later on.

The regulations mentioned above oblige public transport to partially replace their diesel engine-based rolling stock and introducing changes to alternative fuels (compressed hydrogen in gaseous form belongs to such fuels). Support systems in Poland are an important element in the implementation of modern and ecological technologies. Very often those solutions are much more expensive compared to the ones used so far. The financing provided by them enables the realization of such projects in our environment. In this work, the idea of emission-free public transport operating on the basis of electric vehicles (Battery Electric Vehicles) as well as hydrogen (Fuel Cell Vehicles) will be presented. Both of these variants will be compared and their working principle are going to be shown.

The analysis of support systems for the development of emission-free public transport on a European, national and regional level will also be presented.

All collected information will form a compendium of information essential to implementing the public transport project in Polish conditions.