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Finalitatea Simbolic-Mitică a Creaţiei De Sens În Configurarea Onto-Teofaniei Poetice Blagiene


In this paper, we seek to demonstrate how Lucian Blaga’s poetic universe is double layered, in the sense that one can distinguish between, on the one hand, a phenomenological plane, characterized by a pervasive sense of the inexorable passage of time and of human mortability and, on the other hand, a supramundane (noumenal) plane which, in a profane world, has become unattainable and therefore intensifies the individual’s sense of loneliness and estrangement from a sacred universe. We attempt to show how there two planes interfere, mainly through revelations of the divine (epiphanies). In our paper, we follow a poetic and stylistic approach, founded on Mircea Borcilă’s attempt to formulate a poetic typology aiming to highlight the intrinsec mechanisms of a poetic finality oriented towards the creation of meaning, therefore inscribing Blaga’s poetry on the coordinates of a symbolic-mythical pattern. The linguist’s theory draws on Blaga’s conception of the duality of metaphor (“plasticizantă” and “revelatorie”), the latter having a revelatory function and being subdivided by Borcilă according to a cultural finality into a “plastic” finality in creating poetic meaning, whose universe of reference will be modelled upon the phenomenological world, and a ”revelatory” finality, whose universe of reference will be modelled upon a noumenal, transmundane world.
