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Procedeul Repetiţiei Și Valenţele Sale – Indicatoare Semantice În Construcţia Poetică Blagiană

   | 18 mar 2021


By analyzing the Lucian Blaga’s poetry, this paper aims to argue how the form of poems contributes significantly to the creation of meaning through the stylistic figure of repetition. From the first volume, „Poems of light”, the repetition gains, beyond an aesthetic function, an ontic one specific to the Lucian Blaga’s consubstantiality between the poetic subject and the universe. During this approach, the repetition multiplies its phenomenalizations, in order to a significant part of the global meaning of the text is due to it. The major conclusion of this paper consists in highlighting a pattern of a continuous and ethereal aspiration to the self-world osmosis depending on Blaga’s creative stages.
