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Blaga Și Cioran - Tragedia Culturilor Mici


This paper aims to explain the affinities and differences of vision between Lucian Blaga and Emil Cioran on the phenomenon of Romanian historical evolution and national conscience. The two main works analyzed, The Mioritic Space and The Transfiguration of Romania, are in a passionate dialog, complementing each other in a conceptual and philosophical manner. The influence of Spengler’s philosophy is fervent in the works of the two authors, but it is subject to a strong resemantization process in terms of the dynamics between large and small cultures. The place of Romanian culture and history will be presented empathically pozitive by Lucian Blaga, who will use will use it as a foundation for the picturesque theory of the stylistic array. On the other hand, Emil Cioran will condemn the psychological deficiencies of Romanian culture, incapable of creating history.
