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Motives for Combining Motherhood with Employment: Evidence for Medium and Highly Educated Polish Women Around the EU Accession


Fig. 1

What are the most important aspects of professional work? Women aged 20–35 by education, Poland 2007.Notes: Respondents could choose up to three options.Source: Authors’ calculations on Social Diagnosis
What are the most important aspects of professional work? Women aged 20–35 by education, Poland 2007.Notes: Respondents could choose up to three options.Source: Authors’ calculations on Social Diagnosis

Different meanings of work described in the in-depth interviews

Meaning of work Source of income Attractive activity Professional career
Motives for work Financial security—to become self-sufficient and to provide for a family; social and health insurance A break from domestic chores—to be around people, to develop, to do something more challenging than housework To pursue ‘a career’—to achieve self-realisation through work, high income, high positions at work (promotions)
Most central attributes (dimensions) of work Stability, security Interesting job (in line with one's interests), lack of stress, good working environment High salary, long working hours, deep involvement in work
Relation to motherhood A necessary prerequisite to childbearing Activity compatible with motherhood Activity incompatible with motherhood

Sample structure. Basic characteristics of the interviewed women (n = 26)

Characteristic Categories Number of women
Parity Childless 19
One child 7

Union status Married 13
Cohabiting 6
No co-resident partner 7

Education Tertiary education (BA, MA) 13
Secondary general 7
Secondary professional 5
Primary 1

Economic activity Employed full time/part time 16
Self-employed 2
Unemployed 4
Studying 3
Parental leave 1

Basic characteristics of the 26 interviewed women

ID Age Education Employment status Relationship status Parity (age of a child)
W003f 26 Master Employed part time Married 0
W004f 25 Basic (8 years) Self-employed Married 0
W009f 22 Bachelor Employed full time Married 0
W016f 24 Master Employed full time Cohabiting 0
W017f 25 Master completed and studying Employed full time (fixed term contract) Married 0
W018f 29 Master completed and studying Employed full time Married 0
W019f 29 General secondary completed and studying Employed full time Married 0
W020f 27 Master Employed full time (trial period) Married 0
W023f 26 General secondary completed and studying Employed full time Cohabiting 0
W024f 24 Secondary professional Employed full time Cohabiting 0
W025f 28 Master Employed full time Cohabiting 0
W026f 29 Bachelor Employed full time Married 0
W102f 26 General secondary Self-employed Married 1 child (1)
W105f 29 Secondary professional Employed full time Married 1 child (8)
W106f 27 Secondary professional Parental leave Married 1 child (2)
W107f 28 Master Unemployed Married 1 child (3)
W110f 26 Secondary professional Unemployed Married 1 child (4)
W112f 28 Master Employed full time Cohabiting 1 child (2)
W114f 30 General secondary Unemployed Cohabiting 1 child (4)
W901f 25 Secondary professional Unemployed LAT 0
W908f 22 General secondary completed and studying Studying LAT 0
W911f 24 Bachelor completed and studying Employed full time LAT 0
W913f 20 General secondary completed and studying Studying LAT 0
W915f 23 General secondary completed and studying Studying LAT 0
W921f 28 Master Employed full time LAT 0
W922f 28 Master Employed full time Single 0