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Nvidia's Stock Returns Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques for Time Series Forecasting Problem


Fig. 1

Algorithm of model buildingSource: Author
Algorithm of model buildingSource: Author

Fig. 2

Nvidia stock returns on in-sample setSource: Authors calculations
Nvidia stock returns on in-sample setSource: Authors calculations

Fig. 3

Nvidia stock returns on out-of-sample setSource: Authors calculations
Nvidia stock returns on out-of-sample setSource: Authors calculations

Fig. 4

Results of Ljung-Box test for in-sample set and out-of-sample set. Notes: Figure presents results of Ljung-Box test of white-noise hypothesis of Nvidia's stock returns on in-sample set and out-of-sample setSource: Authors calculations
Results of Ljung-Box test for in-sample set and out-of-sample set. Notes: Figure presents results of Ljung-Box test of white-noise hypothesis of Nvidia's stock returns on in-sample set and out-of-sample setSource: Authors calculations

Fig. 5

ACF and PACF for in-sample and out-of-sample sets. Notes: Figure presents autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation plots of Nvidia's stock returns on in-sample and out-of-sample setsSource: Authors calculations
ACF and PACF for in-sample and out-of-sample sets. Notes: Figure presents autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation plots of Nvidia's stock returns on in-sample and out-of-sample setsSource: Authors calculations

Fig. 6

Performance on test set of the best model in research – SVR (based on stationary variables)Source: Authors calculations
Performance on test set of the best model in research – SVR (based on stationary variables)Source: Authors calculations

Results of Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for in-sample set and out-of-sample set

Test statistic (in sample) p-value (in sample) Test statistic (out of sample) p-value (out of sample)
−11.01 <0.0001 −11.09 <0.0001

Results of singular models on validation and test set (based on stationary variables)

Model (number of attributes) Set Hyperparameters RMSE MAE MedAE
SVR (20) Validation C=0.005206Epsilon=0.087308 0.026924 0.019478 0.014985
SVR (20) Test C=0.005206epsilon=0.087308 0.036014 0.024916 0.016682
KNN (20) Validation Power of Minkowski metric=2k=7Weight function=uniform 0.026328 0.020331 0.016199
KNN (20) Test Power of Minkowski metric=2k=7Weight function=uniform 0.039305 0.025935 0.017202
XGBoost (27) Validation Max depth:7Subsample: 0.760762Colsample by tree: 0.199892Lambda: 0.345263Gamma: 0.000233Learning rate: 0.2 0.027622 0.020678 0.016553
XGBoost (27) Test Max depth:7Subsample: 0.760762Colsample by tree: 0.199892Lambda: 0.345263Gamma: 0.000233Learning rate: 0.2 0.038848 0.027218 0.019782
LGBM (43) Validation Number of leaves:58Min data in leaf:21ETA: 0.067318Max drop: 52L1 regularization: 0.059938L2 regularization: 0.050305 0.025905 0.018803 0.014339
LGBM (43) Test Number of leaves:58Min data in leaf:21ETA: 0.067318Max drop: 52L1 regularization: 0.059938L2 regularization: 0.050305 0.038870 0.026283 0.016467
LSTM (20) Validation H1 0.026565 0.019741 0.014537
LSTM (20) Test H1 0.036705 0.024918 0.016772

Performance of ensemble models on test set (based on all models)

Number of models Models (weight) RMSE MAE MedAE
2 S+NS SVR (0.504057), S+NS LightGBM (0.495943) 0.03873 0.025882 0.017714
3 S+NS SVR (0.337508), S+NS LightGBM (0.332075), S LightGBM (0.330417) 0.038593 0.025959 0.017321
4 S+NS SVR (0.255711), S+NS LightGBM (0.251594), S LightGBM (0.250338), S KNN (0.242357) 0.038436 0.025665 0.017152
5 S+NS SVR (0.206542), S+NS LightGBM (0.203217), S LightGBM (0.202202), S KNN (0.195756), S LSTM (0.192283) 0.037734 0.025267 0.016599
6 S+NS SVR (0.173976), S+NS LightGBM (0.171176), S LightGBM (0.170321), S KNN (0.164891), S LSTM (0.161965), S SVR (0.157671) 0.03681 0.024751 0.01743
7 S+NS SVR (0.150427), S+NS LightGBM (0.148006), S LightGBM (0.147266), S KNN (0.142572), S LSTM (0.140042), S SVR (0.136329), S+NS KNN (0.135359) 0.036871 0.024897 0.016953
8 S+NS SVR (0.133177), S+NS LightGBM (0.131034), S LightGBM (0.130379), S KNN (0.126223), S LSTM (0.123983), S SVR (0.120696), S+NS KNN (0.119837), S XGBoost (0.114672) 0.036746 0.024681 0.01647
9 S+NS SVR (0.119825), S+NS LightGBM (0.117896), S LightGBM (0.117307), S KNN (0.113568), S LSTM (0.111553), S SVR (0.108595), S+NS KNN (0.107822), S XGBoost (0.103175), S+NS XGBoost (0.100259) 0.036898 0.024757 0.01645
10 S+NS SVR (0.109125), S+NS LightGBM (0.107368), S LightGBM (0.106832), S KNN (0.103426), S LSTM (0.101591), S SVR (0.098897), S+NS KNN (0.098193), S XGBoost (0.093961), S+NS XGBoost (0.091305), S+NS LSTM (0.089302) 0.036899 0.024915 0.016466

Performance of best models on test set (ensemble and primary models)

Metric Best stationary ensemble model Best stationary + non-stationary ensemble model Best ensemble model based on all models Best stationary model – SVR Best stationary + non-stationary model − LGBM Naive model
RMSE 0.036106 0.038053 0.036746 0.036014 0.037284 0.050244
MAE 0.024094 0.026068 0.024681 0.024916 0.026295 0.034908
MedAE 0.015307 0.016645 0.01647 0.016682 0.017959 0.022378

Performance of ensemble models on test set (models based on stationary and non-stationary variables)

Number of models Models (weight) RMSE MAE MedAE
2 SVR (0.504057), LightGBM (0.495943) 0.038730 0.025882 0.017714
3 SVR (0.346773), LightGBM (0.341191), KNN (0.312036) 0.038314 0.026003 0.016682
4 SVR (0.268786), LightGBM (0.264459), KNN (0.241861), XGBoost (0.224895) 0.038301 0.025793 0.016876
5 SVR (0.220323), LightGBM (0.216777), KNN (0.198253), XGBoost (0.184346), LSTM (0.180301) 0.038053 0.026068 0.016645

Performance of models on test set (based on stationary and non-stationary variables)

Metric SVR KNN XGBoost LSTM LGBM Best ensemble model Naive model
RMSE 0.041904 0.039313 0.040685 0.039593 0.037284 0.038053 0.050244
MAE 0.025875 0.026863 0.026906 0.028891 0.026295 0.026068 0.034908
MedAE 0.017279 0.018946 0.016939 0.020576 0.017959 0.016645 0.022378

Performance of ensemble models on test set (models based on stationary variables)

Number of models Models (weight) RMSE MAE MedAE
2 LightGBM (0.508099), KNN (0.491901) 0.038571 0.025784 0.017147
3 LightGBM (0.342575), KNN (0.331655), LSTM (0.32577) 0.037403 0.025111 0.015704
4 LightGBM (0.260092), KNN (0.251801), LSTM (0.247333), SVR (0.240775) 0.036181 0.024366 0.01599
5 LightGBM (0.211671), KNN (0.204923), LSTM (0.201287), SVR (0.19595),XGBoost (0.18617) 0.036106 0.024094 0.015307

Results of singular models on validation and test set (based on stationary and non-stationary variables)

Model (number of attributes) Set Hyperparameters RMSE MAE MedAE
SVR (27) Validation C=0.005317, epsilon=0.092179 0.025632 0.019126 0.015488
SVR (27) Test C=0.005317, epsilon=0.092179 0.041904 0.025875 0.017279
KNN (40) Validation Power of Minkowski metric=1k=6Weight function=uniform 0.027021 0.020110 0.013813
KNN (40) Test Power of Minkowski metric=1k=6Weight function=uniform 0.039313 0.026863 0.018946
XGBoost (74) Validation Max depth:3Subsample: 0.840403Colsample by tree: 0.605006Lambda: 4.461698Gamma: 0.000808Learning rate: 0.105 0.028021 0.021604 0.020396
XGBoost (74) Test Max depth:3Subsample: 0.840403Colsample by tree: 0.605006Lambda: 4.461698Gamma: 0.000808Learning rate: 0.105 0.040685 0.026906 0.016939
LGBM (80) Validation Number of leaves:32Min data in leaf:38ETA: 0.099519Max drop: 51L1 regularization: 0.060221L2 regularization: 0.050423 0.025840 0.019361 0.014083
LGBM (80) Test Number of leaves:32Min data in leaf:38ETA: 0.099519Max drop: 51L1 regularization: 0.060221L2 regularization: 0.050423 0.037284 0.026295 0.017959
LSTM (20) Validation H2 0.028334 0.021702 0.018201
LSTM (20) Test H2 0.039593 0.028891 0.020576

Hyperparameters tuning algorithm.

1. For each pair of sets (Xi,Yi) ∈ S={(train, validation1), (train ∪ validation1, validation2), (train ∪ validation1∪ validation2, validation3)} next operations will be performed:
a. the possibly largest group of hyperparameters will be selected according to best practice mentioned in literature,
b. one-step-ahead prediction will be done, providing Xi as train set and Yi as test set, and then one model with the lowest RMSE will be chosen, with parameters Hi.
As a result, set {H1, H2, H3} is obtained.
2. For Hi will be executed three predictions on each pair from S. In effect 3 RMSE will be received, from which the average will be calculated – Ai. As a result, set {A1, A2, A3} is obtained.
3. Hj will be chosen, where Aj = min{A1, A2, A3}. It is the best set of hyperparameters, which is believed to assure stable fit in future forecasts.

Performance of models on test set (based on stationary variables)

Metric SVR KNN XGBoost LSTM LGBM Best ensemble Naive model
RMSE 0.036014 0.039305 0.038848 0.036705 0.038870 0.036106 0.050244
MAE 0.024916 0.025935 0.027218 0.024918 0.026283 0.024094 0.034908
MedAE 0.016682 0.017202 0.019780 0.016772 0.016467 0.015307 0.022378