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Plant hydraulics and measurement of vulnerability to embolism formation: a guide for beginners

   | 04 dic 2023



Recent phenomena of increased vegetation mortality following climate extremes, with special reference to drought and biotic stress, raise concerns about climate change risks to global ecosystem health (Hartmann et al., 2022; Netherer, 2022) (Figure 1). Large amounts of water are lost by plants every day via transpiration through open stomata, which allow CO2 uptake for photosynthesis (Tyree and Zimmermann, 2002). Plants need to continuously replace this “lack” with newly absorbed water to keep the tissues hydrated, maintain positive turgor pressure which is necessary for growth, and sustain primary and secondary metabolic processes (Tyree and Zimmermann, 2002; Venturas et al., 2017). Preservation of long-distance water transport is, hence, crucial for plant survival, competitive success, and reproduction.

Figure 1.

Drought-induced forest mortality in Yosemite National Park, California. Embolism formation and reduction of root-to-leaf water transport capacity played a key role in tree death.

Abbildung 1. Dürrebedingte Waldsterblichkeit im Yosemite-National-park, Kalifornien. Die Bildung von Embolien und der Verlust der Wassertransportkapazität von den Wurzeln zu den Blättern spielten eine Schlüsselrolle beim Baumsterben.

Water transport in plants

Xylem is the vascular tissue responsible for water transport in all higher plants and extends continuously from the smallest root tip to the thinnest leaf vein, passing through the stems, trunk, and branches in woody plants. The xylem of angiosperms consists of microscopic nonliving conduits, that are, xylem vessels and tracheids, responsible for water transport, which are embedded in the xylem parenchyma (storage of water and reserves) and fibers (mechanical function; Tyree and Ewers, 1991) (Figure 2a). Vessels’ length varies from some millimeters to >1000 cm, and the vessel diameter varies from 10 to 700 μm (Lens et al., 2022). Gymnosperm xylem is more homogeneous and consists mostly of fiber tracheids (less than 1 cm long and 100 μm wide), which fulfill all the functions of water transport, mechanical strength, and storage (Figure 2b). Xylem conduits have thickened secondary walls with numerous microscopic pores not thickened, which are called pit membranes. These consist of the primary cell wall and the middle lamella (diameter of approximately 5–25 μm), which are very permeable and facilitate the movement of water and dissolved substances radially between conduits (Tyree and Ewers, 1991; Li et al., 2016; Venturas et al., 2017).

Figure 2.

Transverse (cross) section of a branch of Laurus nobilis L (a) and Pinus nigra L (b) obtained with light microscopy. The wood of angiosperm (a) appears more heterogeneous compared to the wood of gymnosperm (b). Black arrows indicate resin canals. Scale bar = 200 μm.

Abbildung 2. Transversaler (Quer-) Schnitt eines Astes von Laurus nobilis L (a) und Pinus nigra L (b), aufgenommen mit Lichtmikroskopie. Das Holz von Angiospermen (a) erscheint im Vergleich zum Holz von Gymnospermen (b) heterogener. Schwarze Pfeile zeigen Harzkanäle an. Maßstableisten = 200 μm.

The protoplasts of water conducting elements die off at maturity. The remaining conduits with lignified cell walls are hence “hollow cylinders”, enabling passive movement of water upward against gravity, thanks to cohesive properties and big tensile strength of water (cohesion–tension theory; Dixon and Joly, 1895). Note that no metabolic energy is required for water movement in the plant body. The force for fluid flow is generated by the dry atmosphere (i.e., the water pressure deficit [VPD]), which induces leaf evapotranspiration leading to water deficit in the leaf mesophyll. This “lack of water” is transmitted as negative (sub-atmospheric) liquid pressure called water potential (Ψ) from the mesophyll cells to the xylem (Ψxylem). Since water always moves from higher to lower values of Ψ, it generates a tension that pulls water upward from the soil (higher Ψ) to the leaves (lower Ψ; Venturas et al., 2017). This force can be seen as a “rope under tension”, and the tension spreads through branches and stems down to the roots, allowing water movement against gravity as well as its absorption from the soil. However, roots can absorb water only when their water potential is lower (more negative) than Ψsoil, resulting in maintenance of the pressure gradient (i.e., tension, ΔΨ) along the whole soil–plant atmosphere continuum (Tyree and Zimmermann, 2002).

Diurnal fluctuations of Ψ in the plant body generally range between 0 and −3 MPa in well-watered conditions, while very low values of about −8 MPa (or even less) can be reached under drought stress, especially in arid environments (Gleason et al., 2016; Kattge et al., 2020). Considering that according to physics, water under ambient temperature and tension would normally be in a gaseous phase, liquid water in the xylem is always transported ina state of precarious stability called the metastable state (Tyree and Zimmermann, 2002).

Drought and embolism formation

Plants experience water deficit when the soil moisture availability decreases and/or atmospheric evaporative demand increases (decreased Ψsoil and increased VPD, respectively), leading to higher water demand than supply (Tyree and Ewers, 1991). Typical Ψsoil that allows plant survival ranges from 0 MPa in wet soils to <−10 MPa in dry and/or very saline soils (Gleason et al., 2016). Most plants can efficiently respond to water deficit by closing stomata and/or reducing transpiring surfaces (leaf shedding, reduction of the root-to-shoot ratio, etc.) to buffer Ψxylem drop and tolerate moderate drought. However, during severe or prolonged drought, even with complete stomatal closure, evapotranspiration cannot be reduced to zero due to cuticular transpiration (usually between 3% and 10% of the maximum; Schuster et al., 2017). This, coupled to the disability to fully replace the lost water via root absorption, can substantially decrease Ψxylem and, hence, increase the tension of water in the conduits. The precarious state of water columns can reach a critical tension, which triggers cavitation (Tyree and Sperry, 1989; Tyree and Zimmermann, 2002), that is, a sudden and spontaneous change of the water state from liquid to gas, which can be somehow compared to breaking of the “rope under tension” mentioned above. The water vapor thus expands and fills the xylem conduit lumen with air at atmospheric pressure, forming an embolism which prevents water transport through the conductive element (Tyree and Zimmermann, 2002). Cavitation is mainly caused by the aspiration of microbubbles through interconduit pit membranes (see above) in water-filled conduits under tension from nearby gas-filled compartments (e.g., nonfunctional conduits, extracellular space, wounds, etc.). In other words, in this process called “air seeding”, tiny air bubbles nucleate cavitation in functional conduits, inducing the spread of embolism in the xylem due to the big pressure difference (ΔΨ; Lens et al., 2022). Xylem tensions could lead to 5%–30% loss of transport capacity without adverse effects (Tyree and Sperry, 1989). If runaway of embolism occurs, it can lead to significant reduction of xylem hydraulic conductivity (>50%) of roots, stems, and leaves (Nolf et al., 2015; Savi et al., 2016; Scoffoni et al., 2017; Losso et al., 2019) or even to a complete disruption of plant hydraulic pathway (hydraulic failure), causing reduction in carbon fixation and plant desiccation (Urli et al., 2013; Hartmann et al., 2022). To sum up, the interconduit pit membranes are essential structures for efficient transport of water allowing radial water movement to bypass occlusions or nonfunctional conduits. At the same time, they represent the Achilles’ heel of plants as potential points for air entry. Great inter- and intraspecific variability in the resistance to embolism formation has been reported in both herbaceous and woody plants, as well as in different plant organs and along the plant body (Choat et al., 2012; Nardini and Luglio, 2014; Kattge et al., 2020). This depends not only on the ultrastructure of the xylem tissue (with the conduit size and pit membrane structure playing a primary role), but also on the chemical composition of the conduits and xylem sap, as well as on the physiological changes triggered by environmental pressure (Li et al., 2016; Lens et al., 2022). Pushing the threshold of air seeding to lower Ψxylem is a fundamental strategy to resist embolism formation and avoid its spread, maintain water transport under tension, and ensure survival under current and future drought-prone climate scenarios.

Resistance to embolism formation

Vulnerability curves (VCs) are, so far, the most valuable and widely used tool to quantify the susceptibility to drought-induced embolism formation of plants (Choat et al., 2012; Gleason et al., 2016). They are graphs showing the drought-induced loss of water transport capacity of an organ (stem, leaf, root) due to exposure of the xylem to tension (Figure 3). The first, displayed on the y-axis, is usually measured as hydraulic conductivity (K), which decreases with drought or as percentage loss of hydraulic conductivity (PLC), which increases with embolism formation. The second is reported as xylem water potential (Ψxylem, x-axis; Tyree and Sperry, 1989). Depending on the method used (see below) and the drought resistance of the organ/species, 10–20 measurements of K/PLC are generally plotted against the relative Ψxylem, potentially covering the entire range of VC (until K drop or PLC increase is higher to 90%).

Figure 3.

Vulnerability curve (red dots) with sigmoidal shape (s-shaped) of Pinus pinea L. stem (a) and exponential shape (r-curve) of Cotinus coggygria Scop. stem (b), showing the percentage loss of xylem hydraulic conductivity (PLC) as a function of xylem pressure (Ψxylem). Note the “safe range” of xylem tension where PLC remains low (initial flat part of the curve with Ψxylem < −2 MPa) in (a) and substantial embolism formation at very low tension, as a likely consequence of “open-vessels artifact” in (b). The r-curves can arise as a result of the plant anatomical characteristics or the method used. Black arrows indicate the xylem pressure values inducing 12% (P12), 50% (P50), or 88% (P88) loss of hydraulic conductivity.

Abbildung 3. Verwundbarkeitskurve (rote Punkte) mit sigmoidaler Form (S-förmig) des Stamms von Pinus Pinea L. (a) und exponentieller (r-Kurve) des Stamms von Cotinus coggygria Scop. (b), die den prozentualen Ver-lust der hydraulischen Leitfähigkeit (PLC) des Xylems als Funktion des Xylemdrucks (Ψxylem) angibt. Beachten Sie den „sicheren Bereich“ der Xylemspannung, in dem die PLC niedrig bleibt (anfänglicher flacher Teil der Kurve mit Ψxylem < −2 MPa) in (a). Bei sehr niedriger Spannung kommt es zu einer erheblichen Embolie, wahrscheinlich als Folge eines „Artefakts mit offenen Gefäßen“ in (b). R-Kurven können aufgrund der anatomischen Eigenschaften der Pflanze oder der verwendeten Methode entstehen. Schwarze Pfeile zeigen Xylemdruckwerte an, die zu einem Verlust der hydraulischen Leitfähigkeit von 12 % (P12), 50 % (P50) oder 88 % (P88) führen.

VC fitted to experimental data generally has a sigmoidal shape (sometimes also linear or exponential; Cochard et al., 2013; Savi et al., 2016) and is used to interpolate the reference parameter P50, that is, the xylem water potential causing 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity (Tyree and Ewers, 1991; Cochard et al., 2013) (Figure 3a). Note that P50 corresponds to the steepest part of VC, where even minor drops in Ψxylem induce massive embolism formation and abrupt decline of hydraulic conductivity. Additional vulnerability indexes P12 (sometimes P20) and P88 (sometimes P80) can be interpolated corresponding to Ψxylem inducing hydraulic capacity loss of 12% and 88% (or 20% and 80%), respectively (Figure 3a) (Gleason et al., 2016; Losso et al., 2016). P12 is a proxy for the minimum tension leading to the formation of first emboli, since it defines a “safe” range of Ψxylem where cavitation does not occur or is very limited. P88 is recognized as Ψxylem inducing massive embolism that represents a point of no return for the hydraulic functioning and survival in many angiosperms (Choat et al., 2012; Urli et al., 2013). However, for several gymnosperms, P50 can already induce catastrophic hydraulic failure and, hence, may represent a lethal threshold (Brodribb et al., 2010).

According to published data, the P50 values may range from about −0.3 to −5 MPa in leaves and from −0.1 to −14 MPa in stems (Choat et al., 2012; Nardini and Luglio, 2014; Brodribb et al., 2017; Scoffoni et al., 2017; Kattge et al., 2020). Roots are usually more vulnerable compared to aboveground organs. In general, VCs of plants from drought-prone environments are shifted toward higher tensions (more negative P50) than those of plants from moist environments (having on average less negative P50; Maherali et al., 2004; Choat et al., 2012; Nardini and Luglio, 2014; Gleason et al., 2016). Furthermore, conifers may reach more extreme values of resistance to embolism formation (<−14 MPa) compared to angiosperms (<−10 MPa; Maherali et al., 2004).

Methods for measuring resistance to embolism formation

Various methods can be used for inducing embolism (bench dehydration, air injection, centrifugation) in different plant organs, and even more methods exist to measure the resulting loss of hydraulic conductivity (Table 1). In fact, the latter can be assessed by direct measurements (e.g., hydraulic method) or indirect measurements (e.g., acoustic method, analyses of visual information). Regardless of the method used, at the starting point of VC, the sample (whole plant, leaf, branch, or root) should be fully hydrated (Ψxylem ≈ 0). Hence, in case of potted plants, it is suggested to abundantly water them 24 h before measurements. While working with trees, it is recommended to sample the material (branches, roots, leaves) early in the morning. The sampled branches should be immediately recut under water with several progressive cuts at about 2 cm intervals. In order to achieve full rehydration, the branches should be then kept with the cut end immersed in water and a dark plastic bag covering the leaves for at least 2 h (Beikircher and Mayr, 2016).

Most widely used methods for measurements of vulnerability curves (VCs). The methods of embolism induction and measurements of conductivity loss can be, to a certain extent, combined. In the last column is given a rough estimation of costs in terms of time/resources allocation needed to obtain a complete VC.

Tabelle 1. Weltweit eingesetzte Methoden zur Messung der Verwundbarkeitskurven (VCs). Die Methoden der Embolieauslösung und der Messung des Verlustes der hydraulischen Leitfähigkeit können in gewissem Umfang kombiniert werden. In der letzten Spalte finden Sie eine grobe Kostenschätzung im Hinblick auf die Zeit-/Ressourcenaufteilung, die erforderlich ist, um eine vollständige VC zu erhalten.

Methods Description Costs: time/resources
Induction of embolisms
Bench dehydration The sample is dried down in the air High/low
Air injection Pressurization of the sample in a pressure collar Low/medium
Centrifugation Rotation of the sample in a modified centrifuge* Low/medium

Measurements of conductivity loss
Hydraulic method Gravimetric measurements of flow through the sample under a known pressure head Medium/low
Acoustic method Recording of acoustic emissions induced by cavitation Medium/medium
Cryo-SEM Snap freezing of the sample, sectioning, and observation with a cryo-SEM microscope High/high
Magnetic resonance imaging The sample is scanned with magnetic resonance to visualize the water content in conduits High/high
Micro tomography X-ray scan of the sample and visualization of functional and nonfunctional conduits High/high
Optical method The embolism propagation is monitored with scanners or cameras Low/low

With flow measurements during the rotation or not

In the following paragraphs, the most widely used methods for generation of VCs will be shortly described and the main advantages/disadvantages of each method will be briefly discussed.

Induction of embolism: bench dehydration, air injection, and centrifugation

Bench dehydration (also called air dehydration) of intact plants or detached plant organs of different sizes is recognized as the most straightforward and natural method to induce embolism (Cochard et al., 2013; Savi et al., 2015; Meixner et al., 2020; Ganthaler and Mayr, 2021). The process of dehydration and embolism formation necessary to obtain all the target Ψxylem for a complete VC may take some minutes (in leaves or small branches of drought-sensible species), several days, some weeks (branches of drought-resistant species), or even months (whole plants). The drop of Ψxylem is regularly monitored through measurements performed a) with the pressure chamber (Scholander et al., 1965) on leaves bagged in cling film and aluminum foil for at least 20 min (to allow equilibration) or b) with thermocouple psychrometers, which can be applied on leaves, stems, or roots (Martinez et al., 2011).

According to the air-injection method, pressurized air is used to create pressure difference (ΔΨ) in the xylem and induce embolisms in plant samples. A fully hydrated detached branch or root of different length (generally 15–200 cm) is inserted in a double-ended pressure sleeve (also called pressure collar), which is connected to a gas cylinder (Ennajeh et al., 2011b; Savi et al., 2019). It is recommended to remove a piece of bark from the central portion of the segment inserted in the hermetically closed pressure sleeve to promote air seeding. The gradient along the pit membranes of xylem conduits is artificially created by rising the pressure inside the collar, which forces gas to pass through pits within a few seconds or minutes, inducing embolism (Salleo et al., 1992; Ennajeh et al., 2011a). The positive pressure applied simulates the tension of water that builds up naturally in xylem conduits under drought (Ψxylem). Hence, the artificial mechanism of triggering embolism follows the air seeding principle hypothesized for natural cavitation events (Salleo et al., 1992).

Finally, according to the single-spin (also called static) centrifuge method, a detached branch/root segment (generally 13–30 cm long) is spun in the rotor of a modified floor centrifuge (Cochard et al., 2013; Venturas et al., 2019). Both sample ends are kept inside water-filled cuvettes fitted in slots within the rotor to keep the conduits filled with water during centrifugation (Alder et al., 1997). By spinning, the centrifugal force produces a pressure drop in the center of the excised xylem sample, simulating the reduction of Ψxylem. Within seconds or minutes, water columns break, embolism forms and further spreads in nearby conduits along the pit membranes (Alder et al., 1997). Different target Ψxylem values can be reached by adjusting the rotational speed of the centrifuge.

It is acknowledged that air injection and static centrifugation methods have one important advantage: the rapidity and precision with which any desired xylem tension can be imposed (seconds or minutes) without the need for Ψxylem measurements. This leads to more cost-effective measurements since less time and less plant material are needed for the completion of a VC. On the contrary, frequent Ψxylem measurements are necessary to monitor the air dehydration for obtaining samples with a wide range of drought stress level. Unavoidably, the time lengthens (slow desiccation due to stomatal closure) and the amount of plant material needed for a VC with 10–20 experimental points increases.

Measurements of conductivity loss

After embolism induction using one of the three methods described above, the loss of water transport capacity of the samples can be measured by a) direct destructive measurements (standard hydraulic method) or b) indirect nondestructive methods (acoustic, microcomputed tomography, optical).

Hydraulic measurements

Being the most commonly used method so far, destructive hydraulic measurements are performed on stressed samples gravimetrically under a water head (Sperry et al., 1988) (Figure 4). A shorter stem/root subsample (usually 4–15 cm long) is cut under water from the mid part of the segment subjected to dehydration, air injection, or centrifugation. The bark is removed and the sample trimmed several times with a razor blade to remove micro-bubbles (Beikircher and Mayr, 2016), gradually release tensions (Wheeler et al., 2013; Venturas et al., 2015), and minimize eventual artifacts due to embolism recovery under soaking (Trifilò et al., 2014; Hochberg et al., 2016). The sample is then connected to a tube and perfused with filtrated and degassed polyionic perfusion solution (sometimes distilled water; Sperry et al., 1988). The height of the water column (15–80 cm) generates a low pressure (1.5–8 kPa), which forces the water through the sample without displacing emboli (Trifilò et al., 2014; Venturas et al., 2015). The hydraulic conductivity of the sample can be measured a) with flow meters (measuring the water inflow), which can be external or internal to the hydraulic apparatus (Figure 4), or b) by collecting the water outflow from the distal end of the sample in the pan of a precision balance or in pre-weighed vials containing a piece of sponge (over 30- or 60-s intervals) (Figure 5).

Figure 4.

Measurements with a hydraulic apparatus (Xylem Embolism Meter, Bronkhorst, France). Measurements are performed with an internal flow meter. a) Source of low pressure, b) valves for operations, c) temperature sensor, d) connector with samples, e) source of high pressure.

Abbildung 4. Messungen mit einem hydraulischen Gerät (Xylem Embolism Meter, Bronkhorst, Frankreich). Die Messungen werden mit einem internen Flussmesser durchgeführt. a) Niederdruckquelle, b) Betriebsventile, c) Temperatursensor, d) Verbindungsstück mit Proben, e) Hochdruckquelle.

Figure 5.

Details of hydraulic measurements performed by collecting the water outflow from the distal end of the sample (a) with pre-weighed vials containing a piece of sponge (b) at time intervals (c). The blue arrow indicates the flow direction.

Abbildung 5. Detail der hydraulischen Messungen, die durchgeführt wurden, indem der Wasserausfluss vom distalen Ende der Probe (a) mit Vorgewichtsfläschchen, die ein Stück Schwamm (b) enthielten, über Zeitintervalle (c) gesammelt wurde. Der blaue Pfeil gibt die Fließrichtung an.

The hydraulic conductivity (K) is defined as the flow rate of water through the sample cross section divided by the pressure gradient (P, height of the water head). A high-pressure flush (0.01–0.2 MPa) is then applied to the sample for about 3–30 min (Sperry et al., 1988; Beikircher and Mayr, 2016; Hochberg et al., 2016) to remove embolism from xylem conduits. Then, the maximum hydraulic conductivity (Kmax) is measured at low pressure as described above. PLC is calculated as follows: PLC=[1(K/Kmax)]×100 \text{PLC}=\left[ 1-\left( \text{K}/{{\text{K}}_{\max }} \right) \right]\times 100

Sometimes, longer or repeated flushing is applied until the K measurements show no further increase in conductivity (Venturas et al., 2015; Losso et al., 2016; Ganthaler and Mayr, 2021).

This method can be also used to measure hydraulic conductivity/PLC of petioles of bench-dehydrated leaves or those sampled directly from trees (e.g., maple, grapevine; Wheeler et al., 2013; Hochberg et al., 2016). In this case, Ψxylem is measured on two leaves closest to the one sampled for hydraulic measurements.

The hydraulic method has been considered as a “gold standard” for many years, before being questioned assuming an artificial induction of embolisms while cutting the sample under tension (Ennajeh et al., 2011a; Wheeler et al., 2013). This has triggered dozens of experiments aimed at verifying eventual artifacts and comparing the results obtained with the hydraulic method to those obtained with other techniques (Trifilò et al., 2014; Torres-Ruiz et al., 2015; Venturas et al., 2019). Although they are sometimes unclear or controversial (Torres-Ruiz et al., 2015), most results supported the validity of hydraulic measurements and did not highlight significant overestimation of K/PLC due to the “tension-cutting artifact,” provided standard protocols for samples preparation are followed (Venturas et al., 2015; Nolf et al., 2017; Savi et al., 2017b).

Continuous flow measurements

Hydraulic measurements are valuable to assess native embolism in the field/greenhouse or estimate the consequences of a target Ψxylem value (induced by air dehydration, air injection, or centrifugation; Savi et al., 2015; Beikircher and Mayr, 2016; Losso et al., 2016). However, several days (and even weeks in case of air dehydration) and a large number of samples (each of them used for one experimental point, see Figure 3a) are needed to generate a complete VC with a sufficiently wide range of Ψxylem (Cochard et al., 2013). In fact, the hydraulic measurements following embolism induction are destructive and prevent repeated measurements on the same sample which is discarded after the quantification of each K/PLC.

Thanks to slight adaptations, flow measurements through the branch/root segment (without cutting a central subsample) can be performed continuously while the segment is inserted a) in the pressure sleeve (Cochard et al., 1992) (Figure 6) or b) in the rotor of the centrifuge (Cochard, 2002) (Figure 7). This allows application of progressively lower Ψxylem target values on one single sample, which are always followed by relative measurements of K/PLC.

Figure 6.

Air-injection method with continuous hydraulic measurements (PMS Instruments, Albany, NY, USA). a) Source of low pressure, b) sample inserted in the pressure sleeve, c) source of high pressure, d) manometer for pressure application. The blue arrow indicates the flow direction.

Abbildung 6. Luftinjektionsmethode mit kontinuierlichen hydraulischen Messungen (PMS Instruments, Albany, USA). a) Niederdruckquelle, b) in die Druckhülse eingelegte Probe, c) Hochdruckquelle, d) Manometer zur Druckbeaufschlagung. Der blaue Pfeil gibt die Fließrichtung an.

Figure 7.

Cavitron method with continuous hydraulic measurements (modified centrifuge). a) Rotor with sample inside, b) centrifuge lid, c) water reservoir for cuvette filling, d) computer connected to a camera for remote observation of meniscus movement (=flow).

Abbildung 7. Cavitron-Methode mit kontinuierlichen hydraulischen Messungen (modifizierte Zentrifuge). a) Rotor mit darin befindlicher Probe, b) Zentrifugendeckel, c) Wasserreservoir zum Befüllen der Küvette, d) mit einer Kamera verbundener Computer zur Fernbeobachtung der Meniskusbewegung (=Fluss).

Specifically, in the air injection method with continuous hydraulic measurements, the basal end of the segment is connected to the water head with a tube large enough to favor the escape of air bubbles during pressurization (Cochard et al., 1992) (Figure 6). First, to calculate PLC for all points, maximum conductivity (Kmax) is initially measured on fully hydrated samples without pressure application (Ψxylem = 0, usually by outflow collection shown in Figure 5). Then, a first seeding injection is performed usually at 0.5 MPa. The pressure is released, the sample allowed to equilibrate in water for some minutes, and the K value remeasured. The pressure applied in subsequent air-injection cycles is gradually increased by steps of 0.5–1.0 MPa and the K measurements are performed at each step until PLC >90% is reached (species-specific value; Cochard et al., 1992; Savi et al., 2019). Similarly, according to the flow centrifuge technique (frequently called “cavitron”), the loss of conductivity can be determined many times on the same sample after progressive increase of the rotational speed of the centrifuge (thus, lowering the Ψxylem; Cochard, 2002; Paligi et al., 2023) (Figure 7). The upstream cuvette (in which the basal end of the sample is inserted) is periodically filled with water, thanks to a tube connected to a water reservoir external to the centrifuge. During spinning, beside lowering Ψxylem in the sample, the centrifugal force induces a positive hydrostatic pressure difference between the sample ends inserted in the cuvettes and, hence, water flow through the sample. This flow is determined optically during centrifugation, thanks to a camera focused on the water meniscus inside the upstream cuvette (Figure 7). In fact, with rotation speed and flow through the sample, the meniscus moves and the cuvette empties. Kmax is initially measured on fully hydrated samples by applying a very low rotational speed simulating Ψxylem or approximately −0.1 MPa. By increasing the rotation, embolisms build up, decreasing the flow through the sample and, hence, the speed of the meniscus (Cochard, 2002).

The air-injection and centrifugation methods with continuous flow measurements give real-time evaluation of water transport capacity loss during embolism formation in an excised sample. A complete VC is obtained using one single sample, usually in 45 min–2 h (Cochard et al., 2013). However, while they are generally accepted for conifers and short-vesseled angiosperms, both methods may be problematic for obtaining accurate VCs in long-vesseled angiosperm species (Torres-Ruiz et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014; Savi et al., 2019). In particular, overestimation of vulnerability thresholds (i.e., P12, P50, and P88 with not enough negative values) has been reported when using xylem segments with a high proportion of vessels opened at both ends. This phenomenon is known as “open-vessels artifact” and, as its consequence, both air injection and flow centrifuge methods can sometimes give VCs with exponential shape, called “r-shaped” (Figure 3b) (Ennajeh et al., 2011b; Torres-Ruiz et al., 2014; Venturas et al., 2019). The r-shaped curves show high loss of hydraulic conductivity already at very low tension, leading to an overestimation of embolism vulnerability (higher P50 value; Figure 3b) (Wang et al., 2014). Such curves are difficult to interpret and often nonrealistic, compared to native field-measured embolism (Wang et al., 2014). Thus, the r-shaped curves could generally arise as a result of a) the plant anatomical characteristics (high density of long vessels) or b) the method used. To prevent this artifact, it is suggested to work with samples that are longer than 1.5-fold the maximum vessel length (Lmax) (Ennajeh et al., 2011b).

Lmax can be easily estimated using air injection according to Wang et al. (2014). Briefly, the apical end of the branch/root is debarked and inserted in a silicone tube connected to a pump (or a Scholander chamber). The air is forced at low pressure (about 1.5–5 kPa) from the apical end of the sample, while its basal end is immersed in water. The apex is then progressively cut at about 2-cm intervals until the first air bubbles are observed escaping the cut section by using a magnifying lens. Although there have been several improvements to the air injection and centrifugation methods with continuous flow measurements, their reliability is still questionable and technical pitfalls persist (Venturas et al., 2019). Unfortunately, using samples that are 1.5-fold longer than the species maximum vessel length is often difficult, as for example in case of species with vessels longer than 40 cm (e.g., Quercus sp, Vitis sp; Ennajeh et al., 2011b; Savi et al., 2019). Furthermore, working with samples longer than Lmax is impossible when the measurements are limited by the size of the centrifuge rotor (usually 15 or 30 cm; Torres-Ruiz et al., 2014; Nolf et al., 2015; Brodribb et al., 2017; Venturas et al., 2019). Increasing the rotor diameter depends on the size of the centrifuge chamber (usually < 50 cm). Some huge set-ups exist, but are expensive and potentially very dangerous due to high speed rotation of big, custom-made metallic rotors.

Acoustic emissions

The cavitation of water (change from liquid to vapor phase) in xylem conduits results in sudden pressure change (from sub-atmospheric to atmospheric) leading to vibration of rigid conduits’ walls. The latter produce a sound, that is, an acoustic emission event ranging from audible to ultrasonic (AE), which can be detected in a noninvasive manner (Milburn and Johnson, 1966). The rate of production of AEs indicates to what extent the decreasing Ψxylem is affecting the water transport capacity (Rosner et al., 2006; Nolf et al., 2015). Hence, rather than measuring the hydraulic consequences of embolism, the acoustic emission method generates VCs with monitoring of acoustic signals produced by a plant or an excised organ under air dehydration (laboratory, greenhouse, field).

In case of root and stem VCs, a small portion of the organ is debarked to remove the phloem and cambium, and an acoustic sensor is clamped directly to the xylem. A thin layer of petroleum jelly is smeared between the sensor head and the xylem to improve the acoustic contact and prevent local dehydration. In leaves, sensors are usually attached directly to the midrib. The recorded signals are amplified and logged automatically over time. The measurements of a complete VC may take from some hours to several days. Finally, the cumulative AEs (exceeding a defined detection threshold) or different AE rates (Rosner et al., 2006; Nolf et al., 2015) are plotted against Ψxylem, which is regularly measured during the experiment (see above).

The main advantages of the acoustic emission method are a) the nondestructive measurements and b) the in vivo continuous monitoring of embolism formation, both of which allow to measure a complete VC on a single sample. However, even if modern acoustic systems allow advanced analyses of signals, the method is considered more qualitative than quantitative. In fact, it gives only indirect evidence of xylem embolism, since there is no linear relation between AEs and hydraulic conductivity loss. Moreover, processes other than cavitation may be the source of large numbers of AEs within the xylem tissue (especially at the late stages of dehydration), for example, fibers’ cavitation, cell shrinkage, tissue ruptures, etc. (Rosner et al., 2006; Nolf et al., 2015).

Imaging techniques

Early attempts to directly visualize the functional status of xylem conduits under well-watered or drought-stressed conditions were based on cryo-scanning electron microscope (cryo-SEM) observations (Canny, 1997). The technique is based on snap freezing of samples (leaves, stems, roots) in liquid nitrogen, followed by sectioning and observation under a cryo-SEM to assess the presence of water or gas in the conduits.

In the last decade, modern optical measurements of embolism in the xylem network using light microscope, X-ray computed tomography (micro-CT; Brodersen et al., 2013) (Figure 8), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; Holbrook et al., 2001; Zwieniecki et al., 2013), and high-definition scanners or cameras (Brodribb et al., 2017) have gained momentum for the evaluation of plants’ drought sensitivity. Briefly, all these methods allow to observe water in plants, revealing the location and formation of embolisms inside conduits. The loss of hydraulic conductivity is thus evaluated in vivo in intact plants or excised segments subjected to drought by visually assessing the functional status of the xylem conduits. Parallel measurements of Ψxylem, usually performed with the Scholander pressure bombe, are always necessary. Imaging can thus be applied to leaves, stems, or roots of both woody and herbaceous plants and relies on analyses of pictures which are gathered differently (see below; Brodribb et al., 2017; Scoffoni et al., 2017; Losso et al., 2019).

Figure 8.

Observation of the water status in plants with X-ray computed tomography. a) Source of the synchrotron X-ray beam, b) intact plant mounted on the c) beamline stage, d) detector.

Abbildung 8. Beobachtung des Wasserzustands in Pflanzen mittels Röntgen-Computertomographie. a) Quelle des Synchrotron-Röntgenstrahls, b) intakte Pflanze, montiert auf der c) Strahlrohrbühne, d) Detektor.

MRI was the first method used to noninvasively monitor the status of xylem conduits in intact plants (Holbrook et al., 2001; Zwieniecki et al., 2013). Pixel brightness in the images (ranging from black to white) is related to the increasing concentration of water and is used for analyses of xylem water content (Zwieniecki et al., 2013; Meixner et al., 2020). Unfortunately, the imaging is rather challenging, since MRI scanners configured to accept intact plants are rare and expensive (the same physical limitation is valid for the micro-CT method, see below). The resulting pictures have typically low spatial resolution, and single vessels cannot be easily resolved on the image (Zwieniecki et al., 2013; Meixner et al., 2020). Thus, the method is mostly used to study species with wide conduit diameter.

With micro-CT, leaves, stems, or roots of both woody and herbaceous plants are pre-processed and fixed to the beamline sample holder (Figure 8). Bidimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) images of the xylem network are reconstructed with resolution <1 μm (Savi et al., 2017b; Théroux-Rancourt et al., 2023). Gas-filled and water-filled conduits can be clearly distinguished, since the former appear electron transparent (gray) and the latter appear electron dense (black; Figure 9) (Torres-Ruiz et al., 2015; Losso et al., 2016; Nolf et al., 2017). Generally, in 2D images, the average diameter of each xylem conduit (derived from its area and assuming circular shape) is used to calculate the theoretical hydraulic conductivity with Hagen–Poiseuille equation (Tyree and Zimmerman, 2002; Savi et al., 2017b). The total xylem conductivity is assessed as the sum of all gas-filled and water-filled conduit conductivities. Finally, the theoretical PLC is calculated as the ratio between gas-filled conduits and total conductivity.

Figure 9.

Bidimensional (2D) reconstruction of the xylem network in the stem of a drought-stressed Laurus nobilis L. potted plant. The image was obtained in vivo by X-ray computed tomography (micro-CT). Spatial aggregation of embolized vessels with darker color (red arrows) and still functional vessels with gray color (blue arrows) can be recognized.

Abbildung 9. Zweidimensionale (2D) Rekonstruktion des Xylem-Netzwerks im Stamm einer durch Trockenheit gestressten Laurus nobilis L. Topfpflanze. Das Bild wurde in vivo mittels Röntgen-Computertomographie (Mikro-CT) aufgenommen. Zu erkennen ist eine räumliche Ansammlung von embolisierten Gefäßen mit dunklerer Farbe (rote Pfeile) und noch funktionsfähigen Gefäßen mit grauer Farbe (blaue Pfeile).

Due to its supposed noninvasive nature and direct in vivo capacity to quantify xylem embolism, micro-CT has been suggested to represent a reference outperforming the hydraulic measurements (Torres-Ruiz et al., 2015; Venturas et al., 2017). However, this method is usually limited by the size and type of samples that can fit in the measurement chamber and is not currently usable in the field. Moreover, the scanned plant segment is rather small and the image analyses do not consider the radial flow movement and the resistance of interconduit pit membranes (Venturas et al., 2017). Caution is also needed in interpreting results, since vital samples are exposed to ionizing radiation and/or successive scans, which may cause harmful effects on the cells (Savi et al., 2017b; Secchi et al., 2021). Moreover, considering the limitations in terms of access to synchrotron facilities, which are few and expensive, it is improbable that this technique will become a routine for processing a large number of samples, at least not in the near future.

As an alternative to these hardware-expensive techniques, Brodribb et al. (2017) recently developed a new optical method for monitoring of embolizing bubbles’ propagation in the xylem during imposed water stress. The method is cost effective, since standard flatbed scanners, cameras, or light microscopes are used to image the vascular system (usually of leaves or stems). The image at full hydration is considered as the reference point (Kmax /PLC = 0), and rapid changes in visual light transmission caused by embolism formation can be detected under progressive dehydration. PLC is, hence, assessed with image analyses as a proportion of observed events (optically detected cavitation; Brodribb et al., 2017; Venturas et al., 2019). The new optical method has several important advantages: a) it allows visualizing the spatial and temporal spread of emboli through leaf vein networks and b) it is a simple and portable tool which can be used to assess xylem vulnerability of both leaves and stems. However, it does not fully consider the three-dimensionality of the hydraulic pathway, as well as the radial water flow through interconduit pits.

Controversies and ongoing discussions

The methodologies for inducing emboli and/or measuring conductivity loss described above are among the most popular and intensively used worldwide. They can be combined to a certain extent, although some are not compatible (Venturas et al., 2017). Furthermore, even more methods exist to measure plants’ vulnerability to drought-induced embolism formation. In particular, it is worth mentioning perfusion with dyes (also called active staining method; Sperry et al., 1988; Hietz et al., 2008; Ganthaler and Mayr, 2021), vacuum chamber technique (Kolb et al., 1996), high-pressure flow method (HPFM; Tyree et al., 1993), and pneumatics in which the air flow through the sample is measured under vacuum (also called manometric approach; Ennajeh et al., 2011a; Paligi et al., 2023). In addition, the evaporative flux method (EFM; Sack and Scoffoni, 2012; Scoffoni et al., 2017) and the relaxation/rehydration kinetics (Brodribb and Holbrook, 2003) are mostly adopted for leaf VC measurements. Some of these methods are far less used in plant hydraulics, some are acknowledged only as qualitative methods, while others are nowadays often considered old and/or not fully reliable.

It is recognized that the use of different methods for VCs’ construction may produce different results for the same plant material (Wang et al., 2014; Hacke et al., 2015; Venturas et al., 2019). All scientists agree on the fact that no cavitation should be triggered or embolism dissolved during sample collection, measurements, or observation; if not, the value would be artifactual. However, the validity of embolism quantification and the reliability of VCs have been frequently questioned and most of the above described methods have been largely criticised (Ennajeh et al., 2011b; Wheeler et al., 2013; Torres-Ruiz et al., 2014; Venturas et al., 2019). It is acknowledged that all the methods have advantages and potential problems which may arise from one or more technical pitfalls or are in relation with the morphoanatomical characteristics of the species under study. A body of research has compared VCs obtained with different methods (Hietz et al., 2008; Hacke et al., 2015; Nolf et al., 2017; Savi et al., 2017b; Venturas et al., 2019) to create databases of hydraulic traits, which could explore correlations with other physiological parameters (i.e., minimum seasonal Ψleaf, safety margins, native field-measured embolism), morphoanatomical traits, or climatic variables across biomes (Choat et al., 2012; Nardini and Luglio, 2014; Gleason et al., 2016; Savi et al., 2017a; Kattge et al., 2020) for validating the interpolated drought indexes (especially P50).

Beside optimizing methods for VC measurements, in the last decades, many efforts have been invested in exploring potential time- and cost-effective, but reliable proxies for vulnerability to embolism formation, which may somehow “supplant” the measurements of VCs and be used for indirect estimation of drought indexes. Among these, it is worth mentioning the relative water loss (RWL) curves (Hietz et al., 2008; Rosner et al., 2021), wood density (Rosner et al., 2021), infrared spectroscopy (Savi et al., 2019), and xylem anatomical traits with particular focus on conduit diameter, interconduit pit membrane, and xylem parenchyma (Li et al., 2016; Kiorapostolou et al., 2019; Rosner et al., 2021; Lens et al., 2022).


To sum up, the study of resistance to drought-induced embolism formation can be performed on either detached organs or intact plants using methods that have been frequently classified as destructive and nondestructive. But how reliable are the methods to assess xylem vulnerability? The correct interpretation of results is fundamental for advancing knowledge in different plant biology fields and to obtain reliable drought indexes for use in models for predicting plant responses to drought. Unfortunately, after many decades, consensus has not been reached and the reliability of most of the methods is still a matter of debate. It is acknowledged that measurements of embolism formation and the generation of VCs can be very challenging, and that the methods’ artifacts can often affect the results. In fact, none of the methods can completely mimic the situation in natura. In this light, some advantages and disadvantages of the methods used commonly worldwide have been described, which should serve as the criteria for the selection of the most suitable technique according to the type of plant material, the purpose of the study, and resources’ availability. The general advice is to always accurately follow sampling and handling protocols, tips, and precautions that have been developed and published for many methodologies. Moreover, the test and validation of VCs and drought indexes obtained with any method by as many independent techniques as possible is highly recommended, including measurements of native embolism in the field and, when possible, direct observations of the functional status of xylem conduits using in vivo imaging.

Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Life Sciences, Ecology, other