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Emanuela Ilie, Claudia Tărnăuceanu (COORD.), Surse Și Valori Ale Educaţiei. Perspective Pluridisciplinare, Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, 2021


Volume Surse și valori ale educației. Perspective pluridisciplinare (Educational Sources and Values. Multi-disciplinary Perspectives) (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Publishing House, Iași, 2021) consists of some of the works presented during the Valorile educației – educația valorilor din Antichitate până azi. Abordări teoretice, soluții practice (Educational Values – Education of Values from Ancient Times to Nowadays. Theoretical Approaches, Practical Solutions) National Symposium (5th edition, Iași, 2018, 6th edition, Iași, 2020) by researchers, academic professors and PhD candidates trained in different fields (linguistics, theory, history, literary critics, compared literature, philosophy, theology, visual arts, educational sciences). Grouped in three distinct sections (Antiqua, mediaevalia et humanistica; Moderna et contemporanea; Didactica), the studies highlight different perspectives on new research fields. Unlike the Symposium’s previous volumes, the coordinators dedicated a distinct section to the approach of educational processes from an axiological perspective and to the discussion of values as didactic landmarks (conceptual challenges, procedural difficulties and methodological solutions)