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Energy-Active Shadow Structures in Single-Family Buildings – Application Possibilities and Architectural Conditions



A residential building is an element of a biotope – a habitat, an inorganic part of an ecosystem. It is a basic and necessary in civilization utilitarian object – an artifact, which is characterized by very long life, durability and high maintenance costs. Green building uses renewable energy, including solar energy, directly to generate primarily electricity. The systems most commonly used are photovoltaic systems integrated into the building – BIPV – generation of electricity, and BIPVT – in which the heating medium – usually domestic hot water – is generated. Two groups are used in photovoltaic systems in buildings: BIPV – closely integrated into the building and BAPV – applied to buildings. In many cases, it is difficult to classify a system as BI (Building-Integrated) or BA (Building-Applied) because it depends on the installation technology used. In the BIPV technology, photovoltaic modules forming a whole with the building simultaneously perform structural and energy functions. Adoption of the BIPV technology in the building design phase significantly reduces the overall cost of installation and the operating costs of the building [1, 2, 3]. In Poland, three ways of using the integration of photovoltaics with construction are most commonly used: “glass-glass”, i.e. modules with double glazing without EVA film to ensure light transmission, “frameless” – used as elements of facades, canopies of buildings, building facades and balustrades, and “integration” – especially recommended for residential and holiday buildings, where PV modules replace traditional roofing with a simultaneous reduction in its implementation cost [4]. Building-integrated photovoltaics have so far been used mainly in public buildings, offices, sports and industrial facilities. The application of BIPV technology in single-family housing has recently seen rapid growth. An interesting solution is the production by a Portuguese company of houses with BIPV technology rotating around their own axis following the apparent movement of the sun, additionally equipped with tilting roofs that can rise and fall to obtain the optimal angle of inclination of the module surface to the incoming (incident) solar radiation [5]. In [6], active shading systems for buildings are presented with respect to their indoor environment, producing energy while simultaneously reducing energy consumption. They have been proposed to be divided into three groups: smart glazing, mobile (kinetic) shading, and integrated shading with renewable energy. With the most commonly used rotary active shading system, it is possible to reduce 12 to 50% of the buildings cooling electricity consumption. In [7], the effect of the efficiency of using external and internal sunshades on thermal comfort conditions in a sports hall was presented. It has been found that external sunshades can reduce sunlight in rooms by up to 30%, but this is not a sufficient condition for indoor thermal comfort. Increasing the shielding range by 1 m reduces solar gain by only 6.8%. The use of sunshades and reduction of solar gains, depending on the variant adopted, only slightly affected the reduction of the internal temperature in the room, i.e. between 0.1 and 0.6 K. When the photovoltaic roof [8] was used, the daily average temperature of the upper roof surface decreased by about 5K, while the daily electricity generation of the building constituted about 25% of the total consumption during the summer. Power-generating PV nano-technologies are increasingly being used in buildings due to the relatively high efficiency of solar energy conversion. The favourable factors are the very low weight and high flexibility of thin-film coatings that can interact with photovoltaic systems integrated into a BIPV building. Transparent properties and convenient connection possibilities (e.g. back-end) allow the creation of photovoltaic modules of different, even arbitrary shapes and forms and make it possible to use photovoltaic nanotechnology systems also on curved surfaces in the vicinity of a building body. The aforementioned advantages make it possible to esthetically integrate thin-film photovoltaic elements (PV nano-technology) also on external surfaces of buildings. The application of energy-active shadow structures is also supported by the capacity to shape the properties of coatings by applying different layers, including polymers with specific selective properties. For example, the obtained type of nano-coating may transmit only infrared radiation and the visible spectrum of radiation may be reflected as modified scattered light [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. The nanotechnology PV coating can be any colour, including white, or even a drawing or logo, which promotes the use of various inactive surfaces, including historic ones, capable of discreetly generating electricity free of a carbon footprint. The use of bright external surfaces of partitions with selective optical properties allows to reduce the internal temperature of rooms during the summer – thus increasing the quality of the indoor environment and reducing the energy consumption in air-conditioning systems [13].

The indoor environment of a building is an environmentally related part of the ecosystem, in which its parameters are shaped by the requirements and needs of users. The optimum climate conditions for people living in buildings are determined by the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) index based on four parameters: proper indoor air quality IAQindex, thermal comfort TCindex, acoustic comfort ACc and daylight quality L. Indoor air quality is affected by about 8000 causes of pollutants such as gases, vapours, odors, smoke from outdoor air and from internal emissions of people as well as operation of technical and economic infrastructure, among others. Therefore, in practice, carbon dioxide concentration is taken as a determinant for the assessment of indoor air quality and the initial parameter of operation of ventilation systems. In the design of commercial and office buildings, it is assumed that from 15 to 30% of occupants may not be satisfied with the indoor air quality, i.e. with the performance of ventilation and air conditioning systems. For comparison, in rooms intended for permanent human residence, especially for apartments, the conditions in which the expected percentage of dissatisfied PPD is 10% is considered appropriate. It is estimated that to reduce the percentage of people dissatisfied with indoor air quality to about 1%, it would be necessary to increase the ventilation air flow rate by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude compared to those adopted in the design, which is not technically and economically feasible. Significant improvements in indoor air quality promote a reduction in allergen concentrations, asthma risk, and increased productivity and information acquisition. Indoor air quality is also influenced by temperature and humidity. The Cool, dry air close to the lower limit of the recommended ranges that give the impression of freshness is preferred. According to Fanger, lowering the air temperature by 2–3 K, e.g. from 23–24 to 21°C, can double the perceived indoor air quality. Reducing relative humidity by up to 20% also has a positive effect on perceived indoor air quality [14].

The use of active shadow structures in buildings under conditions of high insolation during the summer, influencing the reduction of internal temperature in the room, will improve the quality of indoor air. Forecasted global warming [15], as well as existing trends in architecture, manifested by the use of large glazed areas of building facades, cause that the demand for cooling in the building industry will increase. Electricity is the optimal form of direct energy use in indoor environmental systems. In the European Union's strategy for smart and sustainable development and for increasing the energy efficiency of buildings, comprehensive measures are being implemented, which are part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The energy-active shadow presented in this paper is a mobile form of photovoltaic “Shadow-Voltaic” shadow that will interact with the central heating, domestic hot water and air conditioning systems of a residential building – a single-family house. The use of energy-active photovoltaic shadow structures will reduce electricity consumption in indoor environmental design systems.

The Impact of the use of rolled photovoltaic coatings on energy for heating and cooling the building depends on the climatic zone. In order to calculate the possible energy gains, it is necessary to perform a simulation for a specific, selected example. Conducting such a simulation is planned as a continuation of these general considerations and is planned as a separate study.

Residential energy consumption – trends: renewables and prosumerism

A building is a basic artifact – a utilitarian object that is necessary to satisfy human needs. Providing a comfortable environment inside a building, in an energy-efficient manner, determines its efficient and economical use in aspects of meeting the criteria of health, productivity and leisure. A building that allows maximizing the efficiency of users’ activities and efficient management of energy resources with minimal operating costs is an intelligent building – the definition of the European Intelligent Building Group [16]. To meet these requirements, in the design solutions of temperature stabilization systems, renewable energy sources – RES – and hybrid systems are used, ensuring operational safety while using additional, conventional, but primarily pro-ecological technologies [17]. A building should be treated as a multiparameter and control flow object, operating in variable climate conditions, which exchanges energy, substances and information with its surroundings – Fig. 1 [18]. Changing trajectory of energy development makes it necessary to move from fossil fuels and energy systems and government-corporate energy policy to an economy characterized by efficiency, widespread use of renewable energy sources, smart infrastructure, as well as independent investors and prosumerism. Prosumerism in the energy industry is the consumer's fulfilment of the dual role of a producer and a consumer of electricity. In [19], technical and energy aspects of the application of micro photovoltaic installations in single-family buildings are presented. This increases energy independence, both locally and globally, affects the optimization of demand and generation volume, and reduces losses in electricity transmission [20]. The development of prosumer power supply fosters sustainable energy-environmental development and is the most effective way to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal policy and the Fit for 55 package, increasing energy efficiency, an increase of renewable energy share and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, respectively. The use of RES for heating purposes almost always involves the use of electricity. There are over 5 million single-family houses in Poland, and about 80,000 new ones are put into use every year. The Exploitation of buildings influences very significantly their share in general energy consumption and the natural environment. Improved quality of life, manifested by the increase of the area and standard of furnishing of apartments, office and commercial buildings, as well as by the possibility of obtaining optimal microclimate in rooms, results in significant energy consumption. In energy-efficient construction, it is necessary to strictly observe the principle that energy savings cannot deteriorate the quality of the indoor environment [21]. In the design of low-energy building structures, which are the basis of sustainable development, it is necessary to take into consideration the predicted climate change, i.e. the increase in global temperature, preferably for the climate parameters of Design Summer Year. There are four basic principles of low-energy-intensive sustainable development: switching off, spreading out, blowing away and cooling [22]. The presented principles are proposed to be complemented by two additional methods – inscribed in the mentioned principles, i.e. the first one: emphasizing the use of renewable energy sources in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, ensuring the optimal use of local resources for building heating, and the second one: active shadow, which supports cooling, with electricity generation – Fig. 2. In the annual heat balance of a residential and commercial building, it can be assumed, as in a residential building [18], that the whole heated space of the building is one temperature zone, in which the temperature of the internal air is constant and is Ti = 20°C. Active shadow structures capture the essence of the statement “the shadow should turn off the sun” [9], enriching its content with energy efficiency, resulting both from the possibility of reducing the indoor air temperature in the building TiB and from the reduction of electricity consumption.

Figure 1.

Calculation of seasonal heat demand factor for a residential and commercial building – own study by M. Rozpondek and G. Kasprzyk based on [18]: (Te – design external temperature [°C], Sd – heating degree days [K·d])

Figure 2.

Principles and methods of designing low-energy buildings; own study M. Rozpondek and G. Kasprzyk based on [22]

One of the methods to minimize the energy consumption for heating is the optimal use of a passive solar heating system, expressed by the dimensionless factor of useful solar heat gain for space heating SHF, combined with the use of programming and temperature stabilization systems. In the design phase of a building, it is very important to optimize its dimensions and shape, defined by the ratio of the building area A to its volume V, directly affecting heat loss by infiltration into the environment [18]. In the postulated change of the energy development paradigm, technological innovations – pro-efficiency application of RES and intelligent infrastructure [20, 23] are listed in the first place. As a result of the implemented comprehensive measures of rationalization and increase of efficiency, the annual growth of energy consumption is systematically slowing down, and by the year 2040, it is estimated that it will decrease to approximately 1% per year. More than 90% of global electricity demand is consumed in buildings and industry, and only about 2% in transport [24].

Global electricity demand is projected to grow by 2.1% per year through 2040, twice as fast as primary energy. The share of electricity in total final energy consumption is estimated to increase to 24% in 2040. The Sustainable Development Scenario assumes that the share of electricity in final energy consumption will be 31%. At the same time, the EU package “Ready for 55” increases the share of renewable energy use from 32% to 40%, implementing the program to reduce greenhouse emissions by 55% in 2030 [25]. Renewable energy sources are assumed to provide two-thirds of the world's electricity supply by 2040, that is: solar photovoltaic and wind together about 40%, plus 25% from other renewable sources, including hydropower and bioenergy – biomass and biogas. It is expected that in 2040 the share of cooling in buildings, will reach 17% [24, 25]. In 2019, the share of the residential sector accounted for 26.3% of final energy consumption in EU-28 countries. In 2040, as a result of energy efficiency improvements and an assumed slow increase in the number of apartments, it is planned to reduce the share of households in final energy consumption to 18% [26]. The structure of final energy consumption in the residential sector is: natural gas – 2.13%, electricity – 24.7%, renewable energy sources – 19.5%, oil and petroleum products – 11.6%, delivered heat – 8.7% and solid fuels – 3.4% [27]. Table 1 shows a comparison of final energy consumption in the residential sector in the EU-28 countries and in Poland according to its purpose in 2019 [27].

Comparison of final energy consumption in the residential sector by purpose in 2019 – own study based on [27]

Purpose Share in final energy consumption, %.
EU-28 Poland
Heating 63.6 63.2
Water heating 14.8 17.3
Lighting and devices 14.1 10.6
Cooking 6.1 8.9
Space cooling 0.4 0.0
Other end uses 1.0 0.0
Total 100.0 100,0

The analysis of the data presented shows that in Poland and the EU-28, the shares in final energy consumption are similar, with bigger differences in lighting and cooking. Space cooling in Poland in the residential sector until 2019 was relatively insignificant and is not included in Table 1. Table 2 shows the shares of carriers in energy consumption in residential heating in the EU-28 and in Poland in 2019. In Poland, the shares of energy carriers in space heating are essentially different from the average shares in the EU-28 countries, only with regard to the share of renewable energy sources the values differ only by 26.9%.

Share of carriers in energy consumption in heating of residential buildings in EU-28 and in Poland in 2017 and in 2019* [27]

Countries Shares of carriers in energy consumption for heating of residential buildings
Electricity Heat delivered Gas Solid fuels Oil and petroleum products RES and waste
EU-28 5.45.3* 9.510.1* 43.038.0* 4.84.2* 14.014.5* 23.427.9*
Poland 0.91.0* 20.821.0* 15.116.7* 44.640.2* 0.70.7* 18.020.4*

The analysis of the data in Table 2 shows that in the EU, the main changes were a 5% decrease in the share of gaseous fuel (natural gas) with a 4.5% increase in RES and waste. In relation to Poland, the main differences in energy consumption data – Table 2, included a 4.4% decrease in the share of solid fuel, a 2.4% increase in RES and waste, and a 1.6% increase in gaseous fuel.

Consumption of fuels, especially solid ones, directly affects the condition of the external air quality, which is most often defined by the CAQI index. It is particularly important in Poland, where about 12 million Mg of hard coal is consumed for heating purposes, which together with the emission of pollutants from means of transport accounts for the last place in Europe in the ranking of air cleanliness in relation to concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10. The number of households in Poland is about 6.4% of EU households, with the average number of people per household in Poland being higher, i.e. 2.8, compared to the EU average of 2.3. The energy efficiency index in Poland is 76%, about 5% lower than the EU average of 81%. The emission of carbon dioxide in Poland per household is 2.47 Mg/year, which is 25% higher than the EU average, due to the high share of fossil fuels [28]. Almost 80% of dwellings in Poland are equipped with a central heating system, with the EU average being almost 85% [29]. In Poland, more than 80% of primary energy is consumed in households for space and water heating [30]. Table 3 shows the shares of energy carriers in central heating and hot water installations in single-family buildings [32]. According to the forecasts of the Polish National Energy Conservation Agency, the demand for district heat in Poland is expected to grow until 2025, and then it will start to decrease. Reversal of the trend will be the effect of introduced revitalization programs, thermal modernization and adopted normative rules concerning the construction, especially concerning the partitions – external walls and windows, in new energy-saving buildings.

Shares of energy carriers in central heating and hot water installations in Poland in single-family buildings [32]

Installation Shares of energy carriers in installations
coal biomass natural gas electricity solar energy heating oil
central heating 51 20 27 - - 2
hot water 22 15 40 14 9 -
Cooling demand in buildings

Equipping residential homes with air conditioning units results in the optimization of indoor environmental quality (IAQ) and largely promotes independence from climatic conditions. It also contributes to the architectural versatility of house designs, which can be implemented in different locations. In many countries of the world, there is a dynamic development in the use of air conditioning. For example, in the USA in 1938 the share of air conditioning in residential buildings was 2.5‰, and in 2019 – already nearly 90% [33]. In 2018, more than 1.6 billion air conditioning units were installed in buildings worldwide [34]. It is estimated that, depending on climatic conditions, between 30 and 50% of the world's electricity production is consumed for air conditioning and refrigeration purposes. According to the 2018 Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, energy consumption for “space cooling” has already increased by 25% since 2010.

An analysis of the projected 2K increase in Earth's temperature, shows that this will cause, for example:

decrease in heating degree days from 3988 to 3396, i.e. a decrease of 592 HDD will occur,

An increase in cooling degree days from 533 to 893, i.e. an increase of 360 CDD will occur.

Thus, although the number of degree-days will decrease by 232 and the demand for heating will be reduced by about 17%, the demand for cooling will increase by about 40%, which results from differences in average efficiency of heat generation ηogrz =0 ÷ 50.85 (depending on the fuel used) and of cooling generation ηchł = 0 ÷ 250.30. As a consequence of reduced demand, the transmission efficiency of the heating heat will decrease. As a result of climate change forecasts, there will be an increase in the demand for electricity to produce cold, which will necessitate investments to increase the power plant capacity [31, 32, 33].

Electricity production in Poland is expected to increase by 2040. This is due to assumed economic growth and also anticipated increased demand for cooling in residential and office buildings. It is assumed that after 2040 there will be a downward trend in electricity generation. This will be caused by the development of new technologies and greater use of other methods to obtain cooling, e.g. thermal ones. The production of cooling from the district heating network will make it possible to relieve the load on the power grid, increase the electricity production of thermal power plants and increase the security of the national power system [35]. In EU-28, it is assumed that about 10% of the building area is cooled, with their share in energy consumption accounting for 16% [36]. The value of energy consumption for building cooling depends on many factors (parameters), including the design and equipment with control systems for shaping the indoor environment. In [37] energy consumption in office buildings – energy-efficient and traditional, in heating, ventilation and cooling systems is presented. The share of cooling needs in a traditional building is 25.5% of the total consumption in heating and ventilation systems, while in an energy-efficient building the corresponding share is only about 2%. In Poland, practically the entire demand for cooling in the summer period is covered by equipment powered by electricity. High external temperatures, droughts and difficulties with cooling of blocks of flats as well as overhauls of power equipment significantly limit the production of electricity. These constraints can lead to an imbalance between demand and supply. In recent years, there has been a significantly higher demand for electricity in the summer, which manifests itself in a clear tendency to fill the previously existing “summer valley”. The demand for power in the summer period increases every year, which is manifested by the consumption records in consecutive years, i.e. 1.09.2015 – 22 490 MW, 23.06.2016 – 22 630 MW, 1.08.2017 – 23 215 MW, 2.08.2018 – 23 680 MW, and 12.06.2019 – 24 096 MW, 10.12.2020 – 26 839 MW, 12.02.2021 – 27 MW400. In the summer period, the record in power demand occurred on July 15, 2021, and amounted to 24,533 MW. According to forecasts, by 2035, the average annual increase in power demand may be 1.6% in the winter peak and 2.2% in the summer peak. It is expected that the average annual growth of electricity demand will be around 1.7%, but in a situation of rapid economic growth, it may be higher. According to the results of analyses related to 2015, each 1K increase in outdoor air temperature, from 22.5°C, causes an additional increase in power demand of 100 MW to 200 MW from the National Power System. On the warmest days, more than 2 GW of installed energy capacity is used for space conditioning.

In Poland, the area of the residential sector is 951 Mm2, which is about 71.2% of the total building area [38, 39]. The share of single-family houses accounts for 45% of the floor area of buildings. Providing a comfortable environment inside the building, in an energy-efficient manner determines its efficient and economic use in aspects of meeting the criteria of health, work efficiency and leisure. Electric energy is consumed primarily in the ventilation and air conditioning systems and in the systems of automatic regulation and control of media streams to ensure optimum quality of the indoor environment, mainly the thermal and humidity parameters of the rooms.

Application of photovoltaic active shadow structures in residential energy installations

The design of energy-efficient buildings, which is the basis of sustainable development, makes it necessary to minimize energy consumption in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems [9]. In achieving the desired goals, it is necessary, first of all, to increase the share of electricity from renewable sources, mainly solar. Providing power supply is an indispensable condition in the operation of buildings. The damage resulting from lack of electricity is 20–30 times higher than the cost of providing it [40]. Architectural, structural and aesthetic Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) systems are an appropriate form of solar energy utilization. BIPV systems are design-incorporated structural elements of buildings that generate electricity, mostly for their own use, but can also transmit energy to the grid. BIPV building photovoltaic systems can have different forms of application depending on where and when they are installed. During the construction phase of a building, systems are installed on the roof or façade of the building and integrated into the façade, such as curtains. It is also possible to install “Shadow-Voltaic” systems during any phase of building construction or operation. These are photovoltaic modules optimally positioned on the south side of the building that are angled – manually or automatically adjustable – to shade the building or increase the electricity and generated. The development of photovoltaic systems is characterized by a systematic increase in efficiency, the emergence of new technologies and manufacturing methods for their optimal use. Thin film cells of the third generation, such as flexible organic OPV photovoltaic cells, offer a wide range of application possibilities. They are manufactured using the “roll-to-roll” (R2R) technique, which enables the cell to cover large substrate areas. Therefore, OPV photo-voltaic cells are particularly desirable for mobile active shadow structures. The flexible R2R printed electronics market is estimated to reach $18.3 billion by 2025, while cell efficiency will increase to 20.25%.

In [41, 42, 43] heating systems in single-family houses are presented as an instrument of prosumer energy. Some of the proposed solutions have been considered in the developed scheme of control and interrelation of the complex systems of thermal and electric energy generation in a single-family house – Fig. 3. These systems use mainly solar energy, intercepted and converted by a set of hybrid collectors, additionally supported by rollable solar panels (RSP). The principle of operation is illustrated in Fig. 3. In case of insufficient sunshine, a heat pump is used to generate heat, and at the lowest outside temperatures a pulse gas boiler is also activated. During the summer, the production of cooling – the operation of the air conditioning – is supported by a system of vertical and horizontal rollable solar panels (RSP) – which act as an active shadow – while generating electricity. The RSP controller rolls out the PV panels at certain times of day with the right conditions for their use. Processed data on current weather conditions (Tzewn.) are fed into the central heating and hot water controller from the weather station processor. Indoor air quality data is sent from temperature, humidity and ventilation airflow sensors. Energy obtained from the RSP panels, as in the case of the PVT hybrid panel array, flows into the charge controller unit and is then routed to battery energy storage or via an inverter to 230/400 V AC domestic consumers. In the ON GRID system, the electricity is discharged into the power grid in the event of overproduction. The system of connections of an exemplary system of production of heat and electricity in a single-family house, using some of the renewable and pro-ecological energy sources, e.g. natural gas, is presented in Fig. 4. Bold lines indicate energy connections, and thinner ones – control and data buses. The main source of electricity is a set of hybrid solar panels. The controller for the rollable solar panels exchanges data with the charge controller, the controller for central heating and hot water production and the weather station.

Figure 3.

A diagram of solar energy conversion to electricity and heat in PVT hybrid solar panels with support of RSP rollable solar panels and central heating and hot water system using a heat pump and back-up pulse gas boiler; own study by M. Rozpondek and G. Kasprzyk

Figure 4.

Process diagram of the power generation system - ON GRID with energy storage using PVT hybrid solar panels and RSP rollable solar panels; own study by M. Rozpondek and G. Kasprzyk

An example of a process diagram for the production of electricity, heat and cooling using a dual-circuit heat pump and PVT-HP hybrid photovoltaic collectors, using a ground exchanger, a recuperator and rollable solar panels is shown in Fig. 5. The presented original generation system solutions are mainly characterized by the use of heating/cooling of the supply air of the residential building and its static heating with the use of heat storage – a hot/hot water reservoir for the production of central heating and hot water. The system additionally generates electricity from rollable solar panels. In summer, electricity consumption is reduced by the active shadow effect – supporting the energy-intensive forced air cooling system. A dual-circuit heat pump directly extracts heat from a set of PVT-HP panels, which, when concentrated, is returned to an air heater or heat storage as needed. Excess heat during the summer can be returned to the swimming pool.

Figure 5.

An example process diagram for a system of electricity, heat and cooling production using a dual-circuit heat pump and PVT-HP hybrid photovoltaic collectors, supported by a ground exchanger, a recuperator and rollable solar panels; own study by M. Rozpondek and G. Kasprzyk

The use of two types of rolled solar panels is shown in Fig. 6. The system, depending on the time of day and year, actively adjusts its active area, capturing heat, relative to the illuminated surface of the vertical south and west walls of the building. The area, slope and distance of the rollable solar panels from the insolated walls are mainly determined by the geometrical dimensions of the building and the plot area. Increasing the distance of the installation from the building walls makes it possible to increase the maximum area of the rollable solar panels.

Figure 6.

Examples of installation parameters of a rollable solar unit – in the structure of a mobile, energy-active shadow; own study by M. Rozpondek and G. Kasprzyk

The inclination of the active surface of PV panels is a function of latitude and time of year. The optimum inclination of the flat surface absorbing solar radiation with respect to the horizontal plane for the latitude of 52° for southern exposure is 35° for the hottest months of June, 36° for July and 44° for August, respectively. As a guide, it can be assumed that their inclination, similarly to that of the solar collectors in the so-called warm period, should be α = 42.5° depending on the season of the year and should range from 30° to 45° [44].

For fixing the horizontal, rollable solar panel, it is proposed to use the so-called “soffit” fixing of the roof truss and the upper part of the frame fixing the lower photovoltaic blind. Optimal use of the building requires the installation of a comprehensive control system for utilities, energy production using RES and optional shaping of the parameters of the internal environment of the building, depending on the preferences of its users.

A comprehensive system of control of access, utilities, electricity production and equipment of a smart residential house, supplemented by the use of mobile active energy shadow structures is shown in Fig. 7 [45]. Operation of active shadow structures, i.e. switching on and off – is controlled by sensors using collected data of sunlight, rain and wind.

Figure 7.

Comprehensive control system for access, utilities, power generation, and equipment of a smart residential home – own study by M. Rozpondek and G. Kasprzyk based on [46]

Architectural aspects of using surface active photovoltaic shadow solutions

Single-family housing is characterized by tremendous diversity. Nowadays, the most important issue in design is the creation of energy-efficient buildings, in which all heating, cooling and ventilation systems are integrated with each other [21] in order to optimize their performance. Creating sustainable architecture, however, is not a new concept, but has been known since the beginning of human settlements [47]. Nowadays, for creating the best possible energy-efficient building design, in addition to the aforementioned A (ground contact area) to V (volume) ratio, other parameters will also be important. The leading ones are: the form of the building (solid or compact), the height of the building, the type of roof, the angle of inclination of the roof slopes, the number of openings in the building, its exposure to the directions of the world as well as the materials and colours [48]. The building body is by far the most important issue for cooling demand, but façade colour also matters [49, 50]. A naturally shading building, with far-reaching eaves, and a body designed in such a manner that parts of the building shadow other parts of the building at appropriate times of the day and year, will undoubtedly result in less energy demand for air conditioning and cooling. The study of the degree of solar penetration for architecture is performed in two stages. 3D simulations are conducted by determining the latitude for a given location and choosing a date, but in parallel it is advisable to verify the degree of solar penetration inside the building on a real model [51], as illustrated in Fig. 8.

Figure 8.

Model of building, scale 1:50, in an actual location with a visible range of sun penetration in interior; personal photograph by Barbara Uherek-Bradecka, 2018

The methods of obtaining energy can be various. The passive method of solar energy production, from a technical and physical point of view, seems to be the most obvious [52]. Greenhouses and winter gardens have become popular element of single-family buildings. They are a natural extension and combination of the interior space of the house and the exterior space – terrace and garden. The phenomenon of obtaining heat from solar energy, beneficial in the winter period, is in the summer period quite a problem, causing overheating of the building [53]. To avoid this phenomenon, it is necessary to use movable shadows. Appropriately selected shading coefficient (fc) achieved by using shadows that do not allow the radiation to the glass, which is also a photovoltaic coating, allows to reduce the heating of the room realistically [54] while obtaining energy [55]. However, external shadows can be a dominant element, often unacceptable for investors, changing both the body of the building and the appearance of its individual facades. Therefore, it is advisable to use movable and controllable elements [56]. Moving shading can be achieved in several ways. Vertically mounted elements can be shells or light breakers (French. Brise soleil). This type of movable sunshade to protect windows from intense sunlight can be covered with thin-film Perovski photovoltaic modules. There are several commercial ones on the Polish market offering such solutions, the leading distributor being Salue Technologies). Energy gains, as in the case of rolled coatings, depend on the number of modules used. Compared to shells, however, it is not possible to fold them completely, which can be easily achieved in the R2R shading system. It can be mounted, as mentioned before, to the roof soffit or to the terrace frame with a slope of 30° to 45°, which is consistent with the slope of most pitched roofs designed in our latitude. Therefore, it will be a natural extension of the roof slope, without the need to introduce an additional slope. In this case, the use of energy active shadow is a solution being a continuation of the roof slope (Fig. 9a), however, often even with such a shape of the body, the investors consciously decide to change the angle of inclination of the shadow plane (Fig. 9b).

Figure 9.

Application of an energy active shading plane in a building with a gable roof: a – solution with continuation of the slope and optimum slope angle, b – with the change of the slope angle and deterioration of the active shading parameters, but in accordance with trends and aesthetics; own study by Barbara Uherek-Bradecka

However, the contemporary building form often forces the coatings to be shaped differently than the roof in the slope range mentioned above. Between 2018 and 2021, in the author's designs of single-family houses, 50% of the houses had a flat roof, and even those that had pitched roofs were usually equipped with flat roofing of the terrace, which nowadays serves increasingly as a summer living room. For this purpose, a roll-up panel can be used (basic modules are offered by commercial companies, e.g. Wise Energy or Power Film), which also offer a wide range of customization services. The analysis of several author's designs (Fig. 10) allowed to conclude that the traditional form of shading coatings in R2R technology is feasible and optimal in terms of energy gain in these cases, but it does not always meet aesthetic expectations (Fig. 10a, b, c). Therefore, it becomes necessary to use also coatings in the form of rigid movable panels (moved along rails manually or by means of an electric motor) filled with energy-active coatings (Fig. 10d, e, f). In the case of vertical installation, the optimal technology will be the microgrooves panel (offered, e.g., by the commercial company Power Roll), which provides the maximum surface area for solar energy absorption. A wide range of assembly results in great material possibilities. However, thin-film structures seem to be the best, being a photovoltaic composite containing at least one flexible photovoltaic panel and at least one textile panel, with the foils not having a width of more than 8 cm so as to eliminate the formation of folds when rolled up or in the unfolded position [57].

Figure 10.

Solid solutions of author's architectural designs with various forms of energy active shading coatings; study by Barbara Uherek-Bradecka

They may be slidable to allow more radiation and reduce energy production or extendable so that shading is maximized while shading and enclosing the space.

The loss of efficiency of shading coatings is similar to that of solar panels [58].

As Manbir S. Sodhi, Lennart Banaszek, Chris Magee and Mercedes Rivero-Hudec write, the annual degradation of a panel is between 0.5% and 3%. In the case of rolled panels, this ratio increases from 1% to even 4% [59]. In the case of rolled panels, frequent shape changes can cause delamination of the film from the base material, as well as delamination between the anti-reflective layer and the electrode [48] and degradation of the ETFE (ethylene) polymer covering the modules. However, it should be remembered that the energy-active shading coating should be treated as an additional support of energy production from RES, and not as its main source for a single-family house. Therefore, considering aesthetic issues, it is necessary to use other types of shading than those within the range of the optimal angle, despite the reduced efficiency of the active energy coatings. Calculations for the carbon footprint generated by the rollable photovoltaic coatings over the entire life cycle should be carried out in its entirety together with other photovoltaic solutions used in the building [60]. Rules according to which the carbon footprint is calculated is a complex issue that requires specialist knowledge. For this purpose, research should be carried out, which should be devoted to a separate study.


In view of the growing global consumption of energy, especially electricity, whose share is growing twice as fast as primary energy, proper utilization of solar energy potential is of particular importance. Energy consumption for air conditioning – improving the quality of the indoor environment in buildings (microclimate) and for refrigeration – is growing particularly rapidly, accounting for 30 to 50% of global electricity production. The predicted, projected climate change causing a 2K increase in the earth's temperature will result in an additional increase in electricity demand for cooling production. According to the 2018 Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, energy consumption for “space cooling” has already increased by 25% since 2010. It is estimated that energy-active (mobile) shadow structures, can significantly reduce electricity consumption in single-family buildings. This primarily concerns the effect of its structures on the optimal quality of the indoor environment. So far, especially in single-family buildings, the design has been guided by the principle that “the shadow should turn off the sun”. Thus, the presented proposals for technical solutions include a comprehensive use of energy active, both in shaping the microclimate in buildings. and electricity production, directly affecting its consumption – Fig. 3–6. It is preferred to use rollable photovoltaic arrays made in R2R technology. A necessary condition (sine qua non) is to equip the building with a comprehensive control system for access, utilities, and the production of electricity – Fig. 7. In the design assumptions for the location and equipment (infrastructure) of the building, the degree of sun penetration inside the building should be taken into account, verified on the real model – Fig. 8. When assessing the energy parameters of photovoltaic shading coatings, they should be treated as an additional source of electricity, and therefore the optimization of its production, taking into account the angle of location, should be subordinated to the architectural requirements of visual shaping of the body of the building – Fig. 9–10.

Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Architecture and Design, Architecture, Architects, Buildings