

The placenta is a part of the multifunctional feto-maternal unit formed during pregnancy, unique to mammals, but also defined as “the least understood organ” [1, 2]. Due to its anatomical complexity and constant structural changes observed throughout the pregnancy, its abnormalities are tough to study [3]. While the major part of the placenta is removed from the uterus after childbirth, the second and even more interesting part, involved in the regulation of placental invasion, is not available for research because of its localization at the border of the uterine wall [4]. Properties of the placenta include its endocrine activity, its responsibility for gas exchange, transfer of nutrients, and elimination of waste products [1, 5, 6]. Furthermore, it produces several steroid hormones like estrogen or progesterone, simultaneously provides essential communication between mother and fetus, acts as an efficient immune barrier, and plays the main role in the regulation of fetal growth [1,5,7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. Placental defects lead to numerous pregnancy disorders including fetal growth restriction, preeclampsia, and even miscarriages [11, 12].

Whereas the embryo arises from the embryonic tissue or epiblast, the primary part of the placenta derives from trophoblast lineage which has three basic cell subpopulations: the cytotrophoblast (CT), extravillous trophoblast (EVT), and syncytiotrophoblast (ST) [5, 6, 13]. All of these cell types arise from the trophectoderm of the blastocyst [6, 14]. Proliferative cytotrophoblast cells retain their plasticity, so they can develop into either extravillous trophoblast or syncytiotrophoblast cell lineages [6]. Some of the EVT cells invade the endometrium and are actively involved in the remodeling of the decidual spiral arteries that enables contact between the maternal and fetal circulations [6, 11, 15]. ST cells, because of their direct contact with maternal blood, are responsible for nutrient/ gas exchange and production of human chorionic gonadotropin which is a specific marker of pregnancy [6, 11]. ST and CT form specific structures called villi, which emerge from the chorion. Primary villi contain only the trophoblast cells, while the secondary villi contain trophoblast and extraembryonic mesoderm [16].

While embryonic stem cells (ESCs) originate from embryonic lineage and can evolve into cells of all three germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm, trophoblast stem cells (TSCs) can differentiate into all trophoblast subtypes. [8, 17, 18, 19, 20]. TSCs are self-renewing, multipotent cells that are necessary for the formation of the placenta, specifically, the fetal part of this organ [21, 22, 23]. It has been established that TSCs derive from the trophectoderm structures. In mice, they can be directly isolated from blastocysts or extraembryonic tissues early after the implantation [20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]. TSCs, indeed, are becoming popular for studying early placentation in murine models [31]. Unfortunately, there are no readily available sources of human trophoblast stem cells, therefore animal models play a key role in current scientific approaches [32]. Mice are used as the most common source of TSCs in these studies [23, 27, 33]. However, there are reports for other animals too, for example, rabbits [12]. The existence of human trophoblast stem cells had for long remained uncertain, but now there is evidence that human TSCs can be isolated and maintained in vitro under specific conditions. Undoubtedly, this discovery has great scientific value [6]. Nonetheless, due to ethical considerations, the isolation of human TSCs still remains rather complicated [6, 34].

Methods of derivation and cultures

There are several methods of derivation and maintenance of trophoblast stem cells in mice. For instance, TSCs can be obtained from outgrowths of a blastocyst’s polar trophectoderm as well as extraembryonic ectoderm [4]. Usually, special feeder cells and additional substances like fibroblast growth factor 4 protein (FGF4), heparin or fetal bovine serum, and other cell culture media are used in TSC cultures [20, 23]. We would like to summarize one of the widely accepted isolation protocols [35, 36]. Firstly, it is necessary to prepare mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) as feeder cells. The next step is the collection of murine uteri. Dissected uteri should be placed in a small volume of TS medium in a 60 mm plate which should flush them out. Later, the blastocysts must be collected and transferred into a clean 12-well plate containing TS medium. Blastocysts should be placed into separate wells in a 12-well plate containing the mitomycin C-treated MEFs feeders and incubated at 37°C, 5% CO₂. Small cell growth should be noticed on day 3, at which point the cultures must be fed with fresh TS medium supplemented with FGF4/Heparin. On day 4 or 5, the blastocyst should be ready for disaggregation. The cultures demand washing with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), then trypsin/EDTA solution should be added. Later, the aforementioned outgrowth should be separated into small clumps, the trypsinization process must be stopped by a mix of TS medium with FGF4/Heparine and MEF-CM (MEF-conditioned medium). Between days 6 to 10, TSC colonies emerge, and between days 15 and 20, reach up to 50% confluency. At this point it undergoes the next washing with PBS and addition of trypsin/EDTA. The next step is once again halting the trypsinization and transferring the material to new 6-well plates. After one or two passages (3-5 days between passages), TSCs are cultured with a few MEF feeders. To purify TSCs population, cultures must be incubated at 37°C, 5% CO₂ for 30 minutes after the trypsinization. Afterward, the supernatant should be collected – only TSCs should remain in the collected cell suspension, MEFs should have been attached to the culture plates. TSCs populations must be once again transferred into new plates and treated with the mix of TS medium with FGF4/Heparin and MEF-CM. TSCs can be identified by immunostaining for the stem cell marker – CDX2 (caudal type homeobox 2) [35]. When feeders and fibroblast growth factor 4 are absent, the expression of CDX2 disappears, signifying that cells have begun their differentiation. It should be highlighted that the described protocol has multiple possible modifications. For instance, Kubaczka et al. modified that method using a different cell medium, called TX medium which consists only of chemically defined ingredients. That enabled them to avoid using fetal bovine serum and embryonic-fibroblast-conditioned medium which contributed to substantial standardization of culture conditions [37].

In their recent study Okae et al. have found that human TSCs require different culture conditions to sufficiently adhere to the culture plates. It was established that the optimal culture medium should include: CHIR99021 (a Wingless/Integrated (WNT) activator), epidermal growth factor (EGF), A83-01 and SB431542 (transforming growth factor-beta inhibitors), valproic acid (a histone deacetylase inhibitor), and Y27632 (a Rho-associated protein kinase inhibitor). All these substances together facilitated long-term cultures of human blastocysts and proliferative CT cells. Both cell lines can differentiate into three major trophoblast lineages. Owing to that fact, scientists suggested that proliferative CT and blastocyst-derived cell lines are human trophoblast stem cells [6]. This ground-breaking discovery can redefine previous, unsuccessful attempts to isolate human TSCs.

Histological and cellular characteristic
Animal models

As mentioned above, the stemness of TSCs is defined as a capacity for indefinite cell proliferation and differentiation into all trophoblast cell lines in the presence of specific regulatory conditions [8]. The first experimental studies which focused on the characterization of trophoblast cell lineages were performed mainly on mouse models [38]. However, there are some substantial differences in the formation and regulation of differentiation of TSCs between various species. It was established that trophoblast precursor cells form the early embryonic structures, even prior to implantation [39]. Hence, the complexity of these processes may be efficiently investigated only in controlled in vitro conditions. Developing embryo tissues consist of a few main cell lineages, so it was essential to detect the reliable and specific molecular markers of TSCs. It was discovered that murine TSCs exhibit pronounced expression of several stemness marker genes that encoded vital transcription factors such as CDX2, GATA3 (GATA-binding protein 3), EOMES (Eomesodermin), ELF5 (Ets domain transcription factor), TFAP2C (transcription factor AP-2 gamma), SOX2 (sex determining region Y-box 2), and ESRRB (estrogen-related receptor beta). All of these transcripts were identified as crucial independent modulators of mouse TSC derivation and maintenance of its self-renewal capabilities [5, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43]. Also, the epigenetic modifications observed in the stemness genes are substantially involved in the regulation of TSC properties. The characteristic methylation patterns in ELF5 and NANOG (homeobox protein NANOG) sequences make a clear distinction between TSCs and ESCs. While the TSCs’ ELF5 promotor region is transcriptionally active, they have a tightly methylated and suppressed NONOG sequence. The transcriptional regulation in the ESCs is entirely reversed [37, 42, 44].

Haploid cell line models provide better conditions for analyses of gene (and encoded protein) functions in vitro, especially since every recessive allelic variant shows a clear phenotype. Cui et al. have created and analyzed the population of mouse haploid TSCs with a typical TSCs’ morphology. Performing the RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), they found that the transcriptomic profile of analyzed haploid TSCs was similar to that of the diploid. Whereas haploid TSCs exhibited a strong expression of TSCs’ markers genes such as EOMES, GATA3, ELF5, and CDX2, the expression of ESC characteristic genes (OCT-4 (octamer-binding transcription factor 4) and NANOG) was barely pronounced [31]. Moreover, the gene expression analysis combined with the gene ontology analysis have revealed that the haploid TSCs showed features of upregulation in the expression of 1,307 genes related to the trophoblast cell differentiation and the development of the placenta, in comparison to ESC lines. Haploid TSCs have also presented distinct methylation patterns of genes (ELF5, OCT-4, NANOG) related to the maintenance of a self-renewal capacity, compared with ESCs [31]. It was established that the discontinuation of FGF, heparin, Y-27632, and CM treatment activated their morphological and functional differentiation to trophoblast giant cells with loss of their haploid nature.

In vitro findings were also successfully implemented in several experimental in vivo studies. For instance, it was reported that under strictly regulated conditions, the mixed cell solution of mouse ESCs and TSCs closely imitate the process of formation of structures which are morphologically and transcriptionally similar to the developing embryo’s [45, 46]. Cells formed cyst-like structures named by the authors as blastoids, which very closely resembled embryonic day 3.5 blastocysts. Blastoids translocated to the uterine cavity expressed the markers of various trophoblast cell lineages and induced the process of decidualization without the formation of embryo-proper tissue [45]. In addition, others have isolated TSCs and then transplanted them into a developing conceptus at the early blastocyst stage. Afterward, the in vitro modified structures were transferred to the uterus of pseudo-pregnant mice. Injected cells were involved in the formation of chimeric placental tissue but did not contribute to embryo development [5, 37]. Another experimental animal study revealed that also the haploid TSCs have a capacity to induce and regulate placentation in vivo. To test that hypothesis, mScarlet (fluorescent protein) marked haploid cells were transferred to a developing mouse embryo at the early four-cell stage and at the blastocyst stage. Interestingly, haploid TSC injection, indeed resulted in the formation of chimeric placental tissue. During the differentiation, haploid cells became diploid. Their count in the developed placentas even in some instances exceeded 30 percent [31]. The invasiveness of cultured TSCs was assessed by subcutaneous injection of examined cells into the flank of laboratory mice. Transferred cells induced the remodeling of local blood vessels that led to the formation of skin hemorrhagic lesions. Injected cells acted in the exact way as differentiated extravillous trophoblast cells [37]. Furthermore, it was reported that the subcutaneous transplantation of human TSCs (proliferative CT or blastocysts-derived populations) in immunodeficient mice resulted in the formation of trophoblast-like skin lesions which were then gradually reabsorbed. The lesions possessed features of local trophoblast invasion, like the formation of blood-filled lacunae inside of structures built of syncytiotrophoblast-like cells. Some CT-like cells were found in the inner part of the lesion near the necrotic central area. Moreover, they detected the presence of a few migrating EVT-like cells [6].

Human models

While the mouse models of TSCs are generally well established, the isolation of human stem cells is quite challenging [2, 27]. The presence of potential stem-like cells was predominantly detected in placental samples obtained in the first trimester of pregnancy. RNA-seq confirmed that only a fraction of CT cells expressed genes thought to be associated with the regulation of WNT and EGF signal transduction pathways in the other types of epithelial stem cells [6, 47]. These findings indicated that early first-trimester CT cells might have maintained their plasticity and proliferative abilities. CT cells were immunomagnetically isolated from the cut, mixed suspension of the first trimester placental tissue using its specific membrane expression of ITGA6 (integrin alpha-6) antigens [6, 48]. On the other hand, the possibility of TSC isolation from term placentas obtained during Caesarean sections was found doubtful or even technically not feasible [6, 27]. Finally, the human TSC models included proliferative CTs, and TSCs derived directly from human blastocysts. Due to this fact, TSC retrieval raises a few ethical dilemmas – the source of analyzed cells is limited to material from induced terminations and blastocysts from in vitro fertilizations – such circumstances likely fall out with ethical regulations in many countries. Both experimental cell lines displayed similar morphology, normal karyotype, and both continued to proliferate for at least 5 months [6]. Both cell types had an ability to differentiate into EVT and ST-like cells. Moreover, they also presented pronounced expression of the following gene markers – keratin 7 (an all trophoblast lineages marker), tumor protein p63 and TEAD4 (Transcriptional enhancer factor TEF-3) - (CT markers), GATA3 (mononuclear trophoblast cells), however very low expression of HLA-ABC was observed. RNA-seq analysis revealed that both cell types and their derivatives had very similar gene expression patterns. Cultured TSCs showed significantly increased expression of genes associated with ribosome biogenesis, in comparison to primary isolated trophoblast cells. Interestingly, some crucial transcription factors responsible for TSC proliferation in murine models such as SOX2, ELF5, CDX2, EOMES, and ESRRB were not highly expressed in analyzed human cell populations [6, 49]. Thus, all this data could suggest that human trophoblast stem cells lines have different essential transcription factors. Furthermore, Horii et al. have reported that TSCs could be derived from human pluripotent stem cells in vitro. Their investigation revealed that appropriately modified primary cells lose expression of pluripotency markers (POU5F1/OCT4). Obtained proliferative cytotrophoblast cells were both CDX2 and P63 positive [11, 27]. TSC models may be quite significant in helping us to visualize the underlying mechanisms early placental development as well as its pathologies, in vitro. Since increased local decorin placental deposition is thought to be associated with a higher risk of preeclampsia, Nandi et al. analyzed the influence of these alterations on TSC properties. They noted that the exposition to decorin maintains TSC self-renewal capability but diminishes their differentiation [50].

Possible future perspectives

The relatively recent experience gained from analyses of animal experimental TSCs models has eventually enabled the first successful isolation of undifferentiated human trophoblast cells. It should be highlighted that the first in vitro cultures of the human trophoblast stem cells open new perspectives for further molecular analyses focused on elucidating the genesis of abnormal placentation which leads to the development of various gestational pathologies such as preeclampsia or fetal growth abnormalities. Furthermore, these observations may facilitate the explanation of issues associated with abnormal implantation and consequent infertility. Such ground-breaking insights could potentially be translated to humans and applied as novel experimental treatment strategies. Anticipated advances in laboratory techniques and optimization of culture conditions may contribute to the invention of better protocols of TSC isolation from term placentas obtained during Caesarean sections, which in turn could eliminate potential ethical controversies connected with manipulation of human blastocysts or use of terminated fetal tissue for research purposes.


The isolation of TSCs is possible in both human and animal models. However, there are some essential differences in both the culture requirements and transcriptomic profiles of human and murine TSCs. The establishment of human TSCs models, though it raises ethical concerns, certainly sheds new light on further investigations in the area of molecular aspects of early embryonic development and reproductive failures, which may potentially lead to great advancements in future treatment strategies in several gestational pathologies.

Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Life Sciences, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry