
Fig. 1

Meshes for 3D cuboid reactor
Meshes for 3D cuboid reactor

Fig. 2

Meshes for Ringhals reactor
Meshes for Ringhals reactor

Fig. 3

Fast fluxes associated with the first eigenvalue
Fast fluxes associated with the first eigenvalue

Fig. 4

CPU time of multilevel method for Ringhals reactor with FED= 2
CPU time of multilevel method for Ringhals reactor with FED= 2

Fig. 5

CPU time of multilevel method for Ringhals reactor with FED= 3
CPU time of multilevel method for Ringhals reactor with FED= 3


Input: Initial approximation U = [u1,...,ud] for the eigenvectors.
Output: Diagonal matrix of eigenvalues Λ and matrix V with the eigenvectors as its columns.
 1:Orthonormalize U▹ MODIFIED GRAM-SCHMIDT
 2:Compute the Ritz approximations U, W▹ RAYLEIGH-RITZ GEN.
 3:conv=0 (conv indicates the number of converged eigenvalues)
 4:while conv < q do
 5:   Compute ΔU=[Δu1λ,,Δuendλ]$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \Delta U =[\Delta u^{\lambda}_{1},\dots,\Delta u^{\lambda}_{\text{end}}] \end{array}$▹ CORRECTION NEWTON EQ. (16)
 6:   U = U − ΔU
 7:   Orthonormalize(U)▹ MODIFIED GRAM-SCHMIDT
 8:   Compute the Ritz approximatisons U, W▹ RAYLEIGH-RITZ GEN.
 9:   fori =conv → q do
10:       ifMuiwiLuiui<toli${{M{u_i} - {w_i}L{u_i}} \over {{u_i}}} < to{l_i}$then▹ CONVERGENCE CHECKING
12:         V = [V,ui]
13:       else
14:         break
15:       end if
16:   end for
17:   conv=i
18:   W = [wconv,...,wend]
19:   U = [uconv,...,uend]
20:end while

Computational times of Ringhals reactor

DoFsCPU Time
FEDFineCoarseKrylov-SchurMultilevel (CM)its. MBNMImprov.
2334510125730237s180s (35s)524%
311061804119921864s1596s (463s)414%

Computational times of cuboid reactor

DoFsCPU Time
FEDFineCoarseKrylov-SchurMultilevel (CM)Improv.
213784218522106s87s (3.8s)17%
345396259582794s555s (41s)30%
Calendario de la edición:
2 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Life Sciences, other, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, General Mathematics, Physics