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Organizational Support for the Formation of the Economic Security System of Enterprises in the Conditions of Intellectual and Innovative Development of Society


The purpose of the article is to justify the principles of organizational support for the formation of the economic security system of enterprises in the conditions of intellectual and innovative development of society. The methodological basis is a systematic approach, which allows you to study lower-order systems as separate systems that change under the influence of the external environment and are components of higher-order systems, to understand the multitude of interrelationships of components and systems, to obtain a result due to synergy that is greater than the totality of the results of individual components of the system economic security. It has been proven that when organizing the economic security system of an enterprise, specific functions should be taken into account, which should include: analytical, preparatory, protective, and corrective. Organizational support of the enterprise’s economic security system involves taking into account such components as: resource support; integration of the economic security system with other enterprise systems; organization of interaction with the company’s internal security service and external security entities. The principles of organizational support for the formation of the economic security system of enterprises in the conditions of intellectual and innovative development of society are substantiated. A three-dimensional view of the assessment of the organizational support of economic security is offered in the form of the functional dependence of the economic security system on the performance indicators of the enterprise, the assessment of the objects of protection and the functions of the economic security system.