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The Fifth International Conference on Uniform Distribution Theory (UDT 2016) Sopron, Hungary, July 5–8, 2016


[1] Christoph Aistleitner: A cheap proof of Hinrichs’ theorem Search in Google Scholar

[2] Vladimír Baláž-Jana Fialová-Ladislav Mišík, Oto Strauch: Weighted sum-of-digits functionSearch in Google Scholar

[3] István Berkes: Trigonometric series with random frequencies Search in Google Scholar

[4] Bence Borda: The number of lattice points in irrational polytopesSearch in Google Scholar

[5] Andrej Dujella: There are infinitely many rational Diophantine sextuplesSearch in Google Scholar

[6] El Houcein El Abdalaoui: On the spectral Banach problem from the Scottish book and ats polynomialsSearch in Google Scholar

[7] Ferdinánd Filip-József Bukor-János T. Tóth: The structure of weighted densitiesSearch in Google Scholar

[8] Mikhail Gabdullin: On squares in special sets in finite fieldsSearch in Google Scholar

[9] Vassil Grozdanov-Vesna Dimitrievska Ristovska: On the (WGh,φ;α;β;γ)-diaphony of the net of Zaremba-Halton over finite groups (not presented)Search in Google Scholar

[10] Katalin Gyarmati: On the complexity of a family of Legendre sequences with irreducible polynomialsSearch in Google Scholar

[11] Kálmán Győry: General efective diophantine results over finitely generated domains (not presented)Search in Google Scholar

[12] János Folláth-Tamás Herendi: On construction of sequences with Gaussian distributionSearch in Google Scholar

[13] Roswitha Hofer: Uniform distribution modulo one of generalized polynomialsSearch in Google Scholar

[14] Gyula Károlyi: Irregularities of distribution with respect to round convex regions in the planeSearch in Google Scholar

[15] Oleg Karpenkov:Combinatorics ofMinkowski-Voronoi multidimensional continued fractionsSearch in Google Scholar

[16] Imre Kátai: Strongly UD mod 1 sequences, strongly q-ary normal numbersSearch in Google Scholar

[17] Sergei Konyagin: The Smallest simultaneous power nonresidue modulo a primeSearch in Google Scholar

[18] Ralph Kritzinger: Symmetrized point sets in the unit square with small Lp discrepancySearch in Google Scholar

[19] Helene Laimer: Reduced fast component-by-component constructions of lattice point setsSearch in Google Scholar

[20] Gerhard Larcher: On discrepancy estimates for sequencesSearch in Google Scholar

[21] Florian Luca: Consecutive integers divisible by the number of their divisorsSearch in Google Scholar

[22] Manfred G. Madritsch: Multidimensional Heilbronn setsSearch in Google Scholar

[23] Máté Matolcsi: Sets avoiding quadratic or cubic residues in cyclic groupsSearch in Google Scholar

[24] Christian Mauduit: The subsequence of Thue-Morse sequence along squares is normalSearch in Google Scholar

[25] László Mérai: On the linear complexity of automatic sequencesSearch in Google Scholar

[26] Ladislav Mišík-János T. Tóth: Subsequences with prescribed distributionSearch in Google Scholar

[27] Radhakrishnan Nair: On distribution of subsequences of the natural numbers on the p-adic integersSearch in Google Scholar

[28] Werner Georg Nowak: Estimates for single exponential sumsSearch in Google Scholar

[29] Friedrich Pillichshammer: Lp-discrepancy and beyond of higher order digital sequencesSearch in Google Scholar

[30] János Pintz: Some problems of Erdős about consecutive gaps between primesSearch in Google Scholar

[31] Štefan Porubský: A geometric approach to properties of sequences nαSearch in Google Scholar

[32] Sudhir Pujahari: Distribution of gaps between equidistributed sequencesSearch in Google Scholar

[33] Joël Rivat: On the digits of prime numbersSearch in Google Scholar

[34] Imre Ruzsa: Differences and multiple sumsSearch in Google Scholar

[35] Richárd Sebők: On imbalanced pseudorandom binary latticesSearch in Google Scholar

[36] Ilya Shkredov: On additive decomposition of multiplicative subgroupsSearch in Google Scholar

[37] Iurii Shteinikov: On the product sets of rational numbersSearch in Google Scholar

[38] Raivydas Šiménas: On the distribution of the a-values of the Selberg zeta-functionSearch in Google Scholar

[39] Oto Strauch: Mahler’s conjecture on ξ(3/2)n mod 1Search in Google Scholar

[40] Robert Tichy: Uniform distribution and optimal transportSearch in Google Scholar

[41] Artem Uvakin: About two-dimensional sums’ generalizationSearch in Google Scholar

[42] Jean-Louis Verger-Gaugry: Dynamical zeta functions, asymptotic expansions and Perron numbers from trinomialsSearch in Google Scholar

[43] Arne Winterhof: Expansion complexity and linear complexity of sequences over finite fieldsSearch in Google Scholar
