
Figure 1

General hydrographic network of the surveyed area with the location of the six wadis and the study sites in the semi-arid region of NE Algeria
General hydrographic network of the surveyed area with the location of the six wadis and the study sites in the semi-arid region of NE Algeria

Figure 2

Box-plots showing differences between the six studied wadis in terms of the community abundance (AF), total specific richness (S), Shannon diversity index (H’) and Pielou index (J’) of benthic entomofauna. B – Wadi Bouilef; C – W. Chaaba; E – W. El Ma; G – W. Chélia; H – W. Hamla; Y – W. Yabous
Box-plots showing differences between the six studied wadis in terms of the community abundance (AF), total specific richness (S), Shannon diversity index (H’) and Pielou index (J’) of benthic entomofauna. B – Wadi Bouilef; C – W. Chaaba; E – W. El Ma; G – W. Chélia; H – W. Hamla; Y – W. Yabous

Figure 3

Multivariate regression tree for the abundance of insect orders. Each split (terminal nodes) is labeled with a variable and the value that determines the split. Substrate (FS – Fine Sand; CS – Coarse Sand; S – Stone; R – Rock); human pressure (a – forest; b – agriculture and domestic; c – urban)
Multivariate regression tree for the abundance of insect orders. Each split (terminal nodes) is labeled with a variable and the value that determines the split. Substrate (FS – Fine Sand; CS – Coarse Sand; S – Stone; R – Rock); human pressure (a – forest; b – agriculture and domestic; c – urban)

Figure 4

Redundancy analysis (RDA) ordination plots. a) taxa and environmental variables (taxa codes are explained in Table 3); b) sites (taxa codes are explained in Table 1)
Redundancy analysis (RDA) ordination plots. a) taxa and environmental variables (taxa codes are explained in Table 3); b) sites (taxa codes are explained in Table 1)

Physicochemical characteristics of water at the study sites

Sites Flow Velocity (cm s −1) pH Cond (μS cm−1) TDS (mg l−1) Sal (PSU) NO 2(mg l−1) NH+ 4(mg l−1) PO 3− 4(mg l−1)
C1 17 25 < v < 50 7.67 517 228 0.2 0.03 0.17 0.14
C2 22 25 < v < 50 7.43 655 289 0.2 0.02 0.06 0.1
C3 17 v < 10 7.66 608 269 0.2 0.03 0.11 0.05
B1 20 25 < v < 50 8.12 702 338 0.3 0 0 16.8
B2 18 25 < v < 50 8.14 722 348 0.3 0 0 2.4
B3 17 25 < v < 50 8.16 725 349 0.3 0 0 0.09
E1 24 25 < v < 50 8.12 615 271 0.2 0.02 0.05 0.02
E2 26 25 < v < 50 7.74 523 230 0.2 0.02 0.02 0.03
E3 24 25 < v < 50 8.04 550 242 0.2 0.02 0.02 0.04
H1 19 10 < v < 25 7.05 633 293 0.2 0.02 0.02 0.08
H2 20 25 < v < 50 7.74 669 303 0.3 0.01 0.17 0.06
H3 20 10 < v < 25 7.82 921 416 0.4 0.02 0.15 0.14
G1 19 v < 10 7.21 665 333 0.3 0 0 0.15
G2 20 25 < v < 50 7.5 741 371 0.3 0 0.18 0.15
G3 19 10 < v < 25 7.1 873 437 0.4 0 0.03 0.15
Y1 17 v > 50 7.37 421 187 0.1 0.01 0.4 0.01
Y2 16 v > 50 7.41 562 247 0.2 0.03 0.05 0.14
Y3 16 v < 10 7.35 662 293 0.2 0.02 0.21 0.04

Systematic inventory, codes and abundance of benthic insects collected in six streams of NE Algeria. W.C – Wadi Chaaba; W.B – W. Bouilef; W.E – W. El Ma; W.H – W. Hamla; W.G – W. Chélia; W.Y – W. Yabous. AF (%) – abundance frequency; und. – unidentified taxa

Order/Family Genus/Species Code W.C W.B W.E W.H W.G W.Y AF (%)
Baetidae Baeti s sp. Bae 12.24 29.72 18.2 5.37 11.02 13.33
Procloeon sp. Pro 1.02 0.24 1.65 0.39
Acentrella sp. Ace 6.30 2.20 1.42
Heptageniidae Heptagenia sp. Hep 11.22 0.71
Heptagenia sp. Ecd 7.14 0.45
Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia sp. Lep 3.06 0.19
Caenidae Caenis sp. Cae 1.02 5.40 0.45
Total Ephemeroptera 35.71 41.44 18.45 0 7.02 13.22 16.96
Capiniidae Capnia sp. Cap 4.08 0.26
Chloroperlidae Siphonoperla sp. Sip 2.04 53.84 0.58
Xanthoperla sp. Xan 3.06 0.19
Nemouridae Protonemura sp. Prot 1.24 0.32
Total Plecoptera 9.18 0 1.24 53.84 0 0 1.36
Notonecti dae Notonecta sp. Not 0.41 0.06
Hydrometridae Hydrometra sp. Hydrom 1.02 0.90 0.49 0.26
Mesoveliidae Mesovelia sp. Mes 0.14 0.06
Veliidae Microvelia sp. Mic 6.12 0.44 0.58
Nepidae Nepa sp. Nep 0.24 0.14 0.13
Total Heteroptera 7.14 0.90 0.74 0 0.41 0.72 1.10
Agriotypidae Agriotypus sp. Agr 4.13 0.65
Scirtidae Hydrocyphon sp. Hydroc 25.51 30.76 1.88
Dyscidae Bidessus sp. Bid 0.24 0.41 0.13
Agabus sp. Aga 0.24 0.06
Hydrovatus sp. Hydrov 3.06 0.24 0.41 0.44 0.45
Ilybius fenestratus I.fen 3.06 0.24 0.41 0.44 0.06
Copelats sp. Cop 0.82 0.44 0.32
Hydroporinae und. Hydrop 1.02 0.06
Elmidae Dupophilus sp. Dup 0.49 0.13
Elmidae and Elm 0.74 0.19
Hydrophiidae Laccobius sp. Lac 0.24 0.06
Hydraenidae Hydraena sp. Hydra 0.24 0.06
Hydroscapha sp. Hydros 0.24 0.06
Noteridae Noterus sp. Not 2.04 7.69 0.19
Spercheidae Helophorus sp. Hel 1.02 0.06
Total Coleoptera 32.65 0 2.74 38.46 41.64 0.88 3.75
Brachycentridae Brachycentrus sp. Bra 2.24 70.24 11.76 16.76
Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche sp. Hydrops 6.12 42.43 0.24 3.5
Cheumatopsyche sp. Che 1.02 42.43 0.24 0.06
Total Trichoptera 7.14 42.43 0.49 70.24 11.76 20.32
Limoniidae Dicranota sp. Dic 4.08 7.69 0.44 0.52
Scatophagidae Acanthocnema sp. Aca 3.06 0.41 0.26
Tabanidae Tabanidae und. Tab 0.74 0.19
Culicidae Culex sp. Cul 0.24 0.06
Chaoboridae Mochloyx sp. Moc 0.14 0.06
Chironomidae Chironomus sp. Chi 0.24 0.06
Dixidae Dixa sp. Dix 9 0.14 0.71
Simuliidae Simuliidae und. Sim 1.02 6.30 73.06 16.11 72.64 53.98
Total Diptera 8.16 15.31 74.31 7.69 16.52 73.36 55.86

General characteristics of the studied streams and sites in NE Algeria

Wadis Site Alttitude (m) Longitude (N) Latitude (E) Dominant substrate Human pressure
W. Chaaba C1 1331 35°33ʹ42ʺ 06°00ʹ43ʺ coarse sand, stone, rocks forest
C2 1270 35°33ʹ07ʺ 06°00ʹ24ʺ coarse sand, stone, rocks forest
C3 1233 35°32ʹ34ʺ 06°00ʹ37ʺ coarse sand, fine sand, Stone forest/agricultural
W. Bouilef B1 1065 35°37ʹ02ʺ 06°11ʹ16ʺ fine sand, stone forest/agricultural
B2 1032 35°36ʹ29ʺ 06°11ʹ39ʺ coarse sand, rocks agricultural
B3 1024 35°36ʹ21ʺ 06°11ʹ50ʺ coarse sand, stone agricultural
W. El Ma E1 1431 35°35ʹ55ʺ 06°02ʹ25ʺ coarse sand, rocks forest
E2 1235 35°36ʹ40ʺ 06°02ʹ05ʺ coarse sand, stone forest/ agricultural
E3 1143 35°37ʹ19ʺ 06°02ʹ14ʺ coarse sand, stone urban
W. Hamla H1 1406 35°34ʹ47ʺ 06°03ʹ03ʺ fine sand, stone forest
H2 1289 35°34ʹ51ʺ 06°04ʹ09ʺ stone, rocks agricultural
H3 1246 35°34ʹ45ʺ 06°04ʹ37ʺ coarse sand, fine sand urban
W. Chelia G1 1560 35°17ʹ30ʺ 06°38ʹ11ʺ coarse sand, stone, forest/agricultural
G2 1415 35°17ʹ04ʺ 06°38ʹ50ʺ rocks coarse sand, stone forest/urban
G3 1320 35°16ʹ47ʺ 06°40ʹ01ʺ coarse sand, stone, rocks agricultural
W. Yabous Y1 1365 35°21ʹ10ʺ 06°38ʹ35ʺ coarse sand, stone, rocks forest/agricultural
Y2 1285 35°21ʹ39ʺ 06°38ʹ37ʺ coarse sand, stone, rocks agricultural/urban
Y3 1097 35°24ʹ54ʺ 06°39ʹ19ʺ coarse sand, stone, rocks agricultural/urban

Generalized linear model analyzing effects of environmental variables and human pressure (H. pressure) on the taxonomic richness and abundance of benthic insects in streams of NE Algeria

Taxonomic richness (S) Abundance
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr (> Chi) Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr (> Chi)
Null 773 2824.7 0.08758 773 79260
Altitude 1 2.92 772 2821.8 0.08758 1 2687.7 772 76572 < 2.2 × 10−16 ***
Conductivity 1 600.92 771 2220.8 < 2.2 × 10−16 *** 1 9284.5 771 67288 < 2.2 × 10−16 ***
NO2 1 230.92 770 1989.9 < 2.2 × 10−16 *** 1 758.1 770 66772 < 2.2 × 10−16 ***
pH 1 33.17 769 1956.8 8.427 × 10−9 *** 1 4227.5 769 45952 < 2.2 × 10−16 ***
PO43− 1 40.01 768 1916.7 2.522 × 10−10 *** 1 655.6 768 45108 < 2.2 × 10−16 ***
H. pressure 2 416.64 766 1500.1 < 2.2 × 10−16 *** 2 22932.3 766 14560 < 2.2 × 10−16 ***
Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Chemistry, other, Geosciences, Life Sciences