
Figure 1

Data for the sampling site in the coastal waters in Sopot as an example of calculations performed for each water body. (A) Mean annual ciliate biomass – weighted mean calculated from seasonal changes in ciliate biomass. (B) Cumulative annual ciliate production – an integral calculated from seasonal changes in ciliate production rates.
Data for the sampling site in the coastal waters in Sopot as an example of calculations performed for each water body. (A) Mean annual ciliate biomass – weighted mean calculated from seasonal changes in ciliate biomass. (B) Cumulative annual ciliate production – an integral calculated from seasonal changes in ciliate production rates.

Figure 2

Values of mean annual ciliate biomass in surface and near-bottom waters of four lakes and at two stations located in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic Sea. All sampling sites were located in the temperate zone.
Values of mean annual ciliate biomass in surface and near-bottom waters of four lakes and at two stations located in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic Sea. All sampling sites were located in the temperate zone.

Figure 3

Annual production to biomass (P/B) ratios calculated for ciliate communities in surface and near-bottom waters of four lakes and at two stations located in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic Sea. Mean values and standard deviations are noted at the top of the graph.
Annual production to biomass (P/B) ratios calculated for ciliate communities in surface and near-bottom waters of four lakes and at two stations located in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic Sea. Mean values and standard deviations are noted at the top of the graph.

Figure 4

Distribution of annual ciliate production among the seasons of the year. Calculations were performed separately for surface and near-bottom waters of four lakes and at two stations located in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic Sea. All sampling sites were located in the temperate zone.
Distribution of annual ciliate production among the seasons of the year. Calculations were performed separately for surface and near-bottom waters of four lakes and at two stations located in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic Sea. All sampling sites were located in the temperate zone.

Mesotrophic Lake Mały Borek

Date Surface water Near-bottom water (11 m)
Temp. Ciliate abundance Ciliate biomass Ciliate production Temp. Ciliate abundance Ciliate biomass Ciliate production
[°C] [cells ml-1] [µgC l-1] [µgC l-1 d-1] [°C] [cells ml-1] [µgC l-1] [µgC l-1d-1]
7-Nov-2010 7.3 5.12 8.17 2.73 7.2 3.84 3.52 1.30
21-Feb-2011 0.3 0.83 0.59 0.00 4.4 0.66 0.32 0.07
4-Apr-2011 6.4 12.00 15.93 4.24 4.6 11.60 3.49 1.02
18-Apr-2011 9.9 9.12 17.26 9.35 4.9 0.21 0.42 0.08
9-May-2011 15.4 2.48 4.27 4.80 5.3 0.19 0.55 0.11
6-Jun-2011 22.2 3.44 2.21 5.51 5.8 0.13 0.57 0.11
5-Jul-2011 20.7 1.20 0.93 1.93 6.2 3.60 6.65 0.37
8-Aug-2011 21.8 0.72 0.56 1.21 6.5 2.32 27.59 1.18
5-Sep-2011 18.8 2.00 1.34 2.58 6.8 0.70 0.68 0.26
10-Oct-2011 14.2 2.70 1.67 2.13 7.2 1.90 1.60 0.70
7-Nov-2011 8.7 1.28 1.07 0.58 7.8 1.70 1.22 0.57
3-Dec-2011 4.6 0.60 0.83 0.15 4.7 0.30 0.46 0.08

Meso-eutrophic Lake Dobra

Date Surface water Near-bottom water (12 m)
Temp. Ciliate abundance Ciliate biomass Ciliate production Temp. Ciliate abundance Ciliate biomass Ciliate production
[°C] [cells ml-1] [µgC l-1] [µgC l-1 d-1] [°C] [cells ml-1] [µgC l-1] [µgC l-1d-1]
17-Sep-2007 14.5 57.49 20.30 27.99 10.1 40.00 30.25 18.35
23-Oct-2007 9.3 7.49 4.78 3.10 9.4 12.60 17.45 8.07
20-Nov-2007 4.2 3.20 6.36 0.85 4.2 2.40 66.98 0.80
13-Feb-2008 2.2 4.08 2.33 0.16 2.9 - - -
13-May-2008 16.8 7.60 4.54 7.69 7.7 5.00 3.29 1.48
17-Jun-2008 17.4 37.00 13.46 24.28 8.1 4.20 2.23 0.31
23-Jul-2008 19.5 8.63 3.32 7.66 8.5 0.08 0.27 0.03

Baltic Sea in Ustka

Date Surface water
Temp. Ciliate abundance Ciliate biomass Ciliate production
[°C] [cells ml-1] [µgC l-1] [µgC l-1 d-1]
9-Apr-2006 5.0 60.35 199.48 29.77
7-May-2006 8.0 16.30 49.41 14.89
11-Jun-2006 17.0 43.60 36.24 50.69
19-Jun-2006 14.0 13.36 15.44 14.22
5-Jul-2006 10.8 6.01 6.78 4.42
2-Aug-2006 20.6 6.30 23.76 29.86
18-Aug-2006 19.0 12.05 33.26 39.26
3-Oct-2006 16.9 1.40 2.07 2.61
24-Oct-2006 5.0 18.01 6.40 1.88
24-Nov-2006 6.6 10.05 8.87 2.98
26-Dec-2006 3.0 2.88 4.47 0.42
25-Jan-2007 2.0 0.48 0.24 0.02
26-Feb-2007 4.0 4.00 5.33 0.78
13-Mar-2007 6.9 23.69 35.03 9.76
29-Mar-2007 8.7 15.91 19.45 9.62
14-Apr-2007 10.0 16.73 15.76 10.28
30-Apr-2007 9.4 15.11 30.63 12.06
20-May-2007 15.0 6.24 17.28 15.36
1-Jun-2007 15.9 30.81 57.06 62.93
8-Jun-2007 13.6 10.13 16.19 13.53
14-Jul-2007 20.6 46.45 71.87 113.98
28-Jul-2007 20.5 8.23 3.69 8.53
12-Aug-2007 19.0 5.60 2.83 5.70
28-Aug-2007 17.7 56.67 12.77 28.44
30-Sep-2007 15.0 5.40 5.31 6.63
13-Oct-2007 11.8 9.11 5.85 5.91
14-Dec-2007 5.4 3.51 12.05 2.29
18-Jan-2008 3.2 2.60 2.59 0.31
3-Mar-2008 5.2 2.57 1.00 0.31
14-Apr-2008 6.4 4.12 2.15 0.86

Baltic Sea in Sopot

Date Surface water
Temp. Ciliate abundance Ciliate biomass Ciliate production
[°C] [cells ml-1] [µgC l-1] [µgC l-1 d-1]
3-Apr-2003 3.9 9.00 22.79 2.42
8-May-2003 8.2 24.60 91.35 28.21
29-May-2003 13.7 149.60 78.53 81.38
26-Jun-2003 14.5 28.20 16.58 20.43
12-Aug-2003 21.3 14.30 5.69 14.17
8-Sep-2003 17.3 9.48 19.31 22.38
9-Oct-2003 13.2 13.44 12.06 11.35
14-Nov-2003 7.3 3.08 4.03 1.48
10-Dec-2003 5.5 3.66 1.63 0.55
12-Jan-2004 1.6 2.55 3.73 0.13
10-Feb-2004 2.6 2.94 3.74 0.29
11-Mar-2004 1.4 11.00 16.61 0.46

Annual production to biomass (P/B) ratios for ciliates in different water bodies. When necessary, P/B ratios (yr-1) were computed after the analysis of graphs published in the cited papers.

Water body Layer Annual P/B ratio (yr-1) Reference
Temperate zone
Meso-eutrophic Lake Constance Epipelagic water 77-84 Müller (1989)
Lakes of different trophic status Periodically anoxic near-bottom waters 78 This study
Oligo-mesotrophic Lake Michigan Surface water 117 Carrick et al. (1992)
Gulf of Gdańsk Epipelagic water 120-193 Witek (1998)
Gulf of Maine Entire water column 135 Montagnes et al. (1988)
Gulf of Gdańsk Oxygenated near-bottom water 139-153 Witek (1998)
Open northern Baltic Sea proper Epipelagic water 141 Johansson et al. (2004)
Southampton water Surface water 164-183 Leakey et al. (1992)
River Rhine Main flow 238

P/B ratio without assumption made by authors (Weitere et al. 2005) that ciliate growth was limited in summer, fall, and winter.

Weitere et al. (2005)
Bahía Blanca Estuary Surface water 250 Pettigrosso & Popovich (2009)
Słupia River Main flow 252 Rychert (2009)
Southern Kattegat Entire water column ~256 Nielsen & Kiørboe (1994)
Lakes of different trophic status and coastal waters Surface water 308 This study
Lake Gardno Surface water 325-332 Rychert et al. (2012)
Oligo-mesotrophic Lake Ontario Epilimnetic water ~475 Taylor & Johannsson (1991)
Tropical zone
Waters off Kingston, Jamaica Entire water column 621

Aloricate ciliates only.

Lynn et al. (1991)

Mesotrophic Lake Marszewo

Date Surface water Near-bottom water (20 m)
Temp. Ciliate abundance Ciliate biomass Ciliate production Temp. Ciliate abundance Ciliate biomass Ciliate production
[°C] [cells ml-1] [µgC l-1] [µgC l-1 d-1] [°C] [cells ml-1] [µgC l-1] [µgC l-1d-1]
17-Sep-2007 14.3 4.00 6.42 6.07 7.5 0.60 0.14 0.09
23-Oct-2007 9.7 1.14 1.04 0.61 7.4 2.20 2.02 0.79
20-Nov-2007 5.2 1.71 2.35 0.45 5.3 5.07 5.30 1.21
13-Feb-2008 2.9 3.20 1.15 0.14 3.0 3.12 1.34 0.17
13-May-2008 16.6 5.44 6.65 8.18 5.2 3.12 2.04 0.50
17-Jun-2008 17.5 2.80 4.63 5.93 5.5 12.00 12.55 2.96
23-Jul-2008 19.6 3.80 0.95 2.23 5.5 1.20 0.55 0.04

Description of water bodies and sampling periods. Both surface and near-bottom zones were sampled in lakes on each occasion. Water bodies are arranged according to mean annual ciliate biomass.

Water body Trophic status Coordinates Area (ha) Maximum depth (m) References – characteristics of water bodies Sampling period (number of sampling occasions)
Lake Marszewo mesotrophic 54º30.5’N 16º42.6’E 18 20 Jarosiewicz (2009) Sept. 2007 – July 2008 (7)
Lake Mały Borek mesotrophic 54º05.3’N 17º25.6’E 7.6 11 Witek & Jarosiewicz (2010) Nov. 2010 – Dec. 2011 (12)
Lake Dobra meso-eutrophic 54º23.4’N 17º20.3’E 28.5 12 Jarosiewicz & Hetmański (2009) Sept. 2007 – July 2008 (7)
Baltic Sea in Ustka coastal brackish waters 54º35.2’N 16º50.0’E - 6–6.5 Rychert et al. (2013) April 2006 – April 2008 (30)
Baltic Sea in Sopot coastal brackish waters 54º26.9’N 18º34.7’E - 6–6.5 Rychert et al. (2013) April 2003 – March 2004 (12)
Lake Kociołek eutrophic 53º45.6’N 19º31.8’E 0.4 6 Czychewicz & Rychert, unpublished May 2009 – June 2010 (11)

Eutrophic Lake Kociołek

Date Surface water Near-bottom water (6 m)
Temp. Ciliate abundance Ciliate biomass Ciliate production Temp. Ciliate abundance Ciliate biomass Ciliate production
[°C] [cells ml-1] [µgC l-1] [µgC l-1 d-1] [°C] [cells ml-1] [µgC l-1] [µgC l-1d-1]
16-May-2009 17.0 24.80 4.45 11.07 9.0 5.80 2.70 1.96
30-May-2009 18.0 139.20 99.88 184.64 13.0 103.20 59.67 69.20
14-Jun-2009 18.0 5.87 0.96 2.72 11.0 9.31 7.16 5.44
27-Jun-2009 22.0 11.00 2.25 7.52 13.0 3.60 4.85 0.90
12-Aug-2009 24.0 8.20 1.58 6.52 14.0 30.60 22.60 6.61
13-Sep-2009 17.0 38.40 8.30 18.94 12.0 4.40 6.61 4.15
11-Nov-2009 10.0 55.20 82.49 26.87 9.0 72.00 105.22 28.31
23-Feb-2010 3.0 24.00 10.15 1.40 4.0 5.40 3.21 0.60
18-Mar-2010 5.0 11.20 3.64 1.20 8.0 16.20 20.46 1.96
30-Apr-2010 19.0 31.80 4.26 13.65 15.0 26.00 3.98 8.40
4-Jun-2010 18.0 0.53 0.07 0.20 12.0 0.90 0.39 0.38
Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Chemistry, other, Geosciences, Life Sciences