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The Forest Offences and the National Security of Romania


In the last 25 years, we have assisted to an increase of the criminal actions in the forestry field. The factors generating the criminal phenomenon in the above mentioned field are social, economic, to which we can add the lack in people’s education, as well as some persons’ mentality and, last but not least, we mention poverty and the wish to get rich under any circumstances. The prevailing factor is corruption existing at all levels, some people’s eagerness of easily gained wealth and the lack of involvement of the government institutions, which were supposed to take measures in this respect. In many cases, the forestry criminal actions were undertaken with the help of certain representatives of judicial organs or public institutions and authorities of the state. Illegal cutting of trees, illegal deforestation and inappropriate forestry become a new threat to the national security of Romania. The new Forestry Code makes provisions for the illegal actions that are considered criminal offences and for the criminal sanctions for committing forestry crimes. These illegal actions have serious consequences: financial, for the environment, for the national security, requiring measures to reduce them and to fight against their negative effects.
