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Peer educator training program for enhancing knowledge on issues in the growth and development of adolescents and risk behavior problems in Indonesian context


Figure 1

Study design of educational training program.
Study design of educational training program.

Schedule of the educational training program.

Session 1Explaining the program Informed consent of the study Pretest knowledge on issues in growth and development and its risk behavior problems of adolescents (nine domains)
Session 2Domain 1 : The growth and development Explaining the dimension of growth and development Measuring the height and weight Identifying the secondary sexual development Identifying the psychological aspect during puberty
Session 3Domain 2: Nutrition Explaining the importance of nutrition for adolescents Discussing issues about stigma of weight among adolescent "size does not matters" Making a balanced menu for adolescents
Session 4Domain 3: Delinquency Identifying the kind of delinquency Discussing negative impact of delinquency for adolescents Making a rule to prevent delinquency based on school regulation
Session 5Domain 4: Smoking Identifying the smoking behavior among adolescents Discussing the issues of masculine and feminism in smoking behavior Making a program to free smoking area in schools
Session 6Domain 5: Reproductive health Explaining the issues in reproductive health among adolescents Having a discussion to make healthy population in reproductive health during puberty Discussing how to be hygienic in menstruation and nocturnal emission Identifying the anatomy of the organ of reproductive system and its function and also the problems during puberty
Session 7Domain 6: Free sex Identifying the issues of sexual behavior among adolescents Discussing about cultural and social issues in sexual behavior in adolescents Identifying family norms and religion to prevent negative sexual behavior Making a program "say no to free sex"
Session 8Domain 7: HIV/AIDS Explaining about the HIV/AIDS among adolescents Discussing the program to prevent HIV/AIDS in adolescents
Session 9Domain 8: Pregnancy What is pregnancy and how it happens? Discussing the impact of pregnancy during adolescence Making a program to family planning in the future
Session 10Domain 9: Assertive behavior What is the dimension of positive youth development? How we become be assertive in adolescence? Role play to be assertive youth behavior
Session 11Posttest Closing educational training program

Comparison of peer councelor knowledge in pre- and post-tests after attending three-week educational intervention. Note: Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The nine components (modules) of the peer councelor trainning subscale consists of 10 items; scores ranged from 0–10, higher the scores, higher the knowledgeable level. Total, sum of nine subscales of the peer councelor; the total scores ranged from 0–90, higher the scores, higher the knowledge level. *P<0.005.

Pretest (n=31)Post-test (n=31)
Nine components (modules) of the peer councelor trainningRangeMean (SD)RangeMean (SD)ZP
1. Growth and development4–86.39(1.15)5–107.65(1.14)–3.97<0.001*
2. Nutrition4–86.13(1.18)6–97.52 (0.77)–3.96<0.001*
3. Deliquency4–75.32(1.19)5–107.26 (1.26)–4.68<0.001*
4. Smoking4–96.19(1.49)6–97.48 (0.93)–4.40<0.001*
5. Reproductive health1–63.19(1.08)4–85.81 (0.98)–4.92<0.001*
6. Free sex3–65.19(0.83)4–86.19(0.98)–4.49<0.001*
7. HIV/AIDs4–75.52 (0.93)5–87.19(0.87)–4.89<0.001*
8. Pregnancy1–63.61 (1.36)4–75.74 (0.97)–4.66<0.001*
9. Assertive behavior3–75.16(1.23)5–97.10(1.27)–4.84<0.001*
Total score of nine domains37–5946.71 (6.14)54–7161.94(4.10)–4.87<0.001*

Description of educational intervention on issues in growth and development and its risk behavior problems of adolescent modules.

Domain of knowledge in adolescent health careDescription
Growth and developmentAdolescent development entails the biological, psychological, and emotional changes that occur in human beings during adolescence
NutritionFor life and the process of growth and development, the human body requires a diverse diet consisting of nutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water, and fiber in a balanced amount
DelinquencyA person's behavior or actions that are not appropriate or prohibited by the norms or provisions that apply in the community or the environment according to age but not violated the rules or provisions of applicable law
SmokingThe pattern of tobacco use behavior among adolescents without control
Reproductive healthComprehensive health, including physical, mental, and social aspects, and not just the absence of disease or disorder in all matters relating to the reproductive system, function, and process itself
Free sexSexual intercourse between men and women without any legal attachment/marriage either religious or legal. Usually based on likes and often change pairs
PregnancyThe occurrence of conception (the inclusion of spermatozoa into the egg/ovum). The result of conception is called a zygote. It develops in the womb until it is born as a baby
HIV/AIDSA collection of symptoms of illness due to a person experiencing immune system deficiency due to damage caused by the HIV
Assertive behaviorThe ability of teens to express their feelings without having to offend others
Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Medicine, Assistive Professions, Nursing