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On the Relation Between Health and Income: A Cross-Country Analysis


Fig. 1

Total health spending per capita in 2010Source: World Health Organization 2010.
Total health spending per capita in 2010Source: World Health Organization 2010.

Fig. 2

The positive correlation between health and wealth (average for 1990–2011)Source: Own preparation.
The positive correlation between health and wealth (average for 1990–2011)Source: Own preparation.

Fig. 3

Estimated Incidence Rates of All Forms of Tuberculosis per 100,000Source: University of Wisconsin 2012.
Estimated Incidence Rates of All Forms of Tuberculosis per 100,000Source: University of Wisconsin 2012.

Fig. 4

The negative correlation between wealth and TBC incidenceSource: Own preparation.
The negative correlation between wealth and TBC incidenceSource: Own preparation.

Fig. 5

The S-Shaped Curve and the Poverty TrapSource: Banerjee and Duflo 2011.
The S-Shaped Curve and the Poverty TrapSource: Banerjee and Duflo 2011.

Fig. 6

The relation between the incidence of TBC and weighted precipitationData: The data on TBC from WDI, The World Bank. Data on population-weighted precipitation from Dell, Jones, and Olken (2008).
The relation between the incidence of TBC and weighted precipitationData: The data on TBC from WDI, The World Bank. Data on population-weighted precipitation from Dell, Jones, and Olken (2008).

Fig. 7

The relation between the incidence of TBC and weighted temperatureData: The data on TBC from WDI, The World Bank. Data on population-weighted temperature from Dell, Jones, and Olken (2008).
The relation between the incidence of TBC and weighted temperatureData: The data on TBC from WDI, The World Bank. Data on population-weighted temperature from Dell, Jones, and Olken (2008).

Regression Results

Log GDP per capitaLog health expenditureTBC incidenceLog health expenditureTBC incidence
Second stage regression
Health indicator0.304-0.1230.043-0.035
Primary school completion rate0.2630.5460.2280.279
Investment as % of GDP0.0960.4670.1300.140
Trade volume as % of GDP0.1860.2100.1130.108

Summary Statistics

VariableObservationsMeanStandard Deviation
GDP per capita330010585.4613345.09
Investment Rate23680.210.13
Trade as GDP Share36920.870.50
Primary School22350.830.24
Completion Rate
Weighted Temperature75622.585.00
Weighted Precipitation75613.357.66
TB Incidence4191131.22167.41