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Ukrainian Hybrid War – Quo Vadis?


1. Definiţia Dreptului Internaţional Umanitar şi locul său în ordinea legală internaţională,, (accessed April 4, 2015 (Apud: Hans-Peter Gasser, “International Humanitarian Law - An introduction”, in: Hans Haug, Humanity for all, Henry Dunant Institute, 1993), 509: “International humanitarian law can be defined as the totality of international conventional or customary rules regulating the humanitarian issues as direct result of international and national armed conflict. By humanitarian reasons, they restrict the right of parties involved in an armed conflict to use means and methods of war and intends to protect persons and goods into the conflict”.Search in Google Scholar

2. See Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), 8 June 1977,, (accessed March 3, 2015).Search in Google Scholar

3. International Justice Court Statute, Art. 38 line1 let. c. “The Court has the missions to solve in conformity to the international law the disputes complied to it and will apply: … the international customary law as proof of overall accepted”,, (accessed March 28, 2015.Search in Google Scholar

4. Jean Marie Henckaerts, Studiul privind dreptul internaţional umanitar cutumiar, contribuţie la înţelegerea şi respectarea dreptului în conflictele armate,, (accessed March 03, 2015).Search in Google Scholar

5. As the Apeal Court settled “an armed conflict is indifferently if is undergone among the armed forces of two states or manifest as prolonged violence among the governmental authorities and organized armed groups or among these groups and the state” (See: Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic, Case No. IT-94-1-AR72, Decision on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction, 2 October 1995 (concerning “Decision for Tadic case”), para. 70,, (accessed April 5, 2015).Search in Google Scholar

6. “It suffices to recall that an armed conflict is distinguished from internal disturbances by the level of intensity of the conflict and the degree of organization of the parties to the conflict. Under Additional Protocol II, the parties to the conflict will usually either be the government confronting dissident armed forces, or the government fighting insurgent organized armed groups. The term, armed forces’ of the High Contracting Party is to be defined broadly, so as to cover all armed forces as described within national legislations”. See: The Prosecutor versus Jean-Paul Akayesu, Case No. ICTR-96-4-T,, (accessed April 3, 2015), 156.Search in Google Scholar

7. Jarka Beatrice Onica, Drept internaţional umanitar - Note de curs, (Bucharest: Universul Juridic Publishing House, 2010), 18-25.Search in Google Scholar

8. Sea: International Court of Justice, Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua, 27th of June 1986,, (accessed April 4, 2015).Search in Google Scholar

9. Celine Tran, La responsabilité internationale de l’Etat pour le fait d’acteurs non étatiques: approche différenciée de deux juridictions internationales, 30th of May 2011,, (accessed April 5, 2015).Search in Google Scholar

10. Sea: Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic, Case No. IT-94-1-AR72 para 132-145,, (accessed April 5, 2015).Search in Google Scholar

11. For details on the definition of hybrid conflict, see: Glenn W. Russell, Thoughts on “Hybrid” Conflict,; United States Government Accountability Office, Hybrid Warfare, 10 septembrie 2010,; Petri Huovinen, Hybrid Warfare - Just a Twist of Compound Warfare? Views on warfare from the United States Armed Forces perspective,, (April 2011).Search in Google Scholar

12. Emanuel Peterliceanu, Războiul hibrid - noua ameninţare la adresa stabilităţii globale, General Philip Breedlove, the military commandant of NATO said “Use by Russian troops without uniform, the so-called «little green men» and perhaps the most startling information in blitzkrieg that we saw in the information war history, was part of the first Russian assault in Ukraine”. “What we see in Russia, now, in this hybrid approach of war is that they are using all the tools we have, to agitate, then begin to exploit them through their military equipment”, 17.09.2014,, (accessed April 5, 2015.Search in Google Scholar

13. Ce este “războiul hibrid” dus de Rusia în Ucraina şi cum a fost el pregătit de zece ani sub ochii permisivi ai Occidentului, 1st of September 2014,, (accessed January 5, 2014).Search in Google Scholar

14. Article The “Gerasimov Doctrine” and Russian Non-Linear War, and article Ukraine: Russia’s new art of war, by Sam Jones,, (accessed April 3, 2015.Search in Google Scholar

15. Article Vald Ilina, Traian Basescu se teme de invazia omuleţilor verzi ai ruşilor în presa românească, 14.09.2014, “I fear most the little green men before the little green men with rifles. Basescu's statement refers to a possible appearance in Romania of ‘elements’ in the media to spread Kremlin propaganda in our country. In his statement to the Summit talked about hybrid war. It is a war of ‘little green men’ and you’re watching the film in Ukraine you will see that the first media war began, followed destabilization inside and then it came to armed little green men”,, (accessed April 2, 2015).Search in Google Scholar

16. Article Definiţii pentru conflictul din regiunile estice ale Ucrainei, 04.04.2015, Moldovan analyst Igor Botan said: “We, people from Republic of Moldova know and in particular those who have followed the unfolding of the Transnistrian conflict, we see that things are drawn as indigo: the same civil war, the central charges of war against its own people, with all arsenal participants coming from Russian Federation allegedly are individuals and so on. But after more than 20 years I think in this post-Soviet space I learned that real goals and how you plan to achieve these goals”. Search in Google Scholar

17. Case concerning the military and paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) (merits) judgement of 27th of June 1986,, (accessed April 4, 2015).Search in Google Scholar

18. For details see: Nicaragua Vs United States (Summary) On Self Defence And Use Of Force,, (accessed April 6, 2015).Search in Google Scholar

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20. Article Ce este “războiul hibrid” dus de Rusia în Ucraina şi cum a fost el pregătit de zece ani sub ochii permisivi ai Occidentului, 01.09.2014,, (accessed April 3, 2015).Search in Google Scholar

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25. Robert A. Newson, “Why the US Needs a Strategy To Counter ‘Hybrid Warfare’” October 23, 2014, hybrid-warfare/97259/, or Ioana Ivan, “Războiul hibrid, o provocare pentru armata americană”, 26.11.2014,, (accesate March 30, 2015).Search in Google Scholar

26. Paul Ciocoiu, “Efectul manevrelor agresive ale Rusiei în Marea Baltică: Suedia şi Finlanda vor o forţă navală comună”, 18.02.2015,, (accessed March 29, 2015).Search in Google Scholar

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33. The current situation will inevitably lead to the outbreak of World War III. This is the opinion Vernochet Jean-Michel, a French writer, political analyst, journalist, specialist in conspiracy theories and an expert in the Middle East and Russia. More details on: in Google Scholar

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