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Political developments, 2016


EU referendum: The result in maps and charts. (2016, June 24). Retrieved from [8 December 2016].Search in Google Scholar

European Commission. (2016). State aid: Ireland gave illegal tax benefits to Apple worth up to €13 billion. Retrieved from accessed [6 December 2016].Search in Google Scholar

Flaherty, R., Bardon, S., Kelly, F., & O’Midheach, C. (2016, October 11). Budget 2017: Main points. The Irish Times.Search in Google Scholar

Government publishes O’Higgins report into allegations of Garda malpractice. (2016, May 11). Retrieved from [8 December 2016].Search in Google Scholar

Northern Ireland results. (2016). Retrieved from [8 December 2016].Search in Google Scholar

O’Connor, N., & Ryan P. (2016, March 9). Gerry Adams: Sinn Fein won’t go into government with Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil. The Irish Independent.Search in Google Scholar

Taylor, C. (2016, August 31). Apple tax judgment: Five key points on EU ruling. The Irish Times.Search in Google Scholar