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In the Past, Winter was Winter, and Summer was Summer: Climate Change in the Eyes of Older Adults from Poland


Overview of themes.

Themes Subthemes
1. Perception of climate change 1.1. To see is to believe: the primacy of the local and the visible
1.2. Confusion: climate change is indistinguishable from traditional protection of the environment
1.3. Misunderstood science: how do we know that humanity contributes to climate change?
2. Perception of the possibility of mitigating climate change 2.1. Hell is other people: climate change and comparing social groups
2.2. After me, the flood: climate change and criticising authorities
2.3. What can individuals do? Paradoxes of limited agency
2.4. This concerns the young, not us: projecting responsibility
2.5. Action is impossible but necessary: hope and the obligation to act

Overview of study participants.

No. Name Basic information
1. Bogdan Aged 66, a pensioner from a small city, with experience in geodesy and construction. Married with children and living in a house.
2. Mirosława Aged 70, a pensioner from a mid-sized city, with experience in environmental protection at a mining facility, currently a student at the third-age university. Has children and lives alone in a flat.
3. Zofia Aged 77, a pensioner from a mid-sized city. Has children and professional experience as a medical technician.
4. Maria Aged 70, a pensioner from a mid-sized city, with experience in administration. A widow with children and living alone in a block of flats.
5. Wiesława Aged 74, a pensioner from a large city, with experience in many sectors. Has children and a partner. Lives in a block of flats.
6. Bogusław Aged 80, a pensioner from a large city, with experience in management. Has children and is currently also a partner. Lives alone in a block of flats, but also has a summer house in Masuria.
7. Marian Aged 71, a pensioner from a large city, running his own business and living in a house with his wife and children. Also has a garden plot.
8. Stefania Aged 86, a pensioner from a mid-sized city, with experience in education. A widow, she lives alone in a block of flats, near her children.
9. Lucjan Aged 71, a pensioner from a mid-sized city, still professionally active as a technical expert. Has a wife and children. Lives in a block of flats, but also has a plot of land at a lake.
10. Władysław Aged 83, a pensioner from a mid-sized city, with experience working in an electric company. Has a wife and children. Lives in a flat, but also has a plot with a house.
Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Geosciences, Geography