Article Processing Charge (APC)

The IJVS does not charge any fees for submitting, editing and publishing articles.

For authors

Manuscript submissions

The IJHP publishes original papers only.

Articles can be written in German or in English. Title, keywords and abstract must be submitted in both German and English.

The submitted manuscripts must comply with the aims and guidelines of the journal in terms of content and form. These can be found in the manuscript guidelines.

Link: Manuscript guidelines

Manuscript submission: ulla.beushausen@hawk.de

The Editorial Board decides whether a manuscript is accepted for the peer review process. The review period should not exceed six weeks. The decision to accept or reject a manuscript is made by e-mail with the following options:

  • accepted without revision
  • accepted with revision
  • rejected

For reviewers

The criteria used by the editors to decide whether to accept a manuscript for peer review are:

  • Relevance: the content is in line with the topics and objectives of the IJVS.
  • Originality/ topicality: the content is relevant/ topical for publication in the IJHP.
  • Quality: the study and its presentation meet general research standards.
  • Ethical guidelines: national and international standards of ethical guidelines are met (if required)/an ethics vote is available.
  • Formal correctness: the formal criteria of the manuscript guidelines are fulfilled.

If the criteria are met, the manuscript is assigned to an editor, who organizes the double-blind peer review. The reviewers receive the manuscript without the names and institutions of the authors.

The review period should not exceed six weeks. The decision on acceptance or rejection of a manuscript is made by e-mail with the following options:

  • Accepted without revision
  • Accepted with revision
  • Rejected

Here Link: Guidelines for Reviewers

Open Access Statement

The journal is an Open Access journal that allows a free unlimited access to all its contents without any restrictions upon publication to all users.