

Urinary incontinence is a common problem among the general population. In patients with neurological diseases, this phenomenon is much more common; its diagnosis and treatment are often overlooked due to other symptoms that are easier to perceive. In neurological diseases, urinary incontinence can have various causes, related to brain damage as well as damage to the peripheral nerves or the spinal cord.


The aim of this study is to draw attention to the often-overlooked problem of urinary incontinence among neurological patients.

Material and Methods

The data was analysed from the many articles available using Google Scholar and PubMed. The mechanisms have been discussed, so that the work is better understood and provides a complete analysis of the problem of urinary incontinence in neurological diseases.


Urinary incontinence is an often-overlooked problem associated with neurological diseases. The various mechanisms that lead to urinary incontinence pose a challenge to effective treatment. There are many therapies used in treatment, including drug therapy, neurostimulation, surgery, but also behavioural therapy and treatment of the underlying disease.


Due to the various causes of urinary incontinence in patients with neurological diseases, more studies should be done to improve patients’ quality of life.