
Frequency of distribution of internal cues to action with respect to self-medication based on participants’ views before and two months after the intervention in both groups.

Cues to action Intervention
Before intervention
After intervention
Before intervention
After intervention
Freque ncy Percenta ge Frequen cy Percenta ge Frequen cy Percenta ge Frequen cy Percenta ge
Fear of side effects due to Self-medication 44 71.0 37 59.7 47 73.4 43 67.2
Lack of belief in self-medication 12 19.4 22 35.5 8 12.5 14 21.9
Family and peer influences 6 9.7 3 4.8 9 14.1 7 10.9

Frequency distribution of external cues to action with respect to self-medication based on participants’ views before and two months after intervention in both groups.

Before intervention
After intervention
Before intervention
After intervention
Cues to action
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Physician 56 90.3 61 98.4 58 90.6 60 93.8
Family and peers 3 4.8 0 0 5 7.8 7 10.9
Books and pamphlet 11 17.7 1 1.6 7 10.9 8 12.5
Journals 2 3.2 0 0 7 10.9 8 12.5
Radio 2 3.2 0 0 4 6.3 5 7.8
TV 18 29.0 3 4.8 15 23.4 16 25.0
others 4 6.5 0 0 1 1.6 3 4.7

Summary of the education session structure based on HBM.

Sessions Steps of the HBM Educational content title
First Awareness Establish interactions between students, information about self-medication use through lectures
Second Perceived sensitivity stage Expression of individual and social complications caused by self-medication use, change in body function with the help of the group painting method in the form of wallpaper
Third Perceived severity stage Showing educational videos about the common side effects of self-medication use
Fourth Perceived benefit stage The benefits of proper medication use and avoidance of arbitrary use by peer group education
Fifth Perceived barriers stage Group discussion on ways to reduce self-medication use
Sixth Review Provide a summary of the content of the previous sessions

Comparison of the mean scores of awareness and HBM structures with respect to self-medication before and two months after educational intervention in the intervention and control groups.

Variables Group Before intervention
After intervention
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Awareness Intervention 65 ± 14.1 82.5 ± 11.8 P ˂ 0.001
Control 68.5 ± 15.1 65.1 ± 15.2 P = 0.056
P-value* P = 0.221 P ˂ 0.001 -
Perceived susceptibility Intervention 63.4 ± 10.76 69.92 ± 9.76 P ˂ 0.001
Control 63.04 ± 11.96 63.4 ± 11.76 P = 0.858
P-value* P = 0.572 P ˂ 0.001 -
Perceived severity Intervention 70.7 ± 13.55 81.35 ± 13.5 P ˂ 0.001
Control 74.6 ± 16.45 74 ± 17.3 P = 0.830
P-value* P = 0.059 P = 0.020 -
Perceived barriers Intervention 48.45 ± 11.68 37.62 ± 11.4 P ˂ 0.001
Control 47.62 ± 12.68 49.08 ± 14.51 P = 0.149
P-value* P = 0.790 P ˂ 0.001 -
Perceived benefits Intervention 82.65 ± 11.15 93.85 ± 6.9 P ˂ 0.001
Control 85.2 ± 12.85 84.6 ± 11.55 P = 0.298
P-value* P = 0.108 P ˂ 0.001 -

Distribution of frequency of subjects in terms of occupation, education, and health insurance coverage.

Demographic characteristics Intervention group
Control group
Chi-square test
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage P-value
Occupation Housewife 57 91.9 55 85.9 0.284
Employed 5 8.1 9 14.1
Insurance coverage Yes 57 91.9 60 93.8 0.693
No 5 8.1 4 6.3
Education Illiterate 0 0 1 1.6 0.218
Primary 6 9.7 5 7.8
Middle 4 6.5 6 9.4
Secondary school 47 75.8 39 60.9
College 5 8.1 13 20.3
Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
Volume Open
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Medizin, Klinische Medizin, Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Kinderhämatolgie und -Onkologie, Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen