Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Motivational Factors Influencing the Choice of Medical Studies and Future Career Plans among Montenegrin Students


One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the academic motivation scores between students by study year and age.

Scale Study Year Age

F Overall p-value F Overall p-value
Intrinsic motivation (IM) 0.721 0.608 1.113 0.331
IM to know 0.508 0.770 0.274 0.761
IM towards accomplishment 1.562 0.172 2.345 0.098
IM to experience stimulation 0.256 0.936 1.047 0.353
Extrinsic motivation (EM) 1.499 0.192 0.608 0.545
EM external regulation 3.463 0.005 2.918 0.056
EM introjected regulation 1.425 0.217 0.710 0.493
EM identified regulation 1.459 0.205 0.246 0.782
Amotivation 2.298 0.053 2.947 0.057
*Autonomous motivation 0.760 0.580 1.010 0.366
**Controlled motivation 1.269 0.279 0.889 0.413

The mean value, standard deviation and ranking of all 28 items of the Academic Motivation Scale.

Scale Statements mean±SD Ranking according to the mean value
Intrinsic motivation to know 2. Because I experience pleasure and satisfaction while learning new things. 5.76±1.41 9
9. For the pleasure I experience when I discover new things never seen before. 5.84±1.42 7
16. For the pleasure that I experience in broadening my knowledge about subjects which appeal to me. 5.89±1.29 5
23. Because my studies allow me to continue to learn about many things that interest me. 5.88±1.32 6

Intrinsic motivation towards accomplishment 6. For the pleasure I experience while surpassing myself in my studies. 4.90±1.79 18
13. For the pleasure that I experience while I am surpassing myself in one of my personal accomplishments. 5.55±1.61 10
20. For the satisfaction I feel when I am in the process of accomplishing difficult academic activities. 4.42±1.94 22
27. Because college allows me to experience a personal satisfaction in my quest for excellence in my studies. 5.37±1.63 14

Intrinsic motivation to experience stimulation 4. For the intense feelings I experience when I am communicating my own ideas to others. 5.28±1.57 16
11. For the pleasure that I experience when I read interesting authors. 5.39±1.73 12
18. For the pleasure that I experience when I feel completely absorbed by what certain authors have written. 4.59±1.88 20
25. For the “high” feeling that I experience while reading about various interesting subjects. 5.37±1.59 13

Extrinsic motivation: external regulation 1. Because with only a high-school degree I would not find a high-paying job later on. 4.37±2.22 23
8. In order to obtain a more prestigious job later on. 5.54±1.66 11
15. Because I want to have “the good life” later on. 5.78±1.57 8
22. In order to have a better salary later on. 5.36±1.70 15

Extrinsic motivation: introjected regulation 7. To prove to myself that I am capable of completing my college degree. 4.55±2.12 21
14. Because of the fact that when I succeed in college, I feel important. 4.73±1.98 19
21. To show myself that I am an intelligent person. 4.12±1.94 24
28. Because I want to show myself that I can succeed in my studies. 5.23±1.79 17

External motivation: identified regulation 3. Because I think that a college education will help me better prepare for the career I have chosen. 6.40±1.05 1
10. Because eventually it will enable me to enter the job market in a field that I like. 6.15±1.33 2
17. Because this will help me make a better choice regarding my career orientation. 6.11±1.16 3
24. Because I believe that a few additional years of education will improve my competence as a worker. 6.04±1.32 4

Amotivation 5. Honestly, I don’t know; I really feel that I am wasting my time in school. 1.76±1.38 26
12. I once had good reasons for going to college; however, now I wonder whether I should continue. 2.49±1.95 25
19. I can’t see why I go to college and frankly, I couldn’t care less. 1.56±1.29 28
26. I don’t know; I can’t understand what I am doing in school. 1.61±1.50 27

Difference in academic motivation scores between students by gender, and between students who have a medical doctor among their family members vs. those who do not.

Scale Gender Family members as medical doctors

Total (n=210) mean±SD Male (n=58) mean±SD Female (n=152) mean±SD p-value Yes (n=91) mean±SD No (n=119) mean±SD p-value
Intrinsic motivation (IM) 5.35±1.19 5.40±1.20 5.33±1.19 0.702 5.34±1.18 5.36±1.20 0.865
IM to know 5.84±1.13 5.86±1.06 5.83±1.16 0.786 5.83±1.12 5.85±1.15 0.928
IM towards accomplishment 5.06±1.40 5.12±1.46 5.03±1.39 0.687 5.04±1.31 5.07±1.48 0.906
IM to experience stimulation 5.16±1.35 5.21±1.34 5.13±1.35 0.714 5.13±1.43 5.18±1.29 0.801
Extrinsic motivation (EM) 5.37±1.06 5.17±1.10 5.44±1.04 0.105 5.54±0.91 5.23±1.15 0.031
EM external regulation 5.26±1.45 5.14±1.63 5.31±1.38 0.457 5.52±1.23 5.06±1.57 0.018
EM introjected regulation 4.66±1.61 4.37±1.60 4.77±1.60 0.103 4.85±1.45 4.52±1.71 0.134
EM identified regulation 6.18±0.94 6.01±0.99 6.24±0.91 0.122 6.25±0.79 6.12±1.04 0.295
Amotivation 1.86±1.29 1.89±1.44 1.84±1.24 0.825 1.89±1.26 1.83±1.32 0.738
*Autonomous motivation 5.56±1.04 5.55±1.09 5.56±1.02 0.985 5.56±1.00 5.55±1.07 0.935
**Controlled motivation 4.96±1.32 4.75±1.38 5.04±1.29 0.162 5.19±1.16 4.79±1.42 0.027

Comparison of sociodemographic characteristics and professional plans by gender.

Male n (%) Female n (%) Total n (%) *p-value
Year of study 58 (27.62) 152 (72.38) 210 (100.00) 0.284
1st 18 50 68 (32.38)
2nd 6 27 33 (15.71)
3rd 7 16 23 (10.95)
4th 6 21 27 (12.86)
5th 11 27 38 (18.10)
6th 10 11 21 (10.00)
Age (years) 0.683
19–20 21 65 86 (40.95)
21–23 23 53 76 (36.19)
24 and more 14 34 48 (22.86)
Most influential person in the choice to study medicine 0.349
Self 47 133 180 (85.71)
Parent(s) 6 13 19 (9.05)
Other 5 6 11 (5.24)
Family members as medical doctors 1.000
No 33 86 119 (56.67)
Yes 25 66 91 (43.33)
Father and/or mother 12 17 29 (13.81)
Grandfather and/or grandmother 5 10 15 (7.14)
Brother and/or sister 7 8 15 (7.14)
Other 10 43 53 (25.24)
Preferred sector of work 0.397
Public in Montenegro 29 91 120 (57.14)
Private in Montenegro 7 18 25 (11.90)
Other country 9 25 34 (16.19)
Other plans 2 2 4 (1.90)
Do not know 11 16 27 (12.87)
Preferred setting of work 0.396
Clinical Centre of Montenegro 32 69 101 (48.10)
Hospital 4 16 20 (9.52)
Outpatient clinic 1 16 17 (8.10)
Private practice 9 23 32 (15.24)
Medical faculty 2 6 8 (3.81)
Other 5 14 19 (9.05)
Do not know 5 8 13 (6.18)
Preferred professional plan 0.657
Surgical specialty 16 28 44 (20.95)
Non-surgical specialty 14 48 62 (29.53)
Family medicine 1 3 4 (1.90)
Research work 4 11 15 (7.14)
Preclinical specialty 1 6 7 (3.33)
Other 14 42 56 (26.67)
Do not know 8 14 22 (10.48)
Preferred specialization 0.079
Dermatovenerology 2 5 7 (3.33)
Public health 1 2 3 (1.43)
Gynaecology/Obstetrics 2 10 12 (5.71)
Surgery 8 15 23 (10.95)
Internal medicine 10 19 29 (13.81)
Neurosurgery 3 3 6 (2.86)
Neurology 3 8 11 (5.24)
Ophthalmology 0 13 13 (6.19)
Orthopaedics 3 0 3 (1.43)
Otorhinolaryngology 2 2 4 (1.90)
Paediatrics 2 16 18 (8.58)
Family medicine 0 2 2 (0.95)
Psychiatry 2 2 4 (1.90)
Radiology 4 5 9 (4.29)
Forensic medicine 2 6 8 (3.81)
Other 14 44 58 (27.62)
Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
4 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Medizin, Klinische Medizin, Hygiene- und Umweltmedizin