
Figure 1

Geologic map of the study area.
Geologic map of the study area.

Figure 2

Aeromagnetic field over the study area as a color-shaded, contoured map.
Aeromagnetic field over the study area as a color-shaded, contoured map.

Figure 3

Color-coded pixel contour map of the total magnetic field of the study area in gammas.
Color-coded pixel contour map of the total magnetic field of the study area in gammas.

Figure 4

3-D surface map of the total magnetic field of the study area in gammas.
3-D surface map of the total magnetic field of the study area in gammas.

Figure 5

(a) High-pass filter, (b) low-pass filter, (c) band-pass filter, (d) non-linear filter map of the total magnetic field intensity of the study area.
(a) High-pass filter, (b) low-pass filter, (c) band-pass filter, (d) non-linear filter map of the total magnetic field intensity of the study area.

Figure 6

(a) First-degree residual, (b) second-degree residual, (c) third-degree residual, (d) fourth-degree residual field over the study area as a color-shaded contour map.
(a) First-degree residual, (b) second-degree residual, (c) third-degree residual, (d) fourth-degree residual field over the study area as a color-shaded contour map.

Figure 7

Reduction to equator of the aeromagnetic field over the study area as a color-shaded, contoured map.
Reduction to equator of the aeromagnetic field over the study area as a color-shaded, contoured map.

Figure 8

Horizontal gradient of the aeromagnetic field over the study area as a color-shaded, contoured map.
Horizontal gradient of the aeromagnetic field over the study area as a color-shaded, contoured map.

Figure 9

Lineament map of study area.
Lineament map of study area.

Figure 10

(a) D1 values (shallow magnetic basement depths) and (b) D2 (basement depths across the study area).
(a) D1 values (shallow magnetic basement depths) and (b) D2 (basement depths across the study area).

Figure 11

Plot of the geothermal gradient of the study area.
Plot of the geothermal gradient of the study area.

Figure 12

Plot of the heat flow.
Plot of the heat flow.

Figure 13

3D Euler deconvolution depth solutions of the study area: (a) structural index = 0, (b) structural index = 1, (c) structural index = 2, (d) structural index = 3.
3D Euler deconvolution depth solutions of the study area: (a) structural index = 0, (b) structural index = 1, (c) structural index = 2, (d) structural index = 3.

Computed spectral depths in km according to sheets.

Sheets Spectra L Block Longitude Latitude Depth (km)
X1 X2 Y1 Y2 D1 D2
Kachia 13 7.50 7.75 9.75 10.00 0.136 1.851
14 7.75 8.00 9.75 10.00 0.138 1.999
9 7.50 7.75 9.50   9.75 0.136 1.655
10 7.75 8.00 9.50   9.75 0.136 1.657
15 8.00 8.25 9.75 10.00 0.136 1.756
Kafanchan 16 8.25 8.50 9.75 10.00 0.135 1.871
11 8.00 8.25 9.50   9.75 0.136 1.810
12 8.25 8.50 9.50   9.75 0.135 1.784
  5 7.50 7.75 9.25   9.50 0.136 1.616
Gitata   6 7.75 8.00 9.25   9.50 0.136 1.864
  1 7.50 7.75 9.00   9.25 0.136 1.660
  2 7.75 8.00 9.00   9.25 0.201 1.618
  7 8.00 8.25 9.25   9.50 0.136 1.934
Jema’a   8 8.25 8.50 9.25   9.50 0.136 1.770
  3 8.00 8.25 9.00   9.25 0.136 1.585
  4 8.25 8.50 9.00   9.25 0.136 2.021

Computed spectral depth, Curie temperature and heat flow.

Longitude Latitude CPD (km) Geothermal Gradient (°Ckm-1) Heat Flow (mWm-2)
1 7.50 7.75 9.00   9.25 1.660 14.354 27.048 21.44336 53.6084
2 7.75 8.00 9.00   9.25 1.618 15.426 29.234 14 49.5997
3 8.00 8.25 9.00   9.25 1.585 14.286 26.987 21.49183 53.7296
4 8.25 8.50 9.00   9.25 2.022 12.950 23.878 24.2901 60.7253
5 7.50 7.75 9.25   9.50 1.616 13.980 26.344 22.01639 55.0409
6 7.75 8.00 9.25   9.50 1.865 12.620 23.375 24.81283 62.0321
7 8.00 8.25 9.25   9.50 1.934 12.120 22.306 26.00197 65.0049
8 8.25 8.50 9.25   9.50 1.770 12.340 22.91 25.31646 63.2912
9 7.50 7.75 9.50   9.75 1.655 12.734 23.813 24.35644 60.8911
10 7.75 8.00 9.50   9.75 1.657 14.320 26.983 21.49501 53.7375
11 8.00 8.25 9.50   9.75 1.811 14.240 26.669 21.74809 54.3702
12 8.25 8.50 9.50   9.75 1.784 13.980 26.176 22.15770 55.3943
13 7.50 7.75 9.75 10.00 1.851 13.410 24.969 23.22880 58.072
14 7.75 8.00 9.75 10.00 1.9996 13.510 25.0204 23.18108 57.9527
15 8.00 8.25 9.75 10.00 1.756 13.720 25.684 22.58215 56.4553
16 8.25 8.50 9.75 10.00 1.871 13.340 24.809 23.37861 58.4465

Computed spectral depths.

Portions Depth 1 (m) Depth 2 (m)
1 136.34 1659.50
2 200.53 1618.28
3 135.85 1585.18
4 136.15 2021.74
5 136.37 1615.90
6 136.36 1864.81
7 136.41 1933.89
8 136.39 1770.43
9 136.36 1655.05
10 136.34 1657.43
11 136.30 1810.54
12 135.98 1784.44
13 136.42 1850.81
14 138.17 1999.46
15 135.50 1756.11
16 135.61 1871.02