Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Factors of Influence on Evacuation Behaviour: Survey Results from the Riverine Floodplain Communities in Bangladesh


Fig. 1

Map of the study area.
Map of the study area.

Fig. 2

Evacuation centres (multiple responses considered) reported by the households (n = 377, year 2019).
Evacuation centres (multiple responses considered) reported by the households (n = 377, year 2019).

Logistic regression results for factors associated with evacuation behaviour (1 = evacuated; 0 = not evacuated, n = 377, year 2019).

Variables B SE Exp(B)
Age −0.034*** 0.009 0.967
Education −0.084* 0.033 0.919
Disabled/ill −0.774** 0.267 2.168
Income −0.753* 0.309 0.471
Livestock −0.213 0.251 0.808
Affiliation −0.061 0.314 0.941
Flooding experience −0.074* 0.035 1.077
Distance −0.178 0.342 1.194
Warning −1.270*** 0.326 0.281
Purbachhatnai −1.400*** 0.363 0.247
Belka −1.548*** 0.345 0.213
Constant −3.050*** 0.772 21.119

Key characteristic of the surveyed locations, year 2019.

Category Purbachhatnai Gajaghanta Belka
Area [km2] 18 19 21
Total households 3435 7929 7608
Location along the Teesta River Upstream Midstream Downstream
Infrastructure measures* Earthen and concrete embankment, spurs were found during the field visit, some areas were exposed to river Earthen and concrete embankment, embankment reconstruction was going on during the field survey, few areas are exposed to river due to bank erosion Exposed to Teesta River, no protection embankment was found in the field survey locations

Factors affecting evacuation decisions.

Factor Decisions on evacuation Examples of sources
Socio-economic and demographic characteristics
Age (older people) + Adeola (2008)
Education (college level) + Medina and Moraca (2016)
Livestock ownership + Paul (2012)
Dependent family member (e.g. having children) + Adeola (2008); Medina and Moraca (2016)
Membership in NGOs + Mondal et al. (2021)
Income (poor households) + Medina and Moraca (2016)
House ownership (own house) + Lim et al. (2016)
Hazard related factors
Floodwater depth in house + Medina and Moraca (2016)
Proximity to water source + Lim et al. (2016)

Summary statistics of the selected variables (variables derived from questionnaire dataset, 2019).

Category name Variable Variable description Mean SD
Socio-demographic Age Age of household head (in years) 48.93 14.15
Education Highest education within the households (continuous) 7.31 3.90
Disabled/ill Household has at least one disabled/chronically ill member(s): yes = 1, otherwise = 0 0.37 0.48
Income Monthly income of household >Tk. 10,001: yes = 1, otherwise = 0 0.24 0.43
Livestock Household has livestock: yes = 1, otherwise = 0 0.60 0.49
Affiliation Household is affiliated with NGOs: yes = 1, otherwise = 0 0.19 0.40
Hazard related factors Flooding experience Maximum height of floodwater inside the house in 2017 flood (in feet) 6.58 4.43
Distance House is located within 1000 m from the riverbank: yes = 1, otherwise = 0 0.85 0.36
Early warning message Warning Household received last flood (in 2017) disaster warning: yes = 1, otherwise = 0 0.82 0.39
Regional variables Purbachhatnai Household lived in Purbachhatnai: yes = 1, otherwise = 0 0.18 0.39
Belka Household lived in Belka: yes = 1, otherwise = 0 0.40 0.49

Selected socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the surveyed households, n = 377, year 2019.

Socio-demographic profile Percentage [%]
Age of household head (in years)
  <30 7.7
  30–50 45.9
  >50 46.4
Sex of household head
  Male 94.7
  Female 5.3
Highest education within household
  No formal education 9.0
  1–5 24.9
  6–10 52.3
  >10 13.8
Average income of the household (in BDT per month)
  <6000 33.4
  6001–10,000 42.7
  >10,001 23.9
Occupation of household head
  Agriculture 63.1
  Wage labour 22.8
  Business 6.6
  Service 1.9
  Others 5.6
Construction material of the house
  Thatched house 6.4
  Corrugated iron (CoI) 76.9
  Thatches with CoI sheet 10.3
  Semi wall 6.4
Ownership of agricultural lands (in acres)
  Without agricultural land 48.0
  0.04–0.20 acres 7.4
  0.21–1 acres 34.0
  >1.01 acres 10.6
Ownership of land where the house is located
  Own land 68.3
  Relative land 22.7
  Government (Khas) land 2.5
  Rented land 6.4
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Geowissenschaften, Geografie