Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Damage to black locust leaves (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) by the black locust gall midge (Obolodiplosis robiniae) (Haldeman, 1847) in the Włoszczowa-Jędrzejów Protected Landscape Area - research on strengthening and developing knowledge and awareness in environmental education


Figure 1

Study area: 1 – Czarnca site, 2 – Kurzelów site, 3 – ‘Strunobet’ concrete factory, 4 – forest areas, 5 – roads, 6 – railway line, 7 – the area of the Włoszczowa-Jędrzejów Protected Landscape Area (Own elaboration)
Study area: 1 – Czarnca site, 2 – Kurzelów site, 3 – ‘Strunobet’ concrete factory, 4 – forest areas, 5 – roads, 6 – railway line, 7 – the area of the Włoszczowa-Jędrzejów Protected Landscape Area (Own elaboration)

Figure 2

Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) leaf (photo. B. Matyśkiewicz).
Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) leaf (photo. B. Matyśkiewicz).

Figure 3

Analysis of acacia robinia leaves and leaflets with outgrowths, on the Czarncy and Kurzelów sites, in successive years of the studySource: own elaboration
Analysis of acacia robinia leaves and leaflets with outgrowths, on the Czarncy and Kurzelów sites, in successive years of the studySource: own elaboration

Figure 4

Black locust leaf with an impairment (photo B. Matyśkiewicz)
Black locust leaf with an impairment (photo B. Matyśkiewicz)

Analysis of collected material at study sites in 2014–2015

Site Number of leaves Number of leaves with outgrowth Number of pinnules on leaves Number of leaflets with outgrowths Number of outgrowths on leaflets Average number of outgrowths per leaf Average number of outgrowths per leaflet
Czarnca 2,500 1,985 36,352 6,856 8,783 4.4 1.3
(79.4%) (18.9%)
Kurzelów 2,500 1,254 39,139 1,789 2,838 2.3 1.6
(50.2%) (4.8%)
Total 5,000 3,239 75,491 8,645 11,621 3.6 1.3
(64.8%) (11%)

Indicators of black locust leaves colonisation by the black locust gall midge at test sites in 2014 and 2015.

Site Year Absolute colonisation index Relative index colonisation index
Czarnca 2014 0.29 1.33
2015 0.21 1.24
2014–2015 0.24 1.28
Kurzelów 2014 0.08 1.66
2015 0.07 1.54
2014–2015 0.07 1.59

Frequency index of the occurrence of outgrowths (F) on black locust leaves at sites in Czarnca and Kurzelów in 2014–2015

Site Year F
Czarnca 2014 0.22
2015 0.18
2014–2015 0.2
Kurzelów 2014 0.04
2015 0.04
2014–2015 0.03
Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
4 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Biologie, Ökologie