Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Young but not Naive: Leaders of Tomorrow Expect Limits to Digital Freedom to Preserve Freedom


In a recent survey, about 900 “Leaders of Tomorrow” from more than 90 countries all over the world shared their opinions about “the impact of new technologies on human freedom of choice.” They take a very clear stance against unlimited freedom of speech on the Internet. The majority thinks platforms that until now have often taken a “hands off” approach, rejecting content filtering by claiming they are “just the messenger,” should be obliged to prevent and censor hate speech and fake news on the Internet. Platforms are expected to work hand-in-hand with state institutions to better prevent online manipulation and abuse and to protect personal data. The Leaders of Tomorrow also advocate that personal data should be controlled by their owners when they are used by online platforms. Applications that lack transparency and cannot be influenced by the customer are met with the highest extent of objection.