Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Stimulated autogenous-healing capacity of fiber-reinforced mortar incorporating healing agents for recovery against fracture and mechanical properties


Fig. 1

Test set-up using (a) three-PBT and (b) for estimating the fracture toughness in three-PBT apparatus by RILEM [22]. PBT, point bending test.
Test set-up using (a) three-PBT and (b) for estimating the fracture toughness in three-PBT apparatus by RILEM [22]. PBT, point bending test.

Fig. 2

(a) Load vs. CMOD response during the three-PBT and (b) microscopic analysis for measuring crack width before and after the self-healing process. CMOD, crack mouth opening displacement; PBT, point bending test.
(a) Load vs. CMOD response during the three-PBT and (b) microscopic analysis for measuring crack width before and after the self-healing process. CMOD, crack mouth opening displacement; PBT, point bending test.

Fig. 3

Stress vs. CMOD response for estimation of fracture energy based on the area under the curve considering actual crack healing. CMOD, crack mouth opening displacement.
Stress vs. CMOD response for estimation of fracture energy based on the area under the curve considering actual crack healing. CMOD, crack mouth opening displacement.

Fig. 4

Load vs. CMOD response of each specimen during the three-PBT at pre-cracking and post-conditioning stages. CMOD, crack mouth opening displacement; PBT, point bending test.
Load vs. CMOD response of each specimen during the three-PBT at pre-cracking and post-conditioning stages. CMOD, crack mouth opening displacement; PBT, point bending test.

Fig. 5

Different self-healing indices based on the three-PBT. PBT, point bending test.
Different self-healing indices based on the three-PBT. PBT, point bending test.

Fig. 6

Captured images of a different specimen during microscopic observation at the end of 120 days healing duration (A) OPC specimen, (B) HA1 specimen, and (C) HA2 specimen. OPC, ordinary Portland cement.
Captured images of a different specimen during microscopic observation at the end of 120 days healing duration (A) OPC specimen, (B) HA1 specimen, and (C) HA2 specimen. OPC, ordinary Portland cement.

Fig. 7

SEM image of crack surfaces at a healing period of 56 days (magnification: 3,000). SEM, scanning electron microscope.
SEM image of crack surfaces at a healing period of 56 days (magnification: 3,000). SEM, scanning electron microscope.

Mix proportions for the three FR mortar mixtures with ratio.

Mix type Water Cement Fiber (vol%) Fine aggregate Healing agent fc’ (MPa) Slump flow (mm)
OPC 0.40 1.00 0.5 2.00 54.6 170
HA1 0.40 1.00 0.5 1.97 0.03 47.3 165
HA2 0.40 1.00 0.5 1.94 0.06 49.6 169

Tabulated values of fracture toughness for each type of mix and IFTR.

Mix type W (μm) FCPL (kN) Ploading KIC_Precrack KIC_Healed IFTR Mix type W (μm) FCPL (kN) Ploading KIC_Precrack KIC_Healed IFTR
OPC-56D 36 1.32 4.29 0.0340 0.0105 0.31 OPC-120D 35 1.27 4.29 0.0340 0.0101 0.30
39 1.34 4.29 0.0340 0.0106 0.31 36 1.31 4.29 0.0340 0.0104 0.31
34 1.24 4.29 0.0340 0.0098 0.29 40 1.21 4.29 0.0340 0.0096 0.28
65 0.39 3.06 0.0243 0.0031 0.13 73 0.54 3.29 0.0261 0.0043 0.16
72 0.36 3.24 0.0257 0.0029 0.11 71 0.42 3.36 0.0267 0.0033 0.13
75 0.31 3.3 0.0262 0.0025 0.09 76 0.38 3.31 0.0263 0.0030 0.11
141 0.25 3.25 0.0258 0.0020 0.08 137 0.25 3.38 0.0268 0.0020 0.07
138 0.23 3.46 0.0275 0.0018 0.07 144 0.26 3.3 0.0262 0.0021 0.08
145 0.21 3.33 0.0264 0.0017 0.06 133 0.25 3.26 0.0259 0.0020 0.08
183 0.19 3.18 0.0252 0.0015 0.06 165 0.22 3.36 0.0267 0.0017 0.07
172 0.17 2.83 0.0225 0.0013 0.06 184 0.21 3.52 0.0279 0.0017 0.06
168 0.18 2.96 0.0235 0.0014 0.06 177 0.24 3.59 0.0285 0.0019 0.07

HA1-56D 37.3 1.52 4.17 0.0331 0.0121 0.36 HA1-120D 32 1.72 4.10 0.0325 0.0136 0.42
44 1.41 3.7 0.0294 0.0112 0.38 43 1.80 4.10 0.0325 0.0143 0.44
32 1.24 3.58 0.0284 0.0098 0.35 44 1.66 4.40 0.0349 0.0132 0.38
72.4 0.6 3.2 0.0254 0.0048 0.19 81 1.04 3.39 0.0269 0.0083 0.31
79 0.52 3.12 0.0248 0.0041 0.17 78 0.89 3.31 0.0263 0.0071 0.27
68 0.49 3.19 0.0253 0.0039 0.15 85 0.91 3.65 0.0290 0.0072 0.25
139 0.28 3.8 0.0301 0.0022 0.07 133 0.33 3.13 0.0248 0.0026 0.11
135 0.29 3.25 0.0258 0.0023 0.09 140 0.35 3.11 0.0247 0.0028 0.11
142 0.26 3.02 0.0240 0.0021 0.09 147 0.31 2.27 0.0180 0.0025 0.14
178 0.22 3.33 0.0264 0.0017 0.07 173 0.24 3.49 0.0277 0.0019 0.07
181 0.23 3.39 0.0269 0.0018 0.07 175 0.21 2.73 0.0217 0.0017 0.08
169 0.2 3 0.0238 0.0016 0.07 166 0.26 2.98 0.0236 0.0021 0.09

HA2-56D 35 1.81 3.9 0.0309 0.0144 0.46 HA2-120D 36 1.90 3.90 0.0309 0.0151 0.49
38.6 1.77 3.9 0.0309 0.0140 0.45 37 1.88 3.90 0.0309 0.0149 0.48
41 1.68 3.9 0.0309 0.0133 0.43 40 1.73 3.90 0.0309 0.0137 0.44
69.9 0.68 3.16 0.0251 0.0054 0.22 83 1.02 3.03 0.0240 0.0081 0.34
61 0.71 3.02 0.0240 0.0056 0.24 70 1.22 3.36 0.0267 0.0097 0.36
67 0.65 3.1 0.0246 0.0052 0.21 85 1.11 3.41 0.0258 0.0088 0.34
136 0.3 3.1 0.0246 0.0024 0.10 139 0.5 2.72 0.0216 0.0040 0.18
130 0.28 2.86 0.0227 0.0022 0.10 143 0.57 3.03 0.0240 0.0045 0.19
137 0.26 2.77 0.0220 0.0021 0.09 144 0.45 3.35 0.0266 0.0036 0.13
175 0.22 1.96 0.0156 0.0017 0.11 180 0.38 3.65 0.0290 0.0030 0.10
184 0.24 2.54 0.0202 0.0019 0.09 170 0.38 3.2 0.0254 0.0030 0.12
187 0.21 2.33 0.0185 0.0017 0.09 160 0.39 3.39 0.0269 0.0031 0.12

Tabulated values of FCPL increase for few crack width.

Mix type W (μm) FCPL (kN) Ploading FCPL increase Mix type W (μm) FCPL (kN) Ploading FCPL increase
OPC-56D 36 1.32 4.29 0.31 OPC-120D 34.8 1.27 4.29 0.3
39 1.34 4.29 0.31 35.5 1.31 4.29 0.31
34 1.24 4.29 0.28 40.2 1.21 4.29 0.28
65 0.39 3.06 0.13 73 0.54 3.29 0.16
72 0.36 3.24 0.11 70.9 0.42 3.36 0.13
75 0.31 3.3 0.1 76 0.38 3.31 0.12
141 0.25 3.25 0.08 137 0.25 3.38 0.07
138 0.23 3.46 0.07 144 0.26 3.3 0.08
145 0.21 3.33 0.06 133 0.25 3.26 0.08
183 0.19 3.18 0.06 165 0.22 3.36 0.07
172 0.17 2.83 0.06 184 0.21 3.52 0.06
168 0.18 2.96 0.06 177 0.24 3.59 0.07

HA1-56D 37.3 1.52 4.17 0.36 HA1-120D 32 1.72 4.1 0.42
44 1.41 3.7 0.38 43.4 1.8 4.1 0.44
32 1.24 3.58 0.34 44 1.66 4.4 0.4
72.4 0.6 3.2 0.19 81 1.04 3.39 0.31
79 0.52 3.12 0.17 78 0.89 3.31 0.27
68 0.49 3.19 0.15 85 0.91 3.65 0.25
139 0.28 3.8 0.07 133 0.33 3.13 0.11
135 0.29 3.25 0.09 140 0.35 3.11 0.11
142 0.26 3.02 0.09 147 0.31 2.27 0.14
178 0.22 3.33 0.07 173 0.24 3.49 0.07
181 0.23 3.39 0.07 175 0.21 2.73 0.08
169 0.2 3 0.07 166 0.26 2.98 0.09

HA2-56D 35 1.81 3.9 0.46 HA2-120D 36 1.9 3.9 0.49
38.6 1.77 3.9 0.45 37 1.88 3.9 0.48
41 1.68 3.9 0.43 39.6 1.73 3.9 0.44
69.9 0.68 3.16 0.22 83 1.02 3.03 0.34
61 0.71 3.02 0.24 70.3 1.22 3.36 0.36
67 0.65 3.1 0.21 85 1.11 3.41 0.32
136 0.3 3.1 0.10 139 0.5 2.72 0.18
130 0.28 2.86 0.10 143 0.57 3.03 0.19
137 0.26 2.77 0.09 144 0.45 3.35 0.13
175 0.22 1.96 0.11 180 0.38 3.65 0.10
184 0.24 2.54 0.09 170 0.38 3.2 0.12
187 0.21 2.33 0.09 160 0.39 3.39 0.12

Tabulated values of fracture energy considering the area under the curve (Wo) based on actual crack healing and IFER.

Mix type W (μm) Wo Pre-crack Wo healed Gfpre crack Gfhealed IFER Mix type W (μm) Wo Pre-crack Wo healed Gfpre crack Gfhealed IFER
OPC-56D 36 4.92 2.11 0.354 0.148 0.58 OPC-120D 34.8 4.92 2.11 0.342 0.108 0.68
39 4.92 2.26 0.383 0.157 0.59 35.5 4.92 2.03 0.349 0.123 0.65
34 4.92 2.19 0.334 0.177 0.47 40.2 4.92 1.97 0.395 0.147 0.63
65 1.09 0.35 0.638 0.353 0.45 73 1.97 0.64 0.716 0.255 0.64
72 0.97 0.29 0.706 0.334 0.53 70.9 1.94 0.62 0.696 0.275 0.61
75 0.89 0.31 0.736 0.324 0.56 76 1.88 0.59 0.746 0.304 0.59
141 2.28 0.49 1.384 0.942 0.32 137 2.39 0.59 1.344 0.883 0.34
138 3.04 0.81 1.354 0.971 0.28 144 3.2 0.82 1.413 0.903 0.36
145 2.56 0.57 1.423 0.981 0.31 133 2.85 0.57 1.305 0.873 0.33
183 1.52 0.33 1.795 1.324 0.26 165 1.87 0.37 1.619 1.128 0.30
172 1.97 0.41 1.688 1.275 0.24 184 1.95 0.41 1.805 1.226 0.32
168 2.12 0.39 1.648 1.275 0.23 177 2.11 0.29 1.737 1.236 0.29

HA1-56D 37.3 1.9 1.17 0.366 0.108 0.70 HA1-120D 32 3.1 1.75 0.314 0.089 0.72
44 1.9 1.14 0.432 0.137 0.68 43.4 3.1 1.8 0.426 0.098 0.77
32 1.9 1.1 0.314 0.147 0.53 44 3.1 1.71 0.432 0.138 0.68
72.4 1.33 0.48 0.710 0.285 0.60 81 1.77 0.55 0.795 0.334 0.58
79 1.01 0.39 0.775 0.314 0.59 78 1.72 0.66 0.765 0.314 0.59
68 1.1 0.42 0.667 0.343 0.49 85 1.66 0.63 0.834 0.363 0.56
139 2.11 0.36 1.364 0.883 0.35 133 1.6 0.42 1.305 0.824 0.37
135 2.31 0.43 1.325 0.883 0.33 140 1.88 0.46 1.374 0.854 0.38
142 2.56 0.64 1.393 0.893 0.36 147 2.29 0.58 1.442 0.873 0.39
178 1.92 0.36 1.747 1.197 0.31 173 2.21 0.42 1.697 1.099 0.35
181 2.13 0.42 1.776 1.236 0.30 175 1.88 0.51 1.717 1.148 0.33
169 2.33 0.48 1.658 1.177 0.29 166 2.03 0.53 1.629 1.128 0.31

HA2-56D 35 2.77 1.82 0.344 0.108 0.69 HA2-120D 36 2.53 1.74 0.354 0.079 0.78
38.6 2.77 1.89 0.379 0.094 0.75 37 2.53 1.8 0.363 0.069 0.81
41 2.77 1.78 0.403 0.138 0.66 39.6 2.53 1.69 0.389 0.098 0.75
69.9 1.53 0.79 0.686 0.265 0.61 83 1.91 0.85 0.815 0.245 0.70
61 1.7 0.85 0.599 0.363 0.39 70.3 2.7 1.18 0.690 0.285 0.59
67 1.49 0.75 0.658 0.324 0.51 77 2.73 1.21 0.756 0.304 0.60
136 1.58 0.5 1.334 0.795 0.40 139 1.66 0.6 1.364 0.775 0.43
130 1.66 0.57 1.276 0.795 0.38 143 1.73 0.65 1.403 0.765 0.45
137 1.51 0.47 1.344 0.814 0.39 144 1.81 0.59 1.413 0.765 0.46
175 1.4 0.5 1.717 1.099 0.36 180 2.22 0.32 1.766 1.010 0.43
184 1.66 0.62 1.805 1.177 0.35 170 1.81 0.39 1.668 1.020 0.39
187 1.48 0.55 1.835 1.148 0.37 160 1.96 0.42 1.570 0.922 0.41
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