
Figure 1.

A: Correlation of the livelihoods of the families from Ventaquemada (V) and Jericó (J). B: human capital (HC), social capital (SC), financial capital (FINC), natural capital (NC), and physical capital (PC)Source: own study
A: Correlation of the livelihoods of the families from Ventaquemada (V) and Jericó (J). B: human capital (HC), social capital (SC), financial capital (FINC), natural capital (NC), and physical capital (PC)Source: own study

Figure 2.

Principal component analysis (PCA) of livelihoods in Ventaquemada (V) and Jericó (J)Source: own study
Principal component analysis (PCA) of livelihoods in Ventaquemada (V) and Jericó (J)Source: own study

Figure 3.

Bootstrap analysis of empowerment in Ventaquemada according to Ward's method. Organisation (O), participation in solidarity entities (PSE), participation in social policy (PSP), self-esteem (S/E), knowledge of management (KM), technical knowledge (TK), optimisation of family time (OFT), critical capacities (CC), conflict resolution (CR), training level (TL), management skills (MS), negotiation skills (NS), network support (NS), exchange (E), accompaniment (ACC), support (S), capacity for organisation (CFO), capacity for choice (CFC), reinforcement of values (ROV), increase in self-esteem (IS/E), mastery of fears (MOF), capacity for analysis (COA), increase in benefits (IB), reinforcement of technology (ROT), implementation of family projects (IOFP), increased capacity for expression (ICFE), increased participation (IP), support for organisation (SFO), support for structure (SFS), local policies (LP), economic activities (EA), family benefits (FB), technology (T), task relief (TR), buildings (B), land (L), capital (C), income (I), increased self-esteem (IS/E)Source: own study
Bootstrap analysis of empowerment in Ventaquemada according to Ward's method. Organisation (O), participation in solidarity entities (PSE), participation in social policy (PSP), self-esteem (S/E), knowledge of management (KM), technical knowledge (TK), optimisation of family time (OFT), critical capacities (CC), conflict resolution (CR), training level (TL), management skills (MS), negotiation skills (NS), network support (NS), exchange (E), accompaniment (ACC), support (S), capacity for organisation (CFO), capacity for choice (CFC), reinforcement of values (ROV), increase in self-esteem (IS/E), mastery of fears (MOF), capacity for analysis (COA), increase in benefits (IB), reinforcement of technology (ROT), implementation of family projects (IOFP), increased capacity for expression (ICFE), increased participation (IP), support for organisation (SFO), support for structure (SFS), local policies (LP), economic activities (EA), family benefits (FB), technology (T), task relief (TR), buildings (B), land (L), capital (C), income (I), increased self-esteem (IS/E)Source: own study

Figure 4.

Bootstrap analysis of the empowerment of the families of Jericó according to Ward's methodSource: own study
Bootstrap analysis of the empowerment of the families of Jericó according to Ward's methodSource: own study

Contribution of capital to components 1 and 2

CAPITAL Component 1 Component 2
Human 20.24 7.64
Social 14.26 56.19
Natural 20.57 0.75
Physical 19.59 28.62
Financial 25.34 6.81

Definition of capital and their evaluation aspects

Capital Concept Research selection aspects
Human The ability of individuals to develop and improve resources through access to external resources and knowledge transfer.

Training in associativity

Generational relief

Social Related to the interaction between people and organisations to obtain positive or negative results.

Local work networks

Link to projects

Link to policies

Natural Natural resources associated with ecosystem goods and services.

Water availability

Production area

Soil management (organic or conventional activities)


Physical Infrastructure which supports the production of goods or contributes to improving the quality of life.

Access to land

Private infrastructure

Public infrastructure

Financial Availability of financial resources to invest in the development of capacities for the consolidation of business units and accumulation of wealth for the future.

Economic income

Family savings



Indicators of empowerment

Item Category Subcategory
Diagnostic evaluation Economic resources Economic capital
Economic income
Land owned
Human resources Management knowledge (generational relief)
Technical knowledge (especially in agriculture and administration)
Analysis capacity
Socio-political resources Ability to organise resources
Participation in solidarity entities
Participation in social policy
Contribution of interventions Economic resources Technology availability
Task relief
Human resources Accompaniment by family members
Tangible support from family members
Exchange of knowledge
Socio-political resources Organisational support
Structural support
Network support
Results Have Profit increase
Technology booster
Family time optimisation
Know Critical capabilities
Conflict resolution
Training level
Want Self-esteem increase
Mastering fears
Reinforcement of values
Can Capacity for organisation
Administrative capacity
Capacity for negotiation
Impact Have Economic activities
Family benefits
Know Ability to choose
Local politics
Want Increased self-esteem
Achievement of family projects
Can Increased capacity for expression
Increased participation
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Geowissenschaften, Geografie, andere