Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Surge-type Uisu glacier and its undisturbed forefield relief, Eastern Pamir, Tajikistan


Figure 1

Location of the study area on continent (a), region (b), and valley (c). The crosshair, and the geographical coordinates assigned to it, indicate the central part of the Uisu glacier system, numbers 44–68 identify the tributary glaciers according to the USSR glacier inventory (Katalog Lednikov SSSR 1973), the white frame covers the area of detailed geomorphological mapping, the elevations at the spots marked with black dots are expressed in metres above sea levelSource: own study based on the satellite imagery provided by Google Maps: Image, © 2022 TerraMetrics
Location of the study area on continent (a), region (b), and valley (c). The crosshair, and the geographical coordinates assigned to it, indicate the central part of the Uisu glacier system, numbers 44–68 identify the tributary glaciers according to the USSR glacier inventory (Katalog Lednikov SSSR 1973), the white frame covers the area of detailed geomorphological mapping, the elevations at the spots marked with black dots are expressed in metres above sea levelSource: own study based on the satellite imagery provided by Google Maps: Image, © 2022 TerraMetrics

Figure 2

The Uisu glacier system in: a) 1993, and b) 2019. Numbers 45 and 47 stand for two tributary glaciers according to the USSR glacier inventory (for explanation, see text)Source: own study based on the Landsat satellite imagery provided by the USGS Earth Explorer
The Uisu glacier system in: a) 1993, and b) 2019. Numbers 45 and 47 stand for two tributary glaciers according to the USSR glacier inventory (for explanation, see text)Source: own study based on the Landsat satellite imagery provided by the USGS Earth Explorer

Figure 3

Surface area of the Uisu glacier system in 1977–2019. Light grey bars: total area, white bars: area of the part without supraglacial cover, dark grey bars: area of supraglacial coverSource: own study
Surface area of the Uisu glacier system in 1977–2019. Light grey bars: total area, white bars: area of the part without supraglacial cover, dark grey bars: area of supraglacial coverSource: own study

Figure 4

Surface velocity along the central line of the tongue of the Uisu glacier and Glacier No. 47 in the 1993–2019 periodSource: own study
Surface velocity along the central line of the tongue of the Uisu glacier and Glacier No. 47 in the 1993–2019 periodSource: own study

Figure 5

Surface area of the supraglacial lakes in 1993–2019Source: own study
Surface area of the supraglacial lakes in 1993–2019Source: own study

Figure 6

Geomorphological map of Uisu glacier forefieldSource: own study
Geomorphological map of Uisu glacier forefieldSource: own study

Figure 7

Terminal zone of Uisu glacier: a) glacier front, b) supraglacial moraine with meltwater lakes and kettle holes, c) supraglacial material and outcrop of glacial ice with oblique foliation – view from the northern side of the valleySource: own study; aerial photos: Marcin Zegarek (a and b), terrestrial photo: Bogdan Gądek (c)
Terminal zone of Uisu glacier: a) glacier front, b) supraglacial moraine with meltwater lakes and kettle holes, c) supraglacial material and outcrop of glacial ice with oblique foliation – view from the northern side of the valleySource: own study; aerial photos: Marcin Zegarek (a and b), terrestrial photo: Bogdan Gądek (c)

Figure 8

Fluvioglacial forefield of Uisu glacier: a) multi-channel bed of the Koksoy river, b) terrace in front of the glacier terminus. T1 – terrace 1, T2 – terrace 2Source: own study; aerial photos: Marcin Zegarek
Fluvioglacial forefield of Uisu glacier: a) multi-channel bed of the Koksoy river, b) terrace in front of the glacier terminus. T1 – terrace 1, T2 – terrace 2Source: own study; aerial photos: Marcin Zegarek

Figure 9

Alluvial fans at the mouths of valleys located on the northern side of the terminal zone of the Uisu glacier: a) mouth of the eastern valley, b) mouth of the western valley (see Fig. 6). AF – alluvial fan, 1–4 old alluvial levels, RGm – rock glacier (rock-glacierised moraine), Gl – lateral edge of Uisu glacierSource: own study; aerial photo: Marcin Zegarek (a), terrestrial photo: Bogdan Gądek (b)
Alluvial fans at the mouths of valleys located on the northern side of the terminal zone of the Uisu glacier: a) mouth of the eastern valley, b) mouth of the western valley (see Fig. 6). AF – alluvial fan, 1–4 old alluvial levels, RGm – rock glacier (rock-glacierised moraine), Gl – lateral edge of Uisu glacierSource: own study; aerial photo: Marcin Zegarek (a), terrestrial photo: Bogdan Gądek (b)

Figure 10

Geomorphology of the terminal zone of the Uisu glacier: a) slopes on the northern side; b) slopes on the southern side and forefield (Gl – front of the Uisu glacier, RGm – rock-glacierised moraine, RG – periglacial rock glacier, S – talus slope with solifluction lobes, AF – alluvial fan, 2–4 – old alluvial levels, LM – lateral moraine, T2 – fluvioglacial terrace 2; c) sorted polygons on the surface of terrace T2 (Fig. 10b)Source: own study; photos: Bogdan Gądek
Geomorphology of the terminal zone of the Uisu glacier: a) slopes on the northern side; b) slopes on the southern side and forefield (Gl – front of the Uisu glacier, RGm – rock-glacierised moraine, RG – periglacial rock glacier, S – talus slope with solifluction lobes, AF – alluvial fan, 2–4 – old alluvial levels, LM – lateral moraine, T2 – fluvioglacial terrace 2; c) sorted polygons on the surface of terrace T2 (Fig. 10b)Source: own study; photos: Bogdan Gądek

List of Landsat satellite scenes used. MSS: MultiSpectral Scanner (Landsat 1), TM: Thematic Mapper (Landsat 5), ETM+: Enhanced Thematic Mapper + (Landsat 7), and OLI: Operational Land Imager (Landsat 8). “Date” shows day.month, and “P-R” shows path-row. Source: USGS Earth Explorer

No. Sensor Date Year P-R
1 MSS 22.08 1977 162-033
2 TM 30.09 1993 151-033
3 TM 28.09 1998 151-033
4 ETM+ 28.09 2001 151-033
5 ETM+ 15.09 2008 151-033
6 OLI 05.09 2013 151-033
7 OLI 15.08 2017 151-033
8 OLI 22.09 2019 151-033
Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
4 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Geowissenschaften, Geografie, andere