Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Teaching Military Terminology by Means of Translations

   | 04. Juli 2024


The present paper focuses on a pedagogical perspective and underscores the importance of idioms and phrasal verbs in teaching military English. Therefore, it embraces an approach that helps consolidate learners’ language acquisition, with special emphasis on developing military vocabulary by means of thematic translation exercises. It is fundamental to note the positive correlation between developing fluency related to the usage of idioms and phrasal verbs and the students’ language proficiency. As a result, enhancing the mastery of such lexical items may be a prerequisite of military language acquisition. The approach aims to highlight the importance of accommodating translation studies in the field of military English in order to facilitate appropriate language progress and advocates the introduction of relevant, authentic materials to the teaching of military terminology. The paper highlights translation as an approach and it further identifies the main objectives of selecting translation as a beneficial method for military students. The next part outlines the three-level process of teaching methodology of presentation, practice and production. Finally, it provides a brief overview of the main features of translation and their difficulties and offers suggestions regarding thematic organisation and follow-up activities. The repertoire of activities ranges from lead-in tasks to familiarise the students with the particular style of military language and with the requirements to master the vocabulary through controlled practice and finally enables students to reach the level of free practice in meaningful contexts. These findings would seem to suggest that the several aims of the translation method may significantly contribute to the military students’ language progress. Translations involve the knowledge of functional language, followed by inferring meaning from the context, accompanied by correct usage of grammar structures and the achievement of stylistic effect.