
The proposed article examines the treatment of the order of enforcement of obligations by parties in Romanian law. The order of performance is a key issue in contracts and can influence the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved. According to the Romanian Civil Code, the order of performance of obligations can be determined by agreement of the parties or by applicable legal provisions. Thus, the parties may expressly stipulate in the contract the order in which they are to perform their obligations. If the contract does not provide for such an order, the Civil Code provides general principles and rules for determining the priority of performance of obligations. In practice, compliance with the order of performance of obligations may be essential if one of the parties does not fulfil its contractual responsibilities. If one party fails to perform its obligation in accordance with the established order, the other party may claim non-performance of the contract and seek termination, damages or other remedies available under the law. It is therefore crucial that parties pay particular attention to establishing and respecting the order of performance of obligations in contracts. This will help to avoid disputes and provide a clear and predictable framework for contractual relations. In conclusion, the order of performance of obligations in Romanian law is an important issue in contracts. Both by agreement of the parties and by application of the general rules, the aim is to establish a clear hierarchy of contractual obligations. Compliance with this order can protect the interests of the parties and facilitate the efficient resolution of disputes in the event of non-compliance with the contract.