Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Opinions on Modern Methods, Techniques and Procedures of Financial Control used in Entities of the Ministry of National Defence

   | 12. Juli 2021


[1] It was published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 28 / 15.01.2016. Search in Google Scholar

[2] It was published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 87 / 04.02.2019. Search in Google Scholar

[3] It was published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 214 bis / 09.03.2018. Search in Google Scholar

[4] Subchapter 5.5. - “Persons certifying the reality, regularity and legality of the projects of operations subject to own preventive financial control”, Chapter B - “Organization of own preventive financial control” from the specific Methodological Norms of the Order of the Minister of National Defence no. M 19/03.02.2018. Search in Google Scholar

[5] Subchapter 5.6.-“Persons exercising, by visa, own preventive financial control”, Chapter B -“Organization of own preventive financial control” from the specific Methodological Norms of the Order of the Minister of National Defence no. M19/03.02.2018. Search in Google Scholar

[6] Popa N. Vasile N., Colonel Economist Associate Professor PhD Eng. Communication “Realizarea unui sistem informatic integrat pentru gestionarea documentelor unitățilo rministerului apărării implicate în misiuni internaționale”, National Defence University “Carol I’, Scientific communications session “Managementul integrat al resurselor de apărare. Necesitate, actualitate, perspective”, Brașov, December 14, 2007. Search in Google Scholar