
The EU, founded about 70 years ago (1957), to ensure the peace of Europe and the entire world; today, another mission of the European Union is “the well-being and survival of our citizens” (Fr. Timmermans - European Commission COM22 30.01.2019). Sustainable development aims to improve the life of citizens of Europe through lasting economic growth while setting the priorities related to this desire. In 2015, the UN General Meeting adopted the 2030 Agenda and in 2017 the “Declaration from Rome of the leaders of the European states that are members of the European Union” was signed. Through these documents, the necessary and obligatory steps have been established to protect the planet and to ensure the needs of future generations. The objectives set are for the long-term modification of economic development, respecting, and protecting the resources and the environment in the context of future sustainable development. Being UN and EU member and being signed by the Romanian government of the “2030 Agenda”, it launched in November 2018 “The National Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Romania 2030”, which takes into account the present needs and those of future generations, focusing on the respect for the citizen.