
Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) of the genus Steinernema (Travassos, 1927) are among the most important biological control agents used in agriculture to control insect pests. The nematodes of this genus are associated with entomopathogenic bacteria of the genus Xenorhabdus, carried in a specialized receptacle structure hosted in the digestive tract of the free-living infective juveniles (IJs) (Chaston et al., 2011). The infective juveniles search for insects, and once inside the hosts, they release their bacterial symbiont into the hemocoel. Bacteria kill the insect hosts via toxins, enzymes, and insecticidal compounds produced during bacteria multiplication, making these symbiotic organisms highly valuable pest management tools in sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture.

The genus Steinernema is wider in terms of the number of species, when compared to other known EPN genera, with more than 125 valid species that have been described from different geographical regions, except Antarctica (Hominick et al., 1996; Bhat et al., 2020a; Machado et al., 2022; Malan et al., 2023). On the basis of the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rRNA, the species of the genus Steinernema have been phylogenetically divided into 12 multiple species clades: “Affine”, “Bicornutum”, “Cameroonense”, “Carpocapsae”, “Costaricense”, “Feltiae”, “Glaseri”, “Karii”, “Khoisanae”, “Kushidai”, “Longicaudum” and “Monticola”; and three monospecies clades: S. neocurtillae, S. unicornum, and S. rarum (Spiridonov et al., 2016). The “Kushidai” clade currently contains three species, which are: S. kushidai (Mamiya, 1988), S. akhursti (Qiu et al., 2005), and S. populi (Tian et al., 2022), which are characterized by the average size of the IJs (body length of 700–1000 µm).

The diversity of the genus Steinernema reported in India is apparently very high (Bhat et al., 2020a), with 14 species isolated from Indian soils (Bhat et al., 2021a) from more than 125 valid Steinernema species. The Steinernema species that have been isolated from the Indian subcontinent include four from the “Bicornutum” clade: S. bicornutum (Hussaini et al., 2001), S. riobrave (Ganguly et al., 2002), S. pakistanense (Bhat et al., 2018), and S. abbasi (Bhat et al., 2021a); four from the “Carpocapsae” clade: S. carpocapsae (Hussaini et al., 2001), S. tami (Hussaini et al., 2001), S. surkhetense (Bhat et al., 2017), and S. siamkayai (Bhat et al., 2021b); three from the “Glaseri” clade: S. sangi (Yadav et al., 2012), S. indicum (Patil et al., 2023) and S. hermaphroditum (Bhat et al., 2019); and three from the “Glaseri” clade: S. sangi (Lalramnghaki et al., 2017), S. cholashanense (Mhatre et al., 2017), and S. feltiae (Askary et al., 2020). In addition, three species, S. thermophilum, S. meghalayense, and S. dharanai, were synonymized with already existing species: S. abbasi, S. carpocapsae, and S. hermaphroditum, respectively (Ganguly & Singh, 2000; Ganguly et al., 2011; Kulkarni et al., 2012; Hunt & Subbotin, 2016). The following species were declared species inquirendae: S. masoodi, S. seemae, S. qazi, and S. sayeedae (Ali et al., 2005; Ali et al., 2009; Ali et al., 2010; Ali et al., 2011; Hunt & Subbotin, 2016). Ganguly et al. (2002) also reported finding S. riobrave Cabanillas, Poinar & Raulston, 1994 but the identification was made based only on few morphometrical characters and the finding of S. riobrave in India is thus doubtful. Previously, no novel species of the family Steinernematidae have been reported from India so far (Bhat et al., 2020a; Rana et al., 2020; Bhat et al., 2021b; Askary et al., 2022), but recently one new species namely Steinernema indicum (Patil et al., 2023) has been added in it.

In order to characterize the prevalence and distribution of EPNs in Indian soils, a survey was conducted in the Pir Panjal Range, in the Kashmir region of the Indian subcontinent. As a result of this survey, several nematode populations were recovered, including three isolates: Steiner_6, Steiner_7, and Steiner_8. Initial molecular characterization suggests that these three isolates are conspecific and represent a new species in the genus Steinernema. In this study, we describe Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. based on morphological observations and morphometric analysis using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), as well as molecular studies based on genetic sequences of ribosomal RNA and mitochondrial genes. Self-crossing and cross-hybridization experiments were also used. In addition, we isolated and characterized the symbiotic bacterium associated with S. anantnagense n. sp.

Materials and Methods
Nematode survey and collection

Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. Steiner_6, Steiner_7, and Steiner_8 nematodes were isolated from soil samples collected in the Pir Panjal Range of Kashmir Valley, India using Corcyra cephalonica Stainton (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvae as a bait insect. The isolates Steiner_6, Steiner_7, and Steiner_8 were collected in the Waghama area of Bijbehara Anantnag of the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir (GPS coordinates: 33.828914, 75.100091; 1606 m above the sea level) from soils around roots of willow, walnut, and apple intercrops, respectively, in areas adjoining district Anantnag, India. The insect cadavers recovered from soil samples were washed with ddH2O, sterilized with 0.1% NaOCl2, and nematode IJs were recovered from them by the White trap method (White, 1927). The IJs were sterilized with 0.1% NaOCl2 and stored in 250 mL tissue culture flasks in Biological Oxygen Demand incubator at 15°C. The new species has been registered in the ZooBank at urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:210D5242-2C15-437F-8D57-B00EECD98B85.

Morphological and morphometrical characterization

Different life stages of S. anantnagense n. sp. were obtained from infected Galleria mellonella larvae exposed to 100 IJs/insects in a 15 cm-diameter Petri dish lined with moistened Whatman number 1 filter paper and kept in the dark at 25°C. The wax moth larvae died within 48 h after inoculation. After they died, the insect cadavers were transferred to a modified White trap (Kaya & Stock, 1997) and incubated at 25°C until IJs emerged. First- and second-generation adult nematodes were obtained by dissecting infected G. mellonella cadavers in Ringer’s solution after 3–4 and 6–7 days of infection, respectively. Infective juveniles (IJs) were collected after they emerged from G. mellonella cadavers in White traps (White, 1927). Nematodes were killed with water at 60°C, fixed in 4% formalin solution (4 mL formaldehyde, 1 mL Glycerol, 95 mL ddH2O), dehydrated by the Seinhorst method (Seinhorst, 1959), and transferred to anhydrous glycerin. Nematodes were, after that, picked with a peacock feather and mounted on permanent glass slides with extra layers of paraffin wax to prevent the flattening of the nematodes as described (Bhat et al., 2022). Morphometric measurements were taken using the Nikon DS-L1 image acquisition software mounted on a phase-contrast microscope (Nikon Eclipse 50i) in μm. Light microscopy photographs were captured using a Nikon Eclipse 80i microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with differential interference contrast optics (DIC) and a Nikon Digital Sight DS-U1 camera. For the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), nematodes preserved in 4% formalin were re-hydrated in distilled water, dehydrated in a graded ethanol-acetone series, critical point dried with liquid CO2, mounted on SEM stubs with a carbon tape, coated with gold in sputter coater, and observed with a Zeiss Merlin microscope (5 kV) (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) (Abolafia, 2015). All micrographs were processed using Adobe® Photoshop® CS. Morphological characters of closely related species were taken from the original publications. The terminology used for the morphology of stoma and spicules follows the proposals by De Ley et al. (1995) and Abolafia and Peña-Santiago (2017a), respectively, and the terminology for pharynx follows the proposals by Bird and Bird (1991) and Baldwin and Perry (2004).

Self-crossing and cross-hybridization experiments

Self-crossing and cross-hybridization experiments were carried out using G. mellonella larvae hemolymph as described by Kaya & Stock, 1997 with minor modifications. To this end, drops of hemolymph obtained from surface-sterilized G. mellonella larvae were placed in sterile Petri dishes (35×10 mm). Hemolymph drops were treated with a small amount of phenylthiourea to prevent melanization. Then 40–60 surface-sterilized IJs (0.1% NaOCl for 30 min, followed by thrice rinse through sterile distilled water) were added to the hemolymph drops. Then, Petri dishes were wrapped in moistened tissue paper and kept in plastic bags at 25°C (room temperature). Petri dishes were observed daily for the presence of males and virgin females. Then, males and virgin females in the ratio of 3:3 were placed separately in fresh hemolymph drops and were crossed with adults of the opposite sex of the other species. Controls consist of crosses of identical isolates; some females were kept without males to check their virginity (n=30). The Petri dishes were observed daily for 15 days to determine the production of offspring. Experiments were conducted twice under the same conditions. The following species were crossed: Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. (Steiner_6, Steiner_7, and Steiner_8), S. ichnusae Sardinia, S. litorale Aichi, S. weiseri, S. akhursti Akh, S. citrae, S. cholashanense GARZE, S. feltiae P1, S. silvaticum, S. africanum RW14-M-C2a-3, and S. xueshanense DEQ.

Nematode molecular characterization and phylogenetic analyses

Genomic DNA was extracted from single virgin females as described (Bhat et al., 2023). Briefly, several virgin females were first washed with Ringer’s solution and then with PBS buffer and then individually transferred into sterile PCR tubes (0.2 mL), each containing 20 μL extraction buffer (17.6 μL nuclease-free dH2O, 2 μL 5X PCR buffer, 0.2 μL 1% Tween, and 0.2 μL proteinase K). The buffers with single virgin females were frozen at −20°C for 60 min or overnight and then immediately incubated in a water bath at 65°C for 1.2 h, followed by incubation at 95°C for 10 min. The lysates were cooled on ice and centrifuged at 6500 × g for 2 min. The following primers were used for PCR reactions: the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) were amplified using primers 18S: (5′-TTGATTACGTCCCTGCCCTTT-3′) (forward), and 28S: (5′-TTTCACTCGCCGTTACTAAGG-3′) (reverse) (Vrain et al., 1992). The D2D3 regions of 28S rRNA were amplified using primers D2F: 5′-CCTTAG TAACGGCGAGTGAAA-3′ (forward) and 536: 5′-CAGC TATCCTGAGGAAAC-3′ (reverse) (Nadler et al., 2006). The 12S mitochondrial gene was amplified using the primers 505F: 5′-GTTCCAGAATAATCGGCTAGAC-3′ (forward) and 506R: 5′-TCTACTTTACTACAACTTACT CCCC-3′ (reverse) (Nadler et al., 2006) and the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was amplified using the universal primers LCO-1490 (5′-GGTCAACAAA TCATAAAGATATTGG-3′) (forward) and HCO-2198 (5′-TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA-3′) (reverse) (Folmer et al., 1994). The 25 µL PCR reactions consisted of 12.5 µL of Dream Taq Green PCR Master Mix (Thermo Scientific, USA), 0.5 µL of each forward and reverse primer at 10 µm, 2 µL of DNA extract and 9.5 µL of nuclease-free distilled water. The PCR reaction was performed using a thermocycler with the following settings: for ITS and D2-D3 markers, 1 cycle of 5 min at 94°C followed by 37 cycles of 30 sec at 94°C, 30 sec at 50°C, 1 min 30 s at 72°C, and by a single final elongation step at 72°C for 10 min. For the 12S marker, the PCR protocol included initial denaturation at 94°C for 3 min, followed by 30 cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 50°C for 30 s, and 72°C for 45 s, followed by a final extension at 72°C for 15 min. For the COI marker, the PCR program was as follows: one cycle of 94°C for 2 min followed by 37 cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 51°C for 45 s, 72°C for 2 min, and a final extension at 72°C for 12 min. PCR was followed by electrophoresis (40 min, 130 V) of 10 μL of PCR products in a 1% TBA (tris–boric acid–EDTA) buffered agarose gel stained with SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, California, USA) (Bhat et al., 2020b). PCR products were purified using QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) and sequenced using reverse and forward primers by Sanger sequencing (Bioserve Ltd., Hyderabad, India). Obtained sequences were manually edited and trimmed using BioEdit and deposited in the NCBI under the accession numbers: OQ40749, OQ407497, and OQ407497 for ITS; OQ407498, OQ407499, and OQ407500 for 28S; OQ404917, OQ407535, and OQ407536 for mtCOI; and OQ407491, OQ407492, and OQ407493 for mt12S.

To obtain genomic sequences of nematodes that belong to all the validly described species closely related to S. anantnagense n. sp., we searched the database of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) (Altschul et al., 1990). Steinernema monticola (AB698756, GU395647, AY943994, and AY944020) was used as an outgroup in ITS, D2D3, mtCOI, and mt12S based phylogenetic trees. The resulting sequences were aligned with MUSCLE (v3.8.31) (Edgar, 2004) and used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships by the Maximum Likelihood method based on the following nucleotide substitution models: Hasegawa-Kishino-Yano model (HKY+G) (ITS), Tamura–Nei (TN93+G+I) (D2–D3 & COI), and Tamura 3-parameter (T92+G) (12S). To select the best substitution models, best-fit nucleotide substitution model analyses were conducted in MEGA 11 (Nei & Kumar, 2000; Tamura et al., 2021). The trees with the highest log likelihood are shown. The percentages of trees where the associated taxa clustered together are displayed next to the branches. Initial tree(s) for the heuristic search were obtained automatically by applying Neighbor–Join and BioNJ algorithms to a matrix of pairwise distances estimated using the Maximum Composite Likelihood (MCL) approach, and then selecting the topology with superior log likelihood value. In some cases, a discrete Gamma distribution (+G) was used to model evolutionary rate differences among sites and the rate variation model allowed for some sites to be evolutionarily invariable (+I). The trees are drawn to scale, with branch lengths measured in the number of substitutions per site. Graphical representation and edition of the phylogenetic trees were performed with Interactive Tree of Life (v3.5.1) (Chevenet et al., 2006; Letunic and Bork, 2016).

Symbiotic relationships

The Xenorhabdus entomopathogenic bacteria associated with S. anantnagense n. sp. Steiner_6, Steiner_7, and Steiner_8 nematodes were isolated as described previously (Machado et al., 2018; Machado et al., 2019). Briefly, G. mellonella (n = 10) larvae were exposed to 100 nematode infective juveniles. Two to three days later, insect cadavers were surface–sterilized with 0.1% sodium hypochlorite solution and cut open with a sharp blade. Sterile polypropylene inoculation loops were inserted into the cadaver, and the loops were then streaked on LB agar plates and incubated at 28°C for 24–48 h. Xenorhabdus–like colonies were sub-cultured until monocultures were obtained. The strains were further sub-cultured and maintained on LB agar plates at 28°C. To establish their taxonomic identities, we reconstructed phylogenetic relationships based on whole genome sequences of the isolated bacteria and all the different species of the genus Xenorhabdus (Machado et al., 2023) and genomic sequences were obtained as described by Machado et al. (2021). Genome sequences were deposited in the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, and accession numbers are listed in Table S3. Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed based on the assembled genomes and the genome sequences of all validly published species of the genus with publicly available genome sequences as described by Machado et al. (2023). Whole genome sequence similarities were calculated by the digital DNA-DNA hybridization (dDDH) method using the recommended formula 2 of the genome-to-genome distance calculator (GGDC) web service of the Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH (DSMZ) (Auch et al., 2010, 2020; Meier-Kolthoff et al., 2013, 2014).

Results and Discussion

Three populations of Steinernema nematodes, Steiner_6, Steiner_7 and, Steiner_8, were isolated from agricultural soils in the Bijbehara area of district Anantnag, India. Analysis of several taxonomically relevant markers show that Steiner_6, Steiner_7, and Steiner_8 are conspecific, belong to the “Feltiae–Kushidai–Monticola” superclade or “Kushidai” clade, are closely related to S. akhursti, S. populi, S. sangi, and S. kushidai, and represent a new species, for which we propose the name Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. To describe this new species, we compared this species with other closely related species at the molecular and morphological levels and conducted cross-hybridization and self-crossing experiments. As all three populations are identical at the molecular level, we selected Steiner_7 for in-depth morphological and morphometrical identification.

Steinernema anantnagense n. sp.

(Figs. 1–5, Table 1)

Figure 1:

Line drawings of first- and second-generation adults and infective juveniles of Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. (A–C) First-generation female: (A) Anterior end; (B) Neck region; (C) Posterior end. (D–F) First-generation male: D) Anterior end; (E) Neck region; (F) Posterior end. (G–I) Second-generation female: (G) Anterior end; (H) Neck region; (I) Posterior end. (J–L) Second-generation male: (J) Anterior end; (K) Neck region; (L) Posterior end. (M–O) Infective juvenile: (M) Anterior end; (N) Neck; (O) Posterior end.

Figure 2:

Light microscope micrographs of first-generation adults and IJ of Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. (A–C) Female: (A) Anterior end; (B) Neck region (arrow pointing to the excretory pore); (C) Posterior end. (D–F) Male: (D) Anterior end; (E) Neck region (arrow pointing to the excretory pore); (F) Posterior end (arrow pointing to the mid-ventral genital papillae). (G–I) Infective juvenile: (G) Anterior end; (H) Neck region (black arrow pointing to the excretory pore, white arrow pointing to the bacteria sac); (I) Posterior end.

Figure 3:

Light microscope micrographs of second-generation adults and IJ of Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. (A–C) Second-generation female: (A) Anterior end; (B) Neck region; (C) Posterior end. (D–F) Second-generation male: D) Anterior end; (E) Neck region; (F) Posterior end (arrow pointing to the mid-ventral genital papillae). (G) Entire infective juvenile (arrow pointing to the bacteria sac).

Figure 4:

Scanning electron microscope micrographs of first-generation adults of Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. (A, B) Lip region of female in frontal and lateral view, respectively (arrows pointing to the amphids); (C) Excretory pore of female; (D) Vulva in ventral view; (E) Female posterior end (arrow pointing to the anus). (F–H) Male posterior end in lateral, ventral and subventral view, respectively (GP: genital papilla, MP: mid-ventral papilla, ph: phasmid). (I, J) Lip region of IJ in frontal and lateral view, respectively (arrows pointing to the amphids); (K) Excretory pore of IJ; (L) Lateral field of IJ; (M, N) Posterior end of IJ in ventral and lateral view, respectively (arrows pointing to the phasmids).

Figure 5:

Scanning electron microscope micrographs of second-generation adults and IJ of Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. (A, B) Lip region of female in frontal and lateral view, respectively (arrows pointing to the amphids); (C) Excretory pore of female; (D) Vulva in ventral view; (E, F) Female posterior end in lateral and ventral view, respectively (arrow pointing to the anus). (G, H) Lip region of male in frontal and lateral view, respectively (arrows pointing to the amphids); (I) Male excretory pore; (J–L) Male posterior end in lateral, ventral and subventral view, respectively (GP: genital papilla, MP: mid-ventral papilla, ph: phasmid).

Morphometrics of the IJs and adult generations of Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. (Steiner_7). All characters are in µm (except n, ratios and percentages) and given as mean ± s.d. (range).

Characters First Generation Second Generation Infective Juveniles (paratypes)

Male (holotype) Male (paratypes) Female (paratypes) Male (paratypes) Female (paratypes)
n 1 20 20 20 20 20
Body length (L) 1279 1618 ± 246 (1223–1899) 3765 ± 441 (2327–4872) 1068 ± 76 (899–1168) 2081 ± 200 (1761–2437) 789 ± 35 (749–834)
a (L/BD) 6.6 8.3 ± 1.1 (6.4–9.8) 23 ± 1.2 (17–29) 19 ± 2.6 (15.1–25.3) 14.7 ± 1.5 (12.1–17.4) 22 ± 1.9 (19–24)
b (L/NL) 7.0 9.2 ± 1.4 (7.0–11.3) 17.0 ± 2.4 (13–21) 7.1 ± 0.6 (5.9–8.2) 11.0 ± 1.0 (9.6–13.5) 6.0 ± 0.4 (5.5–6.7)
c (L/T) 35 49 ± 9.0 (34–64) 100 ± 18 (61–122) 43 ± 5.8 (31–52) 54 ± 6.6 (43–67) 13.8 ± 1.8 (12.2–16.4)
c’ (T/ABW) 1.2 1.1 ± 0.2 (0.8–1.6) 0.7 ± 0.1 (0.5–0.8) 0.9 ± 0.2 (0.6–1.4) 1.0 ± 0.1 (0.8–1.3) 1.8 ± 0.2 (1.6–2.1)
V (VA/L×100) 53 ± 1.7 (50–58) 53 ± 1.7 (50–57)
Max. body diam. (MBD) 193 194 ±11.3 (167–211) 434 ± 30 (314–409) 57 ± 7.3 (42–63) 143 ± 16 (123–173) 37 ± 3.6 (32–42)
Lip region width 10.2 10.1 ± 1.9 (8.2–12.2) 14.4 ± 1.9 (11.1–18.3) 8.4 ± 1.6 (6.1–12.1) 11.4 ± 1.7 (8.9–14.6) 4.6 ± 2.0 (3.7–5.8)
Stoma length 12.3 13.8 ± 1.6 (10.1–16.9) 16.4 ± 2.4 (12.4–22.1) 11.7 ± 1.1 (10.1–14.1) 14.1 ± 2.3 (11.1–18.1) 10.7 ± 2.0 (8.6–13.8)
Procorpus length 66 57 ± 4.1 (51–66) 65 ± 6.0 (55–76) 47 ± 3.9 (41–53) 54 ± 3.8 (49–65) 43 ± 5.4 (37–52)
Metacorpus length 33 34 ± 1.7 (30–36) 44 ± 4.6 (38–50) 30 ± 2.4 (25–35) 37 ± 2.4 (33–43) 26 ± 2.7 (23–29)
Isthmus length 40 42 ± 4.0 (37–50) 53 ± 6.4 (45–68) 37 ± 1.5 (35–40) 49 ± 3.7 (43–55) 36 ± 2.8 (31–39)
Bulb length (BL) 31 30 ± 2.2 (25–35) 43 ± 4.5 (33–50) 25 ± 2.7 (21–30) 35 ± 2.9 (30–39) 17 ± 1.8 (16–20)
Bulb width (EBW) 26 25 ± 1.6 (21–27) 35 ± 3.5 (27–41) 21 ± 1.9 (18–25) 28 ± 2.7 (25–33) 11 ± 1.7 (9.1–13.9)
Pharynx length (PL) 170 162 ± 5.9 (150–172) 206 ± 14 (182–232) 139 ± 5.0 (129–146) 175 ± 6.4 (164–191) 121 ± 8.0 (109–133)
Nerve ring – ant. end (NR) 109 112 ± 6.8 (103–129) 165 ± 12.1 (143–182) 91 ± 7.0 (75–104) 109 ± 11.9 (88–127) 63 ± 8.4 (54–71)
Excretory pore – ant. end (EP) 114 111 ± 10 (88–124) 112 ± 11.9 (92–140) 80 ± 9.2 (62–98) 92 ± 8.1 (82–112) 55 ± 6.7 (45–62)
Width at excretory pore (WEP) 58 61 ± 3.4 (49–65) 137 ± 11.3 (123–170) 35 ± 3.6 (30–42) 60 ± 6.7 (51–74) 22 ± 2.4 (19–25)
Neck length (stoma+pharynx, NL) 182 176 ± 6.4 (165–185) 223 ± 14 (196–255) 151 ± 5.0 (142–159) 189 ± 6.5 (177–204) 132 ± 8.3 (120–143)
Body width at neck base 79 86 ± 5.8 (76–96) 217 ± 23 (195–264) 41 ± 3.9 (36–50) 95 ± 8.5 (82–107) 29 ± 2.9 (24–32)
Testis reflexion 630 631 ± 37 (576–689) 522 ± 32 (481–568)
Vagina length 31 ± 3.1 (24–36) 24 ± 3.3 (19–30)
Body width at vulva 386 ± 53 (309–498) 164 ± 25 (124–193)
Vulva – ant. end (VA) 1989 ± 214 (1247–2252) 1105 ± 101 (961–1295)
Vulva – post. end (VP) 1776 ± 242 (1080–2038) 976 ± 110 (801–1161)
Rectum length 35 ± 4.0 (29–44) 21 ± 2.5 (17–24) 13.8 ± 1.9 (11–16)
Anal body diam. (ABD) 31 32 ± 3.9 (25–36) 86 ± 7.1 (77–110) 29 ± 4.1 (21–35) 41 ± 6.8 (31–53) 20 ± 1.7 (18–22)
Tail length (T) 37 34 ± 2.4 (29–39) 38 ± 4.2 (32–49) 26 ± 3.9 (21–35) 49 ± 3.9 (38–53) 58 ± 6.7 (49–66)
Hyaline part of tail (H) 16.3 ± 4.1 (11.8–23.7)
Spicule length (SL) 66 64 ± 4.6 (56–70) 44 ± 2.6 (40–49)
Gubernaculum length (GL) 34 36 ± 3.8 (31–43) 25 ± 2.3 (21–29)
Stoma length/lip region width 1.2 1.4 ± 0.2 (0.9–1.8) 1.2 ± 0.2 (0.9–1.8) 1.4 ± 0.3 (0.9–1.9) 1.3 ± 0.3 (0.9–1.8) 2.4 ± 0.5 (1.6–3.0)
Nerve ring % (NR/NL×100) 60 64 ± 5.3 (56–78) 74 ± 7.1 (64–86) 61 ± 4.6 (52–68) 58 ± 6.6 (46–67) 48 ± 7.8 (38–58)
Excretory pore % (EP/NL×100) 62 63 ± 6.1 (50–74) 50 ± 4.6 (42–60) 53 ± 6.6 (41–68) 49 ± 4.1 (43–58) 42 ± 4.4 (35–48)
Rectum% (R/ABD×100) 0.4 ± 0.1 (0.3–0.6) 0.5 ± 0.1 (0.3–0.8) 0.7 ± 0.1 (0.6–0.9)
D% (EP /NL×100) 62 63 ± 6.1 (49–74) 50 ± 4.9 (43–60) 53 ± 6.6 (41–68) 49 ± 4.1 (43–58) 42 ± 4.4 (35–48)
E% (EP/T×100) 311 333 ± 43 (256–403) 5.7 ± 1.2 (4.5–9.5) 319 ± 59 (219–460) 240 ± 36 (201–362) 96 ± 12.8 (74–113)
SW% (SL/ABD×100) 217 208 ± 39 (154–297) 2.3 ± 0.4 (1.8–3.4)
GS% (GL/SL×100) 51 57 ± 6.7 (46–70) 0.6 ± 0.1 (0.4–0.7)
H% (H/T ×100) 28 ± 5.8 (20–36)

– = characters absent.

First generation females (n = 20)

Body 2.3–4.9 mm long, and C-shaped after heat relaxation and fixation. Cuticle with poorly visible annuli, with fine transversal incisures. Lateral fields absent. Labial region rounded, and continuous with the adjacent part of the body. Labial plate with six lips that are fused together, each with one labial papilla at the tip and one lower cephalic papilla each except for the lateral lips. Amphid openings present at the lateral lips, close to the labial papilla, with a small transversal slit. Stoma funnel-shaped, shallow, short, and wider at the anterior part. Cheilostom short with rounded and refringent rhabdia; gymnostom scarcely developed with a minute rhabdia; stegostom robust, slightly wider than long, with a funnel-shaped lumen and walls with very minute rhabdia. Pharynx muscular with a subcylindrical procorpus, a somewhat swollen metacorpus, a short and robust isthmus, and a spheroid basal bulb with reduced valves. Nerve ring surrounds the posterior part of the isthmus. Secretory-excretory pore circular, located at the anterior part of the isthmus. Deirids inconspicuous. Cardia short, conoid, and surrounded by intestinal tissue. Intestine tubular without differentiation, with thinner walls at the anterior end. Reproductive system didelphic, amphidelphic, and ovaries are reflexed in dorsal position. Oviducts well developed with glandular spermatheca, and uteri tubular with numerous uterine eggs. Vagina short with muscular walls, vulva protruding in the form of a transverse slit. Rectum 0.3–0.6 times the anal body diameter, with three small rectal glands. Anus well developed. Tail conoid, shorter than body anal diameter, with an acute terminus. Phasmids located at the posterior part of the tail, at 25–30% of the tail length.

Second generation females (n = 20)

Similar to first generation females, but smaller, measuring 1.8–2.4 mm in length. Tail conoid, with an acute terminus, longer than the first generation females.

First generation males (n = 20)

Body 1.2–1.9 mm long, ventrally curved posteriorly, C- or J-shaped when heat killed. General morphology similar to that of females. Reproductive system monorchic, with the testis ventrally reflexed. Spicules paired, symmetrical, ventrally curved with a well-developed manubrium, either rounded or spoon-shaped. Calamus short and narrower, lamina ventrad curved at the anterior part and bears longitudinal ribs, ending in a blunt terminus. Velum indistinct, does not reach the spicule tip, and with no rostrum or retinaculum. Gubernaculum with a rounded manubrium, a fusiform corpus and a narrower and elongated tip, 0.5–0.7 times spicules length. Tail conoid with a rounded terminus bearing a fine mucron. Bursa absent. 11 pairs of genital papillae and a single mid-ventral papilla present, arranged as follows: five pairs (GP1-GP5) subventral precloacal, one pair (GP6) lateral precloacal, one single (MP) midventral precloacal, two pairs (GP7-GP8) sub-ventral ad-cloacal, one pair (GP9) subdorsal postcloacal and two pairs (GP10-GP11) postcloacal at terminus. Phasmids terminal, located laterally between the last pair of genital papillae.

Second generation males (n = 20)

Morphology of second generation males similar to that of the first generation males, but smaller, 0.8–1.2 mm in length. Tail with long, straight and robust mucron. Spicules curved ventrally, with a rhomboid shaped manubrium, slightly broader than the calamus, and a lamina curved ventrally at the anterior part. Ventral velum very reduced, and two longitudinal lateral ribs present. Gubernaculum with a slightly ventrad curved manubrium that is rounded and ventrad bent, slightly fusiform corpus and a narrower and slender terminus. Arrangement of genital papillae and phasmids similar to that of first generation males.

Infective juvenile (L3 stage) (n = 20)

IJ body 0.7–0.8 mm long, almost straight or slightly curved body shape when heat-killed. Body tapers gradually at both extremes, cuticle with transverse incisures, well-developed annuli. Lateral fields begin as a single line close to the anterior end, and increase to eight ridges before gradually reducing to five and then two near the anus and phasmid levels, respectively. Lip region slightly narrower than the adjacent part of the body, six amalgamated lips; with smaller lateral lips, six reduced labial and four prominent cephalic papillae. Amphidial apertures pore-like, oral opening triangular with a noticeable margin. Stoma reduced and tubular with a small lumen, consisting of a short cheilostom and an elongated gymno-stegostom. Pharynx elongated and narrow, with a very long corpus; a slightly narrower isthmus, and a pyriform basal bulb with reduced valves. Nerve ring surrounds the isthmus, excretory pore located at the metacorpus level. Hemizonid present. Deirids inconspicuous. Cardia conoid. Intestine bears a bacterial sac at the anterior part. Rectum long, almost straight, with very short cuticular and elongated cellular parts, anus distinct. Genital primordium located at the equatorial region, tail conoid, tapering gradually to a pointed terminus, with a longer cellular part than the hyaline part and an irregular cellular-hyaline junction. Phasmids located at 37–45% of the tail length.

Life cycle

Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. is a highly pathogenic nematode species that can be easily reared on G. mellonella larvae at a temperature ranging from 18–24°C. The life cycle of this new species is similar to the life cycle of other Steinernema species. When G. mellonella larvae are exposed to 50–100 infective juveniles (IJs), they die within 24–48 h. The first- and second-generation adults of S. anantnagense n. sp. can be found in the insect cadavers 3–4 and 5–6 days after infection, respectively. The pre-infective juveniles leave the host body, mature for a few days, and then migrate to the water traps after 10–15 days.

Type host and locality

The type hosts of Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. are unknown as the nematodes of this genus can infect different species of insects, and were obtained from soil samples using the insect baiting technique (Bedding and Akhurst 1975; White 1927). Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. Steiner_6, Steiner_7, and Steiner_8 nematodes were isolated, using the Corcyra cephalonica baiting method, from soil samples collected around the roots of willow, walnut, and apple trees in the Anantnag district of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, India (GPS coordinates: Lat. 33.828914°, Long. 75.100091°, 1606 m above sea level).

Type material

The type material for Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. are Steiner_7 nematode populations. For each stage (holotype and paratypes), including first-generation males and females, second-generation males and females, and infective juveniles, six permanent slides were prepared and deposited in the National Nematode Collection of India, located at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) in New Delhi, India. Additionally, some permanent slides (paratypes) (n = 15) were deposited at the nematode collection of the Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology at the University of Jaén in Spain (IND001-01 – IND001-15). Live cultures of these nematodes are maintained at the Division of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science & Technology of Kashmir, India.


The species name is derived from the location Anantnag, a District in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, India, where the nematode specimens used in this study to describe the new species were obtained.

Cross-hybridization experiments

Mating experiments were carried out to determine the reproductive isolation of S. anantnagense n. sp. by pairing males and females of this species with individuals from other Steinernema species, including S. ichnusae, S. litorale, S. weiseri, S. akhursti, S. citrae, S. cholashanense, S. feltiae, S. silvaticum, S. africanum, and S. xueshanense. No offspring were produced when S. anantnagense n. sp. nematodes were allowed to interact with nematodes of the any of the above mentioned species, indicating that S. anantnagense n. sp. is reproductively isolated. Cross tests were also conducted between males and females of Steiner_6, Steiner_7, and Steiner_8 to determine their conspecific status. The results showed that fertile offspring were produced, confirming that they belong to the same species. Controls were also carried out, which included self-crossed species, and offspring were observed in all of them. However, no progeny were observed in the single-female control plates.

Diagnosis and relationships of Steinernema anantnagense n. sp.

Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. is characterized by adults with a short stoma, rounded cheilorhabdia, and a robust pharynx with a round basal bulb. Females of the first generation are between 2.3–4.9 mm in length, with didelphic-amphidelphic reproductive system, and possess a shorter conoid tail bearing a short mucron in the first generation (c = 61–122, c′ = 0.5–0.8) and a longer conoid tail with thin mucron in the second generation (c = 43–67, c′ = 0.8–1.3). Males are smaller, between 1.2–1.9 mm in length, with a reproductive system that is monorchid and that has ventrally curved spicules bearing rounded manubrium in the first generation and rhomboid manubrium in the second generation, gubernaculum is fusiform in the first generation and anteriorly ventrad bent in the second generation, tail is conoid and slightly ventrally curved with a minute mucron in the first generation (c = 34–64, c′ = 0.8–1.6) and with a longer and more robust mucron in the second generation (c = 31–52, c′ = 0.6–1.4). The infective juveniles have a nearly straight body (0.7–0.8 mm length), poorly developed stoma and pharynx, lateral fields with eight longitudinal ridges and a conoid-elongate tail (49–66 µm, c = 12–16, c′ = 1.6–2.1) with a hyaline posterior part.

Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. belongs to a group of species known as the “Kushidai-clade”, and presents several traits common to this group. Several of the morphological and morphometric traits of the IJs and adults overlap with those of other species in the “Kushidai-clade”. However, several distinct morphological and morphometrical characteristics can differentiate S. anantnagense n. sp. from these closely related species (Tables 2–4).

Comparison of morphometrics of the third-stage infective juveniles of Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. with other members of “Feltiae-Kushidai” clade. Measurements are in μm except n, ratio and percentage. Data for new species is in bold.

Species Reference Country n L BD EP NR NL T a b C c′ D% E% H%
S. akhursti Qiu et al. (2005) China 20 770–835 33–35 55–60 83–95 115–123 68–75 23–26 6.6–7.2 10–12 3.3–3.7 45–50 73–86 49–56
S. anantnagense n. sp. Present Study India 20 749–834 32–42 45–62 54–71 120–143 49–66 19–24 5.5–6.7 12–16 1.6–2.1 35–48 74–113 20–36
S. africanum Machado et al. (2022) Rwanda 15 690–802 25–32 54–68 87–132 123–167 52–72 23–30 4.3–6.3 10–15 2.9–4.2 34–46 79–129 28–39
S. cholashanense Nguyen et al. (2008) China 20 727–909 26–35 59–65 72–97 110–138 60–80 24–34 6.1–7.2 10–14 3.5–5.0 46–53 76–91 33–47
S. citrae Stokwe et al. (2011) South Africa 20 623–849 23–28 49–64 83–108 118–137 63–81 25–34 5.1–7.1 13–14 13–17 39–58 85–132 37–50
S. feltiae Nguyen et al. (2007) Russia 25 766–928 22–32 58–67 108–117 130–143 81–89 27–34 5.8–6.8 9.4–11 4.5–5.1 44–50 67–81 37–51
S. hebeiense Chen et al. (2006) China 20 610–710 23–28 43–51 73–83 100–111 63–71 24–28 5.7–6.7 9.4–11 NA 40–50 65–80 32–50
S. ichnusae Tarasco et al. (2008) Italy 20 767–969 27–35 59–68 94–108 119–148 76–89 24–32 5.6–6.9 9–12 4.2–5.1 42–49 68–83 44–50
S. jollieti Spiridonov et al. (2004) USA 12 625–820 20–28 53–65 NA 115–135 60–73 25–34 4.9–6.4 9–12 NA 46–50 NA 46–60
S. kraussei Nguyen et al. (2007) Germany 25 797–1102 30–36 50–66 99–111 119–145 63–86 NA NA NA NA NA NA 35–40
S. kushidai Mamiya (1998) Japan 20 424–662 22–31 42–50 70–84 106–120 44–59 19–25 4.9–5.9 10–13 NA 38–44 NA NA
S. litorale Yoshida (2004) Japan 25 834–988 28–33 54–69 89–104 114–133 72–91 27–31 6.7–7.9 10–11.9 3.8–5.4 44–56 68–84 NA
S. nguyeni Malan et al. (2016) South Africa 20 673–796 22–28 47–58 74–86 101–121 61–73 27–33 6.2–7.4 10–12 2.8–4.8 43–57 70–86 20–31
S. oregonese Liu and Berry (1996) USA 20 820–1110 28–38 60–72 NA 116–148 64–78 24–37 6–8 12–16 NA 40–60 90–110 30–33
S. populi Tian et al. (2022) China 25 973–1172 33–41 70–86 98–113 134–159 55–72 28–33 6.8–7.5 15–20 2.4–3.3 47–61 105–140 26–44
S. puntauvense Uribe-Lorío et al. (2007) Costa Rica 19 631–728 31–38 20–30 46–69 81–103 51–59 17–23 7.1–7.9 11–13 NA 25–50 35–56 52–55
S. sandneri Lis et al. (2021) Poland 25 708–965 23–32 44–64 83–118 123–151 64–86 27–34 5.5–6.9 11–13 NA 36–45 63–86 23–40
S. sangi Phan et al. (2001) Vietnam 20 704–784 30–40 46–54 78–97 120–138 76–89 19–25 5.6–6.3 9–10 NA 36–44 56–70 44–52
S. silvaticum Sturhan et al. (2005) Germany 26 670–975 26–35 51–73 75–109 100–141 63–86 23–33 6.3–7.7 10–13 3.1–4.9 46–56 37–53
S. tielingense Ma et al. (2012) China 20 824–979 32–38 64–73 90–105 120–135 74–85 27–31 6.7–7.9 10–12 3.5–4.6 44–56 68–84 53–64
S. texanum Nguyen et al. (2007) USA 20 732–796 29–34 52–62 84–102 111–120 60–79 22–27 6.2–7.0 10–13 3.3–4.6 46–53 76–88 53–69
S. xinbinense Ma et al. (2012) China 20 635–744 28–31 46–53 75–90 109–125 65–78 21–25 5–7 8–11 3–5 40–47 65–78 30–42
S. xueshanense Mrácek et al. (2009) China 20 768–929 29–33 60–72 81–96 130–143 80–92 26–32 5.8–7.0 9–11 3.8–5.1 46–52 70–90 46–55
S. weiseri Mrácek et al. (2003) Czech Republic 20 586–828 24–29 43–65 72–92 95–119 49–68 25–33 5.7–7.2 10–14 3.2–4.1 44–55 NA 18–24

NA = Not available; P = Present; A = Absent.

Comparison of morphometrics of the first-generation males of Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. with other members of “Feltiae-Kushidai” clade. Measurements are in μm except n, ratio and percentage. Data for new species is in bold.

Species n L BD EP NR NL T SL GL a B c c′ D% SW% GS% Mucron
S. akhursti 20 1350–1925 115–150 93–113 120–163 168–205 30–40 85–100 58–68 NA NA NA NA 52–61 140–200 65–77 P
S. anantnagense n. sp. 20 1223–1899 167–211 88–124 103–129 165–185 29–39 56–70 31–43 6–10 7–11 34–64 0.8–1.6 49–74 154–297 46–70 P
S. africanum 15 977–1400 65–131 69–109 79–104 132–147 34–46 65–76 32–49 9–12 7–12 25–34 0.9–1.1 52–74 144–197 49–68 P
S. cholashanense 20 1070–1778 73–204 75–135 91–126 135–173 29–43 60–71 32–45 9–24 8–11 36–51 0.6–0.9 50–85 92–144 61–85 P
S. citrae 20 1028–1402 87–113 64–92 92–119 123–155 17–31 57–80 32–59 NA NA NA NA 47–67 156–233 48–89 P
S. feltiae 25 1414–1817 60–90 110–126 NA 164–180 37–43 65–77 34–47 NA NA NA NA 51–64 99–130 52–61 P
S. hebeiense 20 1036–1450 74–98 58–73 78–93 118–132 24–35 51–63 38–50 12–17 8–11 30–49 0.6–0.9 48–59 120–170 60–90 A
S. ichnusae 20 1151–1494 73–204 94–108 NA 135–173 33–48 64–67 43–46 20–29 7–9 29–39 0.8–0.9 59–65 120–162 64–69 A
S. jollieti 12 1296–1952 98–135 83–110 NA 110–168 24–38 55–70 45–60 12–19 8–14 53–86 NA 53–83 NA NA A
S. kraussei 20 1200–1600 110–144 73–99 95–122 137–178 36–44 42–53 29–37 11 9 NA NA NA NA NA NA P
S. kushidai 20 1200–1900 75–156 71–105 120–137 156–189 30–40 48–72 39–60 NA NA NA NA 42–59 NA NA A
S. litorale 25 1230–1514 82–111 77–107 94–128 133–163 26–41 67–89 44–64 12–16 8–10 33–56 0.6–0.9 34–56 154–200 62–81 P
S. nguyeni 20 818–1171 58–106 47–71 70–103 112–144 18–25 58–75 30–55 11–15 7–10 38–53 0.6–0.8 38–57 185–279 46–81 P
S. oregonense 20 1560–1820 105–161 95–139 101–133 139–182 24–32 65–73 52–59 NA NA NA 0.6 NA 64–75 NA NA A
S. populi 25 1258–1514 66–95 95–121 107–143 131–177 39–68 57–77 38–60 15–20 8–10 20–33 0.8–1.5 59–78 107–160 58–82 P/A
S. puntauvense 19 1010–1931 101–139 68–114 104–128 130–159 28–40 71–81 30–40 NA NA NA NA 45–85 140–200 55–75 P
S. sandneri 25 1206–1635 124–178 64–92 112–138 148–170 35–46 53–65 39–50 9–11 8–10 31–42 NA 42–59 97–127 61–83 P
S. sangi 20 1440–2325 120–225 67–99 109–166 150–221 27–42 58–80 34–46 NA NA NA NA 42–63 120–160 50–70 P
S. silvaticum 26 975–1270 52–78 71–92 90–126 116–168 20–47 42–64 30–43 14–20 8–9 24–55 0.8–1.4 45–63 NA NA P
S. tielingense 20 1430–2064 111–159 94–133 96–132 145–173 22–33 79–98 49–70 11–18 9–13 57–85 0.3–0.6 64–78 176–212 59–82 A
S. texanum 20 1197–1406 81–116 79–100 94–114 123–147 19–30 55–66 39–53 NA NA NA NA 58–73 127–203 62–84 A
S. xinbinense 20 1133–1440 90–126 57–75 91–120 138–159 30–41 49–62 30–41 11–13 7–9 31–39 0.7–1.0 41–50 114–156 54–72 P
S. xueshanense 20 1313–2040 97–159 113–137 NA 151–175 29–48 66–91 41–60 NA NA NA NA 73–87 93–172 58–95 A
S. weiseri 20 990–1395 84–138 57–84 94–115 134–154 19–32 62–72 46–57 9–12 7–10 36–64 0.6–0.9 39–60 150–240 70–85 A

NA = Not available; P = Present; A = Absent.

Comparison of morphometrics of the first-generation females of Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. with other members of “Feltiae-Kushidai” clade. Measurements are in μm except n, ratio and percentage. Data for new species is in bold.

Species L BD EP NR NL T A B c c′ V ABD D% Mucron
S. akhursti 5625–9000 200–270 113–138 150–175 213–258 38–63 30* 32* 149* 0.6* 48–53 68–100 NA P
S. anantnagense n. sp. 2327–4872 314–409 92–140 143–182 196–255 32–49 17–29 13–21 61–122 0.5–0.8 50–58 77–110 43–60 P
S. africanum 2469–4215 154–194 67–111 79–130 170–201 35–55 13–27 13–24 51–104 0.7–1.0 50–57 37–70 32–62 P
S. cholashanense 3232–6363 156–332 111–148 176–223 181–231 46–70 13–23 18–32 62–119 0.6–1.0 50–57 54–105 29–65 P
S. citrae 2038–4019 137–212 54–90 130–179 189–220 33–60 NA NA NA NA 50–59 43–79 27–46 P
S. feltiae 3095–3774 170–254 68–97 ** 70–97 ** 197–304 39–70 14–20 12–17 49–88 0.7–1.2 * 44–57 47–62 40–54 * P
S. hebeiense 3972–4254 142–245 48–95 88–123 133–158 133–158 17–25 21–29 67–129 0.5–0.9 50–57 45–65 36–66 A
S. ichnusae 4547–6186 242–323 106–156 NA 215–262 51–79 17–24 21–26 68–113 0.6–1.0 51–57 70–94 47–63 P
S. jollieti 3746–6030 219–298 96–136 NA 184–310 31–55 15–24 19–31 72–185 NA 44–56 NA 52 P
S. kraussei 2500–5400 153–288 66–99 127–146 178–205 33–59 17 22 88 NA 54 39–50 45 P
S. kushidai 2100–4700 54–59 78–105 111–144 204–255 30–45 NA NA NA NA 54–59 54–84 37–46 A
S. litorale 3930–5048 175–215 65–105 130–165 185–213 25–60 21–26 20–26 78–157 0.5–0.9 0.5–0.9 55–75 33–57 P
S. nguyeni 2290–5361 130–216 49–98 84–139 137–194 20–67 15–30 15–30 53–165 0.6–1.1 52–63 130–216 30–56 A
S. oregonense 4400–6200 217–268 217–268 129–162 186–220 28–46 NA NA NA NA 46–56 42–79 43–57 A
S. populi 4038–13762 217–531 90–178 150–213 213–278 41–88 18–36 19–50 75–182 0.5–0.9 45–60 60–157 36–65 A
S. puntauvense 3687–8335 181–221 51–85 123–146 141–206 41–66 NA NA NA NA 51–55 57–102 25–45 P
S. sandneri 4244–5014 181–261 61–102 132–158 173–194 32–61 17–25 24–27 75–140 NA 49–57 62–122 36–54 P
S. sangi 4830–7200 270–360 80–121 140–170 216–240 36–62 NA NA NA NA 43–530 84–140 35–51 P
S. silvaticum 1520–3290 50–175 50–175 50–175 121–188 33–79 15–41 10–18 34–80 1.0–1.8 44–57 26–53 33–79 A
S. texanum 2720–3623 130–202 78–107 111–135 160–189 30–52 NA NA NA NA 50–55 50–71 NA A
S. tielingense 4028–8538 200–307 82–103 111–144 186–263 40–69 17–32 21–45 72–158 0.5–0.9 49–54 56–92 32–49 A
S. xinbinense 3025–5121 159–200 70–87 106–141 167–192 30–53 19–25 17–26 79–123 0.5–0.8 46–57 50–67 38–45 P
S. xueshanense 4181–8181 182–343 117–148 NA 196–274 43–66 NA NA NA NA 52–62 38–72 NA P
S. weiseri 3780–5940 202–263 75–86 108–154 162–226 38–59 17–29 22–31 87–156 0.5–0.8 50–58 51–80 NA P

NA = Not available; P = Present; A = Absent.

Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. and S. akhursti (Qiu et al., 2005) morphologically differ in several traits. In the case of IJs, the distance from the head to the nerve ring is shorter in S. anantnagense n. sp. (54–71) compared to S. akhursti (83–95 μm), and the tail is shorter (49–66 μm) in S. anantnagense n. sp. than in S. akhursti (68–75 μm). The ratio of body length to tail (c) is greater in S. anantnagense n. sp. (12–16) than in S. akhursti (10–12), while the ratio of tail to body length (c′) is lower in S. anantnagense n. sp. (1.6–2.1) than in S. akhursti (3.3–3.7). Additionally, S. anantnagense n. sp. has a smaller H% value (20–36) compared to S. akhursti (49–56) (Table 2). The first-generation males of S. anantnagense n. sp. have a larger body diameter (167–211 μm) and much shorter spicule and gubernaculum (56–70 μm and 31–43 μm, respectively) compared to S. akhursti (body diameter: 115–150 μm, spicule: 85–100 μm, gubernaculum: 58–68 μm) (Table 3). The first-generation females of the two species also differ in some morphometric measurements (Table 4).

Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. differs from S. populi (Tain et al., 2022) in IJ body length (0.75–0.83 vs. 0.97–1.17 mm), the distance from anterior end to excretory pore (45–62 vs. 70–86 μm) and to nerve ring (54–71 vs. 98–113) μm), tail length (49–66 vs. 55–72 μm) and lower a, b, c and c′ ratios and lower D% (Table 2). The first-generation males of the new species differ from those of S. populi in body diameter (167–211 vs. 66–95 μm), tail length (29–39 vs. 39–68 μm), lower a and c ratios, and mucron (always present vs. present or absent) (Table 3). The first-generation females of the new species differ from those of S. populi in mucron (present vs. absent) and other characters (Table 4).

Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. can be distinguished from S. kushidai (Mamiya, 1988) by several morphological features. The body length of IJs in S. anantnagense n. sp. is longer (0.75–0.83 mm) than in S. kushidai (0.42–0.66 mm), and the distance from the anterior end to the nerve ring is shorter (54–71 μm) in S. anantnagense n. sp. compared to S. kushidai (70–84 μm). Additionally, the neck length is longer (120–143 μm), and the ratio c is higher (12–16) in S. anantnagense n. sp. than in S. kushidai (neck length: 106–120 μm, c: 10–13) (Table 2). The first-generation males of S. anantnagense n. sp. can be distinguished from S. kushidai by having a larger body diameter (167–211 vs. 75–156 μm), a shorter tail (29–39 vs. 40 μm), and the presence of a mucron, while S. kushidai does not have a mucron (Table 3). The first-generation females of S. anantnagense n. sp. also have a larger body diameter (314–409 μm), a longer distance from the anterior end to the nerve ring (143–182 μm), and the presence of a mucron, which are all different from S. kushidai (54–59 μm, 111–144 μm, and absent mucron, respectively) (Table 4).

In comparison to S. sangi (Phan et al., 2001), S. anantnagense n. sp. has a longer body length of IJs (0.75–0.83 vs. 0.70–0.78 mm), a shorter distance from the anterior end to the nerve ring (54–71 vs. 78–97 μm), a shorter tail length (49–66 vs. 76–89 μm), and greater c ratio, greater E%, and lower H% (12–16 vs. 9–10, 74–113 vs. 56–70, and 20–36 vs. 44–52, respectively) (Table 2). There are also minor differences in some characters between the first-generation males and females of the new species and those of S. sangi, which are presented in Tables 3 and 4, respectively.

The IJs of S. anantnagense n. sp. displays several distinguishing features from other related species. In comparison to S. cholashanense (Nguyen et al., 2008), the position of the nerve ring is more anterior (54–71 μm vs. 72–97 μm)), and the c′ ratio is lower (1.6–2.1 vs. 3.5–5.0). When compared to S. hebeiense (Chen et al., 2006), S. anantnagense n. sp. has a greater body length (0.75–0.83 vs. 0.61–0.71 mm), larger body diameter (32–42 vs. 23–48 μm), a more anterior position of the nerve ring (54–71 μm vs. 73–83 μm), a longer neck length (120–143 vs. 100–111 μm), a lower a ratio (19–24 vs. 24–28), and a higher c ratio (12–16 vs. 9.4–11). When compared to S. tielingense (Ma et al., 2012), S. anantnagense n. sp. has a shorter body length (0.75–0.83 vs. 0.82–0.98 mm), a more anterior position of the excretory pore and nerve ring (45–62 μm and 54–1 μm, respectively, as opposed to 64–73 μm and 90–105 μm, respectively), a shorter tail (49–66 vs. 74–85 μm), smaller ratios of a, b, and c′ and H% (19–24, 5.5–6.7, 1.6–2.1, and 20–36, respectively, as opposed to 27–31, 6.7–7.9, 3.5–4.6, and 53–64, respectively), but a longer c ratio (12–16 vs. 10–12). Compared to S. xinbinense (Ma et al., 2012), S. anantnagense n. sp. has a greater body length (0.75–0.84 vs. 0.64–0.74 mm), larger body diameter (32–42 μm vs. 28–31 μm), a smaller distance from the anterior end to the nerve ring (54–71 μm vs. 75–90 μm), a shorter tail (49–66 vs. 65–78 μm), a longer c ratio (12–16 vs. 8–11), a smaller c′ ratio (1.6–2.1 vs. 3–5), and a longer E% (74–113 vs. 65–78). Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. can be differentiated from S. xueshanense (Mrácek et al., 2009) by a smaller distance from the anterior end to the excretory pore and nerve ring (45–62 vs. 60–72 μm and 54–71 vs. 81–96 μm, respectively), a shorter tail length (49–66 vs. 80–92 μm), lower ratios of a and c′ (19–24 vs. 26–32 and 1.6–2.1 vs. 3.8–5.1, respectively), and lower H% (20–36 vs. 46–55). In addition, the position of the IJs nerve ring in the new species is more anterior (54–71 μm) compared to S. feltiae (Nguyen, 2007) (108–117 μm), and it also has a shorter tail length (49–66 vs. 81–89 μm) (Table 3).

Nematode molecular characterization

The ITS regions of S. anantnagense n. sp. (Steiner_6, Steiner_7, and Steiner_8) are each 730 bp in length, consisting of ITS1 (278 bp), 5.8S (157 bp), and ITS2 (295 bp). Compared to other related species, the ITS region of S. anantnagense n. sp. shows differences of 19–117 bp, resulting in sequence similarity values of 78–97% (Table 5). Similarly, the D2-D3 expansion segments of the 28S rRNA gene of S. anantnagense n. sp. differ from those of other species by 5–35 bp, resulting in sequence similarity values of 95–99% (Table 6). In addition, the mitochondrial COI exhibit differences of 65–90 bp, resulting in 82–87% sequence similarity values, respectively (Table S1). Further, the mitochondrial 12S genes also exhibit 33–82 bp differences, resulting in sequence similarity values of 79–92%, respectively (Table S2). When these sequences were compared with sequences in the NCBI database using BLAST search, we observed that the top hit record for the ITS was 97.24% with S. akhursti (DQ375757) from China, for the D2D3 was 99.42% with S. akhursti (KF289902) from China, for mtCOI was 88.23% with S. sangi (MF621239) from India, and for mt12S rRNA was 92.34% with S. kushidai (AP017467) from Japan. Taken together, these observations suggest that S. anantnagense n. sp. represents a new taxonomic entity within the “Kushidai” clade, as evidenced by the lower sequence similarity scores between this species and all other known species, thus supporting its novel taxonomic status.

Pairwise distances in base pairs of the ITS rRNA regions among closely related Steinernema species and Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. Data for new species is in bold.

Species (ITS rRNA) S. anantnagense n. sp. OQ407490 S. akhursti DQ375757 S. kushidaiAB243440 S. cholashanense EF431959 S. oregonense AY230180 S. sangi AY355441 S. texanum EF152568 S. xueshanense FJ666052 S. populi MZ367621 S. jollieti AY171265 S. xinbinense JN171593 S. weiseri KJ696685 S. tielingense GU994201 S. africanum ON041031 S. kraussei AY230175 S. citrae EU754718 S. silvaticum AY230162 S. litorale AB243441 S. ichnusae EU421129 S. nguyeni KP325084 S. feltiae AY230169 S. hebeiense DQ105794 S. monticola AB698756
S. anantnagense n. sp. OQ407490 19 53 72 72 72 72 73 74 74 80 83 85 86 86 87 87 90 91 92 101 116 117
S. akhursti DQ375757 97 51 75 74 73 77 76 65 75 82 86 89 89 90 87 91 93 95 94 102 119 115
S. kushidai AB243440 92 93 95 89 96 103 90 94 89 97 104 101 103 108 110 104 107 110 110 122 128 130
S. cholashanense EF431959 89 88 85 61 74 58 58 106 69 68 72 71 72 83 70 82 73 74 84 75 112 116
S. oregonense AY230180 89 88 86 91 47 51 33 99 19 31 43 46 39 52 42 45 56 49 52 51 94 115
S. sangi AY355441 89 88 85 88 93 57 58 98 57 54 43 45 60 53 60 61 48 48 54 47 88 103
S. texanum EF152568 89 88 83 91 92 91 53 95 61 60 66 67 59 75 55 69 74 69 77 68 110 118
S. xueshanense FJ666052 89 88 86 91 95 91 92 99 41 43 46 54 47 60 44 54 57 53 60 54 86 114
S. populi MZ367621 89 90 86 83 84 84 85 84 105 103 110 111 112 109 113 115 117 116 112 124 145 123
S. jollieti AY171265 88 88 86 89 97 91 91 94 83 48 52 54 55 64 55 58 63 56 62 58 95 115
S. xinbinense JN171593 88 87 85 90 96 92 91 94 84 93 45 50 32 58 40 38 58 57 57 50 92 116
S. weiseri KJ696685 87 86 83 89 94 94 90 93 82 92 93 17 59 32 60 65 26 27 34 27 80 114
S. tielingense GU994201 87 86 84 89 93 93 90 92 82 92 93 98 63 46 65 66 30 28 47 32 88 117
S. africanum ON041031 87 86 84 89 94 91 91 93 82 92 95 91 91 64 45 35 72 68 64 62 98 124
S. kraussei AY230175 86 86 82 87 92 92 88 91 82 90 91 95 93 90 65 69 44 46 19 40 89 120
S. citrae EU754718 86 86 82 89 94 91 92 94 82 92 94 91 90 93 90 55 73 70 64 60 98 118
S. silvaticum AY230162 86 86 83 87 93 91 89 92 81 91 95 90 90 95 90 92 76 70 68 68 101 126
S. litorale AB243441 86 85 82 89 92 93 88 91 80 90 91 96 96 89 93 89 88 38 45 34 79 118
S. ichnusae EU421129 86 85 82 88 93 93 89 92 81 92 92 96 96 90 93 89 89 94 45 25 87 122
S. nguyeni KP325084 85 85 82 87 92 92 88 91 81 90 91 95 93 90 97 90 90 93 93 41 86 117
S. feltiae AY230169 84 84 80 88 92 93 89 92 79 91 92 96 95 91 94 91 90 95 96 94 79 119
S. hebeiense DQ105794 81 80 78 82 85 86 82 86 75 85 86 88 86 84 86 85 84 88 86 87 88 135
S. monticola AB698756 78 79 76 78 79 81 78 79 77 79 79 79 78 77 78 78 77 78 77 78 78 74

Below diagonal: percentage similarity; above diagonal: total character difference.

Pairwise distances in base pairs of the D2D3 fragment of 28S rRNA regions among closely related Steinernema species and Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. Data for new species is in bold.

Species (D2D3 rRNA) S. anantnagense n. sp. OQ407498 S. akhursti KF289902 S. weiseri FJ165549 S. oregonense GU569055 S. puntauvense EF187018 S. feltiae AF331906 S. ichnusae EU421130 S. africanum OM423154 S. kushidai AF331897 S. tielingense GU994202 S. populi MZ367685 S. xueshanense FJ666053 S. kraussei KC631424 S. jollieti GU569051 S. cholashanense EF520284 S. texanum EF152569 S. xinbinense GU994204 S. citrae MF540676 S. silvaticum KC631426 S. sangi MF620997 S. nguyeni KR815816 S. monticola GU395647
S. anantnagense n. sp. OQ407498 5 12 13 13 13 15 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 23 24 25 25 27 30 31 35
S. akhursti KF289902 99 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 22 20 22 22 21 26 27 29 27 28 27 33 38
S. weiseri FJ165549 98 98 12 5 5 7 6 22 13 18 15 16 9 18 21 19 18 24 32 22 37
S. oregonense GU569055 98 98 98 11 11 13 14 24 10 27 17 8 17 13 22 14 25 19 33 29 38
S. puntauvense EF187018 98 98 99 99 0 4 5 23 10 23 16 13 10 15 20 16 17 21 30 21 40
S. feltiae AF331906 98 98 99 99 100 4 5 23 10 23 16 13 10 15 20 16 17 21 30 21 40
S. ichnusae EU421130 98 98 99 98 99 99 5 25 14 25 17 15 10 19 20 20 17 25 32 21 40
S. africanum OM423154 98 98 99 98 99 99 99 21 13 22 19 16 8 18 22 19 12 26 30 15 37
S. kushidai AF331897 98 98 97 97 97 97 97 97 26 30 26 26 29 28 36 29 30 34 32 33 42
S. tielingense GU994202 98 97 98 99 99 99 98 98 97 27 20 10 18 12 25 12 22 20 36 26 44
S. populi MZ367685 98 97 98 96 97 97 97 97 96 96 27 30 27 30 29 31 32 38 40 37 44
S. xueshanense FJ666053 98 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 97 97 96 20 22 20 25 22 30 28 41 33 45
S. kraussei KC631424 98 97 98 99 98 98 98 98 97 99 96 97 21 13 27 11 27 16 37 31 45
S. jollieti GU569051 98 97 99 98 99 99 99 99 96 98 96 97 97 23 24 22 20 31 35 24 42
S. cholashanense EF520284 97 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 96 98 96 97 98 97 27 10 27 19 38 30 45
S. texanum EF152569 97 96 97 97 97 97 97 97 95 97 96 97 96 97 96 32 32 37 39 35 45
S. xinbinense GU994204 97 96 98 98 98 98 97 98 96 98 96 97 99 97 99 96 30 17 39 34 47
S. citrae MF540676 97 96 98 97 98 98 98 98 96 97 96 96 96 97 96 96 96 37 42 11 49
S. silvaticum KC631426 96 96 97 98 97 97 97 97 95 97 95 96 98 96 98 95 98 95 41 41 50
S. sangi MF620997 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 95 95 94 95 95 95 95 95 94 95 46 46
S. nguyeni KR815816 96 96 97 96 97 97 97 98 96 97 95 96 96 97 96 95 95 99 95 94 51
S. monticola GU395647 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 93 93 94 93

Below diagonal: percentage similarity; above diagonal: total character difference.

Nematode phylogenetic relationships

Phylogenetic reconstructions based on the nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) marker of the rRNA gene, D2D3 expansion segments of the 28S rRNA gene, the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), and the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene show that S. anantnagense n. sp. Steiner_6, Steiner_7, and Steiner_8 are conspecific and belong to the “Kushidai” clade and the “Feltiae–Kushidai–Monticola” superclade (Figs. 6 and 7). Phylogenetic analyses of all four abovementioned markers clearly separate S. anantnagense n. sp. from all other species. In addition, these phylogenetic reconstructions show that S. anantnagense n. sp. is closely related to other Asian species, including S. akhursti, S. kushidai, and S. populi. No phylogenetic tree was built using the 18S rRNA genetic region because insufficient 18S rRNA gene sequences are publicly available. However, the resulting sequences were deposited in the NCBI databank under the following accession numbers: OQ407498 (Steiner_6), OQ407499 (Steiner_7), and OQ407500 (Steiner_8).

Figure 6:

Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree between the newly described Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. and other closely related species of Steinernema species based on nucleotide sequences of: (A) the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) rRNA, flanked by primers 18S and 26S, and (B) the D2-D3 expansion segments of the large subunit (28S) of rRNA flanked by primers D2F and 536. Numbers at nodes represent bootstrap values based on 100 replications. Bars represent average nucleotide substitutions per sequence position. NCBI accession numbers of the nucleotide sequences used for the analyses are shown next to the species names. The scale bar shows the number of substitutions per site.

Figure 7:

Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree between the newly described Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. and other closely related species of Steinernema species based on the nucleotide sequences of: (A) the COI region of the mitochondrial gene, flanked by primers LCO-1490 and HCO-2198, and (B) the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene, flanked by primers 505F and 506R. Numbers at nodes represent bootstrap values based on 100 replications. Bars represent average nucleotide substitutions per sequence position. NCBI accession numbers of the nucleotide sequences used for the analyses are shown next to the species names (accession numbers in bold font are the sequences newly generated in this study). The scale bar shows the number of substitutions per site.

Symbiotic relationships

Phylogenetic reconstructions based on whole genome sequences show that the bacterial symbiont isolated from S. anantnagense n. sp. Steiner_7, named here XENO-2, is closely related to X. japonica DSM 16522T and X. vietnamensis VN01T (Fig. 8). The digital DNA–DNA hybridization (dDDH) values between XENO-2 and X. japonica DSM 16522T, and between XENO-2 and X. vietnamensis VN01T are 51.8% and 40.0%, respectively. These values are below the 70% divergence threshold for prokaryotic species delineation, indicating that XENO-2T represents a novel species within the genus Xenorhabdus (Wayne et al., 1987). This species is formally described elsewhere.

Figure 8:

Phylogenetic reconstruction based on core genome sequences of Xenorhabdus bacterial strains. 1719910 nucleotide positions (1501 core genes) were used in the analysis. Numbers at the nodes represent SH-like branch supports. Bar represents 0.05 nucleotide substitutions per sequence position. Accession numbers of the genome sequences used for the reconstruction are shown in Table S3.

A Side Note on The Nomenclature of Steinernema Monticolum

The term “monticolum” was introduced by Stock et al. (1997) to refer to the geographic origin of the nematodes studied, which were collected in Mount Jiri (Sancheong, Gyeongnam province, Korea). This term is a combination of “monti” referring to “mountain” and “colum” derived from the Latin suffix “cola” meaning “that lives in a place.” However, it should be noted that, as the suffix “cola” is a masculine noun in Latin, it does not have gender variations. Therefore, the correct term to use is “monticola.” The correct usage of this term has been discussed in detail by Nicolson, 1987. In light of this, we propose to refer to this species as Steinernema monticola, as was first used by Choo et al. (1998).


The differences in morphology, morphometry, molecular characteristics, reproductive isolation, and clear phylogenetic distinction support that Steiner_6, Steiner_7, and Steiner_8 represent a new species of entomopathogenic nematodes. We propose to name this species Steinernema anantnagense n. sp. This discovery marks the second new species description in the Steinernema genus from the Indian Subcontinent. Our findings provide valuable insights into the biodiversity and distribution of these biological control agents. Furthermore, our results underscore the importance of accurately characterizing newly described Steinernema species through the inclusion of all three standard rDNA markers (ITS, SSU, and LSU) in combination with the mitochondrial COI gene, in addition to classical taxonomy. We recommend that all future species descriptions follow this approach.

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Volume Open
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Biologie, andere