Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Who are solo self-employed women? Analysis of the trends and characteristics of solo self-employed women in Ireland 2003–2019

   | 06. Juli 2021


Profile of self-employed women: changes over time 2003–2019

2003 2007 2011 2017 2019
n499 n475 n358 n263 n339
Couple no children 23 21 30 25 23
Couple with children 50 62 47 48 47
Lone parent 7 5 6 12 11
Single 20 13 16 14 18
Human Capital
Degree level/postgrad education 54 54 62 61 60
Professional/manager 80 73 73 74 73
Part-time 38 38 42 47 44
Atypical hours 73 69 68 61 70
Work from home 61 42 58 47 62
Caring reasons for p/t n/a 18 19 41 34
Personal/family n/a 58 38 27 38
Wants full time hours n/a 3 15 12 9
Industry/manufacturing 7 9 8 8 8
Services 37 28 31 21 24
Prof/science/finance 29 31 31 34 31
Health/education/social 12 14 11 11 16
Other sector 14 18 18 25 20

Sample (n) and population (N) for Labour Force Survey data: Non-agricultural solo self-employment

Quarter, Year Sample (n) Population (N)
Self-employed (n) Self-employed (N)
Male Female Male Female
Q2 2003 2,125 499 84, 896 20, 632
Q2 2007 2, 502 475 102, 779 24, 738
Q2 2011 1, 330 358 99, 501 28, 501
Q2 2015 1, 196 334 108, 862 30, 983
Q2 2017 875 263 105, 691 32, 301
Q2 2019 828 339 114, 074 48, 012

Active labour force composition Ireland 2003–2017 ALL SECTORS

Men Women
2003 2007 2011 2017 2019 2003 2007 2011 2017 2019
Employer 7.6 7.7 6.9 6.2 5.9 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.2
Solo self-employed 15.0 14.3 17.3 15.2 13.6 4.0 3.7 4.8 4.9 4.9
Employee 76.6 77.4 75.1 77.9 80.0 92.4 92.9 92.3 92.5 92.2
Assisting relatives .8 .5 .7 .7 .5 1.3 .9 .8 .5 .7
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Solo self-employment rates and numbers 2003–2017 NON-AGRICULTURAL SECTORS

Men Women
2003 2007 2011 2017 2019 2003 2007 2011 2017 2019
% Self-employed 9.0 9.2 11.4 10.3 9.9 2.9 2.8 3.5 3.6 4.6
Count 84,896 102,779 99,501 105,691 114, 074 20,632 24,738 28,501 32, 301 48, 012
100% 100% 100% 100 100% 100% 100% 100%

Demographic characteristics of solo self-employed and wage-and-salaried workers 2019 (%)

Self-employed Wage-and-Salaried
Women n=339 Men n=828 Women n=6662 Men n=6286
% % % %
15–19 0 0 3 2
20–29 7 4 20 21
30–39 25 19 27 28
40–49 28 27 26 25
50–59 25 29 17 17
60–65 9 11 5 5
65+ 7 9 1 2
Irish 81 86 84 81
EU* 16 12 12 14
Non-EU 3 2 4 4
Not married 29 23 44 43
Married 59 70 49 53
Widowed/Divorced 12 7 7 4
Couple no children 23 22 17 17
Couple with children 47 55 51 58
Lone parent 11 6 15 7
Otherhousehold/single 18 17 16 17
Children under 15 40 35 40 39
Older or adult children 18 25 27 27
No children 42 39 33 34
Home owner 74 78 71 68

Working arrangements of the solo self-employed and wage-and-salaried workers 2019 (%)

Self-employed Wage-and-Salaried
Women n=339 Men n=828 Women n=6662 Men n=6286
% % % %
Working arrangements
Full time 56 88 69 88
Part-time 44 11 31 12
Atypical hours 70 74 47 54
Work from home 62 44 14 16
Second job 3 3 2 2
Reasons for reduced working time
Education 3 1 18 38
Disability 1 4 2 3
Caring responsibilities 34 8 25 4
Personal or family reasons 38 38 32 9
Wants full time hours 9 20 12 32
Other 17 29 10 14

Human capital and sector characteristics of the solo self-employed and wage-and-salaried workers 2019 (%)

Self-employed Wage-and-Salaried
Women n=339 Men n=828 Women n=6662 Men n=6286
% % % %
< Lower secondary (JC) 7 20 10 15
Upper secondary (LC) 13 21 22 26
Post Leaving Cert/Dip 20 24 22 19
Degree 40 25 31 27
Postgraduate/PhD 20 10 15 13
Professional/Manager 73 44 29 27
Skilled clerical/craft 6 33 27 18
Services/Manual 18 19 28 28
Other 3 3 15 26
Industry/manufacturing 8 34 9 30
Services 24 36 32 34
Professional/Science/Tech/Finance 31 25 15 19
Health/Education/Social Work 16 3 19 11
Other 20 2 24 6