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Ecological study on helminths of three species of Gobiidae from the Danube River, Bulgaria


Fig. 1.

Sampling sites, Danube River (https://www.google.bg/maps/place/Видин – https://www.google.bg/maps/place/Vidin)
Sampling sites, Danube River (https://www.google.bg/maps/place/Видин – https://www.google.bg/maps/place/Vidin)

Fig. 2.

Comparative examination of the ecological indices (MI, MA, and P%) of Nicolla skrjabini and Acanthocephalus lucii from the upper section of the Danube River in Bulgaria.
Comparative examination of the ecological indices (MI, MA, and P%) of Nicolla skrjabini and Acanthocephalus lucii from the upper section of the Danube River in Bulgaria.

Species diversity and ecological indices in the helminth community of Babka gymnotrachelus from the Danube River (N – number of investigated fish; n – number of infected fish; p – number of fish helminths; MI – mean intensity; MA – mean abundance; P% – prevalence; R – range)

Babka gymnotrachelus (N = 5 / Kudelin) Helminth species n p MI MA P% R
Nicolla skrjabini 1 52 52.00 10.40 20.00 52
Acanthocephalus lucii 2 33 16.50 6.60 40.00 3–30
Eustrongylides excisus 2 3 1.50 0.60 40.00 1–2

Babka gymnotrachelus (N = 4 / Novo selo) Helminth species n p MI MA P% R

Nicolla skrjabini 3 292 97.33 73.00 75.00 15–237
Acanthocephalus lucii 3 59 19.67 14.75 75.00 2–39
Eustrongylides excisus 1 9 9.00 2.25 25.00 9

Distribution of established helminth species in B. gymnotrachelus, N. fluviatilis, and N. melanostomus from four biotopes located in the upper section of the Danube River in Bulgaria.

Fish species Babka gymnotrachelusN = 9 Neogobius fluviatilisN = 48 Neogobius melanostomusN = 15

Sampling sitesHelminth species KudelinN = 5 Novo seloN = 4 KudelinN = 31 KoshavaN = 5 Novo seloN = 11 KutovoN = 1 KudelinN = 8 KoshavaN = 3 Novo seloN = 4
Nicolla skrjabini (Iwanitzky, 1928) Dollfus, 1960
Acanthocephalus anguillae (Müller, 1780) Lühe, 1911
Acanthocephalus lucii (Müller, 1776) Lühe, 1911
Eustrongylides excisus Jägerskiöld, 1909
Pomphorhynchus laevis (Zoega in Müller, 1776) Porta, 1908
Contracaecum sp.

Species diversity and ecological indices in the helminth community of Neogobius fluviatilis from the Danube River (N – number of investigated fish; n – number of infected fish; p – number of fish parasites; MI – mean intensity; MA – mean abundance; P% – prevalence; R – range)

Neogobius fluviatilis (N = 31 / Kudelin) Helminth species n p MI MA P% R
Nicolla skrjabini 15 47 3.13 1.52 48.39 1–17
Acanthocephalus lucii 10 55 5.50 1.77 32.26 1–38
Eustrongylides excisus 8 13 1.63 0.42 25.81 1–2

Neogobius fluviatilis (N = 11 / Novo selo) Helminth species n p MI MA P% R

Nicolla skrjabini 6 9 1.50 0.82 54.55 1–2
Acanthocephalus lucii 1 1 1.00 0.09 9.09 1
Eustrongylides excisus 1 1 1.00 0.09 9.09 1

Neogobius fluviatilis (N = 1 / Kutovo) Helminth species n p MI MA P% R

Nicolla skrjabini 1 3 3.00 3.00 100.00 3

Metric data (L – total length, H – maximum height, W – body weight) of the studied specimens of Babka gymnotrachelus, Neogobius fluviatilis, Neogobius melanostomus.

The Danube River L (cm) H (cm) W (g)
Babka gymnotrachelus N = 9 min – max 8.8 – 16 1.2 – 2.5 4 – 37
Mean ± SD 10.83 ± 2.24 1.73 ± 0.46 12.78 ± 10.60
Neogobius fluviatilis N = 48 min – max 5.4 – 12 0.8 – 2.4 1 – 18
Mean ± SD 8.61 ± 1.39 1.39 ± 0.31 4.49 ± 3.23
Neogobius melanostomus N = 15 min – max 6.3 – 11.6 1.1 – 2.4 2 – 13
Mean ± SD 8.23 ± 1.66 1.56 ± 0.34 6.07 ± 3.49

Species diversity and ecological indices in the helminth community of Neogobius melanostomus from the Danube River (N – number of investigated fish; n – number of infected fish; p – number of fish parasites; MI – mean intensity; MA – mean abundance; P% – prevalence; R – range)

Neogobius melanostomus (N = 8 / Kudelin) Helminth species n p MI MA P% R
Nicolla skrjabini 5 16 3.20 2.00 62.50 1–8
Acanthocephalus lucii 5 123 24.60 15.38 62.50 1–90
Contracaecum sp. 1 1 1.00 0.13 12.50 1

Neogobius melanostomus (N = 3 / Koshava) Helminth species n p MI MA P% R

Nicolla skrjabini 1 1 1.00 0.33 33.33 1
Acanthocephalus anguillae 1 38 38.00 12.67 33.33 38
Pomphorhynchus laevis 1 11 11.00 3.67 33.33 11

Neogobius melanostomus (N = 4 / Novo selo) Helminth species n p MI MA P% R

Acanthocephalus lucii 1 1 1.00 0.25 25.00 1

Species composition of parasites of Babka gymnotrachelus, Neogobius fluviatilis, Neogobius melanostomus from the Danube River and its basin in different countries (* – endohelminths also found in the present study from the respective fish species)

Fish species Authors Sampling sites Endohelminth species
Babka gymnotrachelus Ondračková et al. (2012) Danube River, Bulgaria – Vidin town, Koshava and Gomotartsi villages *N. skrjabini (MA = 3.41, P% = 84.4);Raphidascaris acus (Boch, 1779);*E. excisus (MA = 0.41, P% = 28.1);P. laevis

Neogobius fluviatilis Margaritov (1966) Danube River, Bulgaria – between the mouth of the Timok River and Novo Selo village *N. skrjabini;P. laevis;C. bidentatum;Rhabdochona sp.;Acanthocephala gen sp.
Kakacheva-Avramova (1977) Danube River, Bulgaria *N. skrjabini;P. laevis;C. bidentatum
Kakacheva-Avramova et al. (1978) Danube River, Bulgaria – Vidin and Lom towns *N. skrjabini;C. bidentatum;Contracaecum sp. (larvae);Rhabdochona sp. (larvae);P. laevis
Molnár & Székely (1995) Lake Balaton, Hungary Ligula sp. (larvae);Proteocephalus sp.;Ang. crassus (larvae)
Ondračková et al. (2005) Hron River, Slovakia *N. skrjabini;P. laevis (larvae);Contracaecum sp. (larvae);R. acus (larvae)
Molnár (2006) Danube River, Hungary *N. skrjabini;P. laevis;R. acus (larvae)
Kosuthova et al. (2009) Danube River, Slovakia *N. skrjabini;P. laevis
Ondračková et al. (2012) Danube River, Bulgaria – Koshava and Gomotartsi villages *N. skrjabini (MA = 8.76, P% = 52.6);*E. excisus (MA = 0.32, P% = 15.8);P. laevis
Kirin et al. (2013) Danube River, Bulgaria – Vetren village Pomphorhynchus tereticollis (Rudolphi, 1809) Meyer, 1932

Neogobius melanostomus Ondračková et al. (2005) Danube River, Slovakia *N. skrjabini;*P. laevis (larvae);R. acus (larvae)
Molnár (2006) Danube River, Hungary *N. skrjabini;*P. laevis
Kosuthova et al. (2009) Danube River, Slovakia *P. laevis
Mühlegger et al. (2010) Danube River, Austria *N. skrjabini;*Ac. lucii
Neogobius melanostomus Ondračková et al. (2010) Danube River, Austria – Orth an der Donau *P. laevis;R. acus
Danube River, Bulgaria – Vidin town *P. laevis (MA = 54.5, P% = 96.4; MA = 97.5, P% = 100);R. acus
Francová et al. (2011) Danube River, Austria – Orth an der Donau *N. skrjabini;*P. laevis;E. excisus (larvae);R. acus (larvae)
Danube River, Slovakia – Gabčíkovo *P. laevis;R. acus (larvae);C. lacustris
Danube River, Bulgaria – Vidin and Ruse towns *N. skrjabini (MA = 0.1, P% = 3.6 for Vidin; MA = 0.3, P% = 7.9 for Ruse);Nicolla sp.;*P. laevis (MA = 43.3, P% = 99.4 for Vidin; MA = 22.1, P%=94.7 for Ruse);E. excisus, larvae;R. acus, larvae
Atanasov (2012) Danube River, Bulgaria – Archar, Dobri Dol and Gomotartsi villages E. excisus
Ondračková et al. (2012) Danube River, Austria – Orth an der Donau *N. skrjabini;R. acus;*P. laevis
Danube River, Bulgaria – Vidin town *N. skrjabini (MA = 0.11, P% = 5.3);R. acus;*P. laevis (MA = 18.4, P% = 94.7);E. excisus
Ondračková et al. (2021) Morava River, the Czech Republic Eustrongylides spp. (larvae)
Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
4 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Biologie, Zoologie, Ökologie, andere, Medizin, Klinische Medizin, Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Infektionsepidemiologie