Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Investigation and modelling of the electrical charging effect in birch wood above the fibre saturation point (FSP)



Research into the induced polarization effect in soil has a long history. In 1913, Conrad Schlumberger defined the concept of soil chargeability (Seigel et al., 2007). Sumner (1976) then modified Schlumberger’s definition of soil chargeability and also incorporated the discharging potential into the definition of conventional chargeability. Schlumberger’s definition of chargeability was used in the Cole-Cole formula as an important parameter in describing soil charging (Pelton et al., 1978).

Studies have been carried out regarding the electrical properties of wood which has a moisture content of below the FSP (fibre saturation point), most notably in the following research items: (Stamm, 1927; Skaar, 1964, 1988; Vermaas, 1975; Norberg, 1999, 2000; Forsén & Tarvainen, 2000; EN 13183-2:2002, 2002; Brischke & Rapp, 2008; Björngrim et al., 2017; Li et al., 2018; Uwizeyimana et al., 2020).

Studies have been carried out regarding the electrical properties of wood within the relevant frequency domain, most notably in the following research items: (Tiitta et al., 1999; Zelinka et al., 2007, 2008; Martin, 2012).

A comparison has been made in the following research regarding the electrical properties of wood within the given frequency domain and time domain: (Gao et al., 2018; Casans Berga, et al., 2019).

Well-known electrical properties when it comes to wood include its levels of electrical resistance and its levels of electrical capacitance. In practice, electrical resistance is used in terms of resistance-type wood moisture meters (Gann, 2022; Brookhuis, 2009; Scanntronik, 2022; BES Bollmann, 2022; Ahlborn, 2022; James Instruments, 2022). Electrical capacitance is used in terms of capacitance-type wood moisture meters (Brookhuis, 2009; Ahlborn, 2022; James Instruments, 2022).

In wood moisture meters which have an electrical charging effect (these being polarization-type wood moisture meters), both electrical resistance and electrical capacitance are used simultaneously when determining the value of any moisture content within every type of wood. With this type of wood moisture meter, both electrical resistance and the electrical capacity of wood are related to each other through the electrical charging number of the wood itself (Tamme et al., 2020, 2021).

Few studies have been conducted to quantitatively characterize electrical chargeability in the wood medium. One previous study by Tamme et al. (2012) applied Schlumberger’s definition of conventional chargeability at moisture contents above fibre saturation points (FSP) of 30% to 150% (relative to dry weight). In that research, the dependence of conventional chargeability on the moisture content of pine sapwood was determined. In the ensuing patent (Tamme et al., 2020) and research article (Tamme et al., 2021), the concept of a wood moisture meter with electrical charging effect (so-called polarization-type) was presented. The term “electrical charging effect in wood (or in liquid sap)” used in this article as well as in Tamme et al. (2020, 2021) papers does not differ, with respect to its physical content, from the term “induced polarization effect in soil” used in papers by Seigel et al. (2007), Sumner (1976) and Pelton et al. (1978).

The purpose of the current article is to investigate the electrical charging effect in wood in general, meaning as dependent only on electrical variables at wood constant temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and at the moisture content of 105%.

Materials and Methods
Theoretical background for the time domain

Conventional chargeability CHA(E) as defined by Schlumberger and dependent on the potential E is represented as follows:

CHA(E)=E2,maxE1,const $$CHA(E) = {{E_{2,\max } } \over {E_{1,const} }}$$

where E2,max is the maximum potential of electrodes in volts at the beginning of the discharging process, and E1,const is the constant potential of electrodes in volts in the charging process.

Energetic chargeability CHA(W) is defined as a ratio between stored and transmitted energy:

CHA(W)=W2W1 $$CHA(W) = {{W_2 } \over {W_1 }}$$

where W2 is the total energy stored in wood in joules (J), and W1 is the total energy (J) transmitted through wood in the charging process. The transmitted energy W1 may briefly be called primary energy, and the energy stored in wood W2 may briefly be called secondary energy.

Primary energy W1 was calculated as follows (Keithley, 2004; Bard & Faulkner, 1980):

W1=Q1(t1)E1,const.=E1,const.0tI1(t)dt $$W_1 = Q_1 \left( {t_1 } \right)E_{1,const.} = E_{1,const.} \int\limits_0^t {I_1 \left( t \right)} dt$$

and secondary energy W2 was calculated as follows:

W2=Q2(t2)E2(t2)max=E2,maxt+0,1t2I2(t)dt $$W_2 = Q_2 \left( {t_2 } \right)E_2 \left( {t_2 } \right)_{\max } = E_{2,\max } \int\limits_{t + 0,1}^{t_2 } {I_2 \left( t \right)} dt$$

where Q1(t1) is the total primary charge in coulombs (C) transmitted through wood in the charging process t1,

Q2(t2) is the secondary charge in coulombs stored in wood, and t2 is the time of discharging.

E1,const is the constant potential in the charging process, and

E2,max is the maximum electrode potential at the beginning of the discharging process,

I1(t) is the charging current dependent on the charging time (see Figure 2b, the upper left curve), and

I2(t) is the discharging current dependent on the discharging time (see Figure 2b, the lower right curve).

The number 0.1 in the bottom path of integration is the measuring interval.

The following relationship between conventional chargeability CHA(E) (as defined by Schlumberger in 1913) and energetic chargeability CHA(W) can be deduced from the above formulas:

CHA(W)=CHA(E)Q2Q1 $$CHA\left( W \right) = CHA\left( E \right){{Q_2 } \over {Q_1 }}$$

where Q1 is the total charge in coulombs transmitted through the wood medium in the charging process, and Q2 is the total electrical charge in coulombs stored in the wood medium.

The primary integral electrical capacitance corresponding to the transmitted electrical charge is represented as follows:

C1,int=Q1(t)/E1 $$C_{1,int} = Q_1 \left( t \right)/E_1$$

and the secondary integral electrical capacitance corresponding to the stored electrical charge is demonstrated as follows:

C2,int=Q2(t)/E2,max. $$C_{2,int} = Q_2 \left( t \right)/E_{2,max} .$$

To compare DC strengths in the time domain and frequency domain at the time moment of 240 seconds from the start of spectrum registration, the Ohm’s law was used:

IDC,240=E1|Z|240 $$I_{DC,240} = {{E_1 } \over {|Z|_{240} }}$$

where E1 is the value of a discretely given potential for each impedance spectrum. |Z|240 is the value of the modulus of impedance in ohms at the 240th second.

Theoretical background for the frequency domain

On a Nyquist and Bode phase angle plot (Figures 7 and 11a) the Warburg impedance (if the diffusion layer has an infinite thickness) appears as a diagonal line with a slope and a phase shift of 45°, respectively.

The Warburg impedance (ZW) is obtained using

ZW=σ/ω1/2jσ/ω1/2 $$Z_W = \sigma /\omega ^{1/2} - j\sigma /\omega ^{1/2}$$

where the first member of the formula describes the real part of the diffusion process and the second imaginary part of complex diffusion resistance. The corresponding faradaic impedance for mixed kinetics is expressed as a serial combination of the charge transfer resistance and Warburg impedance, also known as Randles circuit.

For more complex cases, the generalized finite-length Warburg element for a short circuit terminus model is expressed as:

ZW=RDtanh[ (jωT)αW ](jωT)αW $$Z_W = {{R_D \tanh \left[ {\left( {j\omega T} \right)^{\alpha _W } } \right]} \over {\left( {j\omega T} \right)^{\alpha _W } }}$$

where ω is the radial frequency, RD is the limiting diffusion resistance, T = L2/D is the diffusion time constant, L is the effective diffusion layer thickness, D is the effective diffusion coefficient of a particle and αw is the fractional exponent for Warburg-like diffusion impedance (Bard & Faulkner, 1980; Krause, 2003).

The Warburg coefficient σ can be determined from the slope of the Nyquist plot or by fitting it to an equivalent circuit model which includes a Warburg impedance:

σ=RTn2F2A2(1cox0Dox+1cred0Dred) $$\sigma = {{RT} \over {n^2 F^2 A\sqrt 2 }}\left( {{1 \over {c_{ox}^0 \sqrt {D_{ox} } }} + {1 \over {c_{red}^0 \sqrt {D_{red} } }}} \right)$$

where R is the ideal gas constant; T is absolute temperature; n is the number of electrons transferred; F is Faraday's constant; cox0$$c_{ox}^0$$ and cred0$$c_{red}^0 $$ are the concentrations of oxidant and reductant in the bulk, respectively; Dox and Dred are diffusion coefficients of the oxidant and reductant, respectively; and A is the surface area of the electrode.

Capacitors in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy experiments often do not behave ideally; they act like a constant phase element, where the exponent α < 1 and Cdl are the double-layer capacitance, which appears at the interface between an electrode and an adjacent liquid electrolyte:

Z=1(jωCdl)α $$Z = {1 \over {\left( {j\omega C_{dl} } \right)^\alpha }}$$


Z=Rel+Rct1+RctCdl(jω)α $$Z = R_{el} + {{R_{ct} } \over {1 + R_{ct} C_{dl} \left( {j\omega } \right)^\alpha }}$$

where Rct is charge transfer resistance, formed by a kinetically controlled electrochemical reaction (Bard & Faulkner, 1980; Krause, 2003).

The double-layer capacitance can be determined from the frequency at which the imaginary impedance (-Z″) is at a maximum:

ωmax=1RctCdl $$\omega _{max} = {1 \over {R_{ct} C_{dl} }}$$

where the top point of the complex plane semicircle corresponding to the frequency ωmax and to the characteristic time constant τ of the circuit is represented by

τ=RctCdl. $$\tau = R_{ct} C_{dl} .$$

(Bard & Faulkner, 1980; Krause, 2003).

The equivalent circuit adapted from Zelinka et al. (2008) and given in Figure 1a was used in modelling, which includes the Warburg element and the constant phase element (CPE). Modelling also made use of the simplified equivalent circuit presented in Figure 1b, in which the CPE was replaced with the electrical double-layer capacitance Cdl.

Figure 1.

Equivalent circuits used for modelling in the frequency domain: (a) equivalent circuit (II) adapted from the study by Zelinka et al. (2008), and (b) a simplified version of the equivalent circuit (I). Rel is electrolyte (birch sap) resistance, CPE is the constant phase element, Rct is charge transfer resistance, Cdl is double-layer electrical capacitance, and Zw is the Warburg element.

Experimental methods

The schematic diagram of the experiment is shown in Figure 2a.

Figure 2.

Schematic diagram of the measuring cell (a), and typical current curves recorded with the CCD measuring procedure in the charging and discharging process (b). DUT means “device under test” using the selected measuring procedure, L – longitudinal and T– tangential directions, e1 and e2 are symmetrical pin electrodes, E is the electrical potential with equivalent potential lines, and birch wood or birch liquid sap are the mediums studied.

Figure 2a depicts the measuring cell (at 20 °C) which used a measuring system with two symmetrical carbon fibre pin electrodes. The dimensions of the wood specimen were as follows: 35 mm (thickness, direction R) * 150 mm (width, direction T) * 120 mm (longitudinal fibre length, direction L). The pin electrodes were partially insulated with polyurethane film (see Figure 2a). The diameter of the electrodes was 3 mm, and the distance between them was 30 mm. Green birch wood had a moisture content (relative to dry weight) of 105%. For the purpose of the experiments of this article, liquid birch sap was traditionally collected at the beginning of the spring vegetation period.

The coupling electrode (CE) and the reference electrode (RE) were coupled together (CE+RE) in the two-electrode measuring system Metrohm Autolab (2022).

Table 1 illustrates the capability of various measuring procedures to experimentally determine the energetic chargeability and integral electrical capacitance of wood (and sap) according to Formulas (1) to (6). To calculate the energetic chargeability, it is necessary to determine the primary energy W1 and secondary energy W2 in the experiment. Table 1 shows that primary and secondary energy are fully measurable with the PDM and CV measuring procedures, because these procedures allow the time dependencies of both current strength and potential in the charging and discharging phases to be determined. The disadvantage of CV is that it does not allow the open circuit potential in the discharging process to be measured, because the linear potential is provided by the measuring program Metrohm Autolab (2022).

The capability of various measuring procedures to determine the potential and current strength of electrodes in the studied medium in the process of electrical charging and discharging. W1 – primary transmitted energy. W2 – secondary stored energy. E(t) – the time dependence of potential. I(t) – the time dependence of current. PDM – polarization-depolarization method. CCD – chrono charging-discharging. CP – chrono-potentiometry. EIS – electrical impedance spectroscopy. CV – cyclic voltammetry.

Measuring procedure Primary W1 – charging process Secondary W2 – discharging process
E(t) I(t) E(t) I(t)
PDM yes yes yes yes
CCD yes yes no yes
CP yes yes yes no
EIS yes yes no no
CV yes yes yes yes

PDM is described in detail in a previous study (Tamme et al., 2013). In practice, it proved more convenient to combine the PDM and CCD procedures. Primary charge Q1 and secondary charge Q2 were determined with the CCD measuring procedure using the tool found in the Autolab control software Nova 1.8 for numerical integration of charging and discharging current curves (Metrohm Autolab, 2022). PDM was used to determine E2,max. Figure 2b shows the time-dependent current curves typical of the chrono charging-discharging (CCD) measurement procedure as Metrohm Autolab (2022) screenshots at a 0.1 second measurement interval.

The 0.1 second measurement interval was used. The upper left curve in Figure 2b is the charging current curve for the potential E = 2.6 V, and the lower right curve is the discharging curve. The transition from the first charging phase to the second discharging phase occurs at the moment of potential interruption (Figure 2b).

For PDM, the corresponding typical current and potential curves are presented in the study by Tamme et al. (2013).

The EIS (i.e. FRA impedance potentiostatic) measuring procedure was used to collect the experimental data needed for modelling in the frequency domain. Fifty frequencies between 100 kHz and 0.01 Hz were used in logarithmic sequence with the sine signal amplitude of 50 mV. Electrode potentials were provided discreetly at the registration of each spectrum with the following values: 0 V, 0.4 V, 0.8 V, 1.2 V, 1.8 V and 2.6 V. ZView ver. 2.3 (Scribner Inc., 2022) software was used for the impedance modelling.

Results obtained in the time domain

The results obtained in the time domain are found in Tables 2 and 3.

Values of electrical parameters measured and calculated using direct current in the process of charging and discharging in wood and sap at different electrode potentials. E – potential in volts. W2 – primary energy. W2 – secondary energy. C1int – the primary integral electrical capacitance. C2int – the secondary integral electrical capacitance. CHA(E) – conventional chargeability and CHA(W) – energetic chargeability, according to the Formulas (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) and (7).

Birch wood (B)
E / V W1 / mJ W2 / mJ C1,int / mF C2,int / mF CHA(E) CHA(W)
Legend on the figures W1(B) W2(B) C1(B) C2(B) CHA(E)(B) CHA(W)(B)
0.4 0.0269 0.0092 0.172 0.0605 0.975 0.34
0.8 0.124 0.0455 0.202 0.0767 0.963 0.37
1.2 0.466 0.191 0.326 0.135 0.992 0.407
1.8 2.069 0.768 0.737 0.316 0.867 0.373
2.6 7.973 2.442 1.541 0.617 0.765 0.306
Birch sap (BS)
Legend W1(BS) W2(BS) C1(BS) C2(BS) CHA(E)(BS) CHA(W)(BS)
0.4 0.0144 0.0052 0.0898 0.0343 0.975 0.36
0.8 0.108 0.0329 0.169 0.058 0.938 0.3
1.2 0.519 0.187 0.361 0.132 0.992 0.357
1.8 72.711 2.299 22.44 0.718 0.994 0.032
2.6 108.79 4.052 16.09 0.604 0.996 0.075

Values of electrical parameters measured and calculated using direct current in the process of charging and discharging in wood and sap at different transmitted primary energies. W1 – primary transmitted energy in millijoules (mJ).

Primary energy, W1 / mJ W2 / mJ, (B) W2 / mJ, (BS) CHA (W), (B) CHA(W), (BS) W2(B)/ W2(BS)
Legend W2(B) W2(BS) CHA(W)(B) CHA(W)(BS) W2(B)/ W2(BS)
7.97 2.38 0.315 0.298 0.0395 7.5
32.9 3.683 1.191 0.112 0.0362 3.092
57.89 4.146 2.067 0.0716 0.0357 2.006
107.8 4.499 3.82 0.0417 0.0354 1.178

First, the dependence of the conventional and energetic chargeability and integral capacitance on the potential applied to the electrodes was studied (see Table 2).

Figure 3a shows the values of certain comparable energies in millijoules (mJ) on the same axis as dependent on the potential applied to the electrodes. In some cases, the calculated energy has square dependence on the potential.

Figure 3.

Some of the values of energy which is stored in wood when compared to transmitted energy, depending upon the potential which can be applied to the electrodes (a), and (b) the dependencies of conventional CHA(E) (Schlumberger) and energetic chargeability CHA(W) on the potential applied to the electrodes.

It can be ascertained from Figure 3b that conventional chargeability is, compared to actual energetic chargeability, systematically overestimated at all electrode potentials at a rate of about 2 to 2.5 times. Both chargeabilities depend on the potential applied to the electrodes. A comparison of the chargeabilities is performed for the same measuring interval of 0.1 second.

Figure 4a shows the primary integral electrical capacitances as dependent on the potential applied to the electrodes. From the 1.2 V potential, the primary integral electrical capacitance of birch sap begins to rise sharply compared to that of wood.

Figure 4.

Different integral electrical capacitances as dependent on the electrode potential, (a) integral electrical capacitances of birch wood and birch sap in the charging process, and (b) integral electrical capacitances of birch wood and birch sap in the discharging process.

Figure 4b represents the secondary integral electrical capacitances C2,int for wood and sap, which are easily comparable both in terms of their course and their numerical values.

Secondly, in addition to the dependence of CHA(W) on the electrode potential, the dependencies of energetic chargeability and stored energy on the primary energy W1 transmitted through wood and sap were also studied (see Table 3).

Referring to Figure 5a, it may be established that the amount of energy stored in wood is systematically about 2 times higher than the energy stored in sap when comparing the transmitted primary energies W1. The almost linear increase in the energy stored in the system electrodes + sap observed in the same figure suggests that as the transmitted primary energy grows, the secondary energy stored in the volume charge of the system (symmetrical electrodes + sap) also grows. Figure 5b depicts the course of energetic chargeability of wood and sap as dependent on the transmitted primary energy. Wood chargeability is initially (in the case of W1 = 8 mJ) about 5 times better than that of sap chargeability, but as the transmitted primary energy increases up to more than 100 mJ, the energetic chargeabilities of wood and sap equalize.

Figure 5.

Dependencies of energies stored in birch wood and birch sap on the transmitted primary energy (a), and (b) the energetic chargeability of birch wood and birch sap as dependent on the transmitted primary energy.

Figure 6a shows the ratio W2(B)/ W2(BS) between secondary energies stored in wood and sap as dependent on the transmitted primary energy W1. It may be observed that the initial (8 mJ) six-fold difference of W2(B) in favour of wood shrinks to one at high (more than 100 mJ) primary energies.

Figure 6.

Ratios between secondary energies stored in wood and sap as dependent on the transmitted primary energy (a), and (b) comparison of direct current strengths of the CCD and EIS measuring procedures at different potentials (at the time moment of 240 sec.).

Figure 6b represents the DC strength (I (calc)) calculated with the Equation (8) given in the same axis system, and the DC strength (I (meas)) measured with the CCD procedure at the 240th second from the start of the charging process. Both current strengths are mutually satisfactory.

In conclusion, the experimental results show (see Figures 3b and 5b) that wood energetic chargeability is systematically many times greater than that of sap, both in the comparison of the potentials applied to the electrodes and in the comparison of primary energies transmitted through the wood and sap mediums. The reason may lie in the capillary-porous structure of wood, which seems to favour the electrical charging effect in wood.

Results obtained in the frequency domain

The Nyquist plots (Figure 7) were measured for birch wood- and birch sap-based systems in the AC frequency range of 300 kHz to 20 mHz in the region of potentials from 0 to 2.6 V. The complex plane plot consists mainly of at least two or three parts: from the very noticeable depressed semicircle at higher AC frequencies with the characteristic frequency fmax and to the so-called double-layer capacitance region at very low frequencies. The results also demonstrate that the shape of -Z’’, Z’-plots noticeably depends on the system studied as well as on the electrode potential.

Figure 7.

Nyquist plots at different electrode potentials for birch wood- (a) and birch sap- (b) based systems, respectively.

According to Formula (9), charge transfer resistance and the Warburg coefficient can be calculated from the slope of Z′ versus ω-1/2 or – Z″ versus ω-1/2. According to Figure 8, these values are different for birch wood- and birch sap-based systems and depend also on the diffusivity and concentration of species.

Figure 8.

Calculation of Rct and σ from impedance data for birch wood- (a) and birch sap- (b) based systems at potential 0.8V.

Calculated mass-transfer coefficients for both systems studied show (Figure 9) that there is a noticeable dependence on electrode potential as well as the system studied.

Figure 9.

Dependence of the mass-transfer coefficient on the electrode potential for birch wood- and birch sap-based systems.

The series capacitance, Cs, with values at f = 25.5 mHz, depends on the potential applied, and the highest Cs values have been established for a birch sap-based system at 2.6 V (Figure 10).

Figure 10.

Dependence of series capacitance at frequency f = 25.5 mHz on electrode potential for birch wood- and birch sap-based systems.

The dependence (Figure 11a) of the phase angle θ on log f at fixed electrode potential shows that at ≈ 0.2 Hz for birch sap- and birch wood-based systems approaches 60° and 34°, respectively, which is characteristic of kinetically mixed processes.

Figure 11.

Dependence of phase angle (a) and log -Z″ (b) on AC frequency for birch wood- and birch sap-based systems at potential 0.8 V.

The linear dependence (Figure 11b) of log –Z“ on log f at a fixed electrode potential (0.8 V) clearly shows that at f < 2000 Hz for birch sap- and f < 100 Hz for birch wood-based systems, the systems are described mainly by the slow diffusion process. At higher AC frequencies slow heterogeneous adsorption takes place.

Comparison of modelling results obtained in the time domain and frequency domain

In comparing the general course of the integral capacitance C1,int of wood and sap and the serial capacitance Cs found by impedance modelling, which are given in Figures 4a and 10, a similar trend stands out – higher potentials have higher C1,int and Cs in sap than in wood. However, a comparison of numerical quantities of electrical capacitances at the same potentials in sap shows a significantly higher growth for C1,int when moving to higher potentials. The reason may be that the growth in the integral capacitance of sap starting from the 1.2 V potential is facilitated by the macroscopic symmetrical volumetric charge distribution emerging around the symmetrical electrodes in addition to double-layer electrical charges on the nanoscale (i.e. 1–10 nm, according to Zuleta (2005)). The modelling of Cs according to impedance spectra only considers double-layer electrical capacitance. In the case of wood, no volume charge effect occurs, probably due to its high electrical resistance, and the numerical results of modelling are comparable both in the time domain and frequency domain (i.e. if E = 1.8V, then Cs = 0.5 mF and C1,int = 0.7 mF).

DC strengths measured directly with the CCD measuring procedure in the time domain as well as DC strengths calculated according to Formula (8) in the frequency domain (impedance spectrum) depending on the applied potential are shown in Figure 6b. Both current strengths are mutually satisfactory.


For the theoretical description and experimental study of the electrical charging effect in wood at moisture levels above FSP, it proved expedient to introduce a whole range of specific electrical properties of wood, which are presented in Figures 1a and 1b, described with Formulas (1)(15), and in Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5. In previous studies, some of these specific electrical properties have been used by Tiitta et al. (1999) and Zelinka et al. (2008).

Results of modelling the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 1a with the ZView ver. 2.3 [35] program in the frequency domain. χ 2 – goodness parameter of fitting. CPE – constant phase element. E – potential in volts. Rel – resistance of the electrolyte (sap). Cdl – double layer capacitance. Rct – the charge transfer resistance. RD – the limiting diffusion resistance. T – the diffusion time constant. αw – fractional exponent for Warburg-like diffusion impedance. α – the CPE fractional exponent.

Birch wood
E / V χ 2 R el / Ω C dl / μF R ct / kΩ R D / kΩ T / s rad-1 α w α
0 0.00433 238.8 12.13 15.5 611.6 78.29 0.52 0.936
0.4 0.00433 237.7 12.13 15.8 611.6 78.29 0.52 0.936
0.8 0.00424 295.3 20.31 15.6 74.25 2.21 0.47 0.938
1.2 0.00685 285.8 23.56 15.54 68.08 1.695 0.462 0.939
1.8 0.00432 285.4 97.65 15.54 63.19 1.21 0.461 0.939
2.6 0.00325 256.2 21.32 14.83 34.23 1.383 0.278 0.943
Birch sap
0 0.00162 147 50.7 0.95 2950 30.96 0.97 0.651
0.4 0.00767 148 27.9 0.55 3078 30.54 0.976 0.666
0.8 0.00413 148 27.9 0.77 3077 30.54 0.976 0.666
1.2 0.00397 162 35.08 3.2 30.85 5.40 1.69 0.754
1.8 0.00282 152 36.9 13.2 8.144 2.38 2.141 0.686
2.6 0.00265 166.5 29.1 6.2 3.29 3.6 2.058 0.687

Results of modelling the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 1b with the ZView ver. 2.3 (Scribner Inc., 2022) program in the frequency domain.

Birch wood
E / V χ 2 R el / Ω C dl / μF R ct / kΩ R D / kΩ T / s rad -1 α w
0 0.00107 283.8 9.86 14.9 89.22 4.615 0.406
0.4 0.00103 273.7 12.89 14.7 71.38 5.166 0.361
0.8 0.00114 295.3 17.397 14.84 67.10 2.544 0.403
1.2 0.0014 285.8 22.78 14.89 70.76 2.057 0.421
1.8 0.00963 285.4 13.36 13.24 134.28 5.51 0.225
2.6 0.00732 256.2 9.485 12.62 65.99 4.46 0.055
Birch sap
0 0.0024 146.95 195.25 0.83 83.43 20.26 0.64
0.4 0.00416 136.1 98.41 0.85 60.28 16.51 0.692
0.8 0.00287 148.9 46.36 0.82 11.023 13.85 0.545
1.2 0.00807 162.2 77.14 0.81 13.76 10.57 0.586
1.8 0.0076 152.1 155.43 0.83 6.739 3.11 0.534
2.6 0.0069 166.5 351.44 0.79 65.99 4.57 0.502

To define and experimentally study the specific electrical properties of wood, this article used elements of basic electrochemistry theory as well as some experimental electrochemistry methods (such as EIS and CCD), and ZView 2 software for modelling EIS measurement data.

Energetic chargeability may also be called the actual chargeability of wood, because according to Formula (5), the actual total charges Q1 and Q2 are also taken into account. Conventional chargeability (defined by Schlumberger) is merely an indicator of the actual charging of wood, since the actual total electrical charges affecting the charging process are unknown.

When developing equipment for the monitoring of growing trees, the emergence of the volumetric charge effect on the electrical capacity of wood should be avoided. Based on Figures 4a and 4b and Tables 2 and 3 the surest way to do this is not to use the electrode potential of above E = 1.2 volts.

According to the data in Table 1, it may be argued that impedance modelling fails to allow any information about the stored secondary energy W2 or about the secondary integral electrical capacitance C2,int to be obtained. Impedance modelling in the frequency domain allows for detailed modelling of only the charging process, while neglecting the discharging process.

Electrolyte resistances Rel in Tables 4 and 5 found by modelling are systematically 1.5–2 times greater for birch wood at each value of the potential E compared to the corresponding values modelled for birch sap. Further tests could determine whether the difference found also applies to growing trees. The difference may be pertaining to physics, but it may also lie the specifics of the modelling.

In the paper Tamme et al. (2021), repeated electrical charging phases were completed in black alder wood at 105% moisture content – 21 phases were repeated at the respective moisture level.

In total, 63 electrical charging phases were repeated in black alder wood at three different moisture contents above FSP. It is highly likely that the electrical charging effect can as successfully be repeated also in birchwood at various moisture contents above FSP.

The experiments described in this article can probably be easily replicated also in other wood research laboratories if measuring procedures PDM (Tamme et al., 2014), CCD and EIS (Metrohm Autolab, 2022) are used. The dimensions of the wood specimen as well as the placement of the measuring electrodes in wood or liquid sap are given in Figure 2a. Insulated carbon fibre pin electrodes can fairly easily be assembled.

In the paper Tamme et al. (2013) significant dependence of electrical chargeability on wood moisture content was established in pine sapwood. It may be suggested that electrical chargeability is dependent on wood moisture content also in birchwood as well as on basic density, the position of measuring electrodes with regard to wood annual rings, wood temperature, etc. All these details can be studied further on the assumption that the experiments are well-replicable in the context of this article.


The article provides a general discussion on the modelling of the electrical charging effect in wood on the example of birchwood and liquid birch sap at the constant temperature of 20 °C and moisture content of 105%.

In conclusion, the experimental results suggest that conventional chargeability (as defined by Schlumberger) is, compared to actual energetic chargeability, systematically overestimated at a rate of about 2 to 2.5 times at all electrode potentials.

It may also be concluded that the energetic chargeability in wood is systematically up to 5 times higher than in liquid sap. This tendency is evident both in the comparison of applied potentials and in the comparison of transmitted primary energies. The reason may be the capillary-porous structure of wood, which seems to favour the electrical charging effect induced in wood.

Comparing the general course of the integral capacitance C1,int of wood and sap and the serial capacitance Cs found by impedance modelling, a similar tendency stands out: C1,int and Cs are larger in sap at higher potentials than in wood.

In the frequency domain, frequency dependencies were found to distinguish between adsorption processes and mixed kinetics ranges in birch liquid sap and in green birch wood.

This study expanded the theoretical background of the patented polarization-type wood moisture meter. Energetic effects, electrical capacitance, adsorption and mixed kinetics generated in green birch wood upon moisture content measurement were described both theoretically and experimentally.

Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
2 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Biologie, Botanik, Ökologie, andere