Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Changes during twelve years in three mature hemiboreal stands growing in a radiation model intercomparison test site, Järvselja, Estonia


Figure 1.

Map of live trees in RAMI birch stand in 2019. The symbols are scaled according to tree size. Cyan corresponds to birch, magenta to spruce, blue-violet to black alder, green to European aspen and grey to other species.
Joonis 1. RAMI kaasiku kasvavate puude kaart aastal 2019. Sümbolid on skaleeritud kujutamaks puude suurust, värvid vastavad metsakorralduse juhendile.
Map of live trees in RAMI birch stand in 2019. The symbols are scaled according to tree size. Cyan corresponds to birch, magenta to spruce, blue-violet to black alder, green to European aspen and grey to other species. Joonis 1. RAMI kaasiku kasvavate puude kaart aastal 2019. Sümbolid on skaleeritud kujutamaks puude suurust, värvid vastavad metsakorralduse juhendile.

Figure 2.

Changes in stem breast height diameter distribution in the birch stand. Label (d) is for the trees that died between two measurements made in 2007 and 2019.
Joonis 2. Kaasiku puude diameetrijaotuse muutus. Ajavahemikus 2007–2019 surnud puud (d) on eraldi välja toodud.
Changes in stem breast height diameter distribution in the birch stand. Label (d) is for the trees that died between two measurements made in 2007 and 2019. Joonis 2. Kaasiku puude diameetrijaotuse muutus. Ajavahemikus 2007–2019 surnud puud (d) on eraldi välja toodud.

Figure 3.

Map of alive trees in RAMI spruce stand in 2019. The symbols are scaled according to tree size. Magenta corresponds to spruce and cyan corresponds to birch.
Joonis 3. RAMI kuusiku kasvavate puude kaart aastal 2019. Sümbolid on skaleeritud kujutamaks puude suurust, värvid vastavad metsakorralduse juhendile.
Map of alive trees in RAMI spruce stand in 2019. The symbols are scaled according to tree size. Magenta corresponds to spruce and cyan corresponds to birch. Joonis 3. RAMI kuusiku kasvavate puude kaart aastal 2019. Sümbolid on skaleeritud kujutamaks puude suurust, värvid vastavad metsakorralduse juhendile.

Figure 4.

Changes in stem breast height diameter distribution in the spruce stand. Label (d) is for trees that died between two measurements made in 2007 and 2019.
Joonis 4. Kuusiku puude diameetrijaotuse muutus. Ajavahemikus 2007–2019 surnud puud (d) on eraldi välja toodud.
Changes in stem breast height diameter distribution in the spruce stand. Label (d) is for trees that died between two measurements made in 2007 and 2019. Joonis 4. Kuusiku puude diameetrijaotuse muutus. Ajavahemikus 2007–2019 surnud puud (d) on eraldi välja toodud.

Figure 5.

Map of alive trees in RAMI pine stand in 2019. The symbols are scaled according to tree size. Brown corresponds to pine, cyan to birch, magenta to spruce.
Joonis 5. RAMI männiku kasvavate puude kaart aastal 2019. Sümbolid on skaleeritud kujutamaks puude suurust, värvid vastavad metsakorralduse juhendile.
Map of alive trees in RAMI pine stand in 2019. The symbols are scaled according to tree size. Brown corresponds to pine, cyan to birch, magenta to spruce. Joonis 5. RAMI männiku kasvavate puude kaart aastal 2019. Sümbolid on skaleeritud kujutamaks puude suurust, värvid vastavad metsakorralduse juhendile.

Figure 6.

Changes in stem breast height diameter distribution in the pine stand. Label (d) is for trees that died between two measurements made in 2007 and 2019.
Joonis 6. Männiku puude diameetrijaotuse muutus. Ajavahemikus 2007–2019 surnud puud (d) on eraldi välja toodud.
Changes in stem breast height diameter distribution in the pine stand. Label (d) is for trees that died between two measurements made in 2007 and 2019. Joonis 6. Männiku puude diameetrijaotuse muutus. Ajavahemikus 2007–2019 surnud puud (d) on eraldi välja toodud.

RAMI birch stand at Järvselja, Estonia 15 August 2018
RAMI birch stand at Järvselja, Estonia 15 August 2018

RAMI spruce stand at Järvselja, Estonia 01 August 2019
RAMI spruce stand at Järvselja, Estonia 01 August 2019

RAMI pine stand at Järvselja, Estonia 01 August 2019
RAMI pine stand at Järvselja, Estonia 01 August 2019

Corner coordinates (EPSG:3301) of the test sites measured with differential GPS Tabel 1. Katsealade nurgakoordinaadid Eesti põhikaardi süsteemis

Corner Xlocal ylocal XEPSG:3301 yEPSG:3301
Pine1 0 0 693110.5 6468117.1
Pine2 0 100 693121.6 6468216.7
Pine3 100 100 693220.8 6468205.6
Pine4 100 0 693210.1 6468105.9
Spruce1 0 0 690832.1 6466197.9
Spruce2 0 100 690814.5 6466296.3
Spruce3 100 100 690913.1 6466313.8
Spruce4 100 0 690930.6 6466215.4
Birch1 0 0 695299.9 6464769.0
Birch2 0 100 695280.7 6464867.2
Birch3 100 100 695378.8 6464886.6
Birch4 100 0 695397.7 6464788.0

Spruce stand summary of forest inventory 2007 and 2019. Tabel 3. Kuusiku 2007. ja 2019. aasta takseerandmete kokkuvõte.

Species Code N G D H Lcr Rcr
2007 inventory, upper layer
Populus tremula HB 2 0.052 18.2 25.2 7.1 1.51
Betula pendula KS 143 3.607 17.9 24.7 8.7 1.52
Picea abies KU 624 27.04 23.5 23.8 12.0 1.81
Alnus glutinosa LM 3 0.097 20.3 22.6 9.6 2.05
Pinus sylvestris L. MA 2 0.109 26.3 24.5 10.4 2.11
2007 inventory, second layer
Betula pendula KS 152 1.024 9.3 18.1 4.9 0.92
Picea abies KU 517 5.015 11.1 14.7 6.2 1.17
2007 inventory, regeneration layer
Picea abies KU 89 0.188 5.2 5.7 2.8 1.09
Picea abies KU 157 0.586 6.9 9.1 3.5 1.10
2019 inventory, upper layer
Populus tremula HB 2 0.064 20.2 27.3 6.6 1.39
Betula pendula KS 132 4.489 20.8 28.0 10.2 1.67
Picea abies KU 585 30.61 25.8 26.7 12.1 1.57
Alnus glutinosa LM 3 0.111 21.7 24.4 12.3 2.12
Pinus sylvestris MA 2 0.139 29.7 27.2 13.4 2.70
2019 inventory, second layer
Betula pendula KS 45 0.494 11.8 23.1 5.2 0.93
Picea abies KU 375 4.198 11.9 16.4 7.1 1.04
2019 inventory, regeneration layer
Picea abies KU 87 0.248 6.0 7.2 3.2 0.92
Picea abies KU 70 0.326 7.7 11.7 4.8 0.92
Dead 2007–2019 - 394 1.861 7.8 - - -

Birch stand summary of forest inventory 2007 and 2019. Notations are explained under table. Tabel 2. Kaasiku 2007. ja 2019. aasta takseerandmete kokkuvõte.

Species Code N G D H Lcr Rcr
2007 inventory, upper layer
Populus tremula L. HB 78 2.848 21.6 27.5 9.4 1.95
Betula pendula Roth KS 399 13.44 20.7 26.9 9.4 1.63
Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. LM 176 6.921 22.4 23.8 9.8 2.04
Salix spp. PJ 1 0.044 23.7 24.0 9.9 1.96
2007 inventory, second layer
Ulmus glabra Huds. JA 1 0.010 11.3 15.9 8.1 0.99
Betula pendula KS 66 0.567 10.5 18.2 5.8 0.99
Alnus glutinosa LM 20 0.271 13.1 17.9 8.5 1.40
Tilia cordata PN 205 2.622 12.8 16.5 9.0 1.93
Fraxinus excelsior SA 30 0.281 10.9 17.6 9.2 1.64
Acer platanoides VA 16 0.159 11.2 16.3 8.5 1.85
2007 inventory, regeneration layer
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. KU 39 0.245 8.9 10.3 4.8 1.16
2019 inventory, upper layer
Populus tremula HB 64 4.129 28.7 31.8 10.7 2.30
Betula pendula KS 342 15.44 24.0 29.4 11.5 1.97
Alnus glutinosa LM 159 8.654 26.3 26.4 13.1 2.27
2019 inventory, second layer
Ulmus glabra JA 1 0.015 13.8 17.3 11.0 2.03
Betula pendula KS 27 0.275 11.4 19.7 8.0 1.20
Alnus glutinosa LM 18 0.318 15.0 20.6 10.7 1.65
Tilia cordata PN 264 4.369 14.5 20.2 13.0 2.13
Fraxinus excelsior SA 18 0.263 13.6 20.4 12.3 2.12
Acer platanoides VA 20 0.289 13.6 18.7 12.5 2.16
2019 inventory, regeneration layer
Picea abies KU 53 0.511 11.1 13.4 11.6 1.54
2019 inventory, dead trees
Dead 2007–2019 - 159 1.349 10.4 - - -

Summary of forest inventory 2007 and 2019 of the pine stand. Tabel 4. Männiku 2007. ja 2019. aasta takseerandmete kokkuvõte.

Species Code N G D H Lcr Rcr
2007 inventory, upper layer
Pinus sylvestris MA 1116 28.25 18 16.1 4.5 1.52
2007 inventory, regeneration layer
Betula pendula KS 6 0.014 5.5 4.1 2.9 0.78
Picea abies* KU 1 0.002 5.0 5.0 1.8 1.09
2019 inventory, upper layer
Pinus sylvestris MA 971 29.09 19.5 17.4 4.6 1.53
2019 inventory, regeneration layer
Betula pendula KS 6 0.022 6.8 5.0 3.1 0.90
Picea abies* KU 1 0.003 6.2 6.9 3.8 0.97
Dead 2007–2019 - 145 1.831 12.7 - - -
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2 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Biologie, Botanik, Ökologie, andere