Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Reflections of active forest owners to the public-private forestry support system in Estonia


Figure 1

The structure and numbers of the private forestry support system in Estonia (based on Private Forest Centre, 2018).
The structure and numbers of the private forestry support system in Estonia (based on Private Forest Centre, 2018).

Figure 2

Importance-Performance grid of informational items (see Table 1).
Importance-Performance grid of informational items (see Table 1).

Figure 3

Importance-Performance grid of selected forest management services (see Table 3).
Importance-Performance grid of selected forest management services (see Table 3).

Importance-Performance analysis results of forest management services for private forest owners.

NoForest management serviceImportancePerformancePerformance gapt-valuep-valueNumber of respondents% of satisfied respondents*
33Organizing forest regeneration activities4.523.78−0.74−9.96<0.00118142.5
34Advisory services for forest owners4.464.08−0.38−8.27<0.00145060.2
35Financial support measures (support measures for forest management, counselling, etc.)4.684.06−0.62−13.09<0.00146350.5
36Overall developing of private forestry4.433.54−0.89−11.95<0.00117237.8
37Organizing joint timber sales4.433.56−0.87−7.74<0.00112745.7
38Organizing harvesting activities4.213.72−0.49−5.65<0.00119153.4
39Organizing auctions on harvesting rights4.083.46−0.62−5.35<0.00111052.7
40Organizing property auctions3.703.33−0.37−2.130.0376162.3
41Information and training days4.344.07−0.27−5.35<0.00127169.0
42Assistance in applying for support measures4.554.24−0.31−6.79<0.00141065.6
43Performing forest inventories and compiling management plans4.534.28−0.25−5.40<0.00140067.2
44Publishing information booklets4.243.84−0.40−6.30<0.00125455.9
45Interest representation in policy-making4.613.31−1.30−14.61<0.00118629.0
46Forest certification3.863.45−0.41−4.65<0.0019661.5

Significant correlations between the services (importance/performance) and general characteristics of respondents.

NoForest management serviceAgeSexPrivate personsLegal personsSelf-employed personsYearsAreaDistanceFOA member
33Organizing forest regeneration activities0.21** // 0.20**
34Advisory services for forest owners/ 0.12*0.23*** /0.13** / 0.12*−0.14** /−0.10* / −0.09*−0.13** /−0.11* /0.13** / 0.14**
35Financial support measures (support measures for forest management, counselling, etc.)−0.09* /0.20*** /
36Overall developing of private forestry0.16* /
37Organizing joint timber sales/ 0.24**
38Organizing harvesting activities
39Organizing auctions on harvesting rights0.20* /−0.34*** /−0.23* /
40Organizing property auctions−0.27* /
41Information and training days0.23*** / 0.28***
42Assistance in applying for support measures/ 0.12*/ 0.10*−0.11* /0.16*** /
43Performing forest inventories and compiling management plans0.12* / 0.11*
44Publishing information booklets/ 0.15*
45Interest representation in policy-making−0.19** // −0.17*0.17* /
46Forest certification−0.25* /

Categorized shortcomings of the private forestry support system.

ProblemsOccurrencesShare of occurrences (%)
Specific services4717.0
Financial support4014.5
Complicated system, bureaucracy3914.1
Capacity and strength of F OA3312.0
National policies3312.0
Difficult to access or obtain information3211.6
Lack of trust, cheating2910.5

Importance-Performance analysis results of forest management informational items for private forest owners.

NoInformational itemImportancePerformancePerformance gapt-valuep-valueNumber of respondents% of satisfied respondents*
23Local forest owner associations3.893.74−0.15−3.120.00248372.9
24Services provided by FOAs3.943.57−0.37−7.11<0.00146861.8
25Forest certification3.262.92−0.34−5.16<0.00141360.5
26Profile and contacts of consultants4.163.86−0.30−5.86<0.00149267.5
27Private forestry support measures4.513.78−0.73−14.99<0.00151448.2
28Forest management service companies information, contacts and prices3.953.25−0.70−10.54<0.00146450.2
29Principles and means of timber sales and harvesting rights4.103.34−0.76−12.20<0.00147248.1
30Activities of the PFC3.873.60−0.27−5.54<0.00146966.7
31Activities of the EPFU3.433.07−0.36−6.25<0.00142866.4

Significant correlations between informational (importance/performance) items and general characteristics of respondents.

NoInformational itemAgeSexPrivate personsLegal personsSelf-employed personsYearsAreaDistanceFOA member
23Local forest owner associations/ −0.16***/ −0.11*/ 0.13**0.14** / 0.25***0.45*** / 0.52***
24Services provided by FOAs/ 0.10*/ −0.13**/ −0.12*/ 0.10*/ 0.19***0.39*** / 0.41***
25Forest certification0.13** /−0.10* /
26Profile and contacts of consultants0.12** / 0.17***0.13** /0.10* /−0.17*** // 0.10*/ 0.09*0.13** / 0.17***
27Private forestry support measures0.10* /0.09* /0.17*** /0.12** / 0.09*
28Forest management service companies information, contacts and prices/ −0.11*/ 0.10*/ 0.11*0.12* /0.19*** / 0.10*
29Principles and means of timber sales and harvesting rights/ −0.16***/ 0.10*/ 0.13**0.11* / 0.21***0.14** / 0.20***
30Activities of the PFC
31Activities of the EPFU0.14** / 0.12*

Important products or services that private forest owners require the most from the private forestry support system.

ServicesOccurrencesShare of occurrences (%)
Capacity to plan and organize forest management12322.2
Advice and extension11621.0
Support measures10619.2
Joint timber/harvesting rights sales417.4
Interest representation295.2
Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
2 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Biologie, Botanik, Ökologie, andere