Uneingeschränkter Zugang

The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing on the Relationship Between Competitive Intelligence and Product Development: Evidence from Jordan


Figure 1

The flowchart of structural equation model steps(Source: prepared by the author)
The flowchart of structural equation model steps(Source: prepared by the author)

Figure 2

Structular model(Source: prepared by the author)
Structular model(Source: prepared by the author)

Construct cross-validated redundancy(Source: Author's own research)

SSO SSE Q2 = (1 − SSE/SSO)
Competitive intelligence 1440.000 1440.000 -
Knowledge sharing 720.000 418.744 0.418
Product development 1260.000 915.180 0.274

Collinearity statistics(Source: Author's own research)

Competitive intelligence Knowledge sharing Product development
Competitive intelligence 0.770 - -
Knowledge sharing 0.791 0.829 -
Product development 0.618 0.657 0.790

Demographic characteristics of the study sample(Source: Author's own research)

Variables Category Frequency Percentage
Gender Male 114 64%
Female 64 36%
Length in current job Less than 5 years 15 8.4%
From 5 years to less than 10 years 41 23%
From 10 years to less than 15 years 67 37.6%
15 years and above 55 31%
Education Diploma 5 2.8%
Bachelor's 24 13.5%
Master's 139 78.1%
PhD 10 5.6%
Total - 178 100%

Measurement of reliability and convergent validity(Source: Author's own research)

Convergent validity Internal consistency
Latent variable Item Factor loading Average variance extracted (AVE) Composite reliability Rho-A Cronbach's alpha
>0.70 >0.50 >0.70 - >0.70
Competitive intelligence CI1 0.745 0.593 0.921 0.904 0.902
CI2 0.785 - - - -
CI3 0.799 - - - -
CI4 0.732 - - - -
CI5 0.708 - - - -
CI6 0.832 - - - -
CI7 0.770 - - - -
CI8 0.783 - - - -
Knowledge sharing KS1 0.777 0.688 0.898 0.851 0.848
KS2 0.873 - - - -
KS3 0.845 - - - -
KS4 0.819 - - - -
Product development PD1 0.752 0.624 0.920 0.900 0.899
PD2 0.770 - - - -
PD3 0.805 - - - -
PD4 0.710 - - - -
PD5 0.848 - - - -
PD6 0.804 - - - -
PD7 0.830 - - - -

Mediation analysis(Source: Author's own research)

Bootstrapped confidence interval
Path a Path b Indirect effect SE t-value 95% LL 95% UL Decision
0.791 0.448 0.354 0.070 5.062 0.217 0.492 Mediation

Means and standard deviations of responses(Source: Author's own research)

Variables Mean Standard deviations Level
Competitive intelligence 3.99 0.589 Moderate
Knowledge sharing 3.90 0.684 Moderate
Product development 4.38 0.591 Moderate

Hypotheses testing(Source: Author's own research)

H Path Path coefficients t-value p-value Remarks
H1 CI → PD 0.264 2.907 0.004 Supported
H2 CI → KS 0.791 23.656 0.000 Supported
H3 KS → PD 0.448 5.109 0.000 Supported
H4 CI → KS → PD 0.354 5.073 0.000 Supported

Measurement of discriminant validity(Source: Author's own research)

Competitive intelligence Knowledge sharing Product development
Competitive intelligence 0.770 - -
Knowledge sharing 0.791 0.829 -
Product development 0.618 0.657 0.790

R2 values(Source: Author's own research)

Competitive intelligence R2 R2 adjusted
Knowledge sharing 0.626 0.624
Product development 0.458 0.451

f2 effect sizes values(Source: Author's own research)

Competitive intelligence Knowledge sharing Product development
Competitive intelligence - 1.674 0.048
Knowledge sharing - - 0.138
Product development - - -