Uneingeschränkter Zugang

The Importance of Positive Leadership in the Process of Change on the Example of the Banking Sector


Figure 1

Reiss Motivation Profile (RMP) risk area mBank S.A(Source: Authors’ own study)
Reiss Motivation Profile (RMP) risk area mBank S.A(Source: Authors’ own study)

Collection of ECS indexes (Source: Authors’ own research)

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Growth Bank 2019 Best employers
Attendance 422 524 559 536 537 537 581 5107
% 75% 91% 95% 95% 97% 94% 96% 92%
Engagement level 44% 59% 67% 67% 71% 67% 71% 27% 56% 77%
Satisfaction 55% 69% 71% 81% 81% 77% 82% 27% 82% 84%
Tasks 62% 68% N/B 73% 78% 71% 73% 11% 60.0% 75%
Cooperation 70.0% 75% N/B 70.0% 71% 68% 57% −13% 48% 69%
Autonomy 64% 74% N/B 73% 76% 66% 70.0% 6% 55% 68%
Remuneration 18% 25% 31% 51% 54% 54% 50.0% 32% 45% 61%
Processes 36% 46% 52% 63% 66% 61% 54% 18% 45% 66%
People focus 19% 39% 37% 66% 73% 65% 70.0% 51% 54% 77%
Development opportunities 46% 57% 61% 66% 72% 67% 70.0% 24% 60.0% 71%
Management 37% 66% 74% 80.0% 80.0% 73% 78% 41% 71% 75%

Index dynamics (Source: Authors’ own research)

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Risk division 44% 59% 67% 67% 71% 67% 71%
XBank 52% 56% 55% 57% 53% 52% 56%
Difference to mBank −8% 3% 12% 12% 18% 15% 15%
Best employers in Poland 77% 77% 77% 77% 74% 72% 77%
Difference to best employers −33% −18% −10.0% −10.0% −3% −5% −6%