Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Investigation of stem anatomy in relation to hydraulic conductance, vegetative growth and yielding potential of ‘Summit’ cherry trees grafted on different rootstock candidates



Growing demand for healthy, pesticide-free fruits, on the one side, and inevitable climate change, on the other side, impose the need for intensive, continuous research in the field of rootstock/cultivar selection. To the present day, the significance of adequate rootstock selection for the fruit plantation has been addressed in several research papers (Beckman and Lang, 2002; Webster, 2002b; Nimbolkar et al., 2016; Hrotkó and Rozpara, 2017). Identification of genetic material and understanding of plant properties responsible for the fruit production improvement, as well as the proper selection of rootstock that reduce vegetative growth and increase carbon allocation to reproduction, are considered of great importance (Peschiutta et al., 2013). Rootstocks enrich the cultivar with numerous traits, such as good anchorage, good radial and axial hydraulic conductivity, water use efficiency, soil's pest and disease resistance, improved tolerance to drought and high soil salinity (Gainza et al., 2015a; Ljubojević et al., 2018). In these efforts, new generations of lowvigour-inducing rootstocks, which are being constantly improved through various breeding programmes, represent the key factor. Along with the vigour control, reasons for dwarfing rootstocks utilisation are found in their capability to favourably affect fruit precociousness and productivity rate, despite the need for crop loads to leaf area balancing (Lang, 2000, Whiting et al., 2005). Although the wide range of rootstocks is proven to be size-controlling, the exact mechanism of such control is still unresolved. During the last decades, several studies were conducted to explain how rootstocks affect scion growth and cropping in fruit species (Atkinson and Else, 2001; Webster, 2002a; Gjamovski and Kiprijanovski, 2011; Marra et al., 2013; Tworkoski and Fazio, 2016; Yahmed et al., 2016; Bujdosó et al., 2019).

The capacity to transport water throughout a plant can be determined by calculating its hydraulic conductivity, which was proved to be related to the overall tree growth potential (Solari et al., 2006b). In their study on peach trees, Solari et al. (2006a) have found that water status influenced vegetative growth of scions on different rootstocks by directly affecting shoot growth potential and had a significant effect on leaf conductance regulation of gas exchange related to the shoot carbon gain. Tombesi et al. (2010, 2011) concluded that phenotypic differences in xylem anatomical traits, such as dimensions and density of vessels in shoots, trunks and roots of peach trees influence hydraulic conductance capacity. A similar observation was made in the case of sweet cherry trees (Olmstead et al., 2006a; Gonçalves et al., 2007; Zorić et al., 2012) implying that parameters such as vessel frequency (VF), vessel lumen area (VLA), percentage of vessels on wood cross-section and xylem/phloem thickness ratio might be used in the prediction of tree vigour in cherry rootstocks. Jupa et al. (2021) have found larger vessels in rootstock/scion combinations of higher vigour and a positive correlation between mean vessel lumen diameter in roots and annual shoot length, showing that xylem transport efficiency of rootstocks influences the growth vigour of both apple and pear trees. Cohen and Naor (2002) reported differences regarding water use of apple trees on three rootstocks with different degrees of vigour, while significant variations of xylem vessel features in the leaf of apple grafted onto different rootstocks were found by Hayat et al. (2020).

In addition to the rootstock selection, the selection of scion represents an important part of successful fruit production. If the rootstock is chosen for its ability to grow strong, persistent root systems in the particular soil, scions are selected primarily for the quality and quantity of their fruits (Cohen and Naor, 2002). The effect of rootstock selection on sweet cherry yield and fruit quality was investigated through many studies (Santos et al., 2006; Wociór, 2008; López-Ortega et al., 2016; Dziedzic et al., 2017; Pal et al., 2017; Morandi et al., 2019). Concerning the changing climate that seriously affects fruit growth and yields, rootstocks investigation must be focused on vigour-controlling genotypes with high adaptability to soil water limitations, considering specific pedo-climatic conditions of the area (Ljubojević et al., 2017, 2021). Hajagos and Végvári (2013) stressed the growing interest of fruit producers in rootstockscion combinations characterised by high water efficiency, relative to the growing number of water-related problems widespread. The study of various types of plant tolerance mechanisms to unfavourable climate conditions, which occurs at different levels of life organisation (molecule, cell, organ and plant), can provide important information for plant breeding purposes (Monneveux and Belhassen, 1996). Therefore, there is an urgent need for experimental trials in conditions without irrigation and with minimal management practices, for examining intrinsic rootstock influences on grafted tree performance. The University of Novi Sad has a rich collection of sour cherry material, collected from the Balkan Peninsula as one of the most valuable centres of genetic diversity (Barać et al., 2014). The capability of autochthonous cherry germplasm to overcome unpredictable environmental circumstances was tested through the use of local Prunus cerasus and Prunus fruticosa genotypes as potentially dwarfing rootstocks in the previous studies on the stated germplasm (Ljubojević et al., 2013, 2017 and 2018). Thus, there was the necessity to broaden the research and amend the number of surveyed autochtonous genotypes to encompass those already investigated, as well as to investigate and confirm how cherry rootstock candidates affect vegetative and generative growth of grafted ‘Summit’ cherry trees.

This study aimed to: (1) determine a variation in the rootstock candidates’ as well as ‘Summit’ variety scion stem anatomical properties concerning the effective crown volume of grafted trees; (2) establish the link between estimated scion crown volume on potentially dwarfing rootstocks and calculated trunk hydraulic conductance; and (3) assess the yielding potential of ‘Summit’ cherry trees in correlation to the effective tree crown volume and hydraulic conductivity.

Plant material and growth conditions

The trial was carried out in Rimski Šančevi, at the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, in northern Serbia (45°20′ N and 19°50′ E, altitude 80 m above sea level). The climate of this area is temperate continental, with extremely warm summers and cold winters. During the experimental years 2017–2020, mean annual temperatures were 12.6 °C, 13.2 °C, 13.4 °C and 12.8 °C, with annual precipitation sums of 513 mm, 718 mm, 632 mm and 733 mm, respectively. Seven ungrafted rootstocks were investigated during the 4 years, including five cheery rootstocks belonging to P. fruticosa (Pall.) and P. cerasus (L.) ecovar. ‘Oblačinska’, one ‘Mahaleb’ (Prunus mahaleb) genotype PM_09_01 and ‘Gisela 5’ were used as a control rootstock (Table 1). Concomitantly, the investigation included mid- to late-maturing sweet cherry cultivar Summit grafted on the same rootstocks. P. cerasus genotypes were PC_05_04 and PC_02_01/4, while European ground cherry (P. fruticosa) genotypes were PF_02_16, PF_01_01 and PF_04_09. Trees were planted in autumn 2015, with a planting distance 4 m × 2 m. All investigated plants were equally managed, in conditions without irrigation and with minimal herbicide usage. The trial was located on flat terrain exposed to the cold winds, without a frost protection strategy implemented. The trees were not pruned during the experiment.

List of investigated Prunus sp. genotypes.

Accession name Species, interspecific hybrid
PC_02_01/4 Prunus cerasus ecovar. Oblačinska
PC_05_04 Prunus cerasus ecovar. Oblačinska
PF_01_01 Prunus fruticosa
PF_02_16 Prunus fruticosa
PF_04_09 Prunus fruticosa
PM_09_01 Prunus mahaleb
Gisela 5 Prunus cerasus × Prunus canenscens
Stem anatomical measurements

One year after orchard establishment, in 2016, an initial anatomical characterisation of rootstocks and scion stems was conducted. Both ungrafted rootstock mother trees, as well as grafted ‘Summit’ trees, were cut back to 10 cm to obtain appropriate cross-sections. Anatomical measurements were performed on seven ungrafted rootstocks and the same seven rootstocks – ‘Summit’ scion combinations. During the winter dormancy period (November 2016), 1-year-old main stems were collected from five replicate plants per rootstock/rootstock-scion combination (five samples per variety). To preserve the structure of plant tissues, samples were fixed in 60% ethanol, with the addition of 10% of glycerin. Before cross-section preparation, plant material was immersed in 50% glacial acetic acid for 1–2 days, to soften stems and facilitate sectioning. Cross-sections were obtained using a hand microtome and examined under a Motic Digital BA310 biological light microscope with a builtin digital camera. Images of cross-sections were taken at 40× and 400× magnifications and measurements were performed using the image analysing system Motic Images Plus 2.0; Motic China Group Co., Ltd. Cross-sections were obtained from the third to fifth internode region (approximately the middle) of 1-year-old stems, 1.5–6.5 mm in diameter, as described by Ljubojević et al. (2021). On each stem cross-section, anatomical characteristics were investigated on four radial segments, 90° apart. Anatomical analyses included both total cross-section and secondary wood measurements. Pith radius, secondary wood outer radius, secondary cortex outer radius and periderm outer radius, which is equal to the stem radius, were measured to calculate stem diameter (SD, mm), cross-section area (CSA, mm2), areas and the percentage of the pith (% P), secondary wood (% SW), secondary cortex (% SC) and periderm (% PD), relative to the total CSA. Stem cross-section was considered a regular circle as indicated by Hajagos and Végvári (2013). Secondary wood/secondary cortex ratio (SW/SC ratio) was calculated for all investigated stems, by dividing the secondary wood area (SWA) with the area of the secondary cortex. At higher magnification, 1–2 visual fields were selected for measurement on each radial segment, depending on the stem thickness. The number and lumen areas of all vessels captured in the field of vision were measured, to calculate average VLA (μm2) and VF (number of vessels per mm2). Total vessel and ray areas, as well as xylem area per each visual field, were measured and calculated and their percentages relative to CSA and SWA were determined. For further hydraulic conductance (kh) calculation, vessel diameters (VD, μm) were determined from the VLA values [VLA = (VD/2)2 π], by assuming the vessels were circular. Based on their lumen area, vessels were classified into three classes: I – VLA <300 μm2; II – VLA in the range 300–700 μm2; and III – VLA >700 μm2. The number of vessels per class was expressed as a percentage of the total number of vessels (100%).

Trunk hydraulic conductivity calculation (kh(T))

During the 4 consecutive years, trunk cross-section measurements of grafted sweet cherry trees were conducted. Small segments of the trunk were cut out carefully using a wood chisel, 10 cm above the graft union. Each year, samples were taken out from the different radial segments of the trunk, so as not to disturb the tree growth in the following years as a result of harming the plant tissues. Sampling was carried out in the winter dormancy period (December), on five replicate plants per scion-rootstock combination. Obtained trunk segments were preliminarily screened for VLAs and frequency, to ensure the accuracy of the determined vessel size ranges and calculations based on entire stem cross-sections sampled in 2016. Trunk diameter 10 cm above grafting point (mm) and trunk CSA (mm2) were measured and calculated. Knowing those values, trunk SWA (mm2) was calculated by measuring the periderm and secondary wood ring thickness and calculating the secondary wood inner and outer radius.

Based on the initial anatomical characterisation in the first year after tree planting, the theoretical axial hydraulic conductance (kh) per mm2 of the stem was determined. The theoretical axial hydraulic conductance of stems was calculated according to the expression given by Tyree and Ewers (1991), based on Hagen-Poisseuille's law: kh=πρ128ηi=1ndi4 {k_h} = {{\pi \cdot \rho } \over {128 \cdot \eta }}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {d_i^4} where d was the diameter of the vessels in meters, ρ was the fluid density (assumed to be 103 kg · m−3 for water at 20 °C) and η was the viscosity (assumed to be 1.002 × 10−9 · s for water at 20°C).

Total trunk theoretical axial hydraulic conductance (kh(T)) was calculated from the stem kh per mm2 and trunk SWA values. Because trunk tissues represent the last barrier to the plant water transport from the roots to the plant's upper parts, trunk kh was obtained rather than rootstock kh.

Tree crown volume measurements

Between 2017 and 2020, the investigated plants of all seven scion-rootstock combinations were measured to estimate the effective tree crown volume (Ve) for each tree. Crown height (cm) and crown diameter (cm) measurements were used in the tree crown volume calculation, according to the formula given by Changok (2007): CD2×CH×crownshapeindex=treecrownvolume {\rm{C}}{{\rm{D}}^2} \times {\rm{CH}} \times {\rm{crown}}\;{\rm{shape}}\;{\rm{index}} = {\rm{tree}}\;{\rm{crown}}\;{\rm{volume}} where CD was crown diameter and CH was crown height. A crown shape index was assigned to every plant as described by the same author.

Yielding potential estimation

In the period 2019–2021, during the flowering time, the total number of flowers per tree was determined. The manual counting was carried out on three plants per scion-rootstock combination and the average number per tree was calculated. The year 2018 was excluded from the analysis, due to the very scarce number of flowers per tree (the very first year of fruit occurrence).

Data analysis

The obtained data were statistically processed by analysis of variance and correlation analysis, using STATISTICA 14 software (Tibco, USA). The significance of differences between mean values was determined using Duncan's multiple range tests with the confidence of p ≤ 0.05.

Cross-section anatomical characteristics of rootstock stems

Among the investigated ungrafted rootstocks, significant differences in rootstock stem anatomical properties were observed (Table 2). Regarding SD and CSA, significant variation was found between and within species. Among species, PM_09_01 and the control rootstock ‘Gisela 5’ had the greatest SD, while P. cerasus genotypes had significantly thicker stems in comparison with P. fruticosa genotypes. SD in P. cerasus genotypes was within the range of 2.65–2.88 mm, while rootstock stems of P. fruticosa genotypes varied from 1.61 mm to 2.12 mm. The percentage of secondary wood was lower than % SC in all P. cerasus and P. fruticosa genotypes and did not differ significantly among the two species. On contrary, in both PM_09_01 and ‘Gisela 5’,% SW was higher than % SC, reaching 44.94 and 43.77%, respectively. Such tissue distribution was reflected in a significantly lower SW/SC ratio in analysed sour and ground cherry genotypes, in comparison to ‘Gisela 5’ and PM_09_01 that reached values of 1.08 and 1.19, respectively. P. fruticosa genotypes showed greater % PD than P. cerasus genotypes, with the highest value of 12.37% in PF_02_16. Total vessel area percentages (% V) were significantly higher in rootstock stems of PM_09_01 and the control than in P. cerasus and P. fruticosa genotypes, whose % V varied from 3.52% to 4.68%. The CSA was significantly positively correlated with % V (r = 0.85, as shown in Table S1 in Supplementary Materials). Ray area percentages (% R) were also higher in PM_09_01 and ‘Gisela 5’ compared to other genotypes. Xylem portions (% X) varied between and within species, ranging from 17.53% to 29.49% in P. cerasus, and 20.79–30.86% in P. fruticosa genotypes.

Rootstock stem anatomical characteristics for seven investigated candidate genotypes.

Genotype SD (mm) CSA (mm2) % P % SW % SC % PD SW/SC ratio % V % R % X
PC_02_01/4 2.65 d 5.57 d 15.78 a 23.89 e 51.75 a 8.58 d 0.47 e 3.91 de 2.45 d 17.53 d
PC_05_04 2.88 c 6.57 c 9.72 c 37.87 b 42.83 bc 9.59 c 0.90 c 4.29 cd 4.09 c 29.49 a
PF_01_01 2.11 e 3.50 e 9.53 c 27.71 d 51.20 a 11.56 ab 0.55 e 4.68 c 2.24 d 20.79 c
PF_02_16 1.61 f 2.06 f 6.39 e 37.05 b 44.19 b 12.37 a 0.85 c 4.01 cde 2.18 d 30.86 a
PF_04_09 2.12 e 3.56 e 11.40 b 32.03 c 45.27 b 11.31 b 0.71 d 3.52 e 2.75 d 25.76 b
PM_09_01 3.92 a 12.09 a 8.93 cd 44.94 a 38.44 d 7.69 e 1.19 a 8.52 a 6.75 a 29.67 a
Gisela 5 3.12 b 7.67 b 7.91 d 43.77 a 41.09 c 7.23 e 1.08 b 7.64 b 5.92 b 30.21 a
Mean 2.63 5.86 9.95 35.32 44.97 9.76 0.82 5.22 3.77 26.33

Mean values designated with the same letter were not significantly different according to Duncan's test (p ≤ 0.05).

CSA, cross-section area (mm2); % P, percentage of pith area per stem cross-section; % PD, percentage of periderm area per stem cross-section; % SW, percentage of SWA per stem cross-section; SWA, secondary wood area; % SC, percentage of secondary cortex area per stem cross-section; SD, stem diameter (mm); SW/SC ratio, secondary wood/secondary cortex ratio; % V, percentage of total vessel area per stem cross-section; % R, percentage of total ray area per stem cross-section; % X, percentage of xylem area per stem cross-section.

Cross-section anatomical characteristics of scion stems

Scion stems of a variety ‘Summit’ grafted on different rootstock candidates showed significant differences regarding examined anatomical features (Table 3). SD varied between trees grafted on rootstock candidates belonging to different species, with higher average values when grafted on P. cerasus (reaching up to 6.28 mm). Concerning % P, significant variation was found between scion stems on P. cerasus and P. fruticosa rootstock candidates, with higher pith portions of 14.73–16.92% in scion stems on P. cerasus. In general, % SW and % SC were higher on P. fruticosa than on P. cerasus rootstock candidates (reaching average values of 34.3 and 47.79%, respectively), due to notably higher percentage of pith area in P. cerasus. For all scion-rootstock combinations, SW/SC ratio has shown that secondary cortex portions were higher than portions of secondary wood in scion stems, with 13% difference on average. CSA was significantly negatively correlated with % SC in scion stems (r = −0.93; Table S2 in Supplementary Materials). No rootstock species-related pattern was observed concerning % V, while regarding % R the highest values were found in scion stems of trees grafted on P. fruticosa (7.54–8.93%). A significant positive correlation of CSA was found with the % V (r = 0.92; Table S2 in Supplementary Materials). Both % R and % X was significantly higher in scion stems in comparison with rootstock stems. Scion stems on all investigated rootstock candidates had a lower % X, when compared to the control. In general, scion stems were approximately 2-fold thicker than rootstock stems. According to the mean values, portions of the secondary wood, as well as the secondary cortex, were similar in both rootstock and scion stems, accompanied by higher % P and lower % PD values in scions.

‘Summit’ scion stem anatomical characteristics on different rootstock candidates and ‘Gisela 5’ control rootstock.

Summit/Rootstock candidate SD (mm) CSA (mm2) % P % SW % SC % PD SW/SC ratio % V % R % X
PC_02_01/4 6.28 a 31.31 a 16.92 a 33.58 abc 44.21 d 5.30 c 0.76 ab 5.47 a 6.95 bc 21.15 b
PC_05_04 5.75 bc 26.16 bc 14.73 b 31.05 c 47.64 bc 6.58 b 0.66 c 4.91 abc 6.77 bc 19.37 b
PF_01_01 5.02 d 19.91 d 11.15 cd 32.46 bc 49.82 a 6.58 b 0.66 c 4.17 c 7.81 b 20.48 b
PF_02_16 5.46 c 23.78 c 10.42 d 34.40 ab 48.87 ab 6.30 b 0.71 bc 4.55 bc 8.93 a 20.92 b
PF_04_09 5.90 abc 27.48 abc 12.63 c 36.14 a 44.68 d 6.55 b 0.81 a 5.49 a 7.54 b 23.11 a
PM_09_01 5.87 abc 27.99 ab 15.06 b 32.25 bc 46.12 cd 6.57 b 0.71 bc 5.17 ab 6.23 c 20.84 b
Gisela 5 5.97 ab 28.24 ab 11.10 cd 36.01 a 45.37 d 7.52 a 0.80 a 4.99 abc 7.77 b 23.26 a
Mean 5.75 26.41 13.14 33.70 46.67 6.49 0.73 4.96 7.43 21.31

Mean values designated with the same letter were not significantly different according to Duncan's test (p ≤ 0.05).

CSA, cross-section area (mm2); % P, percentage of pith area per stem cross-section; % PD, percentage of periderm area per stem cross-section; % SW, percentage of SWA per stem cross-section; SWA, secondary wood area; % SC, percentage of secondary cortex area per stem cross-section; SD, stem diameter (mm); SW/SC ratio, secondary wood/secondary cortex ratio; % V, percentage of total vessel area per stem cross-section; % R, percentage of total ray area per stem cross-section; % X, percentage of xylem area per stem cross-section.

Secondary wood features in rootstock and scion stems

Within the secondary wood ring, differences between genotypes were determined, both for the rootstock plants and grafted ‘Summit’ trees (Tables 4 and 5, Figure 1). SWA varied from 0.78 mm2 to 5.42 mm2 in rootstock stems; in scion stems values fell within a range of 6.48–10.66 mm2. Regarding rootstock stem analysis, SWA followed CSA values, resulting in the highest SWA observed in PM_09_01. Rootstock stems of P. cerasus genotypes had higher SWA than P. fruticosa genotypes, with average values of 1.93 and 0.97 mm2, respectively. The percentage of vessels in secondary wood (% VSW) differ significantly between P. cerasus and P. fruticosa genotypes as well as within species, while the highest % VSW was found in P. mahaleb genotype and the control (up to 18.99% in PM_09_01). Genotypes belonging to P. cerasus formed one homogenous group with ray portions of >10%, while the lowest values were found in three P. fruticosa genotypes (ranging from 5.89% to 8.54%). Consequently, the average percentage of xylem in secondary wood (% XSW) was higher in P. fruticosa genotypes compared to P. cerasus and P. mahaleb rootstock candidates, as well as when compared to control.

Secondary wood anatomical properties in rootstock stems.

Genotype SWA (mm2) % VSW % RSW % XSW VLA (μm2) VF (N · mm−2)
PC_02_01/4 1.33 d 16.26 b 10.27 c 73.46 d 264.65 c 614.56 b
PC_05_04 2.54 c 11.68 c 10.74 c 77.58 c 332.20 b 355.40 d
PF_01_01 0.97 ef 16.85 b 8.28 d 74.87 d 241.58 c 708.91 a
PF_02_16 0.78 f 10.77 c 5.89 e 83.34 a 211.81 d 520.20 c
PF_04_09 1.15 de 11.03 c 8.54 d 80.43 b 215.48 d 511.40 c
PM_09_01 5.42 a 18.99 a 15.11 a 65.90 f 492.45 a 387.79 d
Gisela 5 3.39 b 17.59 ab 13.55 b 68.86 e 334.65 b 556.68 bc
Mean 2.22 14.74 10.34 74.92 298.97 522.14

Mean values designated with the same letter were not significantly different according to Duncan's test (p ≤ 0.05).

SWA, secondary wood area (mm2); % VSW, percentage of total vessel area relative to SWA; % RSW, percentage of total ray area relative to SWA; % XSW, percentage of xylem area relative to SWA, VLA, vessel lumen area (μm2); VF, vessel frequency (number of vessels per mm2).

Secondary wood anatomical properties in scion stems.

Summit/Rootstock candidate SWA (mm2) % VSW % RSW % XSW VLA (μm2) VF (N · mm−2)
PC_02_01/4 10.66 a 16.18 a 20.67 cd 63.15 abc 368.44 a 456.36 b
PC_05_04 8.15 bc 15.71 a 21.95 bc 62.34 bc 390.55 a 436.23 b
PF_01_01 6.48 c 12.77 c 24.17 ab 63.06 abc 232.84 c 545.37 a
PF_02_16 8.30 bc 13.19 c 26.00 a 60.80 c 248.22 c 549.14 a
PF_04_09 9.94 ab 15.17 ab 20.91 cd 63.93 abc 292.43 b 529.33 a
PM_09_01 9.74 ab 15.41 ab 18.86 d 65.73 a 370.34 a 445.66 b
Gisela 5 10.28 ab 13.92 bc 21.61 bcd 64.47 ab 304.73 b 471.77 b
Mean 9.08 14.62 22.03 63.35 315.36 490.55

Mean values designated with the same letter were not significantly different according to Duncan's test (p ≤ 0.05).

SWA, secondary wood area (mm2); % VSW, percentage of total vessel area relative to the SWA; % RSW, percentage of total ray area relative to the SWA; % XSW, percentage of xylem area relative to SWA; VLA, vessel lumen area (μm2); VF, vessel frequency (number of vessels per mm2).

Figure 1

Rootstock influence on VLA in rootstock candidates and grafted ‘Summit’ cherry trees: (A) PC_02_01/4 rootstock candidate; (B) ‘Summit’/PC_02_01/4 scion-rootstock combination; (C) PF_02_16 rootstock candidate; (D) ‘Summit’/PF_02_16 scion-rootstock combination. VLA, vessel lumen area.

Concerning investigated scion-rootstock combinations, maximal % VSW was achieved in trees grafted on P. cerasus rootstock candidates (15.95%, on average while the average % VSW in scion stems on P. fruticosa was lowest (13.71%). The percentage of rays in secondary wood was approximately 2-fold higher in scion stems compared to rootstock stems, reaching up to the average value of 22.03%. Such partitioning resulted in the lower % XSW in scion stems that accounted for about 63.35% of total SWA, on average.

Average VLAs in rootstock and scion stems significantly varied between and within species. In rootstocks, VLA was significantly positively correlated with stem CSA (r = 0.98) and %V (r = 0.86; Table S1 in Supplementary Materials). Generally, in P. cerasus and P. fruticosa genotypes, lower VLA values were found compared to P. mahaleb genotype and the control. Between species, VLA in P. cerasus was higher than in P. fruticosa genotypes, with variation from 264.65 μm2 to 332.20 μm2 in the former and from 211.81 μm2 to 241.58 μm2 in the latter. The size of the CSA was not significantly correlated with VF, both in rootstock and scion stems (Tables S1 and S2 in Supplementary Materials). Regarding the average VF in rootstock stems relative to rootstock species, a greater number of vessels was found in those genotypes that had lower VLA values. Thus, VF in P. fruticosa genotypes was 16% higher than average VF in P. cerasus. Consequently, P. mahaleb genotype, which was characterised with the highest VLA, had the lowest VF – about 33% lower than in P. fruticosa, which had 580.17 vessels per mm2 on average. In scion stems a significant negative correlation between VLA and VF was found (r = −0.95; Table S2 in Supplementary Materials). Generally, scion stems were characterised by larger average VLA and lower VF values in comparison to the rootstock stems. On average, scion stems on P. cerasus and P. fruticosa recorded the VLA increase and VF decline when compared to rootstock stems of the same genotypes, with the lower average VLA of 257.83 μm2 and the greater VF in scion stems on P. fruticosa rootstock candidates, counting 541.28 vessels per mm2 in average. In scions, % VSW was significantly positively correlated with VLA (r = 0.91) but negatively correlated with VF (r = −0.77; Table S2 in Supplementary Materials). In comparison to the control, scion stems on P. cerasus and P. mahaleb rootstock candidates had significantly larger vessels, ranging from 368.44 μm2 to 390.55 μm2, while VF was similar according to Duncan's multiple range tests.

Portions of vessels per size category are shown in Figure 2. Between rootstock candidates, two patterns of vessel distribution considering categories I and II were observed (Figure 2A). All cherry genotypes had a higher percentage of vessels <300 μm2 in comparison with the percentage of vessels belonging to group II. In P. cerasus genotypes, portions of smallest vessels were 52.37% in PC_05_04 and 63.30% in PC_02_01/4, while in P. fruticosa genotypes group I percentages varied from 71.57% in PF_01_01 to particularly high 79.98% in PF_02_16. Consequently, the lowest percentages of vessels from group II were observed in P. fruticosa genotypes, ranging from 19.87% to 27.91%. The second pattern regarding vessel distribution was observed in PM_09_01 rootstock stems, where the highest number of vessels belonged to class II (58.07%) while small and large vessels were similarly present. ‘Gisela 5’ was characterised by the higher number of vessels sized within the range of 300–700 μm2 (50.23%), but vessels from class I were also highly present in the rootstock stem secondary wood (46.27%). The share of vessels >700 μm2 in the total number of vessels was lowest in all investigated rootstocks. Percentage of largest vessels varied from 0.14% in PF_02_16 to 18.67% in PM_09_01.

Figure 2

Percentages of vessels per size category in the secondary wood of (A) rootstock stems and (B) scion stems of grafted sweet cherry trees. Mean values designated with the same letter were not significantly different according to Duncan's test (p ≤ 0.05).

Among scion stems, portions of vessels with different VLA did not match strictly patterns observed in rootstock candidates (Figure 2B). Concerning vessel affiliation to different size categories in scion stems of trees grafted on P. fruticosa genotypes where lowest Ve was observed, the highest percentage of vessels <300 μm2 (60.08–73.56%), lowest portions of medium vessels (25.22–36.55%) and extremely low percentage of vessels >700 μm2 (1.16–3.37%) were found. On the contrary, ‘Summit’ trees of highest Ve, grafted on P. cerasus genotypes, had a similar percentage of small (<300 μm2) and medium vessels (300–700 μm2) in their scion stems, as well as a higher percentage of large vessels (>700 μm2) compared to the previous group of trees, reaching 8.64% for PC_02_01/4 and 12.61% for PC_05_04. In contrast with the vessel categories’ percentages in rootstock stems, PM_09_01 and ‘Gisela 5’ values in scion stems showed larger portions of vessels <300 μm2 (47.68 and 58.91%, respectively), while vessels within a group III had the smallest share for both rootstocks (10.55% and 4.23%, respectively).

The CSA was significantly negatively correlated with the percentage of vessels under 300 μm2, both in rootstock (r = −0.99) and scion (r = −0.79) stems (correlation coefficients are shown in Tables S1 and S2 in Supplementary Materials). In rootstocks, portions of vessels belonging to the groups II and III were in a significant positive correlation with stem size (correlation coefficients were 0.96 and 0.91, respectively), while in scions significant positive correlation was found with the percentage of medium-sized vessels (r = 0.89). Significant correlations of VF were found in scion stems with vessels percentage from I (r = 0.93), II (r = −0.87) and III (r = −0.93) size class.

Effective tree crown volume (vegetative trait) and potential yielding (generative trait) relation to trunk hydraulic conductivity (kh(T))

Results showed a statistically significant correlation between Ve, kh(T) and yielding potential of grafted trees, with the highest alteration from the correlation curve recorded for trees grafted on PM_09_01 and ‘Gisela 5’ (Figure 3). Effective tree crown volume of sweet cherry ‘Summit’ trees was strongly influenced by the rootstock selected for grafting (Table 6). Relative to the Ve of trees grafted on control (100%), the estimated Ve in the first experimental year was lower for trees grafted on the following rootstock candidates: PF_02_16 (22%), PF_04_09 (26%), PF_01_01 (48%) and PM_09_01 (35%). ‘Summit’ trees on P. cerasus rootstock candidates had higher Ve in comparison with the control trees, reaching 104% on PC_05_04 and 204% on PC_02_01/4, of Ve value achieved on control. During the 4 years, trees grafted on PC_02_01/4 had the highest crown volume values, from 0.47 m3 in the first year of measuring to 2.97 m3 in 2020. Trees grafted on P. fruticosa genotypes showed lower Ve than on P. cerasus genotypes, with crown volumes within the range of 0.86–1.37 m3 in the fifth year after planting. Although trees on ‘Gisela 5’ achieved similar values as trees on PC_05_04 in 2017 (0.23 m3 and 0.24 m3, respectively) and had higher Ve in the following year, during 2019 and 2020 this genotype influenced higher crown volumes in comparison with the control. Trees with lower Ve determined in previous years obtained higher percentages in 2020 in comparison with trees grafted on ‘Gisela 5’, with an estimated 44% (PF_02_16), 56% (PF_04_09), 61% (PF_01_01) and 65% increase (PM_09_01), while P. cerasus rootstock candidates induced values of 122% and 151% of Ve achieved on ‘Gisela 5’ (PC_05_04 and PC_02_01/4, respectively). Sweet cherry trees on PM_09_01 had lower Ve than ‘Gisela 5’ during all experimental years, reaching 0.08 m3 in 2017 and 1.29 m3 in 2020.

Figure 3

Diagrams of correlations between: (A) Ve and kh(T) in 2019; (B) Ve and kh(T) in 2020; (C) Ve and yielding potential in 2019; (D) kh(T) and yielding potential in 2020.

Effective tree crown volume and trunk hydraulic conductivity of ‘Summit’ trees in 2017–2020.

Effective tree crown volume (m3)

Rootstock 2017 2018 2019 2020
PC_02_01/4 0.47 a 1.29 a 2.47 a 2.97 a
PC_05_04 0.24 b 0.78 bc 1.85 ab 2.41 ab
PF_01_01 0.11 c 0.39 cd 0.91 cd 1.21 cd
PF_02_16 0.05 c 0.24 d 0.47 d 0.86 d
PF_04_09 0.06 c 0.41 cd 0.64 d 1.10 cd
PM_09_01 0.08 c 0.36 d 0.84 cd 1.29 cd
Gisela 5 0.23 b 1.09 ab 1.45 bc 1.97 bc
Mean 0.18 0.65 1.21 1.65
Trunk hydraulic conductivity (10−4 kg · m· MPa−1 · s−1)

Rootstock 2017 2018 2019 2020
PC_02_01/4 10.31 a 24.21 a 38.25 a 51.07 a
PC_05_04 8.82 a 21.64 a 33.30 a 37.90 b
PF_01_01 1.73 c 3.63 d 6.90 c 10.58 d
PF_02_16 1.67 c 4.88 cd 7.88 c 8.59 d
PF_04_09 2.30 c 5.27 cd 10.02 c 15.99 d
PM_09_01 5.17 b 12.06 b 22.40 b 27.97 bc
Gisela 5 4.49 b 8.66 bc 13.27 c 17.97 cd
Mean 4.93 11.48 18.86 24.29

Mean values designated with the same letter were not significantly different according to Duncan's test (p ≤ 0.05).

Trunk calculated hydraulic conductivity varied among grafted trees, with maximal calculated values on P. cerasus genotypes and minimal values on P. fruticosa genotypes during the 4 consecutive years. In 2017 trunk kh values on PC_05_04 and PC_02_01/4 were approximately 3-fold higher than kh(T) achieved on P. fruticosa genotypes, and about 2-fold higher compared to PM_09_01 and the control. During 2017–2020 maximal values were found on PC_02_01/4, reaching maximal 51.07 × 10−4 kg · m · MPa−1 · s−1 in 2020. Results obtained in 2020 varied from 8.59 × 10−4 kg · m · MPa−1 · s−1 in trees on PF_02_16 to previously listed highest value on PC_02_01/4 genotype, where control rootstock influenced 2.5-fold lower trunk conductance than P. cerasus genotypes and 1.5-fold higher kh(T) when compared to P. fruticosa genotypes. The third highest value in the last year of measuring was found in trees grafted on PM_09_01 (27.97 × 10−4 kg · m · MPa−1 · s−1), pointing to the approximately 1.5-fold greater kh(T) in comparison to control, during the 4 consecutive years. Trees grafted on P. cerasus genotypes had significantly higher kh(T) compared to trees on other rootstock candidates, with about 4-fold and 1.5-fold higher values than trees on P. fruticosa and P. mahaleb in 2020, respectively.

The effective tree crown volumes in the years 2017, 2019 and 2020 were significantly positively correlated with kh(T) for the same years (coefficients of correlation were 0.86, 0.86 and 0.89, respectively, as shown in Table S3 in Supplementary Materials).

There were significant differences in the number of flowers per tree determined in trees grafted on differing rootstocks (Figure 4). In 2019, P. cerasus genotypes PC_05_04 and PC_02_01/4 induced the highest flowering of sweet cherry trees, forming a homogenous group with 723.76 and 741.59 flowers per tree, respectively. Plants grafted on control rootstock ‘Gisela 5’ counted 614 flowers per tree, while those grafted on PM_09_01 counted 282.89 flowers. P. fruticosa genotypes were characterised with only 25.68 to 43.60 flowers per tree. In comparison with 2019, the number of flowers in 2020 increased by 23% on PC_05_04 and 38% on PC_02_01/4, 6–15 times on P. fruticosa rootstock candidates, 50% on PM_09_01 and only 12% on control. Values from 2020 and 2021 showed that P. cerasus genotypes PC_05_04 and PC_02_01/4 achieved the highest numbers of flowers per tree, reaching up to 889.60 and 1023.40 flowers per tree in 2020 and 1,112.18 and 1,083.69 flowers per tree in 2021, respectively. In 2021, the largest increase in the number of flowers per tree compared to the previous year was noted on trees on P. fruticosa rootstock candidates (1.7-to 3.3-fold higher) and on PM_09_01 (2.6-fold higher). Yielding potential on P. cerasus rootstock candidates and control was raised by 25%, 8% and 44% (PC_05_04, PC_02_01/4 and ‘Gisela 5’, respectively), which led to a similar number of flowers on P. fruticosa and control rootstock, as well as on PC_02_01/4 and PM_09_01. Trees grafted on PF_02_16, PF_01_01 and PF_04_09 achieved the lowest yielding potential, counting 791.72, 919.05 and 918.90 flowers per plant, respectively. A significant positive correlation of yielding potential was found with the Ve and kh(T) values in 2019 and 2020 (correlation coefficients varied between 0.84 and 0.96; Table S3 in Supplementary Materials).

Figure 4

Yielding potential of seven scion-rootstock combinations in three consecutive years. Mean values designated with the same letter were not significantly different according to Duncan's test (p ≤ 0.05).


The results presented above indicate that there is a great variation and significant potential for the selection of size-controlling productive rootstocks. Cross-section anatomical characteristics varied significantly both in rootstock and scion stems, indicating a clear influence of rootstock genotype on grafted sweet cherry trees. Since investigated stems were of the same age, sampled from the same part of the plant and grown in the same environmental setting, SDs are presumed to be strongly genetically dependent as previously noted for eucalyptus (Bartholomé et al., 2020). High heritability and genetic control of anatomical traits and water use efficiency was previously noted by Lauri et al. (2011) as well as Lopez et al. (2017). Lesser variation in CSA was observed in scion stems in comparison with the rootstock stems, indicating that to some extent scion retains its scion-specific cambial activity. Due to secondary thickening in rootstock stems, the production of new xylem elements significantly increased. The same was observed in scion stems. Comparing stem cross-section anatomical characteristics and secondary wood properties of ungrafted and grafted rootstocks, trees have generally shown the absence of statistically significant correlation (Tables S4 and S5 in Supplementary Materials). This is in accordance with the findings of a study by Ljubojević et al. (2013), which suggested that the anatomical mechanism of vigour control is defined by the genetic basis of both rootstock and scion, characterised by their specific features that remain unchanged in the coexistence after grafting.

Previous studies have shown that sweet cherry low-vigorous rootstocks had larger VF but smaller VD than invigorating ones (Olmstead et al., 2006a; Gonçalves et al., 2007). Regarding VLA values in the rootstock stems, the smallest VLA and relatively high number of vessels were found in the cherry rootstock candidates that induce the smallest Ve of ‘Summit’ trees. However, the largest VLA was found in the stems of PM_09_01 rootstock, which did not induce the highest Ve of grafted trees, while in PC_02_01/4, which influenced the highest tree crown growth, relatively small VLA and high VF were found. These results are in accordance with the previously noted strong genetic dependence of investigated cross-section anatomical properties (Ljubojević et al., 2021). In contrast with rootstock stems, VLA and VF in scion stems were strongly negatively correlated, where an increase in VLA led to a decline in VF. For scion stems of trees grafted on P. cerasus and P. fruticosa rootstock candidates, our observations are that in trees with higher Ve, larger vessels and lower VF were found, whereas in stems of trees characterised with lower Ve, smaller vessels and higher VF were noticed. Compared to the results for ‘Summit’ cheery trees obtained by Ljubojević et al. (2013), investigated rootstock candidates in this study seem to alter VLA without compromising VF.

A significantly lower xylem/phloem thickness ratio in stems of dwarfed trees than in invigorating ones was found by Gonçalves et al. (2007). In the present study, observed SW/SC ratio in the rootstock stems had shown a higher portion of secondary cortex on stem cross-section of all P. cerasus and P. fruticosa rootstock candidates. In rootstock stems of PM_09_01 and ‘Gisela 5’, small differences between the percentage of secondary wood and secondary cortex were noted, with a greater percentage of the former. However, estimated Ve of ‘Summit’ trees did not show higher growth on PM_09_01 despite the assumption that a higher percentage of xylem tissue induces higher vegetative growth, which presumably resulted from hydraulic conductance correction in the graft union and reduced water flow from roots to upper tree parts (Olmstead et al., 2006b). Higher SW/SC ratio in ‘Gisela 5’ rootstock stems, in comparison with cherry rootstocks’ stems, might imply lower tree crown volume when grafted on these rootstock candidates. Although all investigated scion/rootstock combinations were exposed to water deficit due to lack of irrigation in the semi-arid conditions, symptoms of water stress were most obvious in trees grafted on ‘Gisela 5’ (flagging and/or cupped leaves during the drought have been observed). Thus, higher Ve of trees on P. cerasus rootstock candidates in comparison with control trees could be due to higher susceptibility of trees on ‘Gisela 5’ to water scarcity during the drought events, which might have resulted in suppressed tree growth. Since ‘Gisela 5’ is considered as low-vigour inducing (Lang, 2000), our results showed that all investigated rootstock candidates are potentially dwarfing.

A statistically significant positive correlation of Ve with kh(T) acknowledges water uptake and movement through the plant as an important factor of tree growth (Tombesi et al., 2010). Species influence induced differences in hydraulic conductance of ‘Summit’ trees grafted on different rootstocks, further affecting the vegetative and generative traits of scion/rootstock combinations. Along with the trunk cross-sectional area characteristics (embedded in the calculation of kh(T)), secondary wood properties provide the necessary data about kh(T), which is considered a vital part of the plant growth regulation (Tombesi et al., 2011). Nonetheless, climate factors and environmental conditions in which plants are grown must be included in the analysis. Compact tree growth and low vigour of grafted sweet cherry trees, as well as high yield and fruit quality, are indicators of compatibility and adequate rootstock selection (Gainza et al., 2015b). However, the same plant might perform surprisingly poorly when planted under certain conditions, while able to thrive in an alternative condition. Sweet cherry trees grafted on ‘Gisela 5’ have shown good performance when irrigated (Pal et al., 2017), but the same was not observed under the drought (Vercammen, 2004). In our study, significantly higher Ve and kh(T) of trees grafted on P. cerasus, in comparison with the trees on ‘Gisela 5’, showed better adaptation of these rootstock candidates in the trial without irrigation implemented.

Fruit development is strongly influenced by climate changes (Salama et al., 2021; Vanalli et al., 2021). Rising temperatures in this century can induce the earlier beginning of cherry blossom, which increases the vulnerability of buds to spring frosts (Chmielewski et al., 2018). Such climate conditions, complemented with an inadequate schedule of precipitation and high-temperature fluctuations, can severely reduce yields and cause high financial losses to sweet cherry producers. Although a total of fruits harvested represents a real indicator of production efficiency, in some years it cannot be obtained. As the alternative, the number of flowers per tree could be assessed as the preliminary yielding potential in different scion/rootstocks combinations, since the degree of fruit set and yield largely depends on the abundance of flowering (Radović et al., 2020). Trees on dwarfing rootstocks usually produce an increased number and quality of floral buds, which is probably linked to the earlier cessation of shoot extension growth in the summer that redirects trees’ assimilates and nutrients towards the production of floral buds (Webster, 2002b). Our results showed a positive correlation of potential yielding with the estimated Ve and kh(T). ‘Summit’ trees characterised by the lowest Ve had the lowest number of flowers per tree, while trees with the highest values of Ve produced more flowers, corroborating adaptability assumptions. Since Ve values’ calculation proved the dwarfing character of all investigated rootstocks, the focus was set on the selection of rootstock with the highest yielding potential, rather than on vigour versus number of flowers assessment. During the first 2 years, trees grafted on P. cerasus rootstock candidates produced a higher number of flowers in comparison with trees on P. fruticosa and PM_09_01, as well as on control rootstock. The abundance of flowers was notably higher on P. cerasus rootstock candidates, which might be due to earlier fruiting phase entering. It was noted that trees on PM_09_01 had a similar number of flowers as trees on P. fruticosa in 2020, with the expectation of significantly higher flower abundance in the following years, since P. mahaleb does not induce high fertility in the first years of fruiting (Lang, 2000). It was observed that the highest number of flowers per tree on PC_05_04 and PC_02_01/4 have resulted from the increased length of fruiting branches in comparison with the branches of trees on ‘Gisela 5’, which induced the earlier shoot cessation in control trees (Prassinos et al., 2009).


Scarcity of water resources worldwide and numerous environmental changes lead to a shift in the breeding goals towards both productive and adaptive rootstock selection. It was found that all investigated cherry rootstock candidates belong to the low-vigorous rootstocks based on the estimated Ve of grafted trees in relation to the trees on dwarfing control rootstock ‘Gisela 5’. Trees on P. cerasus rootstock candidates showed good performance in the conditions without irrigation, with the highest yielding potential measured. Although P. fruticosa rootstock candidates induced the highest yearly increase in the number of flowers per ‘Summit’ tree during the 3 consecutive years, observed yielding potential did not meet the precociousness criterion. Similarly, P. mahaleb rootstock influenced the sufficiently good performance of grafted trees, but during the 2 initial years of fruit-bearing failed to produce a high number of flowers. Regarding calculated Ve of grafted ‘Summit’ trees, kh(T) and determined yielding potential, PC_05_04 rootstock candidate could be considered as the most appropriate choice when raising the high-density sweet cherry plantations. Doubtless, ‘Summit’ variety on both PC_05_04 and PC_02_01/4 rootstock candidates showed better performance than on ‘Gisela 5’, due to higher tolerance to variable environmental conditions without compromising potential fruit set. Exceptionally high correlation coefficients between 4-year measurements of ‘Summit’ trees’ crown volumes and hydraulic conductivity calculations based on the initial anatomical stem measurements (confirmed yearly on small trunk segments obtained by wood chisel) imply that conducted method could be used in the forthcoming rootstock breeding programmes.

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