Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Parameters of radish phytomass (Raphanus sativus L.) determined by vermicompost and earthworms (Eisenia fetida)


Impact of Vc and EW on the changes of radish roots diameter.

Treatment 3. V. (36 days after emergence of plants) 9. V. (42 days after emergence of plants)

No. Mark cm % cm %
1 S 1.46 a 100.00 1.69 a 100.00
2 SVc9:1 3.15 fg 215.75 3.31 ef 195.86
3 SVc4:1 3.36 g 230.14 3.72 g 220.12
4 SVc3:1 3.21 fg 219.86 3.64 fg 215.38
5 SVc1:1 2.96 ef 202.74 3.08 cde 182.25
6 SVc9:1+EW10 2.78 cde 190.41 2.85 bcd 168.64
7 SVc9:1+EW20 2.59 bcd 177.40 2.71 bc 160.36
8 SVc4:1+EW10 2.97 ef 203.42 3.29 ef 194.67
9 SVc4:1+EW20 2.94 def 201.40 3.22 de 190.53
10 SVc3:1+EW10 2.76 bcde 189.04 3.04 cde 179.88
11 SVc3:1+EW20 2.68 bcde 183.56 2.90 bcd 171.60
12 SVc1:1+EW10 2.53 bc 173.29 2,79 bc 165.09
13 SVc1:1+EW20 2.41 b 16.07 2.66 b 157.40
1–13 2.75 2.99
2–5 3.17 3.44
6–13 2.71 2.93
6,8,10,12 2.76 2.99
7,9,11,13 2.66 2.87
LSD 0.05 0.351 0.377

Impact of Vc and EW on chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll content in radish leaves.

Treatment 3. V. (36 days a.e) 9. V. (42 days a.e)

No. Mark chl. a chl. b chl. a+b chl. a:b chl. a chl. b chl. a+b chl. a:b

mg · m−2 mg · m−2
1 S 198.2 a 80.3 a 278.5 a 2.47 189.2 a 78.1 a 267.3 a 2.42
2 SV9:1 232.4 bc 99.3 bc 331.7 bcd 2.34 206.5 ab 89.8 b 296.3 b 2.30
3 SV4:1 234.3 bc 104.7 bcd 339.0 cde 2.24 235.4 c 105.6 c 341.0 cde 2.23
4 SV 3:1 238.6 c 109.9 bcd 348.5 de 2.17 240.1 c 111.1 c 351.2 cde 2.16
5 SV 1:1 242.6 c 115.5 d 358.1 e 2.10 242.4 c 115.3 c 357.7 d 2.10
6 SV9:1+EW10 224.0 bc 97.8 b 321.8 bc 2.29 199.8 a 89.3 b 289.1 b 2.24
7 SV9:1+EW20 214.4 ab 97.4 b 311.8 b 2.20 194.7 a 88.4 ab 283.1 ab 2.20
8 SV4:1+EW10 230.2 bc 105.6 bcd 335.8 bcd 2.18 229.8 c 106.2 c 336.0 cd 2.16
9 SV4:1+EW20 227.8 bc 106.4 bcd 334.2 bcd 2.14 225.9 bc 106.5 c 333.4 c 2.12
10 SV3:1+EW10 238.6 c 109.9 bcd 348.5 de 2.17 237.9 c 111.2 c 349.1 cde 2.14
11 SV3:1+EW20 237.2 c 109.3 bcd 346.5 cde 2.17 235.1 c 110.3 c 345.4 cde 2.13
12 SV1:1+EW10 240.4 c 113.5 d 353.9 de 2.12 238.8 c 114.8 c 353.6 cd 2.08
13 SV1:1+EW20 237.7 c 112.1 cd 349.8 de 2.12 234.3 c 114.4 c 348.7 cde 2.05
1–13 230.49 104.75 335.24 2.21 223.84 103.15 327.07 2.18
2–5 236.98 107.35 344.33 2.21 231.10 105.45 336.55 2.20
6–13 231.29 106.50 337.79 2.17 224.54 105.14 329.80 2.14
6,8,10,12 233.30 106.70 340.00 2.19 226.58 105.38 331.95 2.155
7,9,11,13 229.28 106.30 335.58 2.16 222.50 104.90 327.65 2.125
LSD0.05 20.606 13.418 24.964 22.055 10.996 19.258

Impact of Vc and EW on the nitrates (NaNO3) content in radish roots and leaves.

Treatment 3. V. (36 days a.e) 9. V. (42 days a.e) 3. V. 9. V.

Roots Leaves Roots Leaves R:L

No. Mark mg · kg−1
1 S 652.44 a 268.82 a 458.86 a 256.38 a 2.427 1.790
2 SV9:1 1,680.32 c 583.10 b 1,127.08 c 550.86 b 2.882 2.046
3 SV4:1 2,562.50 e 948.20 c 2,490.42 e 880.82 c 2.702 2.827
4 SV 3:1 2,633.00 e 1,272.42 d 2,390.52 de 1,098.42 d 2.069 2.176
5 SV 1:1 3,078.68 f 1,673.54 e 3,000.62 f 1,248.00 e 1.840 2.404
6 SV9:1+EW10 1,477.26 b 566.20 b 981.78 b 530.40 b 2.609 1.851
7 SV9:1+EW20 1,439.88 b 566.20 b 980.16 b 522.00 b 2.543 1.878
8 SV4:1+EW10 2,342.48 d 920.46 c 2,335.00 d 864.76 c 2.545 2.700
9 SV4:1+EW20 2,278.82 d 900.00 c 2,307.82 d 864.76 c 2.532 2.669
10 SV3:1+EW10 2,578.82 e 1,200.00 d 2,382.50 de 1,056.76 d 2.149 2.255
11 SV3:1+EW20 2,562.62 e 1,200.00 d 2,380.00 de 1,040.20 d 2.136 2.288
12 SV1:1+EW10 3,004.06 f 1,650.86 e 2,950.00 f 1,248.00 e 1.820 2.364
13 SV1:1+EW20 3,012.22 f 1,658.98 e 2,950.00 f 1,248.80 e 1.816 2.362
1–13 2,254.09 1,031.45 2,056.52 877.70 2.19 2.34
2–5 2,488.63 1,119.32 2,252.16 944.53 2.22 2.38
6–13 2,337.02 1,082.84 2,158.41 921.96 2.16 2.34
6,8,10,12 2,350.66 1,084.38 2,162.32 924.98 2.16 2.34
7,9,11,13 2,323.39 1,081.30 2,154.50 918.94 2.15 2.34
LSD 98.884 77.286 116.116 132.053

Parameters of soil and Vc used in the experiment.

Subs. Nin P K Ca Mg S Ntot Cox C:N EC pHKCl

(mg · kg−1) (%) (mS · cm−1)
S 9.2 17.8 173 3,100 452 4.4 0.07 0.90 11.88 0.12 6.35
Vc 310.1 3,085 8,763 5,135 3,252 2,068 2.97 19.89 5.53 4.98 7.33

Impact of Vc and EW on the dynamics of radish roots and leaves weight changes.

Treatment 24. IV. (27 days after emergence of plants 3. V. (36 days after emergence of plants 9. V. (42 days after emergence of plants

No. Mark g per 10 individuals

Roots Leaves Root Leaves Root Leaves
1 S 2.04 bc 14.75 a 20.92 a 16.00 a 29.94 a 18.63 a
2 SVc9:1 2.94 h 21.08 de 149.60 f 83.91 def 186.92 e 104.60 cd
3 SVc4:1 3.66 i 22.56 e 154.72 g 95.96 g 220,27 f 147.78 f
4 SVc3:1 2.81 h 20.25 cde 146.70 f 85.99 fg 215.42 f 136.35 f
5 SVc1:1 2.19 cd 17.32 abc 101.98 c 84.87 efg 141.51 c 113.23 de
6 SVc9:1+EW10 1.99 b 15.47 ab 107.00 d 59.18 b 143.00 c 70.78 b
7 SVc9:1+EW20 1.65 a 14.47 a 96.04 b 56.38 b 128.98 b 66.76 b
8 SVc4:1+EW10 2.55 g 19.06 cd 117.12 e 75.58 cdef 183.60 e 95.74 c
9 SVc4:1+EW20 2.25 df 17.21 abc 115.88 e 74.21 cde 181.44 e 91.58 c
10 SVc3:1+EW10 2.54 g 18.25 bcd 109.02 d 72.99 cd 167.33 d 120.14 e
11 SVc3:1+EW20 2.44 fg 17.96 abc 107.16 d 72.99 cd 163.26 d 118.60 e
12 SVc1:1+EW10 1.96 b 17.38 abc 105.20 cd 70.77 c 141.77 c 115.76 de
13 SVc1:1+EW20 1.98 b 17.34 abc 105.20 cd 71.02 c 139.64 c 114.80 de

1–13 2.38 17.93 110.50 70.76 157.16 101.13
2–5 2.90 20.30 138.25 87.68 191.03 125.49
6–13 2.17 17.14 107.83 69.14 156.13 99.27

6,8,10,12 2.26 17.54 109.59 69.63 158.93 100.61
7,9,11,13 2.08 16.75 106.07 68.65 153.33 97.94

LSD 0.05 0.195 3.477 4.734 11.429 9.371 13.378

Impact of Vc and EW on vitamin C content in radish roots and leaves.

Treatment 3. V. (36 days a.e) 9. V. (42 days a.e) 3. V. 9. V.

Roots Leaves Roots Leaves R:L

No. Mark mg · kg−1
1 S 111.22 c 350.44 e 159.72 e 295.84 g 0.317 0.540
2 SVc9:1 100.14 b 260.54 d 118.68 d 241.32 ef 0.384 0.492
3 SVc4:1 94.40 ab 237.95 c 110.00 bcd 222.74 d 0.397 0.494
4 SVc3:1 92.00 ab 215.23 ab 105.20 abc 206.50 bc 0.427 0.509
5 SVc1:1 87.20 a 202.00 a 99.42 a 188.98 a 0.432 0.526
6 SVc9:1+EW10 98.92 b 257.06 d 117.82 d 240.88 ef 0.385 0.489
7 SVc9:1+EW20 99.82 b 251.42 cd 118.00 d 242.36 f 0.397 0.487
8 SVc4:1+EW10 94.88 ab 238.08 c 110.00 bcd 224.06 d 0.399 0.491
9 SVc4:1+EW20 95.62 ab 239.64 c 111.80 cd 229.88 de 0.399 0.486
10 SVc3:1+EW10 92.24 ab 216.34 ab 105.60 abc 209.50 c 0.426 0.504
11 SVc3:1+EW20 93.60 ab 217.44 b 106.80 abc 209.70 c 0.430 0.509
12 SVc1:1+EW10 88.10 a 204.64 ab 101.00 ab 192.66 a 0.431 0.524
13 SVc1:1+EW20 89.10 a 206.88 ab 101.80 ab 196.66 ab 0.431 0.518
1–13 95.17 238.28 112.76 223.16 0.404 0.505
2–5 93.44 228.93 108.33 214.89 0.410 0.505
6–13 94.04 228.94 109.10 218.21 0.412 0.501
6,8,10,12 93.54 229.03 108.61 216.78 0.410 0.502
7,9,11,13 94.54 228.85 109.60 219.65 0.414 0.500
LSD0.05 9.463 14.03 9.407 11.520

Impact of Vc and EW on the dynamics of radish leaves to roots phytomass ratio and total phytomass content changes.

Treatment 24. IV. (27 days after emergence of plants 3. V. (36 days after emergence of plants 9. V. (42 days after emergence of plants

No. Mark L:R L+R L:R L+R L:R L+R
1 S 7.23 16.79 0.76 36.92 0.62 48.57
2 SVc9:1 7.17 24.02 0.56 233.51 0.56 291.52
3 SVc4:1 6.16 26.22 0.62 250.68 0.67 368.05
4 SVc3:1 7.21 23.06 0.59 232.69 0.63 351.77
5 SVc1:1 7.91 19.51 0.83 186.85 0.80 254.74
6 SVc9:1+EW10 7.77 17.46 0.55 166.18 0.49 213.78
7 SVc9:1+EW20 8.77 16.12 0.59 152.42 0.52 195.74
8 SVc4:1+EW10 7.47 21.61 0.65 192.70 0.52 279.34
9 SVc4:1+EW20 7.65 19.46 0.64 190.09 0.50 273.02
10 SVc3:1+EW10 7.19 20.79 0.67 182.01 0.72 287.47
11 SVc3:1+EW20 7.36 20.40 0.68 180.15 0.73 281.86
12 SVc1:1+EW10 8.87 19.34 0.67 175.97 0.82 257.53
13 SVc1:1+EW20 8.76 19.32 0.68 176.22 0.82 254.44
1–13 7.66 20.32 0.65 181.26 0.65 258.29
2–5 7.11 23.20 0.65 225.93 0.67 316.52
6–13 7.98 19.31 0.64 176.97 0.64 255.40
6,8,10,12 7.83 19.80 0.64 179.22 0.64 259.53
7,9,11,13 8.14 18.83 0.65 174.72 0.64 251.27

Relationship between the qualitative (nitrates and vitamin C contents) and quantitative yield parameters.

Parameter Date of sampling

3. V. (36 days after emergence of plants 9. V. (42 days after emergence of plants

Dependent Independent Correlation coefficient (r)
Weight of roots Total chlorophyll 0.514++ 0.515++
Diameter of roots 0.488++ 0.488++
Weight of leaves 0.600++ 0.777++
Vitamin C in roots Total chlorophyll −0.621++ −0.740++
Diameter of roots −0.340+ −0.585++
Weight of roots −0.365++ −0.645++
NaNO3 in roots −0.708++ −0.773++
Vitamin C in leaves Total chlorophyll −0.738++ −0.843++
Weight of leaves −0.730++ −0.774++
NaNO3 in leaves −0.836++ −0.900++
NaNO3 in roots Total chlorophyll 0.759++ 0.911++
Diameter of roots 0.441++ 0.436++
Weight of roots 0.500++ 0.490++
NaNO3 in leaves Total chlorophyll 0.707++ 0.880++
Weight of leaves 0.515++ 0.729++
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Biologie, Botanik, Zoologie, Ökologie, andere