
Figure 1.

Species composition of the first storey of the studied stands in Paliwodzizna Forestry
Species composition of the first storey of the studied stands in Paliwodzizna Forestry

Figure 2.

Species composition of the second storey of the studied stands in Paliwodzizna Forestry
Species composition of the second storey of the studied stands in Paliwodzizna Forestry

Figure 3.

Comparison of the density of the studied stands in Paliwodzizna Forestry in the first storey (Is) and the second storey (IIs) and the age of the pine trees, D1–D6 – stand number
Comparison of the density of the studied stands in Paliwodzizna Forestry in the first storey (Is) and the second storey (IIs) and the age of the pine trees, D1–D6 – stand number

Figure 4.

Comparison of the average density of black cherry by height class (H1–H3) and origin (F.nr. – natural form, F.ss. – stump sprout), D1–D6 – stand number
Comparison of the average density of black cherry by height class (H1–H3) and origin (F.nr. – natural form, F.ss. – stump sprout), D1–D6 – stand number

Figure 5.

Comparison of average annual ring increment 

{{\rm{\bar Z}}}

 of black cherry [mm] before thinning (Pre_CT) with average annual increment [mm] 2 years (Post_CT2) and 5 years (Post_CT5) after thinning (letters indicate statistically homogeneous groups)
Comparison of average annual ring increment Z¯ {{\rm{\bar Z}}} of black cherry [mm] before thinning (Pre_CT) with average annual increment [mm] 2 years (Post_CT2) and 5 years (Post_CT5) after thinning (letters indicate statistically homogeneous groups)

Characteristics of annual increments [mm] of black cherry, D1–D6 – sample plots

Area Age [years] After CT [years] Post CT [years] Diameter of stumps [mm] ∑z total increment after CT [mm] ∑z total increment post CT [mm] Z¯ {{\rm{\bar Z}}} mean increment [mm] Z¯ {{\rm{\bar Z}}} mean increment after CT [mm] Z¯ {{\rm{\bar Z}}} mean increment post CT [mm]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D1 22 20 2 41,4 37,2 4,2 1,88 1,86 2,10
D1 23 21 2 54,8 50,6 4,2 2,38 2,41 2,10
D1 17 15 2 61,8 51,0 10,8 3,64 3,40 5,40
D1 21 19 2 97,8 92,2 5,6 4,66 4,85 2,80
D1 16 14 2 104,2 87,0 17,2 6,51 6,21 8,60
D1 13 11 2 71,2 52,8 18,4 5,48 4,80 9,20
D1 17 15 2 80,0 66,6 13,4 4,71 4,44 6,70
D1 19 17 2 100,6 80,4 20,2 5,29 4,73 10,10
D1 20 18 2 136,8 115,0 21,8 6,84 6,39 10,90
D1 18 16 2 111,6 92,0 19,6 6,20 5,75 9,80
D2 18 13 5 60,2 46,4 13,8 3,34 3,57 2,76
D2 11 6 5 85,0 49,2 35,8 7,73 8,20 7,16
D2 16 11 5 144,8 70,0 74,8 9,05 6,36 14,96
D2 19 14 5 95,6 57,0 38,6 5,03 4,07 7,72
D2 16 11 5 94,8 45,2 49,6 5,93 4,11 9,92
D2 12 7 5 57,4 27,8 29,6 4,78 3,97 5,92
D2 20 15 5 104,2 79,4 24,8 5,21 5,29 4,96
D2 11 6 5 65,6 27,8 37,8 5,96 4,63 7,56
D2 13 8 5 74,2 41,0 33,2 5,71 5,13 6,64
D2 17 12 5 90,6 53,6 37,0 5,33 4,47 7,40
D3 17 12 5 104,0 66,0 38,0 6,12 5,50 7,60
D3 16 11 5 104,2 61,6 42,6 6,51 5,60 8,52
D3 25 20 5 137,8 94,6 43,2 5,51 4,73 8,64
D3 14 9 5 75,0 52,0 23,0 5,36 5,78 4,60
D3 20 15 5 131,0 98,2 32,8 6,55 6,55 6,56
D3 11 6 5 69,6 32,4 37,2 6,33 5,40 7,44
D3 16 11 5 112,2 69,0 43,2 7,01 6,27 8,64
D3 14 9 5 103,2 56,8 46,4 7,37 6,31 9,28
D3 19 14 5 126,6 90,4 36,2 6,66 6,46 7,24
D3 15 10 5 81,2 47,8 33,4 5,41 4,78 6,68
D4 15 13 2 83,2 68,4 14,8 5,55 5,26 7,40
D4 19 17 2 92,0 77,0 15,0 4,84 4,53 7,50
D4 19 17 2 107,8 90,4 17,4 5,67 5,32 8,70
D4 17 15 2 118,4 109,8 8,6 6,96 7,32 4,30
D4 24 22 2 135,6 115,6 20,0 5,65 5,25 10,00
D4 14 12 2 107,2 79,4 27,8 7,66 6,62 13,90
D4 15 13 2 89,0 71,0 18,0 5,93 5,46 9,00
D4 17 15 2 91,2 75,0 16,2 5,36 5,00 8,10
D4 22 20 2 111,8 92,8 19,0 5,08 4,64 9,50
D4 18 16 2 128,0 110,8 17,2 7,11 6,93 8,60
D5 19 14 5 86,0 53,4 32,6 4,53 3,81 6,52
D5 13 8 5 83,8 35,2 48,6 6,45 4,40 9,72
D5 22 17 5 108,0 75,8 32,2 4,91 4,46 6,44
D5 23 18 5 113,2 80,8 32,4 4,92 4,49 6,48
D5 24 19 5 126,0 101,8 24,2 5,25 5,36 4,84
D5 11 6 5 68,4 25,0 43,4 6,22 4,17 8,68
D5 21 16 5 130,2 98,8 31,4 6,20 6,18 6,28
D5 17 12 5 91,4 64,4 27,0 5,38 5,37 5,40
D5 12 7 5 75,0 44,8 30,2 6,25 6,40 6,04
D5 13 8 5 91,2 51,2 40,0 7,02 6,40 8,00
D6 24 22 2 126,4 112,4 14,0 5,27 5,11 7,00
D6 8 6 2 51,6 40,4 11,2 6,45 6,73 5,60
D6 13 11 2 67,2 57,0 10,2 5,17 5,18 5,10
D6 26 24 2 155,0 143,6 11,4 5,96 5,98 5,70
D6 19 17 2 110,0 94,2 15,8 5,79 5,54 7,90
D6 13 11 2 83,8 70,4 13,4 6,45 6,40 6,70
D6 17 15 2 87,4 70,4 17,0 5,14 4,69 8,50
D6 17 15 2 85,0 70,6 14,4 5,00 4,71 7,20
D6 19 17 2 104,6 90,4 14,2 5,51 5,32 7,10
D6 22 20 2 96,6 83,6 13,0 4,39 4,18 6,50

Age, age class and timing of commercial thinning on experimental plots in Paliwodzizna Forestry

Area identificator Division Age [years] (age class) Time (T) after commercial thinning (CT) [years] and experiments variants
D1 314 i 93 (V) 2 (Post_CT2)
D2 317 i 98 (V) 5 (Post_CT5)
D3 299 a 70 (IV) 2 (Post_CT2)
D4 308 h 65 (IV) 5 (Post_CT5)
D5 314 c 43 (III) 5 (Post_CT5)
D6 312 a 55 (III) 2 (Post_CT2)

Density of black cherry in height classes (K1-K3) in all sample plots (D1-D6), F.nat. – natural form, F.odr. – offshoot stump sprout

Area K1 [pcs./ha] K2 [pcs./ha] K3 [pcs./ha] Σ [pcs./ha]
F.nat. [h0-0,5m] F.odr. [h0-0,5m] F.nat. [h0,5-1,0m] F.odr. [h0,5-1,0m] F.nat. [h>1,0m] F.odr. [h>1,0m]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. 4600 1920 2720 880 2120 320 12,560
2. 3560 840 720 280 0 280 5,680
3. 1160 760 2320 360 480 840 5,920
4. 3560 760 1000 1440 840 160 7,760
5. 1800 1280 1440 920 720 320 6,480
Average 2936 1112 1640 776 832 384 7,680
1. 440 760 1120 800 1520 360 5,000
2. 1720 360 560 1440 1680 720 6,480
3. 1040 360 3160 2320 1920 1240 10,040
4. 1040 1440 1280 1160 1280 1080 7,280
5. 160 360 760 1080 1760 840 4,960
Average 880 656 1376 1360 1632 848 6,752
1. 360 560 600 360 1240 320 3,440
2. 1160 320 720 880 800 240 4,120
3. 680 320 840 360 440 760 3,400
4. 440 240 1040 200 440 160 2,520
5. 360 120 960 200 560 360 2,560
Average 600 312 832 400 696 368 3,208
1. 120 0 360 1400 320 80 2,280
2. 240 200 920 280 520 240 2,400
3. 0 280 560 280 720 240 2,080
4. 720 240 1000 1360 120 360 3,800
5. 440 1000 320 320 680 280 3,040
Average 304 344 632 728 472 240 2,720
1. 280 0 280 80 360 160 1,160
2. 840 80 160 200 120 0 1,400
3. 280 0 440 0 200 280 1,200
4. 120 200 280 80 640 280 1,600
5. 440 240 360 0 200 120 1,360
Average 392 104 304 72 304 168 1,344
1. 200 440 160 80 240 0 1,120
2. 200 280 240 160 80 40 1,000
3. 360 160 280 80 320 320 1,520
4. 440 80 360 160 440 160 1,640
5. 280 0 160 320 280 80 1,120
Average 296 192 240 160 272 120 1,280
Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
4 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Biologie, Botanik, Medizin, Veterinärmedizin