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Some Comments Concerning the Preparation of and Fatigue Testing of the Aircraft’s Cable-Control System



Cable-control systems of GA1 aircraft and gliders will remain in use, owing to the use of the electrical or hydraulic systems being irrational due to the inappropriate costs and complex services involved. Currently, symmetrical loads and bending are used in the fatigue tests of airplane cable-control systems, just like in the tests of elevator ropes2. The cable and ropes tests are commonly conducted by bending them in the range of ±90° with a constant load. The mentioned tests are adequate for assessing the operational loads of cable transport systems such as cranes, lifts, vertical and horizontal cable transport, and so on (Brzęczek, 2020; Kubryn et al., 2018; Tytko, 2021). For the ropes and pulleys of transport systems, the described methods are used to assess the wear and for damage evaluation (Hankus & Hankus, 2006; Kubryn et al., 2018; Tytko, 1998, 2021). Typical cables test results are given in Figure 1. Kubryn et al. (2018) and Tytko (1998) could only partially point out to the real wear as a function of the operational measure and fatigue life of the aviation-control systems, and these do not correlate with the real deflections and loads.

Figure 1.

The results of the KSAN cable (aviation cable) tests with a diameter of 3.5 mm up to 100,000 ± 90° bends (Kubryn et al., 2018).

The forces transferred by the control system should ensuring stability and control are limited by admissible control are results from surfaces deflections ϴw and values of forces PF and flying controls as well, Figure 6. (Brzęczek, 2019; Certification Specifications for CS-23, 2003). The flight stability and the aircraft’s control are carried out by changing the moments relative to the CG3 of the aircraft (Figure 2). Values of the hinge moments are not linear functions of control surface deflection, and it is difficult to precisely determine their actual values as well.

Figure 2.

Simplified system of forces and moments of the aircraft in the classical layout.

The given dependencies indicate the complexity of the issue with random loads and deformations (see Figures 8 and 9). The characteristics of variability are typical and similar for defined airplane categories, operation profiles, and the in-flight mass and CG position. Real loads of the control systems are modified by the required pretensioning (Certification Specifications for CS-23, 2003). The sum of the pretensioning and the real loads cannot reach a negative value for any permissible flight configuration, including loads generated by doubled control systems (Brzęczek, 2019; Certification Specifications for CS-23, 2003). Specifications (Certification Specifications for CS-23, 2003) also require that the designed systems ensure the positive gradients of the flying controls forces PF (steering wheel, control stick, pedals) as a function of their range of displacement ϴw (Figure 6).

Transmission of hinge moments, Mzaw, (Figure 4) causes the difference in tension between the active and passive cables (Figure 6). The random loads of cables caused a complex state of stresses of the wires: stretching, twisting, and contact pressure loads related to the wrap angles of the cable sheaves ϴL (Figures 6 and 13). Variations of the deflections, βH and δH, (Figures 4 and 6) are the results of the required configurations of moments: M, L, and N in flights related to the aircraft’s CG (Figures 2 and 8). Results of tests (Kubryn et al., 2018; Figure 1) of aviation cables based on the symmetrical variable loads and bending cycles cannot be used for predicting the service life and unequivocal guidelines for the planning, inspection, and intervals of dianosis. Due to the lack of reliable test results, it is recommended to mandatorily inspect defined areas of cable-control systems, especially for the most-loaded element with relatively short inspection intervals, for example, 25 hr of flight. The regulations (Certification Specifications for CS-23, 2003) also require the visual ongoing inspection of critical elements of cable-control systems.

In the present article, only the longitudinal control of the aircraft was analyzed (Figure 2). The resultant value of the force on the tail, PH, (Figure 3) ensures longitudinal balance, stability, and flight control. Values of forces in the reference coordinate system of the airplanes are dependent on the flight speed v, aircraft CG, and their position lh, tail angle of attack angle αH, deflections βH, and trimming tab δH (Figures 3 and 4). The components of the resultant forces on the horizontal tail unit, PH, are described using simplified formulas (14).

Figure 3.

Simplified system of forces and moments ensuring the balance and longitudinal control of the classical layout of monoplane.

Figure 4.

Classical horizontal tail unit aircraft or glider.

Required values of forces and moments depend on the current aircraft configuration (CG position, lh αh), control surface deflections (βh, δh) and their aerodynamic parameters (dCzh, dCxh) Figures 2 and 3).

CZH=dCZHdαH(α+αH+ϕε)+dCZHdβHβH+dCZHdδHδH \[{{C}_{ZH}}=\frac{d{{C}_{ZH}}}{d{{\alpha }_{H}}}\left( \alpha +{{\alpha }_{H}}+\phi -\varepsilon \right)+\frac{d{{C}_{ZH}}}{d{{\beta }_{H}}}{{\beta }_{H}}+\frac{d{{C}_{ZH}}}{d{{\delta }_{H}}}{{\delta }_{H}}\] CXH=dCXHdαH(α+αH+ϕε)+dCXHdβHβH+dCXHdδHδH \[{{C}_{XH}}=\frac{d{{C}_{XH}}}{d{{\alpha }_{H}}}\left( \alpha +{{\alpha }_{H}}+\phi -\varepsilon \right)+\frac{d{{C}_{XH}}}{d{{\beta }_{H}}}{{\beta }_{H}}+\frac{d{{C}_{XH}}}{d{{\delta }_{H}}}{{\delta }_{H}}\] PH=PZH+PXH=12ρV2SHCZH+12ρV2SHCXH \[{{P}_{H}}={{P}_{ZH}}+{{P}_{XH}}=\frac{1}{2}\rho {{V}^{2}}{{S}_{H}}{{C}_{ZH}}+\frac{1}{2}\rho {{V}^{2}}{{S}_{H}}{{C}_{XH}}\] i=1kM=Ms+MmH=i=1kMyi=12ρV2SlaCmbu+12ρVH2SHCHlH=0 \[\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{k}{M={{M}_{s}}+{{M}_{mH}}=\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{k}{{{M}_{yi}}=\frac{1}{2}\rho {{V}^{2}}S{{l}_{a}}{{C}_{mbu}}+\frac{1}{2}\rho V_{H}^{2}{{S}_{H}}{{C}_{H}}{{l}_{H}}=0}}\]

Generalized aerodynamic data can be used for the estimation of βH and αH (Eqs (3) and (4)), but the hinge moments, Mzaw (Figure 4) cannot be easily estimated. The mandatory requirements (Certification Specifications for CS-23, 2003) determine the maximum values of the forces (Eq. (3)), but the actual value Mmz and its variability are necessary for the determination of the load spectrum and for programming the fatigue test of the aircraft’s cable systems. Measurements of the strain gauge of the cable forces in connection with the αH angle inclination, deflections βH, and the trim tab δH (Figure 4) are disturbed by the specificity of the analyzed airplane’s system and the real measurement conditions of the preload changes (Brzęczek, 2019).

Loads and strain of the cable should be presented in conjunction with the changes in wrap angles ϴL and the aircraft’s operation profiles. To avoid disturbances generated in the specific aircraft being tested, the results of the hinge moments of the rudders (Krzysiak, 1983) data have been used in the study. The proposed solution will allow to generalize the preparation of the spectrum of loads and test results as well, for the analyzed category of airplanes according to the implemented exploitation profiles.

This approach with respect to the geometric configuration as given in Figure 2 and the required values of deflection for profiles of exploitation (Figures 4, 7, and 8), CG position, and mass changes in the flight should be used for analyses and tests and for programing the service life of aviation control-cable systems.

Determination of the real forces of aviation cable-control systems and their variability

The values of the control systems forces with respect to surface deflection, βH, (Figure 4) and the variability of the hinge moments can be estimated by two ways:

From the measurements of the actual values of the forces on the passive and active cables of the aircraft operated in a specific operating profile, related to angle βH of deflection (Figure 4). The actual reliable values are not obtainable due to the frictional forces and the actual pre-tension values and other disturbances. Additionally, the collected data are related to the specific tested airplane.

From the measurements of the control surface deflection angles, βH, and the calculations of the hinge moments (using the wind tunnel characteristics) directly from Figure 10 or by calculation using the charts given in Figures 11 and 12 and by using the formula (5).

Method (a) is closely related to the configuration of the aircraft (see Figure 1), the specific CG, and the profile of its operation. In this study, the second method (b) was analyzed. Data prepared in this way can be further generalized by taking into account the actual values of air speed, mass in flight, and the actual CG position. When converting data into the test loads spectrum, the maximum pre-tension values should be used as a conservative approach (Figure 13).

Data obtained from the flights

The sources and methods of the loads of the aircraft and the aircraft’s control system acquisition are presented in Figures 5 and 7.

Figure 5.

Typical flight mission (Brzęczek, 2020).

Figure 6.

Scheme of the elevator aircraft cable-control system.

Figure 7.

Probability density function of flight time distribution for the aircraft commuter category (Kubryn et al., 2018).

All real or postulated missions of the selected airplane category allow to define a typical operating profile. The spectrum of the real loads of the aircraft’s control systems are divided into:

– controlled loads (depending on the pilot and his training, but determined by the category of the aircraft and their operational profile) are resulting from performed missions;

– controlled loads resulting from the reaction of the pilot or autopilot on flight disturbances (e. g., after gust, engine asymmetry, etc.);

– environmental loads (depending on the state of the atmosphere, the load of the power unit, and the condition of the runway); and

– properties of the aircraft (mass and location of the CG, aerodynamic and power unit characteristics, and stiffness and deformations of the loaded airframe structure) (Brzęczek, 2019).

Actual load values of control system elements (Figure 6) during the flight mission (Figures 7 and 8) should be collected as the result of the operating load spectrum based on the operation aircraft’s profile.

Figure 8.

Real deflection of the elevator during flight, sampling of 50 Hz. Elaborated based on tests data (Department of Avionics and Control Systems of Rzeszów University of Technology, 2019).

The loads of cables are combined with deformations on the pulleys or sliders, and real forces cause a complex state of stress in the strands and wires of the cables (Brzęczek, 2019).

The requirement is for a positive cable tension for each extreme load (Certification Specifications for CS-23, 2003); hence, the need to introduce the PW cable pre-tension (Brzęczek, 2019; Certification Specifications for CS-23, 2003) (Eq. (5)).

From analyzing the stability and maneuverability of airplanes related to the geometrics and kinematics of cable control systems, we conclude: the deflections of the control surfaces are ±10° for >90% of the total surface deflection (see Figure 9).

Figure 9.

Spectrum of rudder deflection. Elaborated on (Department of Avionics and Control Systems of Rzeszów University of Technology, 2019) data. Aerodrome traffic circuit flight. The average value depends on mass and CG location.

The above-mentioned control-cable deformations and displacements indicate that their fatigue lives are much more than those obtained in the tests (Kubryn et al., 2018; Pieróg, 2011).

The factor significantly influencing the fatigue life of the cables is a relatively low-value cable load. The method described below and the results of the related tests can be useful for predicting the fatigue life of the cables and defining the diagnostic and adjustment intervals.

Determining the variability of forces and cable deformation

The force values of the cable-control system can be presented in formulas (5) and (6): P(αH,βH,υ,n,t)=PW±PM0 \[P\left( {{\alpha }_{H}},{{\beta }_{H}},\upsilon ,n,t \right)={{P}_{W}}\pm {{P}_{M}}\ge 0\]

Note: Positive tension of the passive cable of control systems means that PW should always be greater than PM for any permissible flight maneuver (Certification Specifications for CS-23, 2003; Figure 5). PM=kCmz(αH,βH,δH,υ,τ) \[{{P}_{M}}=k{{C}_{mz}}\left( {{\alpha }_{H}},{{\beta }_{H}},{{\delta }_{H}},\upsilon ,\tau \right)\] where:

P (αH, βH, υ, n, t) – total forces in the active and passive cables as a function of flight parameters (Figures 6 and 13);

PW (t, τ) – pre-tension forces ensuring the positive tension of the passive cable;

PM – variable forces necessary for control surface deflection;

αH – angle of attack (Figures 3, 4, and 6);

βH – angle of rudder deflection (Figures 3 and 4);

δH – angle of trim tab deflection (Figure 4);

υ – flight speed;

k – calculation of the coefficient of the cable tension forces as a function of the control surface Cmz, αH, βH, δH deflection (Figures 4, 8 and 9);

t – ambient temperature;

τ – operational measure, e.g., flight hours;

Cmz – hinge moment coefficient f (αH, βH, δH, υ, n, t) (Eq. (11)), (Figure 10).

Figure 10.

An example of the Cmz = f (αH, βH, υ) for specific values of K = 0.25, Re = 1.49 106, Ma = 0.3 (Krzysiak, 1983).

Below, the two possible methods of Cmz determination are presented (both based on tunnel research):

Using the Cmz = f (αH, βH, υ) chart for specific aviation profiles with appropriate values of: K (Eq. (10); Figure 6), Re, M, similarity number (Figure 10);

By the Cmz calculation based on the specified wind tunnel test and using coefficients b1, b2, and b0 for specific: K, Re, M similarity number.

The values of the hinge moments coefficients of the control surfaces determined by the data obtained from tunnel tests are given by formula (7): Cmz(Re,Ma,K)=b1αH+b2βH+b0 \[{{C}_{mz}}\left( {{R}_{e}},{{M}_{a}},K \right)={{b}_{1}}{{\alpha }_{H}}+{{b}_{2}}{{\beta }_{H}}+{{b}_{0}}\] where: b1=Cmzα \[{{b}_{1}}=\frac{\partial {{C}_{mz}}}{\partial \alpha }\]

– see Figure 11

b2=Cmzβ \[b2=\frac{\partial {{C}_{mz}}}{\partial \beta }\]

– see Figure 12

b0 – coefficient related to the shape of the tail profile.

αH, βH – surface deflection [rad] – Figure 3.

K=CshLah \[K=\frac{{{C}_{sh}}}{{{L}_{ah}}}\] where:

Csh – rudder chord Figure 4;

Lah – chord of control surface unit Figure 4;

Re, M – Reynolds and Mach similarity numbers.

Figure 11.

An example of b1 = f (Ma) for the value K = 0.25 (Krzysiak, 1983).

Figure 12.

An example of b2 = f (M) for the value K = 0.25 (Krzysiak, 1983).

Loads of the passive and active cables of the airplane control system should be additionally corrected by the friction forces of the systems (Brzęczek, 2019). The values of the deflections βH are additionally correlated with the angles of attack αH and δH; the CG position enables completing the operating spectrum of cable loads (Figure 9).

Test programs based on the presented idea

The stochastic deflections of the control surfaces, βH, δH, CG, (Figures 79.) measured for the typical exploitation profile of the defined airplane’s category enable determining the loads spectrum of active and passive cables of the control systems (Figure 5). Test spectra (Figure 9) are related to the flight hours and are not the quantity of cable bending (Department of Avionics and Control Systems of Rzeszów University of Technology, 2019) is presented. The test results are described as a function of flight hours for a given aircraft category (Figures 5 and 9) that should be performed on the critical pulley of the system, i.e., on the greatest bending (max ϴL) (Figure 13). Test results with additional measurements of the cable elongation and broken wires enable determining the real wear of the cable and pulley (Figure 13) as a function of flight hours. On the basis of the above-mentioned data and the fatigue tests results, formula (11) can be used to determine the fatigue life and diagnostic intervals of the cable system (Tytko, 1998, 2021).

Figure 13.

Idea of a cable test strand4. More than six points of cable testing and inspection. The strand enables the ongoing measurement of cable elongation. The markings in Figure 13 mean: 1 – spring or hydraulic system, simulation of nonlinear hinge change, 2 – cable lock, 3 – pulleys, 4 – cable A, 5 – wrap angle adjustment, 6 –turnbuckl, 7 – cable B, 8 – tensioner (pre-tension value of force), and 9 – stochastic angular displacement (βH simulation).

Strands of the fatigue tests of aviation cable-control systems

The main task involved in conducting the tests of airplane cable-control systems (Figures 6 and 13) is the use of stochastic non-linear loads correlated with cable deformation. The strand allows test cables with different wrap angles, but with the same variable (stochastic) load values, for two or more cables at the same time. The cable loads are applied by angular excitation, and the nonlinearity of the forces changes as a function of the deflection angles and is implemented by spring or hydraulic systems.

In addition, as emphasized in this paper, the magnitude of the used loads is in correlation with the cable deformation and displacement (Figure 6). Loads and operational spectrum are related to the specific type of airplane control system (Figures 5 and 7) moreover enables to define a critical point on the cable system by the wrap angle displacement (Figure 13). The critical point and fatigue test results should be used to plan the inspection and diagnostic intervals of the aircraft’s cable-control systems.

Assessment of test results and the fatigue durability of the cable

A measure of the symptoms of wear of the aviation control-cable systems can be conducted by the cable elongation, reduction of cable diameter, and the broken wires. The measurement test’s results will be used for coefficients a1, a2, and a3 for the elongation estimate (Eq. (11)). The course of the curve lengthening of the operated cable similar to the tribological curve and, in accordance with Hankus and Hankus (2006) and Hankus (2004, 2014), can be well described by formula (11): ε=a0+a1P(+a2P3+a3P3) \[\varepsilon ={{a}_{0}}+{{a}_{1}}P\left( +{{a}_{2}}{{P}^{3}}+{{a}_{3}}{{P}^{3}} \right)\] where:

ε – limit elongation of the cable or rope;

P – tensile load P (α, β, υ, t) according to Eq. (5).

The assessment of the elongation of the cable can be determined by the measurement of the pre-tension (Brzęczek, 2019, 2020) as well. Based on the results of measuring the cable elongation, the term for the diagnostics intervals and the cable replacement can be predicted (Brzęczek, 2019).


The presented method for preparing and performing the fatigue tests of an airplane’s control-cable system is based on the real loads and deformations of the cable under random values of forces. The loads of the control cables with the associated complex stress of the individual wires, in the presented proposal, are determined by the real values of the hinge moment and other related factors such as the aircraft’s operational profile consequence. The proposed solutions are based on flight measurements of αH, δH, related to the CG position and laboratory wind tunnel profiles test results. The advantage of the proposal is the availability of data related to the real surface deflections of the control systems. A drawback of the proposed solution is the necessity to control the cable tension with the appropriate measurement accuracy, which according to Brzęczek (2019, 2020) is a complex task. The results of the measurement of the line elongation as a function of flight hours give reliable information on the service life of the cable-control system, intervals of inspection, fatigue life forecasting, and decisions concerning cable replacement.

Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
Volume Open
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Technik, Einführungen und Gesamtdarstellungen, andere